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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Yuriria, Guanajuato: A Woman Is Forcibly Removed From Her Home And Hanged From An Overpass

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A woman was abducted by armed men from an apartment in the Centro neighborhood and minutes later she was hanged on the Cuatro Caminos road bridge.

The woman was left hanging in view of all drivers and pedestrians, she was naked and missing one of her arms.

The incident occurred in the early hours of this Wednesday when the Yuriria 911 Emergency Center received a report of the naked body of a woman hanging over the bridge.

Patrols of the Municipal Police arrived at the scene and when they saw the atrocious scene they closed the access to the bridge.

The Cuatro Caminos vehicular bridge was closed after the atrocious scene.

Update 9/15/2022 9:00am CST: 

The first version of this story was an english translation of an AM article, linked here, however after further review some sentences from their article about an arm being chopped off have been removed from our version. 

These sentences were removed because almost all other news companies like Proceso, El Universal, and La Verdad are not including those details. Whether this is a misreporting on AM’s part, or they simply tacked on a different story to the original one is not clear at this time.


  1. So the new norm is to get women, from their homes and hang them?
    OMG Mexico really going to hell.

    1. 2:29 Central Mexico has been hell since 2020

    2. 2:29 "México" is going to hell, but you are in hell waiting for some maná to fall on your lap, pinche puto...
      How come trucks arrive and do their crimes without any state police or municipales getting involved?
      Ask Carlos Zamarripa in Guanajuato.

    3. I would say it's the criminal cartels, the curupt government officials, that are daily bringing Mexico downhill, you can't count the hard working citizens, that have to work to bring food to their families, and then live with the everyday stress, criminals create.

    4. Sadly, old news.

  2. Let’s see who can spot the Easter egg in red letters within the article

  3. Replies
    1. I am sorry I don't speak German.

    2. 4:29 "sad at heart"
      In spanish "triste corazón", descorazonante...

  4. cjng = pedophile child and woman killing cartel

    1. The Guanajuato cells yes

    2. 3:10 child and woman killers yes, pesophiles=Cds

    3. Yuriria is still under CSRDL control. Those are probably the ppl that flipped to CJNG recently

    4. 7:42 mencho a pedo do your research

    5. 12:18 you make the accusation, you provide links.

    6. Only good cartel is cds, they go to church and respect the people and give them money. They also hire the local kids to work

    7. 12:38 yo tambien soy bien pedo, me encantas las Caguanas 🍻 pero no soy pedofilo, eso es otro pedo!

  5. X U.S. Military of Mexican decent needed for a coup, with CIA backing. Mexico needs better.

    1. CIA rarely good for the country of interest, civil war is the last thing needed in Mexico

    2. 3:17 no foreigners have ever been good to Mexico, the only saving grace is they decided long ago they did not need to exterminate 6 million mexican indios, now we are about 130 million and the foreigners are more civilized with their soft Coup d'Etáts...
      What is needed is the People's Militia and to relieve the military and federal police commanders for corruption or ineptitude, labor camps work wonders, as witnessed by Chou En Lai re-educated by Mao Tse Tung...

    3. I'll enlist for that one. Sign me up if it ever happens. On a different note, as much as people might not like this kind of thing being done to a woman, the facts are that women are active and participate fully in cartel and that way of life. Equal opportunity applies to the consequences. You play the game then know this could happen to you, regardless the gender. Or what do people recommend they should do to women that brings about this kind of thing to a man? Me myself, I'm not bothered by this on the simple basis that she's a woman, as long as she's not an innocent person. Now that bothers me!!! The killing of innocent people that have nothing to do with the cartels!!!

  6. The home should be the safest place,. How would they the criminals like it, if me and a team, went to get them and hang them?

  7. And cartel cheerleaders feel proud of this type shit right.

    1. 4:43 Cartel leaders and members known they have burned their shits, there is no way out, and their ass is on the line, how would you fix that?
      In Culombia, military members have confessed their crimes, denounced their leaders and mittednto the justice the Peace Process can afford, but their leadership has not been arrested and prosecuted, less of all alvaro uribe velez, "el Varito" de Paolo Escobar really knew his way around drug trafficking, money laundering and how to get impunity.

    2. 5:15 just ask the cds cheerleaders, the love it

    3. 7:51 cjng nut lickers always bringing up cds knowing that this article has to do with their low life pig cannibals

  8. It could be she was a witness to a murder, and the cartel members, made sure she would not go to court.

    1. Why then taking her, moving her to the bridge and hang her when you can shoot her and leave for some ceve?

    2. 9:52 they hung her to instill fear, her arms and legs were falling off, she knew she was doomed and did not need her arms and legs anymore.

    3. 9:52 I would think they hung her of the bridge to send a message

  9. I see she has both arms? Wrong report or picture?

    1. It said it twice in the article as they took her, her arm or leg came off.

    2. She was made out of CLAY.

  10. My apologies are this woman had stash apartments with drugs in them and thats the reason for her murder

    1. 3:57 do you even know her name before accusing her of shit? Could be just a jealous motherfucker angry at her for the cuernos real or imagined.

  11. How come the girl in the picture is not missing an arm as stated in the article?

    1. Looks like AM screwed up lol

    2. Hey, thanks for asking because we just took a closer look at what other news companies wrote about this event and compared it against what AM wrote. We removed the section of the story about the woman having an arm severed because it wasn't being written about in other articles.

      Its possible that AM is actually writing about two separate events that happened to two different women. Its strange wording, and their article appears to be having some formatting issues so overall, it just seems safer to trust other sources when it comes to this story.

  12. Mexico is the next Yemen or Somalia. No hope in sight, criminals rule the land. The only thing that makes Mexico survive is the drug money which is $9 billion industry. We can make a conclusion mexico is helpless and lawless.

    1. You got a point criminals rule the land, and the military and curupt government of Obrador, is letting them grow, since Good bribes are coming in.
      Furthermore, CJNG already occupies 28 States. You can thank Obrador for that.

    2. There are more illegal weapons imports than money laundered, mexican narcos get weapons and get sent to the street to catch whatever they can like 'police offisas' used to do before state's attorneys in cahoots with State Public Security Secretaries and "Fiscal Carnales" started stealing loads and money for themselves and their local goberladrones.
      Privatizing State Police all over México has brought the Middle East Syndrome of private mercenary incompetence that turned the US armed forces two week victories over the taliban, the Iraqis and Afghanistanuses into 20 year long losing wars to keep squeezing the US Trrasury...

  13. Didn't know Mexican women come with three arms.


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