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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mencho Shares Control Of CJNG

"Mica/DrivingMSSQL" for

(Milenio) 45 capos from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) are currently in the runaway, of which the authorities do not yet know the faces of 15 of them, although they do know how they operate and what areas they control, reports from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) hacked by the Guacamaya collective reveal.

In a report classified as "Urgent" of August 11 of this year, the 14th Battalion of the National Guard in Jalisco reveals that although the head continues to be Nemesio El Mencho Oseguera Cervantes, the command of the cartel is now shared with his brothers Antonio Oseguera, Tony Montana and Abraham Oseguera.

The document to which MILENIO had access describes that several relatives of these brothers have become the regional coordinators and heads of the square of the criminal organization, such as Guadalupe Moreno, the current partner of El Mencho, as well as some of their children, such is the case of Jessica Johana, who owns one of the premises bulletined by the United States Treasury Department as a money

The non-capture of these alleged criminals has caused the operations of this criminal organization to cross borders. And now the United States government has denounced that they have noticed an increase in border clashes and heavy drug trafficking, since 2018 and to date.

A few weeks ago, the Congress of this country published the report "Mexico: Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking," where it assures that it sees with concern the "ineffectiveness" of the Mexican government to stop violence, but also to bring them to justice.

It also questions Mexico's decision to accept the support of the Drug Control Administration (DEA), recalling that in May 2022, "in what was perceived as a blow to anti-drug cooperation between the United States and Mexico," the government denied the DEA the landing rights of its plane to carry out anti-narcotics operations within the country.

The military reports reviewed by this newspaper reveal that among the faces that are not yet known are names such as Amparo Aide, known as La Señora de las Tostadas, and Iván Acosta Candelario, who operate in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, where clashes have arisen in broad daylight. Another is Jesús Ruiz, known as La Pelota or Francisco Gudiño, La Galleta, among others.

According to the National Guard, the CJNG maintains an alliance with Los Cuinis, its armed wing. The command is still from Ulises Yovani Mora, El Yiyo, who is wanted by the DEA for charges related to drug trafficking.

Faced with this scenario of violence and lack of control in Mexico, the United States assures that it has increased the trafficking of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana and synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl.

"The role in the production and trafficking of synthetic opioids to the United States has expanded significantly since 2018. There were more than 106,000 overdose deaths in the United States in 2021, more than 70 percent of which involved opioids, including fentanyl."

They emphasize that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, elected in 2018, "has advocated policies that focus on the causes of crime, but his government has not carried out anti-narcotics operations consistently."

Ungovernable cartel

The documents of Guacamaya Leaks describe that the operations of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel continue to be centralized in the Jalisco area. According to the August 11 report, the areas where the greatest clashes have been reported are Jocotepec, Tamazula and Autlán de Navarro.

Until August 2022, they have detected that there are 45 cartel operators who are still fugitives and are distributed between the coast and the mountains of this state. Names such as Ricardo Quiroz Montejano, El Parotas, and Rosario Alcaraz Brambilla, of whom they do not yet know their identity, are placed on the organizational chart as close collaborators and close to the circle of Nemesio Oseguera.

The National Guard assures that there have been blows to this structure thanks to the arrest of businessman Sergio Kurtz Schmidit, who served as the financial operator of the cartel and is in a prison in this state. Other beatings were those of Rosalinda Gonzalez Valencia, wife of El Mecho, and Rubén Oseguera, who was arrested and extradited to the United States.

However, in the coastal region most of the targets are free, such as Hugo Mendoza Gaytán, El Sapo, Carlos Andrés Rivera, El Colombiano, Julio César Moreno, El Tarjetas, among others.

The same thing happens in the Los Altos area, where of the 11 targets that are still in the run, out of five their faces are unknown. In this area, two drug traffickers have been captured: Alexis Delgado, El Chofo, and Enrique Pizano, El Anestesia.

Cross the border

According to the report prepared by the research area of the United States Congress, the cartel maintains operations in central Mexico, including the states of Colima, Michoacán, Mexico, Guerrero and Guanajuato.

It has now become a dominant force by becoming the "most prolific and violent drug traffickers in the world," as Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán once was.

According to its analysts, the CJNG already has operations throughout the American Continent, as well as in some regions of Asia and Europe. The group is allegedly responsible for distributing cocaine and methamphetamine with an international range of 10,000 kilometers from the Pacific coast, on a route that extends from the Southern Cone to the border of the United States and Canada.

However, this would not have happened, they say, without the expansion within Mexico, where it continues to make its way thanks to its confrontations with the factions of Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel, especially in Tabasco, Veracruz and Guanajuato, as well as its incessant struggle with the Sinaloa Federation.

"The CJNG's battle to dominate key ports on the Pacific and Gulf coasts has allowed it to consolidate important components of the global narcotics supply chain. In particular, CJNG maintains control over the ports of Veracruz, Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas."

The American report adds that "this has given the group access to chemical precursors entering Mexico from China and other parts of Latin America. As a result, according to some analysts, the CJNG pursued an aggressive growth strategy supported by the U.S. demand for methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl.

Despite the loss of several leadership, the CJNG has expanded its geographical scope and maintained its own cohesion. The reputation for extreme and intimidating violence continues. An example of this is the ambush of the police chief of Mexico City, Omar García Harfuch, in June 2020.

The DEA considers the CJNG one of the main threats to the United States and the best-armed criminal group in Mexico. It offers a reward of 10 million dollars for information leading to the arrest of El Mencho, who is believed to be hiding in the mountains of Jalisco, Michoacán or Colima.

They remember that he was once a policeman and that he served a sentence for heroin trafficking in California. The only one he has faced. They emphasize that the CJNG was the target of a major DEA operation in March 2020, which resulted in about 600 arrests. The work was done by them, they say.

Although the National Guard knows their identities and areas of operation, almost fifty of its leaders are free, while the United States assures that this violence is impacting its territory.


  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and Sinaloas thaught only mencho was in charge, a cartel is made up of a bunch of Capos not just one, Cjng wont go down even if they take out Mencho, thw only way it will cumble its when all of those capos start fighting each other (like cds is doing) 😂😂😂😂 Cds are closer to splinting than CJNG,

    1. Zacatecas they are looking weaker,
      Guanajuato the local sledgehammers are gaining momentum again.
      Jalisco the north area cds is slowly creeping in, while the government keeps hitting them in the rest of the state.
      Michoacan they have serious resistance from unidos.
      Baja California reports that they have been whooped by cds.
      Just like the zetas karma is catching up to them for being to messy, the rest will stand tall in there areas

    2. 7:57 lets talk about sonora

    3. 7:24 most of those names mentioned are plaza bosses that's it, all of them (no matter how much power they hold) have to answer to mencho,cjng has a piramid structure mencho being the highest piece once that piece is gone the next level will not honor nor answer to each other...mark my words fan girl

    4. 8:38 when you have no idea of how a real cartel works thats all you can say, real cartels keep a low profile, unlike a certain cartels who make corridos hasta de cuando vana a cagar 🤣🤣🤣

    5. 8:38 knows what he’s talking about. DEA has confirmed CJNG Is vertically structured which gives mencho much more control over day to day operations, preventing infighting like CDS is experiencing in Sonora and also makes him the boss of bosses in his organization. The cons to this type of structure is the organization usually falls apart after the lower tier of bosses fights it out for the top position when the jefe dies or is locked up

    6. 9:17 dude u serious about the low profile shit??? far as we all know cjng love playing dress up for their silly videos banners everywhere threatening officials n contras killing innocent people including babies...u must b stupid or hooked on that yeyo if u think that's keeping a low pro....

    7. 9:32 all cartels do that not just cjng, you seriously think a cartel without strong conections or big figures can spand as fast as CJNG has? Sure keep listening to those fake cds corridos and take them as facts 🤣 🎶Gira y se para la tierra so Joaquin lo ordena🎶 😂😂😂

    8. 10:10

      Se le extraña demasiado al general en la capital del corrido
      La capital es Culiacán y no está sola porque aquí siguen sus hijos
      Es el jefe, lo es y lo era
      Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquín lo ordena
      Un viernes me pararon en mi carro porque andaba velozmente
      Nos dijeron "Aquí andamos patrullando 24/7
      No se asusten si miran retenes
      Y menos si cargan las gorras de JGL"
      Así suena La Adictiva, viejones
      Con nuestro compa Luis R Conriquez, viejo
      Ya se armó, viejo
      Ánimo viejo
      Los menores ya se volvieron mayores y lo que les sobra es gente
      Esta vida no viene con instrucciones ni te enseña a ser jefe
      Uno es bravo y el otro es más
      Son dos hermanos, uno es Alfredo y el otro es Iván
      Del Culiacanazo no les hablaremos porque no está permitido
      Ese día no lo pintaron de rojo porque soltaron al hijo
      De la montaña llegan los cheques
      Y todos vienen firmados por JGL
      Fue en La Gran Manzana donde el mundo presenció el juicio del siglo
      Al 701 allá en la sierra lo recuerdan con cariño
      Aquí manda el señor de La Tuna
      A si el Chapo esté en Culiacán, Nueva York o la luna
      Fierro viejones

    9. 7:57 zacatecas - CDS was putting out flyers asking people to join their ranks. Let’s you know they are running out of soldiers.
      Guanajuato - I’m from Valle de Santiago and Los marros are nowhere to be found. They keep hiding and running from town to town. They aren’t even in their stronghold of Santa Rosa anymore cjng pushed them all north of the state towards Leon.
      Jalisco- CDS is making no progress they are focusing on NOT LOSING TURF. Not going to lie it looks like CDS will be in Jalisco for a little while they have Some Gov support there but they aren’t pushing to expand, only defending their territory.
      Michoacán- if you learn to read you can see CJNG has already made there way in tepalcatepec. Which is CU stronghold. Abuelo left the town ever since cjng started making their way in and the Army has not intervened. Big reason they haven’t intervened is because they say FM and CJNG have came to a truce. There’s a couple corridos stating this alliance and also there hasn’t been any fights between the two not only in Michoacán but also Guerrero as well.
      Baja California - that’s a shit show. You cheerlead for CDS but you must’ve forgot CDS is not 1 cartel anymore. Now a days CDS is referred to CDS lo mayos and cds los chapitos. El flaco goes at it with la rana and Aquiles. Cjng can just sit back while they all kill each other.
      Seems like you just make everything up I don’t think you’ve ever even stepped foot into Mexico kid

    10. 9:32 ok so because some low level sicarios are killing innocent that means the top dawgs aren’t keeping a low profile? Half of the top dawgs the dea or Mexican gov can’t even put a face on the names. Did you read the article or just reading comments and commenting BS?

    11. I am certain Tony Montana was killed in a shootout at his Mansion in Miami years ago After shooting his nice new brother in law. Unless....¿

    12. 11:44 finally someone who knows what hes talking about without some nutts in their mouth
      9:32 Let me guess, to be a big boss you need a corrido right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 if you are a low pro guy the last thing you want is your face and name to be floating aroud, maldita sea! You wouldnt last a day out there son

    13. 11:44 this pendejo believing what those wack ass corridos say 😂😆

    14. Well those low level sicarios killing innocent people always leaving a message signed by the top bosses in this case mencho "atte El senor mencho" blah blah blah....hey but don't get all wet chavalas 😂 soon as an article about that tecato drops all those lil fan girls don't mind messing up their manicure 💅 😂

    15. 7:29 that exactly what cds sicarios do also, always signing mayos name, so you are saying that cds only has mayo also?

    16. To be real, cds ain't no match for cjng at this time. Cds are too busy fighting each other.
      After mayo dies that faction will be structured even more. All of mayo kids are going to be safe and out of trouble in the US of A in WITNESS PROTECTION.. some say it's because mayo is a genius and snitched out his kids so they can be safe. others say they just got caught and couldn't handle the heat

    17. 11:44 & 6:33
      Just because im anti cjng does not mean im pro cds. I mentioned alot of states where cjng is getting resistance.
      You guys bash on cds fans but the biggest goofies on here are you cjng nut grippers cheering extra hard defending your cannibal organization. Always making fun of cds corridos when people from jalisco &’Michoacan listen to that music lol.

    18. 11:44 CJNG puts out flyers on social media looking to recruit way more than CDS, stop talking out of your ass cheerleader. And CJNG is basically a non factor in Baja California since at least a year ago, CDS and CAF are the two dominant cartels there now. Fact is your cartel j0tos nueva generacion STILL doesn’t own a piece of the border for themselves 🤣🦧🦧🦧

    19. 8:32 yup cjng ladyboys are always contracting CDS music groups to make them corridos 🤣they want to be CDS so bad but they’ll always be the dollar store version 😂🤣🤣🤣

    20. 9:41 you must not know the history of these artists and how they switch to the stronger cartels when one emerges. A LOT of grupos went from singing to BLO to CDS after BLO split from the federation because CDS was the stronger of the two. Now even grupos like Los Alegres Del Barranco are making corridos for the stronger cartel now which is CJNG. And let me remind you that los Alegres are from Sinaloa and close to the hometown of chapo. Let’s you know who’s paying more and who’s running the show now

    21. 11:05 it's about MONEY not who's running shit so get those nuts out ur mouth baby girl 😂

    22. 7:49 u must live under a cave to not know how cjng be posting banners n videos about the crimes they do,no for nothing they called YouTube divas..yes all cartels do that but cjng is the one that goes over the fence

    23. El Señor de los Cocks es su padre pinches Sinaratas, ustedes sigan poniendoce el dedo y peleando entre ustedes, mientras los verdaderos gallos finos siguen avansando AJUAAAAA!!!!!

    24. 11:05 lol most of the corridos alegres put out are still for CDS, they just don’t want cjng trying to kill them for refusing them a corrido when they’re doing concerts all over the country so they give them a couple of half ass corridos per album. And CDS groups also started making corridos for BLO ever since the tregua 😂why do you think everyone’s been making corridos for botas blancas and mochomo.

    25. A bunch of Capos... With Absolutely 0 Government Power. This article is Great, because all it really takes is for one or two factions to feel slighted... Then the internal war starts. Pluss... It gives notice to when Menchos gone, exactly how the power vacum will start

    26. 1:29 i have to admitt cds are beating cjng on the Corrido and Snitching department by a land slide 😂

    27. Omar Hamid Garcia Harfuch staged the attack on his car as soon as he had it bullet proofed.
      He learned to act when he was a baby with televisa, motherfucker is a no good POS and still denies he worked for Genarco Garcia Luna and his part in Ayotzinapa

    28. Chapo and mayo have a ton of corridos because they call the artist and ask if they can make them a corrido. Ofcourse those sinaloa singers will make a song for them because they don't want to end up missing.
      Sinaloa have good music as far as rhythm but they killed the corrido aspect of it. Corridos used to be made for honorable and respectable people who deserved to be praised abd admired for their bravery or heroic acts.
      Now it's all drug related cartel fantasy music, those coward capos pay to be portrayed as superman and smarter than tesla. They get caught and become cry babies and start telling on the whole organization.

    29. @7.42- You think people from Sinaloa are just starting to understand that ''cartels'' aren't necessarily top down organisations? It clearly came as a surprise to you, given your giggly emojis, but I don't think it's come as a surprise to anybody else.

    30. 6:14 well its common sence, but sorru my bad, cause you are right, sinaloas dont have common sence 😢

    31. And El Chapó was never the one in charge, it was actually MAYO ZAMBADA. El chapó le lavaba el carro del Mayo

  2. Basically, ELMO does not care about the cartels in his country. At least FECAL tried. Enrique Puñetas Nieto also didn't care.

    1. 7:33 great war hero FECAL, alias Comandante Borolas, fucked up, then sold out everything he could and wants to come back for more $$$

    2. 7:33 Tell us more boy.... love reading conspiracy theories.

    3. 7:33 fecal started the war against the cartels to help cds grow, but look at them now, fighting each other like lil girls

    4. 12:57 But hey, we can ignore that and blame AMLO.

    5. 1:55 i agree, pero el PRI robo mas

    6. 5:25 And for a reason EPN (PRI) still in Spain.

    7. At home with the rest of the rats that stole from Mexico

    8. Certified weird fuckers over here,SIR you slipping using FECAL in esas pendejadas

    9. 1151
      "At home with the rest of the rats that stole from Mexico"
      What does that mean?Is mexico yours?
      Fuckin fools it happens in every country mexico is just fuckin worse,human beings steal,countries are political land masses where humans can enrich themselves if in position to do so,mi patria,fuck outta here

  3. Oh Shit! Tony Montana Ladies and Gentlemen.

    “Say Hello To My Little Friend!”

    Always thought it was just a movie.

    1. You got that right 🤡 el fat tony!

  4. Mencho this mencho that, the media is obsessed with his magnificence.

    I'm starting to think menchos the poster boy(Like el chapo), there's probably some behind him who we never heard about controlling CJNG.

    1. This is all due to leak of documents.

    2. Facts! Dudes gona die soon any way fuck em

    3. Atleast MENCHO has something el chapo doesn't: HIS FREEDOM. Buahahahahagaha

    4. That person was el 85 . He was the one who vouched for Mencho to get in the Jalisco mafia

    5. 8:59 you sound stupid lol Jalisco “mafia” wasn’t even a thing when mencho got into the game

    6. 8:59 I doubt Erick still had the pull that he had before his arrest in 2012. His arrest like 2 months ago was big news for a minute and then we never heard from him again, he knows how to keep a low profile though, that's for sure

    7. To be fair , they are all poster boys. Mexican capos get all the heat while the gringos in the US of A just calling shots without a care in the world

    8. 8:14 Sounds accurate.

    9. 8:14 and 11:42 is the same person.

    10. 8:01 Dont think so. ☺

    11. "8:14 and 11:42 is the same person"
      Brother there are lot of these goofy motherfuckers on here cryin about the U.S.and the sad twats all live here ?

  5. This is some of the more interesting information to come out of these emails.
    Thanks Mica for staying on top of it. I can't wait to read more information from these emails in English.

  6. Undoubtedly El Mencho has surpassed the myth of el mayo to become the most respected and admired drug figure in the world. He has become mythicallike, comparable to imagination capturing creatures, such as- the lock Ness monster, or even big foot. Don Mencho is the important underground cultural figure of the 21st century and beyond.

    Long live el mencho.

    1. @8:11 join his org you 🤡

    2. Hahahahahahahahahaha please layoff the crack!!!

    3. Before Chapo was ever caught all these groupies were on his nuts. Now that he’s locked up they’re on Mayo’s dick. Mayo and his sons are known DEA informants and these silly lames still on his sack. Wtf?

    4. Keep dreaming lol 8:07 Mayos been around since the 80s Mencho been around 10 years as a cartel

    5. 8:53 yep, when he came to mexico from cuba thats when the legend started, Mayo is cuban, and now he is all of you sinaloas hero jajajajja

    6. 8:53 10 years huh ok
      In those 10 years he already surpassed granda mayo?


    8. CIA and DEA "rogue agents" brought crack to the masses, the moneyed elites were not buying fast enough...
      La Mencha brought his opioids to the mexican masses because the few peisos pile up after forced sales by Mencha dealers practicing extortions and eat it or sell it philosophy, they get paid from the bottom plebes that don't want to die, not by their employers at the top that need to be exterminated ASAP.

    9. 10:05 YEP and mayo is the Betty white of the narco underworld

    10. Look at these comments? "Sad Lives Matter"
      Fuckin haters the lot of them

    11. 4:30 Ahora dilo sin lagrimas en tus ojitos 😢

  7. I believe the leaks produced a new in-depth CJNG chart with names and pictures of operatives. Will BB be posting it?

    1. Believe want you fanboys want Mencho is dead, other relatives are running the show.

    2. 7:58 are you his widow trying to collect social security?

  8. As fast as his organization came up is as fast as it’s gonna fall like I said we witnessing the down fall of these clowns!!!

    1. 8:20 OK time for bed kid

    2. @9:26 lol they popping his People everywhere they even popping his people Up in Nor Cal KID!

    3. 8:20 ive been promised the same thing for the las 8 yrs and it hasnt happened yet!

    4. @10:12pm He is not Cuban pendejo. Se conectó con su cuñado, que es Cubano y me imagino parte del grupo que las tres letras gabachas contrato para tumbar a Fidel y los comunistas. El Mayo es Mexicano 100% y conectado alas ligas mayores de las mafias por todo el mundo.

    5. 1:04 ok super groupie boy
      Mayo mayo he's the man if he can't do it no one can! 📣

    6. 1:04 solo te falto decir que le enseño a Goku el camehameha

  9. We need to thank Obradors for for letting this Cartel be in 28 States. He let it grow with no resistance, whatsoever.

    1. 9:27 AMLO is not on the field, better ask La Guarida Nacional, the more they expand the more crime expands, they forced the merger with Policia Federal and come bossing around the estatales and municipales and these are the results, neither milicos want to absorb the Guarida Nacional BUDGET, because there is not enough money on the street...
      They also want to infiltrate military judges in the mexican justice system, as if it wasn't corrupt enough.

    2. 9:27 Any source or explanation to support that? or just a random emotional comment?

  10. Not a single comment claiming he is dead, where are you guys?

    1. Cuz he’s not clown!!! Who ever it is doing the hacking know more then this

    2. Yup he’s not dead, when he dies cjng will collapse because it’s a terribly structured group

    3. 11:19 so teribly structured that they have gained in a decade more territory than Cds has their entiee existance 🤣🤣🤣 yea that looks like a really bad structure Org, mames cabeza

    4. It's working believers will attack anyone, that says he is Dead.
      In was in sick health, died of 2 issues, earlier in the year.

    5. 6:39 it’s structured for quick gains in the short term, cds is built for slower gains in the long term. You’ll see in due time little jaliskita. Most cjng plazas are garbage, if they’re so badass why do they still not own their own border plaza? Answer that fan girl

    6. 3:20 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love your excuses, it seems cds is structured to loose groud cause since Comandante Borolas with Garcia Lina handed down a bunch of plazas to cds they have lost most of them already, even though chapo is a fucking snitch he was the glue keeping cds together, now that he is gone you have two cds Mayos and Chapitos, when mayo passes away (which it wont take long) cds are gonna be another CDG with 10 fragmented cartels fighting each other for scraps, sorry to tell you but we are now living the CJNG era, dont worrie though, they will grow so big and spand so much that they will also break and start fighting each other just like cds, but that will take another 10 to 15 yrs, thats about the life of a solid cartel 20 to 30 yrs

    7. 3:20 the only good border plazas are Tijuana, Juarez and Nuevo Laredo and guesa what cds dows not control none of those, so whats your point, and guess what CJNG traffics through all of those plazas, Juarez throught agreedment with La linea, nuevo laredo all the frontera chica thanks to el primito, and TJ well yea TJ is everybody moving merca through there

    8. 6:23 TJ is divided half CAF and CDS and CAF is now a major ally of CDS working together with chapitos faction. They also control Mexicali and Nogales which are both major ports of entry. Cjng pays a big fee to CDG and to La línea to use their border, that’s a fact. So still I ask again, if CJNG is so badass why don’t they have their OWN border plazas?? That’s right fangirl

    9. 7:52 Again they do! Promito is CJNG they have la frontera chica, and last time i checked CJNG still has a big presence in TJ so yea they are moving weight through TJ and not paying a penny, funny you say "cds chapitos" 🤣🤣🤣 even you know down deep Theres two cds now, chapitos and mayos 😂😂😂 next question

    10. 8:36 tu cjng ya no son nadie en la baja y tú crees que CDG va dejar q la barbie del primito les regale la plaza a mencho? Jajaja se nota de lejos que no sabes que royo, las jaliskas pagan cuota para meter jale y es todo, no les queda de otra como ya valieron vrga en la baja y sonora. También vas a decir que juarez es CJNG? 🤣🤣🤣

    11. 9:14 ok pues lla ganaste eres el poseedor de la verdad 🤣🤣🤣🤣 bien me dijo mi madre a los loquitos ahi que darles por su lado que nunca los vas a sacar de su mundo

    12. 9:14 ahi guey no savia que tu tienes mejor informacion que la DEA pues ve y diles que el cjng lla valio berga en la baja para que lla no se preocupen

    13. 8:36 cjng doesn't pay no prison to cartels to move through Tijuana.
      They pay piso but to the main owners of the plazas "cops" and bigger people incharge to look the other way and let them pass.
      Tijuana has always been a corrupt city and it won't change.
      Shoot, I walked through that border under the migra's nose with my brothers and sisters because my uncle paid the right guy.
      You groupies are dumb talking about who own what. As long as the people on top get paid they don't care who does what.

  11. That dudes in the garbage can... Dead

  12. EXACTLY WHO OF ALL THESE UNKNOWNS HAVE ANY SORT OF JUICE WITH THE DEA...? OR WHICH ONE HAS DONE TIME IN AN AMERICAN PRISON....Just like I thought....0000000000000.... People call the CDS rats but how do you call it when you go to the can for a minute... Going to school..right?

    1. Exactly, CJNG capos have never been tested. They’ll be on their knees when uncle sam has them in his courtroom facing life in prison, just like cosa nostra, cds and every other organized crime unit before them!

    2. CDS is known for ratting on each other. Vicente Zambada, el Rey Zambada, los damasos, chapo snitching on mochomo. Do I need to keep going?

    3. 4:08 no need to keep going, theres books detailing all their snitching, shit you can make a library only with their snitching record 🤣🤣🤣

    4. I am sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

    5. Vicente..Free .. Mayito... Free... Mini LiC... Free... Menchito... In supermax Colorado

    6. 12:07 chapo in florence 🤣🤣🤣

    7. El menchos bloodline are built unlike any other, no testifying, no snitching, strict loyalty.

      Unfortunately the Same cannot be said for anyone in the CDS organization, even in the top sphere, mayos snitch, chapos snitch,a whole tradition of turning in those ones closest around you.

    8. Yes... You said Chapo... How long was he on top?? His boys are running the show now... Where's Mayo n his boys....FREE... Where Menchito... Florence.... You fail too see that The US government runs everything. CDS already has a pact with the we m... CJNG... well who knows... Maybe

    9. Really simple... MENCHO falls .. everything falls apart for CJNG.... He is the Figurehead. Just like Chapo was... Only difference... CJNG has No one like Mayo...or Chapos boys to fill the Void

    10. 2:22 yup…cds is horizontally structured, slower gains and less control for the top boss but it also gives them longevity since everything is so compartmentalized unlike cjng whihc is vertically structured and gives the boss total control top to bottom but makes them built for the short term.

    11. Or his brother Guano...or to that extent Mayos Boys... Menchos power is All consolidated within himself with his cartel. Yes theirs other that are Powerful. But None of them have the loooong ties within the government like Mayo n the CDS. Just stating the obvious

    12. And if you're up on game... The cosa nostra in New York isn't Dead... Go ask anyone in them Areas. Their still making big $$$ just working smoother now. Look at Sammy the bull still alive n making $$$ wasn't he called a Rat? Where's John Gotti?

    13. 2:22, 3:22, 3:31
      You guys clearly have the IQ of a newborn. Did you not read the article? It says mencho shares the throne of cjng with his three brothers. These CDS groupies really hate the facts that are in this article and keep denying them even though it’s coming from the US and Mex government. This article shows how CJNG is easily taking over the drug market not only in the US but in other countries as well. CJNG is going nowhere while CDS is holding together only because of El mayonesa. Once he’s dead los menores and los Mayitos will go at it until there’s only one left. Once los menores win then they will go at it with Chapito Isidro. Cjng will let them kill each other then swoop in after and finish them all

    14. Nope... Wrong again... It's Already been established that Isidro already has a pact with CDS...but besides that. Mayos Boys are still in the Mix how ignorant are you? Chapos brother...also has major pull... LoL. Mencho has... EL Negro.. Jardinero..and a band of unknowns

    15. Should I keep going?? LoL let's just sit back and watch how it plays out

    16. Cant beat those cds fans, si asi fueran de buenos para trabajar no tendrian que depender del narcotrafico como el resto del pais, pinches guevones

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    18. 6:06 yes they do own a border plaza, frontera chica with primito been the key player there, what important border plaza does cds own? Cause theres only 3 mayoe border plazas and cds does not control none of those, so i think the one with the potatoe IQ is you 🤣🤣🤣

    19. 5:41 How slow are you? You think once chapitos and Mayitos start fighting Isidro will sit back and wait for one to own all of Sinaloa? They made truce to not fight they didn’t make an alliance lol El lemo nuñez who’s BLO made an alliance with caborca cartel to fight off chapitos in Sonora. Lemo nunez Main center of operations is Choix in Sinaloa. He’s surrounded by chapitos. Once one war kicks off then they will all start fighting. I think you just started following this narco world. There is ALOT of bad blood between cds and blo once mayo passes then Sinaloa will become another Michoacán. You should read a little more before commenting again lol you really think BLO and CDS are befriends now. Typical CDS groupies 😂

    20. 7:16 frontera chica es CDG no te equivoques jaliska, que primito les de chance de meter jale por $$$ es otro pedo pero esa plaza no es de tu cartel pedorro de las 4 letras

    21. 7:16 cjng fanboys claiming frontera chica now? 🤣🤣🤣you really think they’d let some Barbie from Jalisco give away their plaza? CJNG Is paying to use it. CDS owns Mexicali and Nogales which is right next to Phoenix, one of the most important distribution hubs for CDS. And they control half of TJ while in alliance with CAF. do some research before you do the talking next time

    22. 8:28 cds mayo faction owns those plazas. Not cds as a whole. You groupies really have a hard time intending cds is not one anymore. Every article relates to their cells as mayos faction or chapitos faction. Once mayo passes cds will fall. BLO will be the real owner of Sinaloa at the end of it

    23. By the way Primito is from Jalisco, how does it feel to have a jalisco running your chiquito? I mean you feontera chica? 😂😂😂

    24. CDs groupies need to stop with the BLO alliance. BLO is Quintero there no alliance with Isidiro keep dreaming

    25. You guys are clowns how do you feel about a michoacaca running your whole state 😆

    26. 7:52 Not all the state but most of it, primito from Jalisco is running their state and 8:04 still has the guts to say "jaliscas (primito the boss) cant move shit through tams" 🤣🤣🤣 por eso les estan comiendo el mandado, porque ni se dan cuenta quien mueve su estado 😂😂😂

  13. Sergio Kurt Schmidt was released a year after his arrest. The guy has to still have heavy political connections—he did rob a bank with the governor’s brother back in the 80s.

  14. Mencho shared control of CJNG With the United States government. We all know that. That’s why the GRINGOS can not. Will not stop drug trafficking.

  15. Man mencho a seriously good looking man looks like the Greek gods chiseled his face bone structure 😃😃😃😃

    1. 1:03 🤣🤣🤣tenias que ser de jalisco hdtpm 😂

  16. A good start would be for the gvt to take control of the ports. That would cut off the "easy flow" of precursor chemicals from President XI as well as tons of cocaine from SA!! All cartels strength come from their $$$. Bankrupt them and see how many will protect mencho for a taco a day!

    1. Ahh today I get to wash my car, yippee.

    2. That will never happen because there's too much money being made from drugs 🇺🇸 🇲🇽 🇨🇳

    3. 1:31 the government has put ports under control of the melitary, mexican navy now extorts and squeezes ports and aduanas, no more vigilance duty for the new executives of drug trafficking, that where the money is.

    4. Sir:
      The navy controlling the ports is working. The cartels are paying shipping employees to toss drums of chemicals over the sides of ships which are retrieved by the cartels in boats. There are videos of this online if you would like to research this.
      Some chemicals are probably getting through at the ports, but tossing the drums of chemicals into the ocean shows that the Mexican navy is having an affect on smuggling operations.
      Not every Mexican marina or government official is corrupt.

  17. Wow with a name like Tony Montana this guy knew what his lifes ambition was from an early age

  18. El migueladas todavia anda al Cien con las 4

    1. Migueladas is very much independent

  19. Like I said b4 my patnas folks in Northern California bay area (redwood city) been told us that his dad mencho is alive and well . Now he does have diabetes which he is taking care of with a bunch of medication suppliesse.t in from his extended family out here in the bay

    1. My Tia Cuca Josefina, living close to the hospital said, Mencho died in February from liver failure and COVID 19.

    2. Drug trafficking was here looong before mencho you moron

    3. 12:08 That began during prohibition.

    4. Wrong.... drugs have been around since waayyy back... Chinese opium dens

    5. 9:53 did his greasy fat liver taste like geese fat liver tacos?

    6. LoL... Prohibition guy... Oh yee if little intelligence

    7. It's funny because the moment people start stating facts about CJNG , the guys reviewing the post don't allow negative post about CJNG to be seen

    8. 5:52 o so now BB is pro Cjng? Didnt Fat ass lara said BB was pro Snitchloas? Pinchea viejas quien las entiende?🤦‍♂️ A cada rato cambian de perra opinion

    9. 7:19 funny you say that CJNG fans used to love fatboy Lara when he claimed cjng was killing CU in michoacan and turn on him when he tries to be more neutral

    10. 5:38 / 5:48
      There were little to no boundaries during chinese/opium/SF era 1850's-1900's. During Mexican revolution rules changed and most chinese were killed/expelled out of Mexico. So just during mexican revolution/prohibition 10's-30's is when traffic began taking shape as we know it today.

      Learn history first boys.

    11. The Chinese taught the Sinaloans how to grow opium. Sinaloa is the drug cradle in Mexico it’s where it started in Mexico. Look it up read that history

    12. Learn your history idiot... Drug trafficking was going on yes in SF... Also in Canada.. the victorian era... Nothing to do with Mexico... Mexicans weren't in Canada. Ok history buff.

    13. First this dummy said it started during prohibition... In the 1920s... Then he went in Google to correct himself. Moron. 1850s and 1920s are not the same era. It Al started with Chinese Opium Dens... Not in Mexico pendejos

    14. Looks like you copied your comment straight out of a book. What a Goofball. This idiot swears he actually knew any of this information. He's pathetic. LoL... Prohibition.... What a Fool

    15. 1:33 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mames in the prohibition times before there was a cds or any other capos from sinaloa cdg "tamaulas" were smuggling alcohol, the real cradle is tamaulipas, but i have to say CDG (Cartel De Guadalajara) Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo took it to the next level, but the first ones were tamaulipas, why? Cause they were right next to the border😉 the more you know

  20. 45 cell leaders not capos someone has to help mencha especially since the cuinis got locked up

  21. Sr Mencho is really just a silly goose.

    1. Lol Mencho is a Goose, good one

  22. Mexico 🇲🇽 will continue to be safer and prosper, one day at a time thanks to beloved: LORD MENCHO.

    1. These idiots sound like their From North Korea... Kim Jung Unn loving clowns

  23. Next he's gonna Say Us Mexicans Began the NASA space program in the 1940s but then WW2 happened and we had to outsource the Program to the USA.

  24. Menchos a sex God 🥳😃

    1. 9:43 in your dreams

    2. I regret to inform you, but Mencho is dead.

    3. Mencho has came back to life as a goose. More like will get a job for
      Alflac commericals.

    4. 7:35 i regret to inform you that only in you wildest wet dreams

    5. Lol the Goose runs CJNG.


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