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Friday, October 28, 2022

Alleged Tamaulipas Female Cop Killer 'El Puma' Beaten Up, Arrested

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat

Alleged Tamaulipas cop killer Cristino Ramírez Hernández (AKA Comandante Puma Sierra Fox and/or Puma de la Sierra) was arrested earlier this week by state police officers. Investigators say he is responsible for murdering a 21-year-old policewoman on 1 May 2021 in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. 

Irving Barrios Mojica, the Attorney General of Tamaulipas, confirmed the arrest on his Twitter account. He also confirmed Ramirez Hernandez was captured after a shootout with state security forces. Citizen journalists showed pictures of Ramirez Hernandez on an ambulance bed and stated that he was severely beaten. Although the pictures show that his face was intact, they claimed that he suffered internal bleeding and was nearly killed.

The policewoman who he killed was named Raquel Giselle Ocaña Segura. The event occurred at around 6:15 p.m. on 1 May 2021, when personnel from the Tamaulipas State Police which Ocaña belonged began chasing a three-vehicle convoy of armed men through the Reynosa–San Fernando highway.

When the vehicle pursuit reached the rural community Alfredo V. Bonfil, in an area known as Periquitos, a shootout broke out between the state police and the armed assailants. Ocaña was killed and another officer was wounded.

The gunmen left two trucks at the scene, a Tahoe and a Tacoma, and fled in a getaway vehicle. A person who had been kidnapped by the gunmen was abandoned at the scene and attended by the police officers. This person stated that he was involved in human trafficking and that he paid a free to criminal groups in the area to smuggle people across the US–Mexico border. For more details on this incident and more about the Zetas Vieja Escuela (ZVE) boss who was alleged to be behind it, please see this previous story.

“Unfortunately, with incidents like these, it is proven that smuggling migrants to the northern border continues to be one of the main activities of criminal groups [in Tamaulipas]”, an investigator said.

A newspaper stated that the gunmen were members of the Gulf Cartel, although this claim was not denied or confirmed by authorities.

Ocaña's body was sent back to her family and buried in Altamira, Tamaulipas, where she was from, after a large ceremony.

Sources about the arrest: El Norte; Valor Tamaulipeco

Sources about Ocaña's murderEl Financiero; Noticias de Tampico; Excelsior; La Sabia Calle

Acknowledgments: Special thanks to "HEARST" for providing the images for this report


  1. Vigilante Justice aka Street Justice is coming to a hood near you. Right now, Cartel members of all Cartels are being executed in the USA by honorable citizens who are fed up with the lack of response to Satanic Narco-Terroristic Cult Members
    I'd don't matter if you're white Nazi or a black panther YOU WILL DIE

    1. ok Netflix Avenger....

    2. 11:22
      Ok time for your 30 minute nap.

    3. Le metieron leche de Steven Seagal por las nalgas a este pendejo! Jajajaj

    4. "Right now, cartel members of all Cartels are being executed in the USA by honorable citizens who are fed up with the lack of response to Satanic Narco-Terroristic Cult Members" Lmao!

    5. *SILVER ALERT* - Somebody's grandma has been huffing Fox News and thinks shes on Nextdoor again. BOLO

    6. Alex Jones??…

  2. Looks like they are doing their rearrangements since Cabeza de Vaca left power and current governor already cornered corrupt attorneys general from Tamaulipas. Current governor gave green light to SEDENA, so CDN, remaining Zetas factions and Cartel del Golfo will have to operate discretely for first time in decades. Opposition took over.

    1. If that’s true it’s about to turn 2010 all over again, all out warfare for control.

    2. No, that’s not what it means. It means that they can’t be making noise and got to be as low key as possible. No cut up bodies being thrown in the middle of the street, no rolling in convoys, no cruising in monstros, no shoot outs, etc. Attract no attention to yourselves. Hopefully it’s true, that would calm Tamaulipas down big time. Where did you get “2010 all over again” from???

    3. 12:57 Not just true, but official and verifiable data. Dont think happening that way since cartels always had governors support. For first time in decades not the case. He wouldn't let SEDENA took over the estate. ☺

    4. Eugenio will be out of prison Monday former governor of Tamaulipas¡¡¡. CCC. Also I predict lottery numbers for a small fee. Peace

    5. 10:04 Eugenio?, former governor of Tamaulipas?, prison?, no boy, you are lost.

  3. He's lucky he didn't kill the cop across the border in Texas. He would be the commandante of death row after the Texas police politely rearranged his facial features while he was "resisting arrest".

    1. 1:41 A broken light is enough to get killed by a trigger happy police.

    2. Maybe if he was unarmed and sitting at a McDonald’s. Those cops in Texas won’t even run into a school to save kids.

    3. 2:01/2:04 AMLO cheerleader. Si vas andar de porrista escribe en español para que te comuniques claramente

    4. 3:26 AMLO traumado detected... since 2:04 does not even exists on this trend, and 2:01 isnt mentioning anything relatable to AMLO.

      Cry him a river!

    5. Texas police are useless faggots and wouldn’t do shit. Pathetic.

  4. 2:02:
    Thanks for mentioning this. It is an interesting story originating from a newspaper in Kentucky. The story does contain several inaccuracies, i.e., the Mexican army and navy don't even go into Jalisco and Guerrero. We all know that the Mexican army and navy do in fact go into Jalisco and Guerrero and have a presence in both states. They state that Mexico has zero control over Jalisco and Guerrero and imply that the Mexican army and navy are afraid to even enter these states which is pure bunk. This story contains a lot of sensationalism. This newspaper took a good story and dressed it in B.S. to sell newspapers.
    As to the helicopter being shot down with a .50 cal. Erik Flores was indicted for weapons smuggling in the U.S. so there has to be sufficient evidence that he smuggled the .50 cal. The helicopter may have been shot down with a .50 cal. machine gun, but from publicly available information an rpg may have downed the helicopter as well. They're not saying anything at this time to rule out an rpg.
    This certainly is an interesting development and we appreciate you sharing it here. Flores' trial will be in the U.S. if he doesn't plead guilty. If he goes to trial, we may gain new insight into the helicopter being shot down. We will have to stay alert for developments on this one.

    1. Detroit, I have been trying to write about this article today because a reader emailed it to me and I came to the same conclusion.

      I couldn't make a good article out of it because of many of the things you mentioned.

      It's been a frustrating waste of my time. Oh well. C'est la vie.

    2. Hearst:
      It's nice that you can hable a few words of francais tambien.
      It's actually an interesting article, but the hicks in Kentucky gussed it up so the facts are hidden in their B.S. If Erick Flores takes this case to trial, we might get some better insight into the helicopter being shot down.
      It's hard to get any reliable information on Mencho, especially timely information. We've gotten a small peek from the leaks so far. I am hoping more comes out, which could happen in a trial in the U.S.

  5. His head is the same size as his torso

  6. C.D.U = Cartel del Umpalumpa ,a new subgroup of T.B.Y.A=Tango Blast Yo Ass,seriously scary

  7. Not the umpalumpa tribal cartel they’re the worst

    They cook their victims in boiling water and then eat them as a sacrifice to the god of crystal meth

    1. No, that was an episode of Survivor.

    2. In africa, the only thing that will save you from becoming dinner is a Solar Eclipse, before they light up the truck tire around your neck...

  8. In a recent valor tamaulipeco article states that the cdg matamoros faction is at war with the cdg pumas faction. Cdg matamoros will put checkpoints with the help of the state police to keep jaliscos and pumas in check. Also theres a video of the cdg reynosa and cdn fighting you can see a barrett 50 cap in use. The video is from a drone that the texas law officials found supposed to belong to cartels

    1. I’m not sure about Matamoros CDG being at war with Los Pumas. They want Puma 24. And that info isn’t really recent. It’s about a year old if I aint mistaken. The Guacamaya leaks just brout it back up.

    2. Its a fact that matamoros is at war with pumas cdg faction. The cdg boss la kena made the arrangements with the state police to keep jaliscas and grupo pumas from entering certian parts of tamaulipas after the jaliscas killed a plaza boss in southern tamaulipas Read about it on valor tamaulipeco it was written about last week. Why are they at war it dont say.

    3. For one, CDG-Pumas is already in Tamaulipas. Two, I have read the article. You should reread it and pay closer attention. The article clearly states that Pantera 24 let CJNG to make the incursions and that CDG-Matamoros and the elements they hired sent people down there to weed out any CJNG and hunt down el Pantera24. Three, as I said, that story might not be that old, but the time line the events took place is around a year ago. If Pumas and Matamoros were going at it, something would have been made public to indicate that. From what it seems like, Pumas intigrated with CDG-Rojos and others with CDG-Matamoros. At the very leastCDG-Pumas have lost influence and people and alot of the towns/plazas they had are now ran by other CDG factions, but from the looks of it the Pumas are no more. I might be wrong on that, but from my point of view that’s what it seems like


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