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Monday, October 17, 2022

Excelsior: Huachicoleros Weave A Network With Police and Officials, Show Sedena Leaks

This article was written by Emmanuel Rincón in Excelsior.

Pemex employees, elements of the National Guard (GN), ministerial agents and former state officials are involved in a huachicoleo network that operates in Tabasco and Veracruz which the Army already has in its sights.

Reports obtained by the Guacamaya hacker group detail the operation of a criminal group headed by Gabriel “N”, Gabo, along with at least 29 other people, including four Petróleos Mexicanos workers and two national guards.

In the plot, called the Olmec Case by the elements of the Ministry of National Defense in charge of the investigation, three suppliers of illicit fuel, nine tractor-trailer operators, two collaborators in charge of "resource management" and five clients who buy the huachicol are involved.

In the most recent reports on the case, dated last August, the location of at least nine fuel extraction points is detailed, both at Pemex facilities and at milking points, as well as the businesses or properties where the milk is loaded. pipelines of the criminal network. stolen fuel. The area of ​​operation covers from Cárdenas, Huimanguillo and Villahermosa, in Tabasco, to La Tinaja, in Veracruz.

Although it does not detail what type of surveillance the Army maintains over the criminal network, the report highlights that it has had access to telephone conversations in which complicity with ministerial agents and former state officials is presumed.

For example, on August 16, Gabo explained to Víctor (a subject in charge of obtaining pipes) that he will continue to carry huachicol with Alberto "N", Hammer, since he has contacts with the Specialized Attorney for Organized Crime Investigation (SEIDO).

The report indicates that they communicated with a former governor of Tabasco "to inform him of the deposits," to which he told them that if the GN stopped them, they should speak directly to the SEIDO commander "at the number they already had."

On August 20, Gabo informed Armando “N”, Patron, that he had not been able to load because he had problems with Miranda (a Pemex worker in charge of the Macropera complex in Cárdenas). Two days later, Gabo spoke with Gaspar "N" (a Pemex employee in charge of filling the tankers and preparing the documentation to transport the huachicol) to ask him for seven full tankers: five for the clients he "already knows" (identified as Calsontzin, Samuel Muñoz, Samaria and Fausto) and two more for a new one. In case of not being able to supply the seven pipes, he asks you to fill at least five.

On August 25, Óscar “N” (a tractor-trailer operator) informed Gabo that 40,000 liters of hydrocarbon had been loaded, but he did not inform him beforehand because he had no signal. “In addition, he clarified that he is concerned about the documentation because the federal agents are present on the return; In this sense, Gabo indicated that in case he is arrested, he should communicate directly with Edder "N", since he is the one who has control of the entire state of Veracruz."


Although the Ministry of National Defense does not have data on the legal situation of the huachicolero leader, the monitoring has made it possible to locate two of his addresses to the west of Villahermosa. Also, a house linked to his family in Poza Rica, Veracruz, where he is originally from, and another in the Gustavo A. Madero mayor's office, in Mexico City. It is known that he was born in 1980, has a wife of 49 years and at least two other romantic partners. With the first he has two children, while he has one with each of the other women. 

Its main operators are Alberto "N", Beto, his brother-in-law and head of a cell, as well as Hammer, a hydrocarbon distributor. His other cell leader, Othon "N", appears in the report as "detained", without further details. In Veracruz, the trusted men are Guillermo "N" and Ever "N". Also in that state they work hand in hand with Eder “N”, a GN patrolman, and “Captain Mata”, sub-inspector of the corporation. In Pemex, in addition to Miranda and Gaspar, they have co-opted two subjects identified as Óscar and Alberto.

The points where it is presumed that the network has clandestine intakes and warehouses for the storage of illicit fuel, as well as the transit of tractor-trailers with pipes loaded with huachicol, are the Pemex facilities between Cárdenas and Villahermosa; another near the capital of Tabasco; a point on the Villahermosa-Coatzacoalcos highway, on the outskirts of Cárdenas; the surroundings of the complex called Iride Separation Battery, northwest of Villahermosa; a gas and oil collection station on the Villahermosa-Chetumal highway; two areas near pumping wells located on this same federal highway; a dirt road near Cárdenas and an area on federal highway 145 La Tinaja-Acayucan, Veracruz. From this point, according to the report, they extract up to 150 thousand liters of hydrocarbon per day. 


In Gabo's criminal network, charging hours are between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. daily, in order to avoid daylight hours, which increases the risk of being identified by federal authorities and Pemex security.

The parking lot of a hotel near Cárdenas is used as a storage area for trucks loaded with illegal fuel. There they wait for the apocryphal documentation that will serve to justify the transport of the product, in case of any review by the authorities.

There are indications that the empty tankers are parked inside a gas station located on the coastal highway of the Gulf, in Cárdenas, where the operators wait for directions to enter the places where the clandestine takeover is located.

For example, after loading an illegal site, they unload the hydrocarbon on a property located behind a gas station. The property belongs to Guillermo “N,” who is characterized by wearing a white hat and a chain with a gold fang. Likewise, the aforementioned place is guarded by armed persons, ”warns the document.

The Veracruz cell also starts the huachicoleo at night, around 9:00 p.m. "and later the pipes are moved to the Santa Fe bus stop, in Veracruz Port, where they are provided with documentation such as invoices and stamps."


This criminal organization has clandestine outlets in at least 6 municipalities of Tabasco and from there they operate to remove and distribute fuel stolen from the Mexican State.


They dismantle nests and milking centers in Hidalgo

PACHUCA.— Members of the Hidalgo Public Security Secretariat dismantled huachicol storage and distribution centers, known as nests, where they recovered 6,700 liters of fuel milked from Pemex pipelines.

Initially, during inspection patrols in the town of Tecoaco, municipality of Singuilucan, three huachicol storage and distribution points were detected. Sites known as hydrocarbon nests were located in the area.

Through a security, surveillance and crime prevention tour on a dirt road and in several unpopulated points, in order to inhibit the incidence of crime, the state police carried out ground tours, where 8 containers with a capacity of a thousand liters and 2 drums with a capacity of 200 liters.

Subsequently, as they continued to advance, 6 containers with a capacity of one thousand liters were located; At a third point, 12 containers of a thousand liters each were located.

Approximately one thousand meters of hose were seized at the different sites.

The result of the second operational action, carried out on the Tulancingo-Huasca highway, near the Alcholoya community, municipality of Acatlán, is the seizure of a Nissan Frontier truck loaded with 11 containers with probable fuel, hidden under bales and blankets The driver, noticing the police presence in the distance, fled.

In a third operation, state agents seized a Ford truck loaded with a 200-liter container and four 50-liter jugs, all filled with fuel. The intervention was recorded on the Pachuca-Tulancingo highway, at the height of the place known as El Chabacano, municipality of Epazoyucan.

Likewise, in Cuautepec, the state police seized a Van with 12 containers for 200 liters: 4 at 70%, one at 50% and 7 empty.

This article was written by Emmanuel Rincón in Excelsior.


  1. Noone arrested and the former governor still walking free after Sedena and Elmo squeezed them for more bribes

    1. Not really. That was f

    2. Not really, that was from 2019.

    3. 11:17 Ok amlo hater

    4. No AMLO haters just AMLO lovers defending him. Facts are facts son

    5. I love ALMO (no homo)

    6. 1:50 With that said then show facts, instead of senseless comments.

    7. Your facts are your opinions, you should seperate them from each other.

    8. 3:50 you here again smart Ass.

    9. 9:26 You see how you persist in vague comments instead of bringing valid points. Please be smart and make this space interesting.

    10. 11:17 The courts are open, sue.

    11. 11:05 ,12:00 seems you pick on the people in here, making comments, instead of commenting on the article, get a life.

  2. There was as shoot out in northern tapms 50 caliber rifles mounted on trucks between cdg and cdn just thought youed like to know keep up the good work i log in everyday

  3. 2:44:
    Thank you for commenting Kevin VanLuven.

  4. what cartel owns Tabasco or is it all independents running the huachicoleo?

    1. 10:29 I was wondering the same thing. Without the hack none of this would have ever been public.

      Little is reported on La Tinaja Veracruz or Tabasco in mainstream media.

      Most reports are for border areas closer to the USA

  5. So what the fuck?
    Do everybody steal resources from the Mexican government and people??

    Why is The area of ​​operation covers from Cárdenas, Huimanguillo and Villahermosa, in Tabasco, to La Tinaja, in Veracruz.

    What is in La Tinaja Veracruz???

    I read about these gas heists and I can understand activity in Tabasco because of the oil production extraction and pipelines but these are not present in La Tinaja.

    From Google Earth La Tinaja Veracruz looks like a quaint farm village or Pueblo with no real infrastructure, resources, or cartel presence.

    Great story. I’m sure we will keep getting more and more intel on the activities in Mexico and Veracruz and other countries in the United States of Mexico.

    Corruption usually runs deep.


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