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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

López Obrador Refuses To Let Defense Secretary Address Army Hack

“Mica/DrivingMSSQL” for BorderlandBeat

The refusal was the second failed attempt in recent weeks to hold Defense Secretary Luis Cresencio Sandoval to account for evidence of malfeasance and corruption in the armed forces, revealed by a massive hack in early October.

MEXICO CITY (CN) — Claiming it would “stain” his morning press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Wednesday refused to allow Defense Secretary Luis Cresencio Sandoval to address reporters’ questions about a recent leak of army documents.

Speaking while on the road in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, López Obrador called the hack a failure.

“Surely it was hard work for them, just imagine how many strategists, consultants and experts, and it ended up being a dud,” he said when asked to let Secretary Cresencio, who was present at the conference, speak on the subject. “They want us to keep talking about this, but no. They’d be better to apply themselves, to look for another issue, because this one didn’t work.”

Carried out by a group calling itself Guacamaya, Spanish for Macaw, the 6-terabyte leak of hacked emails from Mexico’s Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) indicated that the army has spied on journalists, sold weapons and equipment to drug cartels, and has plans to run tourism services and an airline, among other revelations.

“The macaw has turned into a vulture,” said the president.

López Obrador initially acknowledged that information from the hacks concerning his health was true. He was treated for a serious heart issue in January and also suffers from gout and hyperthyroidism.

Wednesday’s statements clashed with both his previous statements about the hack and his stance on other influential leaks, such as those of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, according to Felipe López Veneroni, a political communication professor at Mexico’s National Autonomous University.

“It is contradictory to say that I’m all in favor of Assange, but I’m not going to deal with whatever Guacamaya leaks is publishing,” said López Veneroni.

As a politician, you cannot say you’re in favor of this kind of hacktivism, but he must be playing a very dangerous game,” he said. “I think he’s skating on thin ice, because the political power of the army is something real.”

The denied request for Cresencio to address the issue followed last week’s failed attempt by Mexico’s Congress to hold the general accountable for the information contained in the leak. The National Defense Commission in the Chamber of Deputies issued a summons for Cresencio to speak with legislators about the hack in early October.

On Oct. 12, Cresencio refused to go to Congress, saying he would only speak to federal deputies if they came to his office in the Sedena headquarters the following week. Days later, he canceled that meeting.

Holding Mexico’s highest ranking military officer to account will be no easy task for government or civil society, according to security analyst David Saucedo. The Mexican political system has long protected such officials from appearing before legislative and judicial authorities, and he has seen no change in this tendency in recent years.

“That is why we have such high rates of impunity among the armed forces,” said Saucedo. “It was an arrangement that we all knew about and which allowed the military to be exempt from being held responsible.”

The only time Mexico came close was when the United States dropped drug trafficking and money laundering charges against former Defense Secretary Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda so that he could be tried south of the border. However, Cienfuegos was exonerated upon his return to Mexico.

López Obrador has greatly expanded the power and responsibilities of the military during his term, putting the armed forces in charge of everything from building megaprojects to overseeing public safety. Saucedo said this only makes accountability more important for democracy in Mexico.

“If the armed forces want to be more involved in politics and government, there has to be a system of transparency, accountability and supervision, and, when necessary, investigation and sanctioning in cases of corruption,” said Saucedo.

While López Obrador said Wednesday that his main goal is to “end corruption and have justice,” he did not consider allowing Cresencio to address reporters’ concerns to be the way to achieve that objective. He called the leaks “politicking” meant to “snag me with whatever they can think up.”

Avoiding accountability, Saucedo said, merely gives Cresencio what he wants: “a blank check, the possibility to act without any kind of democratic supervision.”


  1. This president has no credibility. He took photos with Chapo mom and brother after his election, at Chapo mom house. C' Mon man are you for real.

    1. Gave chapo mom wife and others a n expedited visa to go see chapo get snitched on in New York.
      Who ever thinks this guy is an honest president looking out for the people resly is brained washed with no brains to overlook his false persona

    2. That wasn't Chapo's brother dummy 🤣

    3. 7:18 Cry him a river

    4. 912
      You cry us an ocean for mexico,ohh wait,this is the fault of the U.S.

    5. 10:24 You are the one telling that... keep whining please!

  2. So much for ELMO's promises of transparency.

    1. Chayoteros have No Rights, serious inquiries are congress' job, however, opposition congressmen and women like lady 5 pesos or la cara de caballo, las pluris de Alito or Lady Manoseada need to get serious, nobody asked AMLO or subpoenaed him to congress for Panama Papers or for Snowden or Assange leaks

    2. SIR is always right

    3. Elmo is puppetized by cartels and higher ups in the military.

    4. SIR is beyond ignorant.

    5. SIR is perfect Canadate for President of Mexico. He will talk Gibberish stuff on his Daily cofferences. A room full of bribes coming in, all the ladies he wants.

    6. Nash them choppers SIR the ones you still have,dont let him call you a moose

    7. 9:37:
      It's a tough call between Sir or Barak Caugama. I haven't made my mind up yet.

    8. 10:47 Detroit: Amazing level of arguments for a 11 year old boy.

    9. SIR is always right.

    10. I too nominate SIR for President of Mexico. Yeahhhhhhjhhhj

    11. Sir will be my puppet, once he becomes president of the Republic of Mexico.
      Vote for Sir or you get Plata o Plumo.

    12. 6:49 Not happening. SIR is your king.

    13. Please guys,
      I am just happy to be your friend, and SMP of my detractors, who can't be my enemies whom I don't hate,
      i just despise them

  3. A coup d'etat would have already been perpetrated if i was living in mexico theres just things I won't put up with 😡 🚫👹

    1. Calmate. You wouldn’t do shit

    2. Worry about the corruption in Ukraine

    3. 5:38 Ukraine has not invaded, annexed or bombed anybody.
      I salute the Ukrainians Resolve and recommend you start working on a Kazachok version of "The Last Charge of the Light Brigade" the british made to celebrate their defeat in Crimea many years ago.

  4. This is amlo’s version of Hunter’s laptop 💻 😶‍🌫️

    1. We are not on truth social

    2. 7:35 Not even comparable

    3. 7:35 Hunter's laptop weighs what, 400 grams with or without evidence...
      Hillary's weightless 33 000
      e-mails that can't be found...
      But at Marla-Lago, Big Pallets loaded with tons of evidence were confiscated by the FBI, not counting the papers full of presidential poopoo rescued from the presidential toilets that would no flush after 15 tries.
      Publish Hunters' laptop evidence or shut the fuck up.

  5. Totally unrelated:
    there's video of supposed Marina soldiers dancing at a CDS party.
    But what I find really strange is the skinny, red haired, white guy sitting at the table.

    1. That's a music video 😂🤣

    2. Link to the video?

    3. 7:39 must be El Canelo, go and arrest his ass!

  6. Its a matter of national security thats why he cant make them public

    1. Matters of national security are not updated to elected congressional officials?

    2. 7:41 yea abd pigs fly. Try onother lame excuse haha

    3. 7:53 On any other country thats national security.

    4. It is not a matter of National Security or hate for the Chayotero Lobby, it is contempt for their nasty arses, I despise people, but like great president Richard Nixxon said, "you hate people you respect, and then you lose for sinking to their level"
      Of course crechencho has a lot of esplainin' to do, but let's do it by snail mail and not in improvised scenarios full of verbal traps and abuse from Pendejos Chayoteros muertos de hambre...
      Imagine Catholic priest Martin Luther King nailing his Manifest to the Holy Pope's Ass live and in person?

    5. The word about the Airline is true as a fact If u all cant go research it ur self Stay under the rock A whole new Airport and Airline was in an story here a while back. Plus in other news
      So I believe it was Hacked.

  7. Another crooked pres. Related to Biden ?

    1. Not sure as he and donald were pretty close

    2. They are all crooked. Bout time u naive sluts figure this out. They will not let you be president here or there without being corrupted. Some are worse than others but all corrupt.

    3. Be nice to donald,
      and he will fork his ass...

  8. I’ve lurked here for roughly 15 years and seen plenty of talented contributors come and go but DrivingMSSQL, you have an unrivaled talent for journalism and I just wanted to let you know that. Thanks for all the articles, I’m a fan!


  9. ¿No recuerdan cuando ingresó por primera vez a la Presidencia una de las primeras fotos que se tomó junto a un sinaluense en una carretera? Yom Pol me dijo el otro día que aquí no se permite el pecado. Será mejor que creas que conozco al hermano de Yom Paul y junto con AMLO te eliminaremos. Whoever wants a peace.

  10. Do you notice how quiet the ELMO chayoteros are on this one?

    1. Yes I do notice.

    2. Seems like you guys are itching to pull them triggers today 😎

    3. Hi PRI lovers.

    4. 12:39:
      It's an incredible honor that Kevin VanLuven would take time out of his busy day to respond to my comment.

    5. 2:44 Is he your boyfriend? or why do you feel so happy about him?

    6. 2:44 you make shit stink like Kaka, even with short comments, but leuven will make your Panza rise like dough and you will be happy everafter...

  11. When even ELMO luvers like Kevin VanLuven doesn't respond, you know that defending ELMO's actions are a lost cause.

    1. attacking AMLO is a lost cause, PRI lover.

    2. 12:39 hi almo nutthugger

    3. 12:39:
      Receiving two responses from Kevin VanLuven on the same day and at the exact same time. I feel like I won the lottery.

  12. Nothing wrong with these kind of Hacks. The beauty of the internet.

    1. Except when they send their "leaks" to a horrendous reputation journali$t, like Rafael Loret de Mola.

    2. 2:27 they did not even send shit to Rafael, his "son" La Carlotita Loret de Moolah "found them through his inve$tigative journalism", planted by the likes of Devin Nunes Cow,

    3. 8:16 Loret de Mola, being Loret de Mola. $preading lie$ i$ very profitable.

  13. AMLO, how about Blanca Esmeralda Gallardo? You claimed protection and unlimited budget! The lady was searching for her daughter. She was murdered! She wasn’t an elite, or military , or criminal, or cop. Just a mom searching for her daughter! She isn’t worthy of protection, RIGHT! Probably wouldn’t of helped, but the option of bearing arms would go a long way! Whomever doesn’t believe that is an idiot!

    1. 11:02 if Blanca Estela Gallardo had depended on your personal security skills, she would still be dead.
      But you can still ask the local authorities about it, they probably did not want any more of their mass murder victims graves found, make sure you carry your "gun" while at it, well oiled, in case they decide to stick it up your ass...

    2. 8:31 SIR is always right!

    3. Sir is the perfect candidate to run for president in Mexico.
      His Gibberish will help him excell at, the Daily cofferences in a 3 piece suit.

    4. Sir is never wrong ☺️

    5. Sir for president, Impeach ekl grampa.

    6. SIR can't be presidente...
      I just want to find me one million mexican crooks and send them to the firing squad. It worked for Fidel Castro's Revolución Cubana


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