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Thursday, October 27, 2022

1.6 Tons of Methamphetamine & 35 Kilos of Fentanyl Seized from Semi-Truck in Sonora

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The cargo truck appeared to be carrying different brands of chlorine drums.

A shipment of methamphetamine and fentanyl hidden in chlorine drums was intercepted on the Gulf of Santa Clara-San Luis Río Colorado highway section, in Sonora, reported the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) on October 26.

Through intelligence work and operational planning, Sedena reported, the Mexican Army obtained information on a drug transfer from Monterrey, Nuevo León, which was using a tractor-trailer as a front.

They also found that the destination of the drug was the border city of Tijuana, in Baja California, for which the authorities determined, in order to prevent the driver of the unit from fleeing, to implement deterrence techniques on the mentioned section to force the driver to go to the Strategic Security Military Post "Estación Doctor", in Sonora, where an advanced checkpoint was established to prevent evasion of the check.

Subsequently, the unit was taken to the non-intrusive X-ray inspection area and channeled to the inspection area for review and application of the Federal Law on Firearms and Explosives.

Upon inspection, authorities found 1,636.34 kilograms of probable methamphetamine, 18.30 kilograms of a fentanyl-like powder substance, 14.66 kilograms of blue pills with fentanyl characteristics, 1.38 kilograms of a heroin-like substance, and 1.2 kilos of a substance with the particularities of rainbow fentanyl.

Source Infobae


  1. Weird route for the shipment to take. Instead of a sub-3 hour drive up to Nuevo Laredo or Reynosa, you send it a two or three days’ drive over to Tijuana? Piso in NL or Reynosa cannot be that high.

  2. Not a weird route… This has been used for years, especially since the turf war between Quinteros and Chapitos, there been flooding that route with tons of product. There IS a port there, you know. Sonora is a shorter travel to PHX hub than the TX order offers.

  3. There's the SLRC and Sonoyta border areas. Whose load is this? I have used this route many times to mexicali.

  4. What is coming is a wholesale extortion on the US taxpayers as the Mexican government "requests" funding to stop the phenomenal number of fentanayl coming north, and being found north of the border. It used to be a pound of fent being a large bust but there is obviously a cowboy or chapindians working with Amlo on this significant lick that will eventually be scored. My guess in the chapitos are in on this given that they owe Amlo in a big way.

    1. 3:50
      Dont really think AMLO is involved with this.... he already would paid media and they would be talking happy things about him, just like previous presidents did.

      Now previous presidents are wanted by justice and living out of Mexico, no need to be a political genius to understand the pattern.

      Acceptable if you dont like AMLO, but spreading lies... thats nothing but low standards and lack of verifiable arguments.

    2. @4:36 fairy tales you spew AMLO cheerleader

    3. 5:20

      Did i mentioned "lack of verifiable arguments"?

      Love desperate answers with no source or further explanation than a dumb comment.

      Why not trying harder?


    4. 3:50. What you suggests makes sense and is 100% consistent with plan merida and Texas Governor Abbots declarations of trafficking organizations as terrorist organizations

    5. 5:38 Which gave negative results.

    6. 5:38, and consistent with a President releasing Alfredo and visiting Chapos mother. Excellent hypothesis 3:50 re: setup for aid given to combat fent. My bet is that’s coming!

    7. 11:07 You have no clue boy.

      It was Ovidio, not Alfredo, and he was visiting that town, not chapos mom, is on video.

      Try harder kid.

  5. Some heads will be rolling.

  6. 14.66Kg of M30s is a ridiculous amount of pills. Street M30s average at about 200mg total weight per pill, so that’s around 75,000 pills.

  7. And to think that once pass the border there are @ 2 to 3 more border checkpoints.

  8. Dam 30 kilos 🤔

  9. Hi, Question - I am Asian-American and was born in America but people call me a nigger and sometimes a vato, some kind of ethnic slur for Mexicans I think. I'm not really black or Mexican/Latino I am a white light skinned Asian.

    Do anyone know, is this mean like insult or what the hell is everyone saying

    1. I am sorry, Sol will not like us to answer your comment because, it will open a can of worms to Racism.


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