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Monday, October 24, 2022

Houston, Texas: Local Religious Leaders Remain Blind Around Santa Muerte Followers

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Sol Prendido personal video collection

In 2013 Italian Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi condemned the cult of Santa Muerte as the embodiment of Latin America's "culture of death." Despite a strong disapproval by the Roman Catholic Church. An idolization for the Our Lady of Holy Death continues. 

In the US alone devotes of the cult image, a female deity, is said to number between 10 to 12 million worshipers. 

According to DEA records Saint Death is a spiritual icon that has been found among members of the Gulf, Sinaloa, and Juarez drug cartels.

Journalist Diego Osorno indicated in his book La Guerra de los Zetas that one of the first altars dedicated to Santa Muerte in northern Mexico was found in the house of a Gulf Cartel kingpin, Gilberto García Mena aka El June, when he was arrested in a small town called Guardados de Abajo, in Tamaulipas, in 2002.

And as stated by journalist Olga Wornat, in her book 'Felipe El Oscurro' the former secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, currently imprisoned and fighting a case in the US, is also a devotee to the Holy Death. 

* The following video was recorded yesterday while visiting the La Tia Pancha flea market in north Houston. 

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  1. Same here in Az there for sale everywhere

    1. Where,phoenix tucson.i cant find none in chandler or pinal county

  2. The United States was founded on freedom of religion. It will never try to stop or hinder any kind of worship. They may go after certain individuals linked to certain religions the government doesn’t go after any religion in that aspect.

    1. 10:58
      And separation of church and state.

    2. Better to adore la santa muerte than us "too alive evangelistas".

    3. Eh, there’s still certain caveats to that whole “freedom of religion” thing. For example human sacrifice or animal abuse (which is a thing in certain occult practices) cannot be condoned or constitutionally/legally protected because it violates other laws, etc.

  3. Devil worshippers are dumb asf. How can death be Holy if it’s DEAD? You don’t have to be religious or Christian to figure out these pendejdas. Santa Muerte🤦‍♂️

    1. She's Mictēcacihuātl and she's more authentically Mexican than a foreign jew nail to a cross. "devil worshippers" says the sheep following an Abrahamic Saturnian death cult.

    2. Rape, pillaging and forcing people into a religion isn’t going to terminate faith. We had our beliefs way before we were forced to accept their catholic ways.

    3. Woah you’re dropping too much knowledge on these knuckle draggers. They’re not ready for that talk, they’re just going to spew their brain dead “you’re a devil worshipper comments”.

    4. 11:07 is speaking facts and also keep in mind most of the so called muerte followers didn't even know about that shit till they heard beto Quintanilla singing about it.. thats when shit went mainstream

    5. Devil worship? What are you talking about bro

    6. 11:12 Hit the nail on the head

    7. 5:05 The cult was around way more before Beto made a song, you lame brain. People just like to voice opinions with no bases.

  4. Zetas are all involved in Santeria. Santa Muerte should be accepted by all. After all humans have worship about 8 or 10 thousand Gods over time. I myself believe only on Mexica Gods. I don’t follow Jewish Gods.

    1. Does that relate to shamanism/occultism?

  5. There really is some vibe to Santa Muerte that people are attracted to but no need to disrespect if you dont believe in her.

    1. You are right but the problem is most of these fuckers who worship this shit are ignorant asf. They don’t even know what tribe they’re from. Not all Mexicans are Aztecs or some other conquered tribe. These fools just feel some type of way about Christianity because supposedly it’s a white mans religion hahahaha Spaniards and Europeans were also pagan at one point just like the Natives.

    2. 12:36 I am a devotee and you got a lot of malice in your heart. I’ll admit though not everyone who follows it are good people. But same could be said about others in any other religion.

    3. The problem with santa muerte devotees is the problem with white supremacists and superior races, they believe other people's lives are barely good enough offers to their saints, rarely will they offer their own lives or their weapons, money, wives, children,
      It has to be other peoples'...
      Tell you what, stick tour Santa Muerte up your motherfucking asses

    4. 12:36 “hahahaha Spaniards and Europeans were also pagan at one point just like the Natives”

      We still are. No century has been this kind to the idea of gnosticism since the fourth.

    5. 7:51 It’s funny when someone who isn’t involved has no clue what they’re talking about and generalize a whole. So by that generalization all priests are pedophiles?

    6. 6:36 NO, but you can try and stick your favorite priest where the sun don't shine

  6. Oh believing in Aztec beliefs that were mixed with the catholic belief system, that is bad? Want to run back how Catholic beliefs got brought into Mexico?

    1. Catholic beliefs had nothing to do with Aztec beliefs. The Catholic church has never defended worshipping death or any rendition of it.

    2. Same Vatican that claims their priests aren’t pedos?

      Same Vatican with the weird eerie satanic symbolism?

      Also the so called saints were converted from Indigenous beliefs so that the the people practicing would not be killed.

  7. Catholic beliefs are even dumber
    At least you don't have to give a priest half of your paycheck 😂
    If your rich you will go to hell- Bible
    At least you don't have to worry about a priest touching your kids either.
    Religion was used as an excuse to kill most of Latin America.
    There was more indigenous killed by the greedy Europeans than any other war ever known.
    But you won't see that in school

    1. I never give money or paycheck to nobody I don’t know what you mean. That’s why you’re all fucked in the head.

    2. 12:08 you really are a pendejo.
      Latin America was wiped out more so by disease and conquistadors not by religion. Catholics also never give half a paycheck to anyone.
      Protestants eliminated Native North Americans by killing millions of Bison roaming the plains. They also proudly boasted their conquering by American troops.
      Protestant churches do ask for their share of your income so that the pastor there can have a nice mansion and Rolls Royce.
      Protestant pastors also abuse kids at a higher rate than Catholic priests. Don't believe? Ask your local police force investigators and they will tell you before continuing with your ignorant rant.

    3. 1:08
      Also knows what’s up great response! Keep schooling the ignorant.

    4. Pretty sure you’re suppose to give money to the church, a 10 percent tax or some shit. And pendejos are the people who have no idea how that religion about a white skinned middle Eastern Jew on a cross ended up in Mexico.

    5. 1:40 the apparition of the Virgin Mary in the year 15:39 caused three million natives in Mexico to convert to Christianity.
      This single event is not told in Protestant American history books for obvious reasons and is almost forgotten in Mexico.
      Anyone that does not know this is still ignorant.

    6. 1:40 claiming the RC church converted people into Christianity is like claiming the church acts like Islamists in some countries which even Protestants know that is not the case.
      You a pendejo for believing such crap.
      Also look at the miracle of the Virgin Mary apparition in Mexico and read it's story.
      If you don't believe this then you or Amy Protestant or atheists here explain how the figure of the Virgin Mary is posted on a cloth made of such simple material from nature that it should have lasted only about two years yet here it remains four hundred years after it was made.
      It's in Mexico cities Basilica de Guadalupe if you want to see it's a real item.

    7. the virging de Guadalupe was actually already being part of aztec culture but with a different name.
      The reason the Spaniards took Juan Diego to the top of the hill was to draw the image of the virgin Mary on his clothing.
      There was protest from aztecs that were getting out of hand and they did that to make it look like a miracle and every one can calm down.
      Talking about the virgen de Guadalupe. There's thousands of fetuses under the cathedral in Mexico city named after the virgen de Guadalupe. I can just imagine what nonsense was going on there

    8. 9:18 if you know anything about art you would know that artists uses brushes to paint. Having said this the Virgin Mary "painting" had been proven to NOT have brush strokes on its surface.
      Also the cloak were it was "painted" (for lack of a better term), on was made of a cloth so cheap, so fragile that it would have decayed within two years of it's existence. This is all Juan Diego the native could afford to wear.
      It has been around 400 years.
      Try and investigate this before saying it was a simple painting done by many.

    9. 9:18 it's been said "anything that is not from God cannot flourish'. For example the first, second and third Reich.
      Now after the Marian Apparitions in Mexico anywhere from three to five million Native middle Americans converted to Chirtianity via the RCC.
      Now this also prove nobody was forced into the church.

    10. 9:18 where do you come up with fetuses buried under the Guadalupe church in Mexico?
      State your source.

  8. Only people not entirely Catholics like those perhaps only baptized into Catholicism follow this Santa Muerte.
    True Catholics with their Sacraments and far more educated do not follow this cult.
    By educated is not just a school/textbook education. This means a home/moral/value education as well.
    Most of these cultists do not have either of these types of education.

    1. @12:24 este vato si sabe 👌
      Keep letting these lames know what’s up!

    2. Says the guy who follows a religion brought to these lands through raping, pillaging and torture. But keep going.

    3. 1:38 were you or anyone you know raped by a Catholic priest? No.
      And did not Protestants do the same to the Native Americans in their lands?
      Atheists or pagans have done the same throughout history.

    4. 4:44 pendejo el culo de donde salistes, nobody said that but you further prove my point. Following religions forced upon the Mexican population. Technically the indigenous but still, same thing.

    5. 6:33 where do you come up that Catholicism was force upon anyone pendejo?
      Read about the Virgin Mary apparition and stop talking Protestant B.S.!

    6. 7:29 Aver, aver por donde te toco el Papa?

    7. 3:53 por eso edta.Mexico como esta.
      Por las pendejadas que dicen animals como tu. Se matan los unos a los otros como gueyes que son.

  9. Happy Birthday to Señor Tse Chi Lop

  10. Nice share, Sol. There's also rumors that old school CDG boss Juan Garcia Abrego was very superstitious and became a Santeria follower sometime in the late 1980s. He took power in 1984 and had two incidents that marked him: the murder of Saul Hernandez Rivera (who he was close with) and the death of his best friend Lictor Marroquin.

    1. Hey its good to see you back sir. Many people missed your presence.

    2. Yes sir...Love the CDG/Zeta knowledge you bring! CDG forum thread was one of the best things on this site (Narco photo thread was dope too).

    3. Say he was connected because of the supposed connection with Adolfo.

    4. @1:37 - Yes. The Juan Garcia Abrego (JGA) - Adolfo Constanzo connection is not well documented, but JGA reportedly knew who he was and tolerated him in the Matamoros plaza. The few sources out there are transcripts from Sara Aldrete and reports from the now-extinct El Popular newspaper. Apparently the JGA-Constanzo link was via police chief Salvador Vidal García Alarcón.

      If you ask me, I think JGA may have consulted Constanzo for religious rituals. JGA liked Constanzo for his connections with the police and the money he pulled. When things got heated for Constanzo, he quickly left Matamoros.

    5. Muchos de esos capos son seguidores de palo mayombe.

    6. No mames. Adolfo Costanzo, the killer of Mark Kilroy, who committed one of the only not-bogus examples of ritual sacrifice by a satanic cult, was known about and tolerated by Abrego?

      And he maybe even influenced Abrego's spiritual beliefs?

      I never knew that. That's very interesting.

    7. @4:39; @HEARST - I want to clarify that Constanzo practiced a distorted version of Santeria / Palo Mayombe. It was not Satanism. The US media was the first to jump to this term and it stayed mislabeled for years, even to this day.

      According to Sara Aldrete, Constanzo knew JGA and Juan N. Guerra, but was allowed to run his own drug ring in Matamoros. I infer this was because Constanzo had a lot of connections and money, and JGA was fine as long as he paid piso, took a cut, or didn't get in his way. Constanzo had very powerful clients in all social spheres, including politics and entertainment. Keep in mind not many knew of Constanzo's sacrifices up until Kilroy's death; JGA may have had suspicions according to one account but he didn't know for certain.

      I spoke to people who knew JGA (Marroquin's family) and they told me that JGA became very religious after Lictor died and when his mother Estela passed away.

    8. Much appreciated clarification, M. A lot more nuance to what happened it seems. Your knowledge is invaluable.

    9. 4:39 The Gulf Cartel and the Narcosatanists were allies in the 1980s if that’s what you’re talking about yes.

    10. I mean they existed around the same time and it wouldn’t be hard to deduce that Constanzo had a connection since I’m sure nothing was to move around matamoros without the Gulf’s permission. He have been an earner for them hence why he avoided trouble for all the other sacrifices and kidnapping.

    11. MX I may have read that on the anniversary of the death of one of JGA brothers he would request to have someone killed/sacrificed. I think this was print media from the time he was arrested. Maybe ALARMA!?
      Another story was he would clone INS buses and fill them up with coca...

    12. 7:18 - Could it be the JGA's superstition that he reportedly preferred to kill on the 17th of every month. Maybe it was that?

      I can look for Alarma's print archives. Do you know where they were published? If they are in Tamaulipas just let me know the city where you may recall I can call and arrange a consultation if it is available.

    13. Sadly mostly collectors archive. Very few were converted to digital. Still can be found at specialty stores, collectors, flea markets, mercadolibre.

    14. 3:54 - I know a few places that saved print newspapers over the years. I've been slowly digitizing organized crime news from the 1940s - 2000s That's how I get access to some of the old archives covering CDG. If you know where Alarma was published and the approximate date of that report it may help get access to it.

    15. Just found out they can be find in Mercadolibre, ranging from 10-200 usd per piece, mostly random editions.

      When available used to be considered morbid, but now they can be considered history, considering a good part of pictures there do not exists on internet.

      One of the greatest in the world when it comes to photography of red top(journalism) used to work there, Metinides.

      I do have a small collection too, from any date, but mostly internet finds. Recently got one of the few good quality digital of Cochiloco body. His head was like a mask.

      Comparta con la banda algunas de sus fotos

    16. 4:04 This one isnt about Garcia Abrego, but depicts what i think is one of the last editions with los Z and templarios. No need to download.

    17. MX I haven't looked to see if ALARMA! is still published but as 3:54 & 5:44 wrote they had uncensored pictures of tragedies and killings. I think it was published every two weeks+/-. The Cochiloco killing was on the cover.
      Since you're a CDG authority I'll defer to what you write regarding JGA preferred day of having people killed, I maybe mistaken regarding a dead brother. 🍺

    18. 5:44 - Send me an email by clicking my name and then the email hyperlink. Ahí nos intermcambiamos algunas fotos y me enseñas que pdo con Mercadolibre.

      4:04 - Great share! I'm going to dig through this one and see if I can find more too.

      2:53 - In my notes I only have these following siblings: Humberto, Herlinda, Rosa Elena, Blanca Estela ("La Bebe"), and Jose, who died in a 1982 car accident. I think you're onto something with his last sibling! The 80s were for sure a weird decade for this man.

  11. We Christians need to bear in mind how our famous images such as the Pieta may appear to others. The depiction of Mary's grief over the violent heinous deed done to her boy which negotiated our ticket to heaven may appear to be only a baby step away from another faith's Santa Muerta. We also might do well to remember the deep history of bloody violence perpetrated upon Central Americans at the hands of their own ancient Native sects, and at the hands of outsiders. We can appreciate the virtues of strong family values and faith that Mexicans have brought to the U.S.

    1. 12:48PM
      Don't forget the violence, rape, and bloodshed perpetrated by the "good" Catholic Spaniards.

    2. I don’t get how you can make it past the age of 16/17 and still be a Christian or a follower of any Abrahamic religion for that matter. I understand being a deist but why are you going with bullshit scriptures from the Bronze Age?

    3. 8:32 I don't get how you can get high with all the shit the cartels make. Probably smoke anything that moves.

  12. It says on twitter that Santa Muerte is really stepping on the coke these days.

  13. What's the CC pedo saint? Just wondering!

  14. La muerte sera hechada al lago de fuego con el anticristo. No sean ignorantes. Busquen a Cristo Jesus. Arrepientanse de sus pecados.

    1. Y Como llego ese religion a Mexico, aver aver.

    2. 1:35 pos Cristobal Colón, (probably a portorro) andaba ahi de caliente queriendo cruzar el Mar Ociano

    3. Por.eso.estan.como.estan.stupid ignorant.Nacos.

    4. 11:24 Naco Lives Matter, te metieron Chile por las nalgas

  15. 1:08 before you call someone a pendejo make sure you look in the mirror first.
    There was talk amounts the elders in Mexico when I was a kid growing up there. They say the Spaniards would go around giving indigenous blankets full of the virus that cause chikenpocks.
    The Spaniards would go with their priests leading the way and ALL indigenous MUST bow and kiss their hand or their feet. Those who refused GOT KILLED..
    Now go to the bathroom and go infront of the mirror..

    1. 9:36 hearsay. Also if the Spaniards were 100 percent immune to the chicken pox virus I would agree that there could be something like this done but back in those days people died of a toothache even much more so a virus.
      Yes the Spaniards who were conquistadores or conquerors NOT the priests themselves were known to kill the natives for whatever purpose but this would lead the natives to rebel against the Christianity these same killers were teaching.
      Had the Virgin Mary not appeared in Mexico All the Spaniards from the conquistadors to the priests would have looked like blood sucking killers to the natives showing a darker side than what the priests taught about Christianity.
      So yes there were abused done by the Spaniards but most of these were committed by CONQUISTADORES. Many priests did not dare cross them either and perhaps very very few turned a blind eye on the abuses being committeed sadly.

  16. How did the debate become Christianity vs Santa Muerte?
    Praying to some 'idol' to get away with murder and mayhem is delusional.
    Ironically it never protected most of them from getting locked up lol .
    Mamito said in his testimony he followed some type of Santeria (although I forgot what he called it) .

  17. To me ultimately it comes down to whether I believe that historically Jesus Christ existed? Yes I do.
    It's funny how many non believers right before they pass want to ask for forgiveness just in case heaven and hell are real. No serán culos🙀

  18. In about'uh town around about 1983 a friend and I wandered into a shed built on the side of a trailer. Long game from Cactus TX. Beef slaughter house town. Production to eat. On that day as a kid me and my friend heard a santa muerte bullet wizz by. Me and Death about this limit. Since it's been trying to get me from birth we'll then shit I finally started thinking it's about time to get it to. I'm very particular to death so I won't ask for any advice. I'll just handle it like I always have.

  19. the only santa you gonna be seeing is santa clause dumb ass motherfuckers


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