Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 20, 2022

El Chapo Making Desperate Play To Get Out Of Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The world's richest and most notorious drug lord, known as Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, is responsible for flooding tons of illicit drugs into Chicago over the decades. Now, he is asking to have his life sentence vacated.

This is an uphill battle for El Chapo. The man nicknamed "Shorty" is trying to convince a court he was wronged by U.S. prosecutors in his racketeering conspiracy case.

The firefight that brought down El Chapo happened almost nine years ago, when Mexican commandos barged into his beachfront hotel room. At the time, Chapo was wanted in Chicago on federal charges, and under indictment in several other U.S. cities.

He eventually was extradited to Brooklyn, New York, in what some considered a preferential power play by the then U.S. Attorney General, who once worked there.

After conviction, Chapo was sent to the airtight SuperMax prison in Colorado to serve a life sentence. From there, the drug kingpin has filed a new court request asking to be freed or retried. The document is oddly signed by El Chapo Guzman himself, and not an attorney.

"Presumably he's got some advice behind the scenes. But yeah, on the face of it, he's applying for it himself," said former federal prosecutor and ABC7 legal analyst Gil Soffer.

He has reviewed Chapo's filing for the I-Team and says it is a fairly standard Habeas Corpus petition that rips his defense attorneys, claims unfair extradition by the U.S. and unconstitutional treatment by prosecutors.

"What he's seeking is another bite at the apple. He lost his trial, he lost on appeal, but this is a mechanism for him to say, despite all that, I'm still entitled to a reversal of my conviction and a new trial, because my constitutional rights were violated," said Soffer.

"The challenge he has seen in this case, as any defendant's challenge in a similar Habeas Corpus petition, he has to show that his constitutional rights were violated and that the outcome of his trial would have been different if they hadn't been violated. And that is a very high hurdle to clear."

El Chapo's uphill battle may not be void of legal assistance, according to former assistant U.S. Attorney Soffer. But the trick bag for this drug lord is that he supposedly surrendered all his illicit wealth to the government. Paying a big legal tab from an offshore account might raise a few suspicions.

ABC 7 Chicago

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  1. Chaputito thinks he can just sign a letter asking to be released and wala he is gonna be let out .. lmfao 🤣. Sorry buddy once they have you they own that ass till your time is up . In this case till you croak

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. If you pay attention, you will realize that it's almost sarcasm. He knows he won't get out, hes trying to get attention, seems like he's ready to say who got paid out.

    3. Without CDS... Their would be NI CJNG... Always remember that

    4. 11:41 CJNG aka Milenio has been around a while. In the 90 they where said to be the worlds largest cocaine traffickers

    5. 11:41 Good to see you got your priorities in life set.

    6. Pinches Sinaloas always all loud and proud of their snitch ass people. Michoacán’s been in the game for a long time. It’s just with this social media generation that people are open their mouths exposing everything.

    7. Michoacano narcos always resorted to becoming extortionists & bajadores, thats their reputation in the drug game lol while sinaloa was known for being the wholesalers and creating the plaza system and bringing organization to Mexican organized crime…

    8. 6:46 am from north cali lotta snitchloas r puro bajadores

    9. 6:46 🤣🤣🤣 Sinaloas reputation is that of snitches, theres a lot of wholesalers cartels so yea mechoacanos are known to be bajadores and Sinaloas snitches, in that sence they are the same, one stills your merca and the other snitches on you so you end up in jail 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    10. That's right Milenio... Milenio was under the CDS umbrella. Wether you like it or don't like it... It's Facts

    11. Milenio cartel had an internal split.. always remember that. Half went with the Gulf... The others with CDS. That's where mencho made his bones.

    12. Most sinaloan high level traffickers aint even snitches, esparagoza, beltranes, casarez, avilez, quinteros and many more had plenty of members who served 20+ without a peep. FACTS

    13. 9:45 straight snitching

    14. Sinaloas are the government’s bitch bois since forever!

  2. Que pare la luna para que lo dejen libre
    Oh espera ...

    1. 🎶Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena🎶🤣🤣🤣 que ordene que se pare la tierra para que lo suelten como dice su corrido alucin.

    2. 11:19 Hyperbole is a rhetorical and literary technique where an author or speaker intentionally uses exaggeration and overstatement for emphasis and effect.

      I believe they usually teach this in 6th grade. You were probably too busy watching a CJNG edit on TikTok to learn about it.

    3. @2:06 clearly you get your panties in a bunch over your rapist idol chapo.. lol

    4. 2:06 im still waiting for chapo to give the order to stop Earth from spinning so he can get out of jail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5. 11:18 I care very little for the midget snitch El Chapo, its just that I’ve seen that comment over and over and its obvious that person never grasped the concept of hyperbole much less its usefulness in literature/art. I just thought I’d teach him something he never learned and he also wasted tax payer money going to public school only to not even pay attention.

    6. 12:45 that song hit a nerve with you cjng fan girls lol mad its a bigger hit than any cjng corrido combined.

    7. 2:37 Let me guess, you are the guy who was bitching about BB's titles, The lethal weapons and chaputito leaked picture or picture leaked🤣🤣🤣 seas mamon, mejor ponte a leer el New Yorker y cagales el palo aver que te dicen

  3. Claustrophobia, boredom and repetition.

  4. I drove past the prison he’s in at colorado once. It’s isolated away from everything it doesn’t look fun

    1. Its under ground

    2. Its ADX florence. The warden called it a cleaner version of Hell. Google and read some articles. It is hell.

    3. It might be underground but there is a building on ground I saw cops patrolling it

  5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a snitch!

  6. Can’t bribe or threaten or kill your way out of this! We pay our guards well. They have houses boats 401k’s! Maybe the random corrupt person might take some bribe from some trafficker, but very very small percentage! Life is good in USA for those who work hard!

    1. That’s right !

    2. 10:13 prison guards and their employers are nothing but vultures stealing from the public through, never produce anything but shit...

    3. They pay them shit lol what stop corruption in usa is the fear of being caught not the money.

    4. Bro you're wrong they make real good money. Most of them only have a high school education so again they get paid very well. But the job is tough as fuck so I give them props. I live within a half hour of Calipas and Centinela so we got a bunch of COs here.

    5. Exorcist you mostly likely blowing the COs to talk about them like that

    6. Has anyone noticed his lawyer looks just like him.

  7. Doubtful he's the richest. Mayo probably worth more. Mencho too.

    1. Fuck them fools puro cartel de Richard Simmons alv!!

    2. Never understood the bragging about being nr 701 on a list, top10 or maybe top 100 but nr 701????
      Thats so ridiculous.

    3. 8:34 701….out of billions of people in the world. How is that not impressive. I think you dont even understand how insane it is to even be in the top 100k richest in the world

    4. 6:43 i think you are the one who does not understand the importance to stay low key when you are in the drug game, he fucked up just cause he wanted some attention, what an idiot, im willing to bet theres thousands more drug lords who are wealthier than he was who dont want none of that attention

  8. Chapo snitched too late. He should have snitched when he had the chance. You'd think he would be good at snitching given his experience

  9. Awww poor little fella....

  10. Currently listening to El Rey by Vicente Fernandez

    1. 6:01 you are garbage! Chente is a natinal hero, he is the top mexican singer of all history, so when ever you want to mention his name you have to wash your mouth with Disel and get on your knees biach!

    2. Chente is overrated lame didn’t even write his own music.

    3. 1:12 Nobody said he was a song writter, he is the best singer ever in mexico, so you can take your trashy narco corridos and shove them up your sin esquinas

    4. Marco Antonio Solis of Los Bukis is way better than Chente. Marco writes most of his own material, plays music, and sings has a good voice also plays different genres.

      Chente might have a couple of good tracks but he is hella overrated only mamones be riding on his nuts!

    5. 3:46 no daught marco antonio is a better author but chente was in a league of his own when it comes to singing, just cause you dont like him dont mean shit, millions of people will say other wise, mrco antonio, Juanga, joan sebastian, antonio aguilar and jose jose where at a legend level but chente was a step up wether you like it or not its just the way it is, but let me guess, you probably think Chalino was best singer ever? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. 12:11 your old rancho primitive caveman.
      You still listen to Las Helgerias. Of Michoacan.

    7. 2:15 Chente authored some songs, he stole them from José Alfredo Jimenez.

    8. Fuck Chente!
      SIR is right Jose Alfredo Jimenez was the real deal. 10:48 get off Chente’s nuts already he was only a step up and in a league of his own just because you say? hahahaha lame!

    9. 12:14 no F You not gonna disrespect Jose Alfredo cause he was a really good singer and a better author but chente still was a step above when it came to singing, Jose Alfredo was mainly Guanajuatos who loved him but chente was all over the world, again a step above all those great singers

  11. Actually they pay the guards peanuts. That’s not what stops them from corruption it’s the the threat of prosecution not their salary dumb ass

  12. I don't think any prison would be fun

  13. Give it up old man , they threw away the key already, your mind and peace will never be yours again

  14. He gets the same rights he gave the thousands of people he killed. Go quietly mad in solitary you evil midget and enjoy your English language library

  15. Time to lock up that dirty ugly midget mother of his for money laundering and confiscate all her assets and home bought with drug money. Go after their families if you cant find them

  16. This site caters to a much different crowd then it once did .There used to be some insight some educated responses and comments there was at one time people close to and in Mexico with genuine intrest in the current situation. its slowly turned into a middle school chat room half the people are here to talk ish the other half dont know d!€< what they are talking about. Where does chivis stand on direction site is headed.

    1. Chivis is no longer here. Nor is she ever coming back. She's moved on with her life. You guys need to stop living in the past. It's for your own good. If the comment section is too much for anyone to handle then just stick to reading the articles. Once more in case you ever forget: stop living in the past.

    2. 5:45 sign of the times, as time goes by, things change, I bet you still wear the same underwear from 6 years ago. Common go by new ones.

    3. 5:45 AM things are different without a forum where we can discuss things and post articles. Also, BB was sued which brought in the Reddit crowd. BB still has great articles.

    4. Sonora 5:45 you woke up crabby, moody. Time to take it out on Sol.
      Everyone loves to use him as a punching bag. When I get old I don't want to be crabby.

    5. Hey Sol, thats sounds sad like chivis is gone. I really hope not and she just moved on with her life. Otherwise, DEP we will miss you!
      You can delete the message if “offensive” (lack of words as alien)

    6. 5:45 Oh look the wannabe Gente Nueva sicario wants educated discussion now. Hilarious.

    7. Chivis had a lot going on, volunteering, working, taking care of her kids, and has moved on with less stress.
      You guys drove her crazy.
      Last I heard she is Norway enjoying life, husband is a business man that travels all over the world.

    8. I spoke to Yaqui not to long ago and she said Chivis is alive and well. Out of respect for their privacy that's all I can say.

    9. I am happy with the current staff, MX left without saying a word.
      Sol keep up the good work.

    10. Sol glad to hear Yaqui is doing fine.
      I heard she too, is living a stress free life, out in a farm with donkeys, chickens, goats.

    11. @GlloronN you're just mad all your comments made in the past turned out to be false..lmao you remind me of Michelle Miller .. are you the same person?? Always talking like you really know whats going on everywhere. If you don't like where this site is headed gtfo simple as that or start your own website .. enlightened us with all your first hand knowledge...

    12. Ese Sonora mi cual mal.
      Es UN cry baby 🍼.
      Nemesis ELA

    13. 11:24 🤣🤣🤣🤣 100%! All of GlloronN facts turned out to be the other way around, hes now crying cause he know his state is a shithole thanks to the Sinaloas and guys like him who praise them
      Que paso pues GlloroN? No que todo tranquilo y controlado en tu estado cagado y resulta que apenitas hubo una balasera afuera de una escuela? Pinche cochinero que estan hasiendo en ese desierto que se lla Sonora

    14. GSonora es UN Payaso!

    15. Gn sonora looking for a pro CDs crowd lol

    16. 9:55 He's still here it seems, just busy with life as it is, he commented on the Los Zetas series just a couple days ago

    17. Damn!!! GsonoraN got dick slaped all over the face 🤣🤣🤣


    19. 8:30
      I am sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

    20. @9:55 MX just wrote the story of the corrupt comandante from Tamaulipas that was the primo of a former gobernador of that state

    21. GsonaraN lla ves guey, te dejaron morir solo tus compas sinalocas, y tu tanto que los defiendes y ni uno te hiso el paro 😢 yo que tu lla mejor lla ni comentava

  17. Doesn't his bullshit corrido say volcanoes explode and the earth stands still if he orders them. Hahahahahaha and some of you idiots belive it to is the worst of it all Hahahahahaha.

  18. He is finally going crazy in prison.

  19. Animo Sicarios.
    Everytime there is an article about El Señor #701 this picture is used. He was not crying !!! He had dust in his eyes and this created tears!
    The Lord of the Mountains was highly trained in psychological warfare by an ex KGB colonel to withstand prison abuse.

    1. So what if he is crying? He's human. Think about it. He is a captive in a foreign land facing the near certain reality that never again will he see his country, hometown, mother and wives and children and friends. The good times are gone forever and a harsh lonely existence awaits him. Thats enough to make anybody cry.
      No matter how tough we think we are tears can suddenly spring up unbidden.

    2. Mr. Brown with sore foot.
      It's okay you're going to make it.
      Ever since Barney Harris died in a shootout at a CJNG safehouse, you haven't been the same. Live in the present, have goals in life.
      El Nemisis LA

    3. I remember the Barney Harris teacher by day and drug safehouse robber by night. The bullet proof vest did not save his ass.

  20. Talk about getting bentover. Chapo isn't what the media says he is. He never was 701 or anything close he was a high level drug trafficker from Sinaloa that we a told is the most powerful trafficker in the world when in reality he's not he's a scapegoat.

  21. Sicario006 is back!!!

  22. He’s snitching to the fullest degree

    1. Fine let him snitch. I am sure you would too, be a Canary if you wanted your sentence cut for Armed Robbery.

  23. Replies
    1. Saputo aka mafia cheese

    2. Lol no que se para la tierra si walking lo ordena pinche saputo ahora que aguante verga el gueyononnnn

    3. Bola de chirinoleras...
      Aprovechen ora que su mero papi esta en el bote,
      antes puro
      "si siñor,
      si patruncito,
      lo que quera su mercé"

    4. 2:20 hey Sir cuanto te dan de descuento por lamerle las botas pero con L en ves de T

  24. He's itching to get out and start killing people and slinging tons

  25. The bitch never stops whining. Hopefully he kills himself.

  26. Sol, I'm BB educated so I know Chapo isn't the richest narco.

    Also, if someone from America tells you "life is good for those who work hard" this is 99% not true and it also means they are smooth-brained bootlickers.

    1. I guess it all comes down to perspective then. Cause I do work hard and it involves lots of hours throughout the week. I feel it's worth it. Enough so that I actually have more than enough money left over after I've paid the necessary bills. At this point I don't even know what to fucking buy anymore. Hopefully at some point I can find something worth investing in. Long gone are the days when I was dirt poor. Thats what the US has given me even though it's never really been my country.

    2. 100% sol, if you know how to play tour cards you will make it in the USA, its not all about hard work you have to have a brain in the mix and be patient and most likely you will make it

    3. @9:51 how could you know hunger if you've never suffered it? In the USA you have a fair shot at improving your life and that of your family. If you're another hijo de papi like DJT what can I tell you...

    4. 10:03 Buy gold clad coins with Presidente Trump picture, they promise 1500% appreciation, and if you donate money to him, it will go 20 000% in blessings.
      Praise the Lord never was any better.

    5. Sol:
      If you served in the U.S. military and did your bit then the U.S. is your country and proud to have you here.

  27. All these comments are funny, all from kids who live in their parents basement. This dude paid a lot of money for decades to be protected by Mexican government and they failed him, let him talk. He had an agreement and they didn’t do their part. Now let’s talk about his wealth, everyone here knows CDS is number one. They’ve been in this game since the late 70’s/early 80’s. You seen all these tons of drugs being caught, what about the tons that were never caught. We don’t want to hear about CJNG, they’ve tried to enter the industry since 2012. For those who watched the trial know it was based on BS, just hear say. The kids on here respect the snitches (2 brothers from Chicago). If you guys are so concerned about snitches then talk about the twins, in fact do something about the twins but nah…. Just keyboard warriors. On a separate note, the American justice system did him wrong and if the flow of fentanyl into America is Americas karma then so be it.

    1. 9:56 Cds cheerleaders comments are the funniest, ni ustedes lla se la creen

    2. 9:56 es un pobre pendejo. The richest are the Valencia’s not CDS. CDS is number one at snitching and crying

    3. 5:28 lol cds has had multiple families that are richer than the valencias…you just wouldn’t know because youre a spectator and nothing else

    4. @6:41 name those families pendejos! Valencia is definitely richest

    5. 11:01 thats nothing but a myth perpetuated by michoacanos such as yourself. they didn’t produce more than Mayo and chapo, they just had less heat and less wars going on so they could save their cash. but besides them and since you ask polo ochoa, robachivas, financiero, Cesar gastelum, Juanito esparagoza niño de oro all made billions with euro and Asian connects under the CDS umbrella and those are just the ones that are well known by everyone in sinaloa 🖕🏼

    6. 11:30 🤣🤣🤣 so Michoacanos stories are false but your sinaloas stories are true? Plz Milenio was in the game before cds was even dormed, when the Guadalajara cartel was in charge the Milenio cartel was already moving drugs, not to the extend of Guadalajara Cartel but they were low key, when Caro fucked up thats when they saw a opening and took some of the bussiness cause Gudalajara was so hot and the drugs gotta keep moving, thats how they grew in the bussiness, they were low key as fuck, unlike sinaloas who wanted all that attention cause they wouldnt get it at home i guess🤣🤣🤣

    7. 641 Yes. Many here do not know. Here ya go. Manuel Estrada. Moves the most blow out of MX. He is out of Sinaloa. Independent.

    8. I can’t think of anything good ever coming out of Sinaloa except drug dealers and cheap surgical bodied whores. DRUGS is all they know there.
      Sinaloas even ashamed of their native roots. They think they’re high percentage European blood hahahaha Europeans just laugh at them.

    9. 1:21la pura neta ni sus mariscos sirven valen pura verga 🤢PARA MARSICOS NAYARIT PESE AQUIEN LE PESE

    10. 1:21 🤣🤣🤣 Neta que si, lo mejor que sale de Sinaloa es lo peor de Mexico 😂😂😂

  28. @9:56 I don't want you posting here until you are an adult. Your post is nonsense and we're all dumber from reading it.

    1. 10:10 are you a keyboard warrior, that lives in mom's basement, afraid to step outside and see the real World.

  29. Can he move his magic wand and disappear like he did in Mexican prison?

    1. I regret to inform you due to unforeseen events transpiring in Mexico. The answer is NO.

  30. -Interesting fact:

    Theres a 2003 song (corrido) dedicated to El Chapo from famous group "Los Tucanes de Tijuana", Suggesting El Chapo is not El Chapo anymore, recommends to find another that looks like him, since they will never see the real Chapo...implying El Chapo had a surgery since first escape (not a precise translation)

    Song reads as follows:

    ♪El chapo ya no es el chapo
    ♪Solo el sabe quien es el
    ♪Asi es que busquen a otro
    ♪Que se le paresca bien
    ♪Por que al verdadero chapo
    ♪No lo volveran a ver♪

    El Regreso del Chapo - Los Tucanes de Tijuana

    Link of song:

    1. 12:32 just remember that all of chapos corridos are fake, so in a sence the corrido is bullshit and i regret to inform you that the USA did a DNA sample and it was chapo, USA aint stupid to bring a double, or a fake so yea keep dreaming but your hero is done

    2. 9:27 Just remember any agreement they do can differ from what known to public opinion. Facts are so contradictory that is hard to know what is fake. USA isnt any hero, grow up.

    3. 3:26 not saying the USA are heroes, far from it, but if you make them mad theyll hunt you down y te la dejan caer sin vacelina, no matter who you are and chapo made them mad so his fate was sealed when he let himself get caught in mexico, he could of gone out guns blazzing and stay a legend but instead he ended up in Florence crying like a lil bitch

  31. Picture is priceless 🤣🤣🤣 just like marros crying video and the chaputitos on their knees in Puerto Vallarta

  32. Alfredo Beltan Leyva is at his medium security prison just laughing at his "girl cousin" Patas Cortas struggling at Florence ADX. PLENTY OF PICS OUT THERE WITH EL MOCHOMO IN PRISON ATIRE WITH HIS FRIENDS MAKING THE BEST OUT OF SHITTY SITUATION.

    1. Fuck the Beltranes too them lames from Sinaloa are soft asf!

    2. 5:31 Arturo went out shooting Alfredo doing life in prison for refusing to cooperate against chapo. Unless you’re proven like those 2 you have no right to call them soft tbh. Say what you will about the cia and DEA cooperators chapo and Mayo, the beltranes are a whole different ball game. Respected in the south, north, west and East of Mexico. Just ask the people of Guerrero what they think of barbas…

    3. 5:31 i got to say man Fuck all sinaloas snitches but have to give mochomo his props for not snitching like all of Zambadas and Guzmanes, those are the real rats who broke all codes and started all wars

    4. 9:30 el barbas never had a chance to snitch, genarco garcia Luna, FECAL and EPN wanted him dead, and used Marinas because the army was in ABL's pocket, ask Cienpedos!

  33. Let's do a gofundme for pobrecito El Chapo so he can have a pinyata party

    1. No need for funding, he has big bucks.

    2. 4:20 he had, once in jail for life you aint got shit

    3. He has lots and lots of money at home.

    4. 11:12 thats good cause he aint gonna see that maoney no more, que se lo gaste su vieja con ptros que si le van a dar asta para llevar, de todos modos al chapo lla ni se le paraba

    5. Now Chapo snorts 5.00 usd bags of cheetos from the commissary

  34. Replies
    1. He has been frame by a lot of people, specially his cheerleaders 🤣🤣🤣 i bet you have a frame of him on your basemant

    2. Hi am Rodger Rabbit and I was framed.

  35. No que muy valiente el culero!! All the mess he caused all over mex trying to conquer plazas and nothing , just destabilization and violence!!! A la verga!!!


    1. Me sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

  37. De ADX FLORENCE jamás saldrás vivo Chaparrito.


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