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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

CJNG Condemns Bar Massacre In Narco Banners Hung Around Irapuato, Guanajuato

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Following a brutal massacre at a bar which left 12 dead in Irapuato, Guanajuato, professionally printed narco banners blaming the attack on rivals were left around the city, signed by the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). These messages are notable both for their content, and what they reveal about CJNG's messaging strategy.

The Secretary of Security of Irapuato, Luis Ricardo Benavides Hernández stated in an interview that seven banners were found, and are being investigated by state authorities, according to narco news blog Valor Por Tamaulipas.

The banners reference a bar attack which occurred on October 15 in the December 12th neighborhood of Irapuato, Guanajuato, when armed gunmen opened fire on employees and customers, killing 12 and injuring three more before fleeing. 

Local security expert David Saucedo told Borderland Beat that in this region, bars, restaurants, and other similar businesses are often targeted by criminal groups for selling or allowing the sale of drugs supplied by a rival organization. AM Noticias reported that the state government confirmed Saucedo's theory yesterday in a statement which said that they are investigating the attack as related to the sale of drugs, revealing that several of those killed had criminal records. Additionally, AM Noticias reported that locals claim the bar was a well-known drug sale spot.

Narco banner translation is as follows: 

To all the citizens and all levels of government

The CJNG disclaims and condemns the massacre that occurred in a bar in the neighborhood of December 12 in Irapuato, where innocent people, women and men who were only there, lost their lives, it is time to stop these vile actions.

To you filthy people, stop killing innocent people and going out guns blazing, fucking scourges sons of a bitch. We called the mayor Lorena Alfaro and all the authorities, they have hundreds of military elements in the streets and with filters and barricades they continue to outwit them in this way.

This is not only an act of cowardice, it is an act of affront to the government, let us do our job, your presence has only helped them take refuge in Apatzingán, Tomelopes, Tomelopitos, El Morado, Morelos, Guadalupe Rivera and Pénjamo. 

They come from their nest in Juventino Rosas to heat up the plaza because they want to bring the people to their knees, but we are coming for you because Irapuato and all of Guanajuato already have an owner and it is Senor Mencho.

Sincerely, CJNG Grupo Elite

Both the method of use and the style of the narco banners are consistent with CJNG messaging in the region, specifically that of the Grupo Elite cell, which has spearheaded CJNG's advance in the state of Guanajuato.

The format of this narco banner is a template frequently used by CJNG propaganda over the last three years. Starting out as a rough banner design, it has been tweaked and edited with each publication until its current state, which has the face of CJNG leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho" on the right, and a rooster to the left, a common symbol associated with Mencho and CJNG. 

Now, just portions of the text are updated before being posted. Borderland Beat journalist Hearst created the helpful graphic below showing the process. 

Source: Hearst

Releasing a message which blames rivals for violent attacks has become a habit for the CJNG in Guanajuato. A nearly identical banner was released in late September, after the Cartel Santa de Lima attacked a bar in Tarimaro, Guanajuato, killing 10, as reported by Borderland Beat

In the hyperviolent Guanajuato battlefield, both sides of the conflict have committed brutal acts against each other, but unlike the CSRL, the CJNG invest significant effort in controlling the narrative, often portraying themselves as less violent and less predatory on civilians than the CSRL. In 2021, the CJNG released 57 narco messages compared to the CSRL's 26, revealed an analysis of Borderland Beat's narco message database from 2021.

In addition to the use of professionally printed plastic banners, which are larger, more legible, and look more official, CJNG's paper messages communicate their threats well. They typically contained more structure, appeared more organized compared to those of CSRL, and made use of stock propaganda phrases. 

The CJNG Grupo Elite cell's main stock phrase "Remember that all of Guanajuato has an owner" appears in the vast majority of their messaging. It has become a key part of their propaganda, comparable to McDonald's "I'm Lovin It" slogan. In 2021, of the 57 narco messages signed by CJNG in Guanajuato, 45 (79%) had this same phrase within them.

Sources: AM Noticias 10/17, InfoBae 10/17Valor Por Tamaulipas 10/17, Borderland Beat Archives 10/15, Borderland Beat Archives 8/21,  Borderland Beat narco message database from 2021 collected by El Huaso


  1. Like usual cjng trying to wash their hands always acting coward

  2. Cjng needs to learn to write, shorter Mantas, I fell asleep on the 2 paragraph.

    1. They need less paragraphs, more bullet points

    2. 4 missing oklahoma men,
      found dismembered...

    3. Sir you have to stop killing people in your backyard, soon the chota will be at your door.

    4. Sir
      I live in Tulsa 20 miles from where it happened. These 4 fools rode their bicycles to rip off the salvage yard. The salvage yard owner was on a 10 year deferred sentence for shooting at 6 thief’s , wounding one almost 10 years ago. These fools were all white. No cartel action here. Just the style of the dismemberment.

    5. 4:25 why does so much fucked up random violence happens in tulsa alot, wtf is in the water out there that people
      Of all races do violent crimes

    6. Motherfuckers with false balls are empowered in this PC anti white climate to feel brave little realizing how easily manipulated they are.Imbeciles

    7. 12:53 I am glad you agree, shorter words
      Even the old ladies fall asleep.

  3. Surprised he didn't say Russia did it!

  4. If they gave the money they spend on these silly banners to the poor people there would be lot less poverty specially in gto...

    1. They did not pay a penny, the printing business, had to print it for free, or they get Plata o Plumo. This cartel is a cheapskate.

    2. 11:29 we are lucky they don't write long shit sized comments like Detroit, to say nothing...

    3. Well said Mr SIR

    4. 1:12 I am praying for "Detroit", that he may learn to be concise, truthful and to the point, but even with help of half cooked beans, all those stinkers do is stink worse

  5. Very childish. They blame each other like schoolgirls, going about tattle telling. Humans don't change...

  6. Try some critical self-examination first CJNG, you hypocrites.

  7. They be the ones comitting the the massacres and then blame it on the dumb ones lmao

  8. It's marro's crew doing this sh@t

  9. Cjng doing shit to heat up the area so the government can keep arresting csrl just like they do in Zacatecas. Cowardly pigs cant fight fair

    1. 1:52 when you have the best sicarios like Cjng you dont need to heat up your own plaza, heating plazas is what Cds did in Juarez, nuevo Laredo, Tj and tryed with the help from cholo in Guadalajara

    2. You again what best sicarios you guys just recruit meth heads 😂

  10. Esos señores vienen a limpiar el estado de esa basura llamada santa de lima.

    1. Cuales Senores pinches lacras

    2. Gracias caballeros de las 4 letras.

  11. el cartel de las 4 letras = cartel pone dedo jalisco.

  12. Interesting article of cjng in jalisco
    Looks like all the groups do the same

  13. Stupid vatos. How about they condemned themselves

  14. Pinches ratas del cjng hanging banners all over,they hung up some of them in Zac to rat n blame contras for the killing of a family in Jerez but as we know cjng supposedly controls that yeah it was them

    1. 6:13 what? I thought they couldnt make it up there cause Cds had Jerez on lock? Than again Cds has never been able to keep anything on lock

    2. 9:10 well it’s not hard to hire some motorcycle junkies to sneak around town and hang a banner up. Both of them have presence in the jerez area that’s how its always been

    3. Oh grow up with this"my cartel is better than your cartel"shit.


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