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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Hong Kong Police Seize 76 kilos of Meth Hidden in Electrical Transformers Shipped from Mexico to Australia

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Hong Kong customs estimated the market value of the drugs at $46 million Hong Kong dollars ($9.4 million AUD). The street value would have soared to $68 million AUD in Australia, police said.

A multimillion-dollar stash of methamphetamine hidden in electrical transformers being sent from Mexico to Australia has been intercepted at Hong Kong's airport. The air freight consignment originated in Mexico and was headed for delivery in Sydney. Australian Federal Police are looking to identify the Australian link. 

Hong Kong officers found the illicit drugs after receiving intelligence from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Border Force (ABF), and the Department of Home Affairs. The 76 kilograms of crystal meth was found Friday in false compartments in the three transformers, a Hong Kong customs official said. She said the transformers appeared suspicious when they were X-rayed.

"We only saw simple structures but could not see other components that should have been there, such as high voltage cables or coils of wire," senior Inspector Lam Kai-shan told reporters. "This seizure is a great example of our international partners working together to combat the movement of illicit drugs across international borders," AFP Detective Superintendent Timothy Underhill said.


  1. HK Customs: Why would someone import transformers from Mexico when they can be bought in nearby China with minimal shipping charges?

    1. To put meth in them.

    2. Why not get the meth from China and cut out the middleman (Chapitos) their bitch ass are hiding and selling mierda with sperm

      I'd like to see them in the USA and then see how "gangster" they really are, daddy's money won't help you here boys

      Go suck a dick and die Fuck CDS and Los Chapitos

    3. 1:54 USA softer than Mexico 100% plus kingpins are treated like gods by the worthless gangbangers in prison

    4. 8:18 And same with all of them.

  2. Someone's phone is tapped.

  3. I dont know what other thinking..but in my opinion the Chinese are the best money makers and probably have the most powerful OC

    1. 3:02 wrong, they are no bodys cause you dont know their names or they dont have a corrido! Some people will say 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. 3:02 agreed but the ndrangheta network spread around the world is pretty hard to beat but yeah Asians king at the moment

    3. 7:14 ndrangheta are rich but much more weaker than Asians,Cartels,Russians,Arabs,Turks etc .

  4. Where's the reddit kid, that says drugs don't come from Mexico?

  5. If the Chinese Government doesn’t get cut from illegal shipment, you be in trouble. Make sure you bribe Chinese officials.

    1. 7:29 for reals man!
      Do they accept food stamps.

    2. Food stamps and body parts. Got any spares?

    3. Could be actually why they got busted massive amounts of method produced in Burma revivals mexico

  6. Actually the us runs everything all they need to do is put sanctions and you’re through ask Russia and china. We will suffer for a bit but how do you think the Soviet Union fell apart in the 80s? That’s the same way China will fall

    1. Your such a dreamer Reddit ninos.

    2. 8:14 they crashed the oil business that why the soviets fell. China would benefit from cheap oil. To beat China its a long game we need to start building more in Mexico and friendly Asian countrys.

  7. The price is 4x more than what they pay in the United States there an increase in shipping over there as the profit is much more.The issue it’s harder to get drugs in as it’s only by boat or plane.100k for a kilo of Heroin and in the states it’s around 30-45k

  8. Why would the aussies give the bust to Hong Kong? Why would they not wait for the load to hit Australia and do the bust they self and get the credit ? I am not a cop so maybe there is a good reason I am not seeing… just saying

    1. Ok just saying cop

    2. Lol 9:32 jest keeps just saying.

    3. Why not Chinese meth?? I think the triad is missing out big. Just saying they're so close and all why the hell would u want it shipped from Mexico

      Or Amsterdam

    4. Aussie ports are corrupt maybe that's why

  9. Hidden in electrical transformers!!! SHOCKING...ZZZIITTT

  10. The American drug fiends are furious that some of their supply is going to ozzieland!

  11. They about to resale that shit lmao

  12. No nuts you could have said that in 1 message. Are you having a bad day little brother? Do you like spiders?

  13. Who’s bright idea was this really transformers going to hk from Mexico😂

    1. When u are high on meth everything is a good idea 😂

    2. Electrician here a lot of transformers are wound in Mexico. There's a standard that needs to be followed and Mexico produces a lot of electrical equipment. If you buy a quality transformer its not coming from China.

  14. “Please cartels, just traffic normal amphetamine.”
    -The world

    1. Ok boss, your wish is my command.

    2. What's your address young lad, we want to show you our knives.

  15. Just 1 kg is all I need, And I can retire. 10kg live like king. 100kg live your Ferrari/Hennessy dreams. Dude in Perth is making 25million (usd) profit per month just on cocaine.I’m down for the risk for a peice of that reward.

    1. People like you get killed when you try and play the game

    2. kava is awesome

  16. China does send drugs to Austriala
    read DEA reports also read their News web sites China sends Tons over there

    1. okay okay, you got me..
      where does the atf
      archive all their reports
      from the eighties


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