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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Garcia Luna Asks U.S. Judge To Dismiss Charges Against Him

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Garcia Luna asks U.S. judge to dismiss charges against him

The defense of Genaro García Luna, former Secretary of Public Security, asked Judge Brian Cogan, in a U.S. court, to dismiss four of the charges against the former official of the administration of former President Felipe Calderón.

The crimes are related to bribes García Luna allegedly received from the Sinaloa Cartel to traffic cocaine to the United States.

Garcia Luna's defense argued that the charged crimes date back to 2019, that is, more than 5 years after he left office in the government, this in 2012.

Thus, the time for the expiration of the charges against the former official, when he was a public servant, would have expired.

In that sense, the defense alleges in a brief addressed to Judge Brian Cogan that "the government has not alleged that Mr. García Luna accepted bribes or otherwise aided the cartel once he was in private life", so he reiterated the dismissal of the charges against him.

According to Vice journalist Keegan Hamilton, who made García Luna's defense brief public, "the U.S. government also failed to provide any evidence to show that García Luna accepted million-dollar bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel, except for the testimony of "El Mayo" Zambada's brother during the trial of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán," who remains in a U.S. prison.

According to the document, Garcia Luna's defense also wants to know who else testified against him over the years, as it believed the prosecution could be using information from cases against Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, former Secretary of National Defense Salvador Cienfuegos and the high commander of the Federal Police, Ivan Reyes Arzate.

Contra Muro


  1. I agree. The charges against him should be dismissed. He's a waste of time. Take this sorry POS out back and shoot him.

  2. Where's narcopresident AMLO to save him like he did to General cienfuegos?
    They had enough evidence to lock him up a few life sentences but he tells the Mexican people he did no wrong..
    Amlo is a sell out coward

    1. awww how cute, an amlo hater with senseless comments :(

    2. 2:46 awww how pathetic, an Amlo lover with no brains 🧠 😂

    3. 4:16:
      You should appreciate Kevin VanLuven taking the time out of his busy schedule to respond to your comment.

    4. 4:16 callese FIFI, if anyone can help him it should be Borolas or Peña

    5. @1:19 pm. Says the US citizen from a country who’s presidents pardoned real convicted killers every single time they leave office. Iraquíes most be real happy to know the murderers of their families were released from jail because a coward president pardoned their convictions for murder. Double standard clowns. Basically the United States can do shit like this but no one else can. Lol. Clowns.

    6. 9:11 ALMO is a Clown.

    7. 9:11 I'm a Mexican citizen. Not all Mexicans are idiots and convinced AMLO is a saint and for the people.
      He's for the people with money 💵
      Abrazos no balazos- narcopresident AMLO

    8. 8:10 A mexican who loves PRI.

    9. 10:48 OK clown.

    10. 1:08 you assume to much kid. That's why your clueless.
      PAN, PRI, MORENA, they are all the same 💩

    11. @5:42 pm. I think you are mistaken or maybe you hit you head on something. AMLO has done a lot more for the country than the other presidents. To bad you don’t see it.

    12. 5:42 They are all the same but Morena is winning all estates one by one... they are all the same, but the journali$t who used to support previous corrupt politicians now attack the actual government, pattern is clear.

    13. Morena is the better option for the most reasons and for the most mexicans, proof:
      AMLO has everybody by their ying-yangs crapping hot peppers the way nobody has ever had Morena.

  3. Aiding the Sinaloa cartel like the US government? Operation Fast and Furious was to make sure Sinaloa won the war against the zetas.

    1. All those Fast n Furious weapons and they still cant win against CJNG!

    2. 3:10 Can’t lose when you bet on both

    3. 1:40 fast and furious gave ALL cartels guns! for a hood price of course..

    4. Obama the racist approved fast and furious to kill la raza

    5. 436 obama deported more Mexicanos than Tromp y Biden. Why do Americano liberals love obama so much?

    6. 4:36 old and lame, he no longer president, get over it.

    7. 4:36 he deported more Mexicans than any other president. The Mexicans were thinking that black man was going to have their back but wound up back in Mexico 🤦‍♀️

    8. 10:40 don't forget Fired T. Has lots deported,. He called everyone from Mexico, "Bad Hombres"

    9. 8:25 And cost him reelection.

    10. That MF TRum fired many in his cabinet, when in office.
      But when it was Ts turn to get fired, he was a sore loser.

  4. Arturo El Barbas learned the hard way. Garcia Luna was a boss.

    1. Arturo Beltran was a real boss this guy was a punk who stole from his country !

    2. Esooooooooo!!

  5. Very sick case to take the word of el rey, a demented murderer and major narco trafficker, over the word of a honorable public servant who risked his life daily fighting the uber violent narco cartels of Mexico! Will be too embarassing to cut him loose, so, they are probably angling for a 5 to 8 year sentence and his incarceration will counted. If he takes it he'll be cut loose in 3 years or less. So, Garcia you want to roll the dice and go to trial, sevens and you walk, snake eyes and you get 25 to life!!! or plead and walk out in 3 to 5 years!!!

    1. 2:38:
      He's going to have to give up a lot if he wants only 3 to 5.

    2. 2:38 that "honorable public servant" stole from all the narcos and then robbed and arrested some, a few more were murdered, but the worst was the wholesale murdering of his commanders at AFI and Policia Federal, his name is genarco garcia luna, drug trafficking kidnapper for ransom and murderer

    3. 5:45 At some point he was El Chapos best friend.

    4. 4:25 Chapo was far away from Mexico City, doing his job of moving loads for garcia Luna and EPN and FECAL, but EPN sent chapo quick to the US to save his own ass.

  6. When genarco became chief of federal police, he got so rich because he started kidnapping wealthy people from all around the country, he killed anyone that didn't bow to the feds including journalists , Luna went after the money and Calderon after the land millions of acres got claimed by calderon testaferros from people that from dusk to dawn "vanished"

  7. Sad how those politicians get in office not for the people , but for the peso!!! United States is just as bad only they hide it better and don’t do it in everyone’s face. Mexican politicians ride around in expensive cars have expensive houses. Robbing the people. Running off with all the money at times.

  8. Interesting how Keegan Hamilton contradicts himself: he says the government provided no evidence then he references the evidence! The testimony of Zambada.

  9. I do believe Sol found the perfect picture.

  10. I couldn't find my new pair of socks, I blame Sol.

    1. Hey I couldn't find clean underwear, I blame Sol, for not washing my clothes.

    2. 8:23:
      Don't take Sir's work from him.

    3. 11:38 you are more likely to operate a laundromat than a chinaman.

  11. We have same corrupt devils on our side of the line. For example Hillary Clinton's people literally made up a Russian collusion story and try to impeach our president. Then she deleted over 30,000 emails that were classified was never arrested. Our current president uses the FBI as a weapon against his political opponents and has sold out our country to China Russia and Ukraine. Meanwhile Hillary is still wondering billions of fentanyl money through European Banks during the Obama administration they did not prosecute anyone from laundering over a billion dollars worth of drug money

    1. 10:05 Hillary's opponents never could prove their case, much less lock'er up...
      But now those opponents are on their way to prison, being investigated, their e-mails getting made public, pleading the 5th in court, more than 400 times, I hope you get better.


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