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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

“What Is More Poisonous For Humanity, Cocaine, Coal Or Oil?"

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Best

Gustavo Petro Urrego, President, addresses the general debate of the 77th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 20-26 September 2022). 

Colombian President Gustavo Petro today (20 Sep) said the war on drugs and the fight against the climate crisis have “failed,” while the coca plant is “demonized,” and coal and oil are “protected.”

In his address to the General Assembly’s General Debate, Petro said “the jungle is burning, gentlemen, while you wage war and play with it. The jungle, the climatic pillar of the world, disappears with all its life. The great sponge that absorbs the planetary CO2 evaporates. The saving jungle is seen in my country as the enemy to defeat, as the weed to be extinguished. 

The space where coca grows and the peasants who grow it - because they have nothing else to cultivate - is demonized. For you, my country is of no interest except to poisons its jungles, to put its men in jail and to throw its women into exclusion. You are not interested in a child's education, but rather in killing its forest and extract coal and oil from its entrails.”

He said, “what is more poisonous for humanity, cocaine, coal or oil? The opinion of those in power is that cocaine is the poison and must be persecuted, even if it only causes minimal deaths by overdose, mostly caused by the mixtures added to it because of its clandestine. But, instead, coal and oil must be protected, even if its use can extinguish all mankind.”

The Colombian President said, “the war on drugs has failed. The fight against the climate crisis has failed. Mortal consumption has increased, from soft drugs to harder ones, there has been a genocide on my continent and in my country, millions of people have been sentenced to prison. So that others can hide their own social guilt, they have blamed the jungle and its plants.”

Petro is the 34th President of Colombia. He was elected this year and assumed office on 7 August.  

Alexander Aviña  United Nations


  1. Also, the question of how bad cocaine is clearly isn’t irrelevant to the issue of legalization. It could be the worst drug of all time and it should still be legalized obviously. The more dangerous a drug is the more reason there is to regulate it. That’s why you need to regulate things like cocaine and certain opioids but not necessarily psychedelic drugs because the psychedelic-use culture and the safety around it is not dependent on this issue of regulation like with cocaine. Legalizing weed and psychedelics won’t solve even half the problems legalizing cocaine would.

    1. *clearly is irrelevant


    2. The rich presidents always want to tell the people what they think. Cocaine gives you retarded babies. That is a fact.

    3. 5:33 I don’t think you’re aware of how “facts” work. Also how many people have a chronic low energy or ADD or something like that because their mothers drank coffee everyday while they were pregnant? Caffeine doesn’t make you any less retarded than other stims in my experience either.

  2. Modern society cannot function without coal or oil. We are stuck with these resources until technology evolves. Society can function without cocaine.

    1. “Society can function without cocaine.”

      Where is the evidence for that? Maybe a hypothetical society or one in the past but not necessarily the modern world we’re a part of now. Especially in the west which relies on certain levels of creativity, entertainment and pop cultural touchstones. Also the question is not whether or not society can function without cocaine, the question is whether society can function with cocaine being illegal. Which it really can’t. We’ve become so numb to the failure of prohibition we see it as normal to waste all these resources and money. Usage rates are not going to change with legalization that’s simply a lie.

    2. 6:33 Society isn’t without cocaine right now though. It’s just without legal coke.

      Explain how prohibition helps or can be justified with cocaine whereas other harmful chemicals and materials are allowed to be protected.

    3. At present it cannot but hopefully in the future humanity advances enough to harness the the energy in atoms for commercial energy.

    4. 7:07 Small Modular Nuclear Reactors the future of the worlds electrical energy

    5. Coal and oil have repeatedly and corruptly derrailed efforts to progress with renewable energy sources and methods buying themselves ignorant and greedy politicians that know nothing about science but are too busy asking men and women what is a man, or what is a woman, or if ted cruz can get pregnant, or if boebert aborted his baby twice and got paid to keep it quiet...the koch brothers paid for all of it.

    6. 7:34
      Most people are still unaware that nuclear power plants are used to produce steam to power turbines for electricity.

    7. 752 are you missing 1 or 2 chromosomes?

    8. Actually a lot of great minds that contributed to society used cocaine or a stimulant to keep their brains going a hundred miles per hour in order to keep doing all those researches and breakthroughs. Just imagine how doctors can actually work for 16 hours straight , dealing with patients, emails, meetings, prescribing and the high pressures of the work environment. Sometimes you need an extra kick.

    9. 10:53 the prospects of looking up peoples' arses keeps doctors awake and interested on the job, but bartenders are famous for seeing for free more assholes than doctors, daily,

    10. 9:45 its extra chromosomes remember for next mijo

    11. 4:53:
      Sir is unique. He's shy a chromosome or two.

    12. 10:53 Funnily enough, the story of origin behind medical residents (residency training) working insane hours and being trained through such long shifts was started as a trend because of William Halsted who could stay awake for heroic amounts of time due to his cocaine addiction which he had no idea was actually what was keeping him awake.

    13. "I can declassify documents by just thinking about it" Donald Trump Sept 21 2022. Can we build a wall around maralago?

    14. SIR, doctors who look into people's asses are proctologist.

    15. 10:01 all of them want to look peoples arses, but make you believe proctologist are the evil ones, EVEN DENTISTS have been caught using anesthetics to put patients to sleep while they do their evil designs

    16. 9:21, A lot of the issues plaguing todays “modern society “ stems from previous obsolete ideologies, which we are seeing difficult to solve some of these moral dilemmas. It’s almost as if we are purposefully sealing the bottle in our society is just waiting to explode, we are shackled to chains bound by previous intellectuals. We literally now have technologies that can simulate what ifs instead of pondering intellectual theories in our mind .

    17. 9:52 That’s what a jail cell is for mija

  3. Replies
    1. 7:09 coal is miles worse then oil

    2. Greed is what bosses shit around...

  4. I just like the way it smells

  5. That would depend on the amount you take.

    1. He’s talking about in general or in whole, not as a case by case thing.

    2. I know. Just trying to bring some humour to the situation.
      Like... A line of coal cut is bad, but a bump of raw oil is even worse.

  6. This idiot of course more worried about the phony climate change garbage more than his crime riddled country. What a bunch of crap.

    1. He’s obviously worried about both climate AND crime in his country hence him making statements about drugs…

    2. 832 spitting facts.

      we've had 4 ice ages and all were followed by global warming. This climate change chinchero is the radical lefts new religion which is really a coverup for greed and corruption that line the pockets of Al Gore and wastes hundreds of millions of taxpayer money $$$ on Democrat scams like Solyndra.

      Lol that was like a Sir gibberish post.

    3. 9:50 the global warming you write about is part of the natural cycle but is different from *artificial* one caused by man. Are you aware that artificial global warming might usher in a new ice age? Yeah, it sounds contrary but may actually happen.

    4. 9:50 Climate scientists emphasize the RATE at which the climate is changing not merely the fact that it is changing because yes it is normal for the earth to go through ‘heating and cooling periods’, but not at this rate. But that’s not even the disputed part, the question or hypothesis is that human beings are what’s causing it. So even the expectational rate of it is not the part that is debated. The part that is debated is whether or not human activity is contributing to or causing it.

    5. A lot of scientist from different fields,biology,atmospheric,geology,physics ,etc.,says there is an artificial global warming.Even for arguments sake half it is true,its dangerous.

    6. Guys and Gals globe warming is real. Yes over billions of years the world has warmed and cooled but there's no denying we have sped up the cycle

    7. Scientists for Money Now!
      are different than scientists for science, big symptom is the Koch Brothers pay them, they have been russian assets since their grampa helped the communistas develop their own oil industry.

  7. I hope Lopez Obrador sends secretary of Security Duranzo, to the United Nations, I can't wait to hear if he will offer a clownish comment, written by a clown of a speech writer.😂😂😷😷

    1. 8:45 Alfonso Durazo is now governor of Sonora, you need to hire a new newspaper boy to keep you up wiff the nius

    2. 2:43 are you sure you talking about the right Duranzo. He/she is talking about the one that made a speech, during the Lebron massacre of two vans filled with ladies and kids that were killed.

    3. I am not sure, but the secretary of security is now a governor...
      Somebpeollensay the LeBaron Massacre is a Hoax created to start a war and steal all the chihuahuas Lithium with US help, the LeBaron think Chihuahuas and their state is theirs like the tejano refugees who became independent republic before getting annexed by the US, along with half of
      México...motherfuckers learned well from NXIVM...

  8. He does not really want perrico legalized, as he makes more money from it being illegal. He is in bed with the Colombian cartels. It is true that mankind has destroyed the environment for monetary gain. That is real greed.

    1. 9:29 I can’t imagine how he and his government wouldn’t make just as much if not more money from legalizing it

    2. 9:29 no pinchis mames, mankind is too many people, most of them just roll with the punches.

    3. The government might make as much money, but the individual wouldn't make as much cash personally. High ups get 6-7 figure bribes monthly from illegal flow. That money would become on the books tax revenue..

  9. Legalize coke in the USA? Can it be produced domestically? There's your answer

    1. It already is produced domestically for medical reasons believe or not.

    2. 5:00 Yes but even the locally produced medical cocaine here is still prepared from coca leaves from Colombia from what I understand.

    3. 9:16 correct from 5:00

    4. 9:58 are you talking about all the Caines used for dentistry?

    5. 3:05 Not necessarily. Interestingly enough I used to think that’s how they made lidocaine but after a little research it turns out lidocaine isn’t even chemically related to cocaine, despite similar names the “caine” is almost just part of the branding used to describe a specific tactile numbing sensation of anesthetics. So cocaine is used medically yes but it’s not actually made into things like lidocaine which a lot of people assume.

  10. The G.O.D. Business. Guns, oil and drugs

  11. SIR should be designated as a terroristic entity as well.


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