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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Ciudad Obregón, Sonora: Assassins Send A Message To The La Chapiza Mob

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

Assassins under the command of "Teniente Lobo" send a message to the "Chapiza" mob stating that the Obregon plaza has an owner.

Video translation is as follows:

Captive: To all the citizens of Ciudad Obregón. Take a look at me, I’m tied up here because of the La Chapiza mob. They put me to work for them under threat to my family. They have 2 or 3 more men working away just as they had me. They’re not lacking in personnel. Some have been killed, some have been captured, while others have outright left due to a lack of food. 

They didn’t have anything to eat. The bosses out of Culiacán made us kidnap people in order to make money. So, that we could keep fighting for this plaza. We’ve released some captives because they’re known by certain connects that we’ve had here and there. While with other captives we’ve had to kill in order to heat up the terrain. Don’t bother getting your hopes high with La Chapiza. 

They won’t keep their word. You could be dying of hunger and they won’t even bother to pay you. I actually thought La Chapiza had more power. But they don’t have shit. Those sorry ass dogs leave you to fend for yourself dying of hunger. 

Sicario: This man’s testimony is for all society to see the type of scumbags that the La Chapiza mob are. They want to come to Ciudad Obregón and commit the same things that happen in Culiacán and Mazatlán, kidnappings and theft of properties. I thought you scumbags were supposed to be such hot shit? You need to feed your damn dogs instead of creating narco ballads for yourselves you hungry fuck assholes. 

Morons, this plaza already has an owner and it’s not going to change. Your strength may have been to convince individuals in becoming turncoats. But even then you can’t nor will you dumb ass hallucinating fucks ever be able to win here. And for that faggot government that happens to be supporting them. Be fucking ready because the command is already in place, it’s known as seniority. We are the absolute mob of Teniente Lobo you dicks. 

Sicarios scream in unison: We are the absolute mob of Lieutenant Wolf!

Warning: Graphic Pictures

Narco message reads as follows:

Here lies another dumb ass who left this world in a daydream. ‘Gabito 80’, you can go fuck your mother. The same goes for ‘Acord’ and his fucking Chapiza. Why don’t you personally come to this fight instead of sending addicts from the Mazatlán rehabilitation centers? Just the same why are you using addicts from Ciudad Obregón as hitmen and kidnappers? Here in Ciudad Obregón you’re not going to have society the way things are in Sinaloa. Enslaved by kidnappings, extortions, and property thefts. 

We’re in position here and we won’t be leaving. We won’t be removed from here by you dumb asses, the Los Salazares mob, or the turncoats that you have. If you continue with your theft of properties and kidnappings you will personally feel what side our dicks rub on. All the Municipal and State policemen who support these individuals need to really think about your actions. Because our dicks have a good curve and there isn’t a piece of ass out there that can straighten it out. Don’t bother naming yourselves the Cartel de Sinaloa. That name is too much for you guys to handle. You fucking dumb asses. 

Cajeme News  Esmaylin



    1. Nothing to do with cjng

    2. People from sonora vs salazar cds thats all thats been going on that state forever, no cjng there.

    3. La plaza (caborca cartel) vs salazars.. la plaza andan ardidos a couple of there top people got killed. 2 got killed in Mazatlán in gabito 80 plaza, 1 in Jalisco and the police killed 2 in Guaymas

    4. 8:14 either way chaputas a joke

    5. 5:32 Not really. Before BLO split from CDS and even thereafter, CDS had unhindered route up 15 north. Even still today it is apparent trucks everyday pass towards Mexicali, Tijuana, etc.

      Control of Obregón is more about access to big business to shelter and launder and of course political protection and control of the relatively small port of Guaymas.

      That speech was written by the captors and likely not the true state of chapitos situation. Sounds more how CJNG leaves criminals to amass money and fear through tiendas and extortion and then battling on more fronts than they can finance or manage.

      No fan, just 20 year objective observer.

    6. 532 CJNG has an alliance with Juarez. CJNG dope is moving threw Juarez

    7. @ 6:51 yes this is true

    8. Apellido.Villalobos, No olviden de la sierra. Les dige compa glambow se los va chingar compitas 🐺🔥

  2. Any close up pics? Asking for a friend. Thanks

    1. Wtf..get an anatomy book you sicko

    2. Closeups of their curved dicks or the body ?

    3. Mora than likely they're wanting to see the curved phallus. We get some real freaks here from time to time.

    4. Bananas for trumpanzees!!!

  3. LMAO! These recorded messages and narcomantas keep getting better and better.

  4. Poor soul, hopefully he wasn't gutted alive.

  5. How stupid are these dummy's.

  6. Jeffry dhamer style

  7. Why these guys posing like cjng?

    1. So does anybody holding a gun have to be CJNG? Can’t be serious kid

    2. Cjng ladyboys think they say there crushes everywhere now from how obsessed they are with them

    3. Hey hey don't steal my material its CDS fangirls get it right

  8. Damm these guys really love to talk about their dicks lol

  9. Junky crash dummies

  10. Election fear commercial and just a little more extreme than the us!

  11. Damn you dont see that type of dismemberment brutality as much in that region like in the central southern states of mexico where they have more of a native blood line but in sonora these guys have yaqui blood line so no suprise they will practice ancient methods on their enemies.
    It looks like whoever peeled his whole head knew what he was doing. Horrible shit man

    1. Bloodline has NOTHING to do with it .. people in Sonora, Juarez and Tamaulipas have been chopping each other to bits for a long while now … first video I saw of a man getting his organs ripped out while he was alive took place in Sonora

  12. #701 #lachapiza . Placa de los Tomatitos de los patrones.

    1. Arriba la gente del Mencho. Placas de Jalisco/Michoacán. La Mera Verga

    2. 2:41 los mas corrientes y bocones

    3. 7:16 tienes toda la razon, esos Sinaloas son bien corrientes y no se diga Bocones en eso ni quien les llegue

  13. If they greenlight el commandante Sicario006 ,Teniente lobo will not last 24 hours.

  14. The lobo ppl are probably the ones stealing & extorting from their own citizens trying to blame the outsiders. Come one who is going to have more of an advantage to do things like that, the invaders or local criminals that know those places. On top of that they try to throw dirt on their enemies names when in sinaloa extorting is not a common practice.

    1. CDS is doing all the stealing and extorting

    2. They’re people from la plaza they are mad and putting blame on chapiza when people from Guaymas empalme and surrounding areas know la plaza are extorting and stealing property being grimy . La chapiza have been taking out there top people from Guaymas 2 in Mazatlán, 1 en Jalisco and the police killed 2 en Guaymas recently.

    3. 5:37 correction, extorcion wasnt common, now with the chapitos incharge its a hole different game, everything goes with them in charge

    4. 5:37 there’s no extortion

    5. 9:39 From my years in Mazatlán, 1998-2010, it was common for business owners and politicians to have no issue with CDS and the response was always the same; “they do not kidnap or extort people not in the business and we trust them more than the police”
      Maybe they decided to throw away everything they saw work so well for Chapo and Mayo….but I seriously doubt it because if the civilians aren’t your enemy you have a very high probability of success. Know me of like the opposite of Los Zetas and what will be the downfall of CJNG imo

    6. 6:54 same can be said about CJNG in Puerto vallarta they let people be for the most part

    7. Extortion used to be called "cooperation", now it is fees, except you don't get a bill from City Hall

  15. Pinche perros come mierda. Matalay

  16. Anyways los que mandan son del sombrero not chaputas


  18. Ich bin aus Germany aber liebe Mexico....aber dieses Zerstückeln Häuten Foltern usw ist abartig krank.

  19. There are no mobs in mexico. Disorganized criminal groups only

  20. Remember when el cholo was on a call with el chapo complaining about him and his men not getting paid. Talking about not even having money for the tortillas. Its on the conversation bewteen el cholo and el chapo.

    1. 10:06 is not true, that was a fake audia, he is the richest capo ever #701 (snitchloas will say) 🤣🤣🤣 toda au feria se la gasto en operaciones Emma que lla hasta cuando sonrie tiene una sonrisa reptiliana


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