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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Zirándaro, Guerrero: The Jalisco New Generation Cartel Is In A Parade

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Armed men and aboard vehicles of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel participated in the Bienestar (Social Services) parade in Zirándero, a town in the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero.

The criminal group participated in the festival of San Nicolás Tolentino last Sunday. Only in Zirándero does the Jalisco cartel have a presence in the entire region. The Familia Michoacána dominates the rest of the area. 

Grupo Reforma


  1. Zirandaro Guerrero is where the Sierra Satanás aka Los Viagras are from. POS got ran out of their hometown

    1. 3:32 just like POS mencho got kicked out of his own hometown n state....

    2. Those ugly pieces of shit viagras and carlitos Rosales (now dead) are ashamed of being from Guerrero, they claim Michoacán and wish they were originally from there.

    3. 6:00 Nobody besides michoacanos believe that story. Who would want to claim michoacan that isn’t actually from there

    4. @6:10
      They said it themselves you fool!

    5. 6:10 people love to hate they must be doing something right i bet you're ashamed of being where you're from and claim sinaloa like alot of states and take it out on mich bc they're prideful people hate it or love it puro MICHOACAN Y MI GUANJUATO

    6. 😂 Q chistoso mijo! people from Guerrero are very proud of their warrior roots! Somos bravos los de Guerrero cocho! nos pelas la reata!

    7. Part of Guerrero was once under the Purepecha Empire. zirandiro was also once part of Michoacán. These fools are all in denial. In Guerrero they even use the Tierra caliente Calentano sombreros since all of tierra cliente was once part of Michoacán. La reata that cowboys use is also made in Michoacán.

    8. @11:09
      “Warrior roots”
      Where? When was that? Guerrero indigenous has been dominated by the both the Aztecs and the Purepecha.

    9. Purépecha Humility was a matter of honor, king tariácuri became known as Calsonzin for receiving the spaniards shoeless and without bloomers.
      Today's mongrels passing for michuakanuses just brag like tejanuses lie, biggly.

    10. Look at all these cheerleaders fools smh

    11. Again these clowns are hating on Michoacán’s power and rich history.
      Lazaro Cardenas Mexico’s only real general and president, “saw the Purépecha as "purer" source. For him, the indigenous heritage of Michoacán was foundational for the construction of Mexico's post-revolutionary identity. From 'Eréndira a caballo': Acoplamiento de cuerpos e historias en un relato de conquista y resistencia".

    12. 2:36 michoacans power? 😂😂😂 power to export meth heads to California?

    13. 9:32 🤣🤣 y si, igualitos a los sinaloas con sus foquemones

    14. Arcelor-Mittal bought General Cardenas Biggest Steelworks in the world "Las Truchas", for peanuts...
      That proves michuakanuses are una pinche bola de pendejos.

  2. Aqui en ciudad altamirano hay mucha gente del jardinero cjng

  3. Nothing like going to a family event hosted by the local CJNG. When they aren't eating human flesh they straight familia 100%

    1. In Japan the Yakuza are frequently in parades.

    2. The Yakuza is #1 in the world.

    3. Yakuza have little power now.

    4. It may look like a mystery, but since the ricin attacks by religious fanatics, Yakuza has been lying low...
      Minister Zhinzo Wattanabe was murdered because his sect's communist cult stole his killer's mom's money.

    5. 9:14 you want to see how fast they can cut your hand with the sword?
      Yakuza don't F around.

    6. 1:37 Yakuza used to have stupid rituals like self mutilation which made them easily identifiable so they wised up and discontinued it. Anybody can cut a hand off quickly with proper sword but it can't stop a bullet. Their power has greatly diminished.

  4. It reminds me of countries that sponsored terrorism which it’s group does this kinda of thing. What does this tells you about Mexico? I failed nation!

    1. 3:52 your fallen calzones!!!

    2. 3:52 history is full of examples, terrorism is used by the brightest of the bright to bring down countries they want to enslave or their former colonies that refuse to be their Banana Republics anymore any longer.
      Terrorism is part of the slow ot soft Coup d' Etàt used to avoid showing the true mettle of some democrazies...
      Grupo de Lima, wilson center, Brookings institute, BlackRock, odebrecht, Iberdrola, USAID, and their likes, they never sleep.

  5. The seriecito is the guy is in the black horse with red silla lugarteniente del flores 🌹

    1. That was i was saying ni cuenta se dieron las redes sociales a quien grabaron lol

    2. No es el seriecito segun es El Jardinero
      Audas flores

  6. Zirandaro gro tiene viejas buenas que ni paresen de guerrero

    1. @5:08
      Post a link of them hot hynas foo!

    2. Muchas viejas de guerrero son gueras y altas y los vatos la mayoria prietos y chaparros y muchos gordos. Esta curioso eso

    3. 8:39 esas son las calentas youre probably talking about costeños en tierra caliente la gente es mas clara/blanca bc of the french and spanish look up the history de esa region osea los limites de gro/mich que viene siendo tierra caliente ayi kedaron
      miles de frenceses after the war k eran prisioneros..los de la costa and in deep in guerrero son los feyitos prietos chaparos esos son los verderos guerrerenses..zirandaro era parte de michoacan before it was guerrero til this day los zirandarenese se jalan mas pa huetamo san lucas caracuaro turicato y los demas pueblos de t.c michoacan porque son las misma gente y se inditifican con ellos as de cuenta la region de cosala y tamazula 2 different states pero la misma gente unos nacen en lado de uno esatado y otros en el otro pero es la misma gente only difference is the state line pero same famlies asi zirandaro no son verdadero guerrerense in reality son michoacanos with guerrero actas bc el presidente en 1940s desidio que aserlo guerrero.

    4. aqui esta algo para que mas o menos entiendan la historia y pasado de tierra caliente y zirandaro

    5. 9:26y Belgios(Belgium)

    6. Those are the ones northern states love to hate on and look down on bc they're in the south so they have the impression that they should be dark and ugly specially ugly dark northern people bc they feel they should be pretty light and good looking bc they're in the north i see that alot

    7. 10:23 here comes the victim card race comment, “ahh north mexicans are so mean to south dark mexicans lol todos son culeros asta los prietos


    7 cjng dead in Jerez Zacatecas

    1. And tomorrow it will be 7 dead CDS 5:27 what's your point

    2. pa Villanueva zacatecas donde estoy yo aqui esta corriendo el chisme k fueron de la agrupacion de los CDS quedaron 2 troques con cds y una x markados en la carretera 54 libre con 4 monos Muertos

    3. 5:27 you are a little late bud, BB already posted it yesterday

    4. Yea sorry man 7:19 I got way to high

    5. 7:53 🤣🤣🤣🤣 🎶🎵Fuuuumando mota mi vida se relaja🎶🎵

    6. 6:07 the point is that cds has been winning more battles as of recently in Zacatecas, like in 2020. late 2020 and most of 2021 cjng was winning most battles in valparaiso, fresnillo.

    7. Fumando mota. Mexico appreciates you supporting the criminal organizations kidnapping, murdering and extorting their people and raping their women and children.

    8. 8:56 es una cancion pinche detroit, plus its legal in CA biach, no need to buy it from cartels

    9. 8:47 ain't nobody winning the war in Zacatecas.

    10. 7:19
      See what happens when I hang around with SIR, I get high and can't sleep for days. Sir changed his name because he owes some seedy people money.

    11. Yo Detroit why don't you focus on your bankrupt graveyard of a city. You're a cop aren't you. Detroit is a shit hole and always has been. That comment really revealed who you is bruh.

  8. $$ Billions $ of dollars and they came up with this trash!?! "Great job Mencho, great job!!🎯🎯

    1. Not one narco in mexico has ever even seen a billion dollars. Never.

    2. 8:49 all the leaders of the major cartel's have billions

    3. 8:49 🤣🤣🤣 no mames, you oviously have no idea how much money is moved through mexico

    4. That don’t mean a billion gets to stay in ‘Marco’ hands. They very likely pay out billions but keep them not likely.

    5. The billions made are distributed, people gotta get paid, money needs to get laundered, it can't even be deposited so alot is in cash and again not hidden in a single spot, plus the numbers are usually estimates based on the value of drugs intercepted, value of items that have been confiscated, so a cartel can be worth billions but doesn't mean the cartel boss has billions on himself. ( They're still rich as fuck tho)

    6. 8:49 Vincente Zambada Niebla forfeited $1.37 billion to us

    7. 1:57 did he actually submit any assets the answer is no

  9. Zirandaro guerrero that’s where Marco corrido singer Gerardo Diaz is from

  10. Esas son payasadas y se ven bien fantochas con sus trocas y armas en un evento familiar. En otros estados los sicarios no se andan exponiendo asi para que la gente los mire, dejen a esas fiestas para la gente civil.

  11. What can you expect from idiots like the jaliscas. Their sicarias have to eat human meat when they get recruited. There is 0 brains behind that organization

    1. Has to be brains up top (Cuinis)

    2. 8:54 i know you are just saying it as a hater but be honest, no cartel can get that big and stay on top this long with out any brains

    3. Sure beats raping underage girls from the mountains of Sinaloa like most operatives from the cartel do!

      El cartel de los pedophiles = CDS

    4. 11:38 thats actually a cultural thing in most small rural towns, both in north and south mexico a lot of older guys are creeps. Its not just Mexico either go to any third world country and it’ll be the same

    5. 1:19 nice try fangirl

    6. 1:19 so you are sayin Cds are creeps? I have to agree with you, specially Mayo and Chapo those fools were on another level when it came to been pedophiles and also snitches, lets not forget snitches

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Ni cuenta se dieron las noticias que captaron al jefe de esa región bien agusto en su caballo

    1. 2:38 el seriecito, ahi un video de este fin de semana donde le andan cantando al seriecito festejando su cumple años, y empiesan a tirar balasos al aire, pero creo que era en un salon y le pegaron al techo 🤣 le siguio la parranda el compa y tengo la ligera sospecha que va a featejar toda la semana


  14. In the blue shirt on Horse el señor jardinero. & blue raptor el silensito

    1. Taken a small vacation i see or did he flee Zacatecas because of los mz, i wonder what armed group is fighting in la sierra de jerez now for cjng, alot of gunfights in the mountains between cjng and cds

    2. 8:54 jJajajajajajJa "flee zacatecas cause of the Mz" 😂😂😂😂 first of all he was never in zacatecas, (his sicarios are) he was in Nayarit and goes to visit Mich. once in a while, its like saying Mayo fleed Zacatecas cause of the Cjng, this top guys are never in the front lines fighting, babosin 😭😭😭

    3. Acual de los cinco con camisa azul🤔. Pinche FORD, sin México ya hubiera quebrado, la raza muy fanáticos aunque llevan exceso de mantenimiento.
      Nunca me acostumbré a ir sentando en la pared de la caja y estos bueyes sin miedo hasta cuando van a raja madre😆😂. Que culo salí😨

    4. 10:26 this guy will never be on mayos level el pendejo eres tu, he was in Zacatecas obviously not in the frontlines.

    5. 8:00 a no pues wuauuu!!! Se ve que tu si saves y no estas "pendejo" es mas que savido que el estado del Jardinero es Nayarit donde au mano derecha el Freza le brinda protexion, y ovia mente no tiene necesidad de ir a Zacatecas que esta mas caliente que tus nalgas, y claro que nunca va a estar al nivel de el Mayo! Saves que tanta gente tienes que ratear para llegar ahi? Theres a reason why Mayo is known as King Rat! Or Rat King


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