Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Alleged Identity of CJNG's El RR Published by La Voz del Pueblo

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

On October 18, 2022, the cartel news twitter account La Voz del Pueblo posted an image which allegedly shows personal identifying details and the real face of the CJNG leadership figure Ricardo Ruiz Velasco, alias “El RR”. 

It also included the following details of information not previously published. 

Name: Ricardo Ruiz Velasco 

Alias: “JR”, “El Tripas”, “El Chino”, “El RR”, “Doble R” 

Organization: Leader of the cell Grupo Elite of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación “CJNG”  

Stature: 1.65  

DOB: September 13, 1984 (Making him 38 years old in the year 2022) 

Originates: Guadalajara, Jalisco 

Schooling: Just primary and secondary


Father - Ricardo Ruiz Herrera (deceased)

Mother - Maria Teresa Velasco Valadez

Brother - Juan Ruiz Velasco, 46 years old (He has a criminal record for possession of a firearm and property damage)

Brother - Javier Ruiz Velasco, 45 years old (He has a criminal record for drug charges) 

Sister - Claudia Ruiz Velasco 

Half Brother: Guillermo Rodriguez Velasco

All the Boring Little Details 

For many years, RR’s identity has been debated - and for good reason. There have been this many photos used to depict RR over the years - many of which clearly show different men from one another. 

Some locals even argued that “El R2” was not Ricardo Ruiz Velasco at all but could instead be the alias of Rafael Álvarez Ayala, a longtime CJNG member said to be close to Mencho, who used to go by “R2” before being captured. They alleged he was quietly released from prison and retook the title of “R2”. A Narco.News article compiled the following photos and detailed the circumstances surrounding each one. 

December 2014

The first photo alleged to show RR shows a man who was arrested in December 2014 in Calvillo, Aguascalientes, on nine charges of homicide. Excelsior wrote that the man’s name was Ricardo Ruiz Velazco and his alias was “El Tripa Seca”, which is one of the many aliases associated with El RR. 

October 2018

In October 2018, the cartel news Twitter account Alerta Guadalajara  posted the photo seen below as part of their coverage of the supposed arrest of El RR in the state of Jalisco. Websites such as Borderland Beat subsequently used this photo in their coverage of the alleged arrest. 

July 2020 

Then, in July 2020, the CJNG released a video which included footage of El RR speaking directly to the camera while wearing a mask around the lower half of his face. 

Now, the CJNG could always choose to misdirect attention away from the real RR by hiring an actor for this role. However, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, the head of the Army (SEDENA), later featured the man seen in this video during a press conference and described him as “El Doble R”, one of the leaders of Grupo Elite, according to the official transcript and official video. This appears to imply that federal intelligence believed the man in the video was the real El RR. 

August 2020

The newspaper La Silla Rota used the image above in an August 2020 story about a recently arrested  CJNG member in Guanajuato named Antonio, who they said had the alias “El Tripa”. Antonio was said to operate in the municipalities of Moroleon, Uriangato and Yuriria. Antonio was subsequently indicted. 

They included what appeared to be a current booking photo and a second photo of the same man, which they wrote that came from the Guanajuato Attorney General's Office in 2018. 

The next day, La Verdad Noticias covered the same man arrested in Guanajuato and wrote that he was “known only as Antonio, alias ‘El Tripa’ or ‘El RR’ or Ricardo Ruiz Velazco”, which just further deepens the mystery. 

The Trouble with Options

But this Antonio from Guanajuato may be one candidate we can eliminate and here’s why: 

According to publicly-available arrest records there was a man named Antonio Martinez Calderón arrested in Guanajuato on July 26, 2020.

Then, a new CJNG video was released in which El RR made mention of the recent arrest of El Marro, who was arrested on August 2, 2020. 

So, Narco.News argues that the CJNG figure featured in the videos, who was confirmed by the head of SEDENA to be El RR could not be Antonio Martinez Calderón, so his two photos we can eliminate from the possibilities. 

Of note, in August 2022, there was a failed attempt by the military to capture El RR and Gerardo González Ramírez, alias “El Apa”, another CJNG leadership figure, led to a massive wave of CJNG roadblocks across at least four different states. For more on this, please see these two previous stories

In the coverage of this attempted arrest, publications could not seem to agree on what photo to use  for El RR and all of the various images we’ve discussed were used in articles at one point. 


  1. El RR has some good plastic surgery he appears different in every picture.
    However he is on the Lista Negra of Grupo Flechas Tier 1 Special Forces commandos.
    La Sombreriza always gets thier targets

    1. Those poor tweeked out flecha dicarios from Durango are just getting slaughtered. Flechas had to regroup after the ass kicking cjng put on them and their sicario bosses

    2. 10:21 You wish CJNG is kicking ass. They can't even handle Michoacan, Guanajuato or Colima from smaller cartels

    3. Michoacan is not as easy as zacatecas with tweekers from Durango getting sent calling themselves flechas. Cjng got in mayos kitchen and now can't get rid of them FACT

    4. 8:02 this cjng fan girl thinks Zacatecas is mayos kitchen lol no that would be culiacan

    5. 8:18 thats the only place he really has, outside of culoacan he ain't nada.. your right that's not even his plaza anymore

    6. 8:02 if zac was an ease take why hasn't cjng took it ah 😂....not even with the help of cdg n Monreal which was the only way those chavalas from Jalisco could enter the state...

    7. 9:27 Ooo pues, no que Monreal estaba ayudando al Cds por eso no podia Cjng?

  2. Grupo Flechas is a Very Elite group.In fact they were looking for a word better than elite but couldn't.

    1. Minus the original zetas I don't think any of these groups are actually elite.

    2. Sicario 006 please read this message @ 8:16 and educate this reddit kid.

    3. Original Zetas got killed by the Elite La Familia Michoacána! Quit posting lame shit!

  3. He thinks he's Cobra Commander.

  4. "Cuatro letras tiene el cartel de donde soy
    Grupo Élite para el combate
    Como "El Doble R", así conocido soy
    Y esas letras son mi clave
    Yo soy de Jalisco, un saludo al 03
    Mi respeto pa' su padre
    Acá por la Sierra, seguidos en un convoy
    Vestidos de militares
    Con los lanzacohetes, minimizo un cincuentón
    Y RPG que no falten
    Puras trocas duras bien entrenados también
    Y listos para el combate
    Yo vengo de abajo, nunca me voy a olvidar
    Por qué me metí a este jale
    Y es que a mí familia adelante quise que sacar
    Y uno tiene que atorarle
    Somos un equipo, bien organizado está
    Ya peleamos en cuatro estados
    Aquí en Guanajuato ahorita me toca andar
    Después me voy pa' otro lado
    Me gusta enfiestarme también las armas calar y bailar con los
    Y bailando los caballos
    Soy el doble R y brindo por Michoacán
    Y ese señor de los gallos"

    1. They call him RR because he snores and purrs like a kitty.

    2. 10:53 lla sientece señor

    3. Yo it took me awhile. But ....
      SIR is funny.

      Double RR= SNORES LOL.

    4. 10:53 le dicen Donle R porque esta RRe papasito!

    5. Only fans believe his shitty corrido

    6. 9:28 🎶Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena🎶 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 talking about fake corridos

  5. very last photo in this article...all the photos, EXCEPT the skinny dude in the top left, are of the same guy. Clearly they all have the same face, same brow, same eyebrows, same lips. So we got 4 out of 5 matching...we have 4 matches. That's the guy.

  6. He’s a good looking guy

    1. 9:14 are you? 😂

    2. A man can be butt ugly but with cash money could even pull your chick.. lol

  7. This is just my own personal speculation, but I think the current La Voz photos match the man in the August 2018 photos pretty well.

    I also think the man in the December 2014 photo has to be discounted from the running because he looks so different from every other depiction of El RR.

    What about you guys? Which photos do you think are the real RR? Which ones are definitely not him?

    1. Makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Now that some time has passed, what do you guys think really happened during that military raid to capture El RR? Were the soldiers paid off? Or did RR offer up El 85 in his place? Or did they really manage to escape all on their own?

    2. You can see it from eyebrows and eyes that those are the similar person compare to the others

    3. Yes, the La Voz photos are clearly the same dude. The one on the top left always made me laugh though- it looks like a photo of a man in Scotland who's just been told that news sites all over the world have painted a target on his back by identifying him as a CJNG commander. Poor guys been in hiding in his grannys garden shed ever since..

  8. I have a system in my computer that matches certain pictures and I can say that the Aug 2018 photo and the photo of 2020 of him in the mask ( although didn't match 100% because of the different view of the eyes ) but it was a 85% match which I believe is a good indicator that these 2 men are the same just by their eyes/eyebrows. Not Sufficient enough though

  9. Cjng capos are low key and that's what makes them strong

    1. 10:26 u mean they nobody

    2. 11:35 thats the exact mind set that gets you caught or killed in the drug game, thinking everybody needs to know your name to be a somebody

    3. 10:26 they nobody to Fu(K with. I agree, mayo shaking in his boots

    4. Mayo ain’t worried about shit

    5. @ 10 .26. Low key? There are 5 photos of this dude without his mask on, and he posts videos of himself with a full army surrounding him like he watched too many North Korean military parades. He was arranging another ridiculous show of ''strength'' when he almost got caught. Again.

  10. Absolutely Genius whoever is turning these Food inn... They Turned the tables on CJNG they were heating up CDS turf by dropping dimes having raids conducted. Now El the can... This guy's identity has been's a matter of time before they grab him also.... And Jardineros in the mix now with the Big Man Zamb.

    1. Old man ain't doing nada to jardinero. He slaps the chapitos around in Sonora and baja califas but hasn't touched cjng, not because he doesn't want to but because he CAN'T !

    2. 7:56 cjng fangirl 🤣

    3. 8:06 AaaaaaAasnitch!!! Sorry i had to sniss 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Old man lasted 50 years in the game, will probably outlive both fatass Shrek lookalike jardinero and the midgets RR and mencho 🤣

    5. Old man lasted that long in the game thanks for chapo.chapo is in ADX now he's running like a chicken with his head cut off 🐔
      Without chapo cds is a mess..
      Don't believe me, look at these past cdsnitches articles

  11. The 2014 photo looks very different than all the other photos, I also think the 2018 and 2020 photos look very alike in the eyes/eyebrows.

    p.s. It says Marro was arrested in 2022 instead of 2020

  12. I was under the impression the "RR" has all those corridos/songs about him is because there in no "FOTOS" of his face. He is ex-military, so thats what I don't understand, hisug should be on file. Word is etting killed by his ex bosses when they find him. No arrest, they want him like swiss cheese.

  13. If this guy is as hard as everyone makes him be then he would not have a concerned face.

    This newest picture is not him.

    1. @ 11.34 Hahaha, ah that cheered me up... Are you the one who carefully compared photos of Miguel Hernandez M2 with the photos of his alleged corpse and said it couldn't be him? Cos the photo on the left showed a smiling man but the corpse in the photo on the right wasn't smiling at all, and he had maggots coming out his nose.

    2. Shoo idk t i cant say i met the guy In okc one time. and also cant say if you listen to the corrido and watch the vid, youll see a certain figure that may prove you wrong. I can say these are 3 diferent guys and the explanation they kind of give you so as not to say we intentionally misinformed the public in order to keep our heads on Is that el tripas is another man who got caught.

  14. People will die from this exposure

  15. Gonna have cjng fans panties wet as raging waters

  16. Que rollo juega el Doble R en zacatecas?

  17. Replies
    1. Pero si esta vivo y el CDS es que están secuestrandose para donar qlo ageno f como agentes especiales


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