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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Michoacán: CJNG Uses Lemon Orchards As Training Grounds

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Inhabitants of the Tierra Caliente  region claim that armed people with their faces covered enter the orchards every day.

Tepalcatepec, a municipality located more than 250 kilometers from the Michoacan capital and considered one of the state's main lemon producers, is also home to camps used by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) to train its hired killers.

"The whole town knows about it, but nobody talks about it," said a resident of Tepalcatepec, who said that every day he sees men of different ages with large-caliber weapons on board pickup trucks, leaving the town and taking dirt roads to reach the lemon orchards.

"They say that's where they train," added the young man, who asked not to be named for security reasons. "They have our phones tapped," he explained in short phrases sent via WhatsApp.

"There are a lot of people in the team (the CJNG) trying to learn, and they say there are also good instructors (...). Then, in the distance, you hear the thunder of gunfire."

The young man said that it is difficult to live in his community, because it is not uncommon to find "people from the team" in local stores stocking up on food. "We don't turn around to face them," but "even if we try not to see, we know they're there.

The Cuartoscuro photo journalism agency went into the heart of the area to document the training of the gunmen. Armed men and women, their faces covered, prepare for war in Michoacán's lemon-producing zone, which includes the municipalities of Apatzingán, Buenavista, Parácuaro, Aguililla, Tepalcatepec and Múgica.

At least 600,000 of the 670,000 tons of lemons produced annually in the state are produced there.

"We have been suffering from 10 years of insecurity," said Bernardo Bravo, president of the National Committee of the Lemon Product System, who said that what is happening now is minimal to what happened a few years ago.

Currently the roads are open, we have mobility. Until a few months ago you could not move from the towns of Coalcoman to Aguililla or Tepalcatepec.

Regarding the production of lemon, he said that currently there is no theft of the product, since there is a high surplus, "it is not worth anything, why steal it.

He explained that producing a kilo of lemon costs an average of eight pesos and currently the market price is five, so producers prefer to let it spoil in the trees than pay to cut it off.

The producer refused to talk about the criminal camps in this area; "we are working well".

This is not the first time in Michoacán that there has been talk of training camps operating in areas that are difficult to access or located in orchards.

Earlier this year, the Attorney General's Office (FGR) announced that in Quiroga, a municipality located approximately 50 kilometers from Morelia, it had detained ten individuals, alleged members of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. 

The capture was recorded in an avocado orchard that had been taken over as a camp.

Among those arrested were six people from Jalisco and three women.

The nine were caught in possession of five AR-15 weapons, three AK-47s, a 45 mm caliber pistol, nine magazines of different calibers and 420 rounds. 

They were also found with doses of drugs known as crystal meth and five packets of marijuana; tactical equipment and a Dodge Durango vehicle, which had a theft report dated September 1, 2021.

El Sol de Morelia


  1. I remember before the jaliscos went in and paid the GN and police, the reveultas had aguillia on lock

    1. Actually the revueltas were the onea who payed GN and police cause Cjng was all over their asses, i remwmber a few times that cjng had taken Aguililla and the revueltas would start crying to the GN and the GN would roll in and take it back for them, then the GN would leave and Cjng would come back and slaughter Secret management relatives 🤣🤣🤣 it happened like 3 times and the GN stoped helping the Revueltas, until the very last time the GN actually took it from CJNG and stayed there for a while, now that they are gone Cjng is back in control, must of made a really good deal cause they havent bother them again

    2. Funny you say that cuz my boy is chivito revuelta. before he came over here he was fighting over in aguillia wit his tio chirrios and rest of the templarios and I heard different, heard it was the opposite! According to him jng paid of GN and the police to wipe the town they were arresting everybody and turning them over to jng afterwards jng came in and finished off with who ever stayed behind everybody else who was able to run ran in to the woods and we’re watching everything from the woods.

    3. Is CJNG Michoacános vs CU Michoacános or people from other Mexican states? What are they fight for exactly?

    4. 9:16 don't lie 🤥

    5. Maybe your boy likes bmw ;)

    6. @10:27 tf I gotta lie for 🤣 what am I gona get out of making shit up 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️

    7. Revueltas ain’t shit lol Chirrió had to beg El Tena for backup cuz he couldn’t handle the jaliscos cuz they actually fought back not like the average citizen in Águila. GN don’t like CJNG in Michoacán tf you talking about of course your boyfriend going to switch thr story around. Ask him how many innocent ppl they got rid of. Ask him why he left lol. M2 smoked them tecatos 3-4 times 😂🤣🤣

    8. 10:21 I would like to know about Michigan Michigan sorry typo that place in Mexico Michiocan

      So many Cartel division fights over the past 20 years WTF 😒

      Who still lives here Is it all transplant violence??

      Why can't one group dominate and create "peace" ?? Anyone know?

    9. What a bunch of sour pusses

    10. 9:16 of course your friend chorrienta is gonna say NG were helping CJNG, what else can they say when they got their asses kicked by the 4 letters, but here in BB that fight was well documented and theres picturea and videos of chorros Revueltas going around with white shirts calling them selfs "auto defensas" threatening civilians so they would march so that the GN would kick the CJNG out of Aguililla, theres videos of those revueltas going behind convois of GN to take Aguililla back cause they were scared to go by them selfs, CJNG didnt want to engage with GN so when they saw them they would scape to the sourrounding jungle, chirrios would take Aguililla and when GN would leave CJNG would come back and just smash those boys, they did it like 3 times, theres also pictures of one of those times when cjng killed like over 20 chirrios, all those storie were published here and you know why GN was backing chirrios? Cause at the beginning of the fight when CJNG first took Aguililla, a convoy of a mix of Chirrios and police tryed to go into Aguililla and CJNG ambushed them killing 6 or 8 police and an unknown number of chirrios cause for some reason they desapear and only the police man were left there to make it look like cjng had only attacked the police so they could send more reinforcement to fight Cjng and they did get the help from GN, again all of that was reported here in BB, not making shit up like your Chorrillo friend

    11. @8:06 dayum your better then the news

    12. "my boy is chivito revuelta"
      How the fuck do any of you bitch made payosos know he lyin ? Heres a dude who might know a thing or two about Michoacan and you half assed comedians wanna doubt him?Fuckin pussies all over this

    13. @4:12 if he does or doesn't know that fool is irrelevant, the dispute is what his supposed boy is saying happened in Aguililla

    14. 4:12 maybe because all the articles are stating the opposite and SHOWING PICTURES plus REAL VIDEOS showing opposite of what he’s saying. Maybe you should stop dickriding a random guy on Reddit and learn to read a little bit

    15. 4:12?🤣🤣🤣 Easy, in a street fight when you loose you make up a bunch of excuses but when you win you over exagerate, and guess what your boy lost so his making up excuses, thats how we know he is lying 😂😂😂

    16. 1:42, there are a ton of reasons but a significant one is the largest shipping port in the Western Hemisphere is on the coast of Michoacan and Colima. Needless to say precursors to meth in Fentanyl amongst others arrive from China on the ships. Once the product is produced it can get shipped out very easily

    17. 4:09 facts, they were coverded here in BB, didnt make nothing up 🍻

  2. Oh the fear a man who holds a sightless sniper rifle bestows among a well armed populace. HEE HAAA

  3. Secret management on Reddit once said CJNG would never enter tepalcatepec. he must be so pissed reading this article. That’s IF he can read

  4. So where’s abuelo
    I thought he had this area on lock. Unless both groups are there still fighting it out back and forth

    1. 9:35 he runned like a lil bitch to another town, they were running low on funds to fight cjng so he just quit

  5. Can’t limes/lemons also be used to dissolve bodies?

    1. 9:39 no, but they are good to cook meat, not dissolve it

    2. 12:35 Eh.. I’m pretty sure lime really is used to dissolve bodies bro.

    3. 4:59 im pretty sure lime lacks acidity to actually disolve meat, dont take my word for it just google it, shit when i make ceviche all we use is lime juice and it has not desolved any shrimp yet and shrimp meat is way softer than actual meat, so i call your comment bull shit, and we leave the shrimp on the lime juice for a week or so, of course in the fridge so it wont go bad, i know you are thinking since the lime juice is acidic it should desolve meat but there are levels and lime juice is not at that level

    4. You're confusing it with lye which is a powder that Killers do put on bodies to make it decompose quicker. Lime actually prevents or slows down the rate of flesh decomposition believe it or not

    5. 8:17 how do you know that ma H? Isnt lye what gootenberg used in Breaking Bad to break a lock? But that is some quimic shit, its easier to just acid like they did in that show

  6. FYI: that's el fantasma from uruapan

    1. SCAR. Source article using pictures from Uruapan for a "story" about Tepeque.😒

  7. Limones can't shoot bullets

  8. Lemon orchids they took from farmers

  9. Wow cjng is really recruiting the best of the best. Sicarios that can’t stay off their meth even during training. They beat los zetas for being lowest of the low

    1. Just like CDS can’t stop recruiting pedophiles and rapists. Kind of like that Los Salazar guy that got caught playing with himself under a car

    2. 2:44 if you don't leave the area in 24 hrs we will be jacking off underneath cars

    3. @2:44 & 6:59 🤣🤣😂🤣Se la jalaron

    4. 8:07 lol laughing at your own jokes? You cjng fanboys are something else 😭

    5. How about when the 5’3 fatboy cjng sicarios got chased away by private security in GDL when trying to extort the tequilero 😂🤣🦧🦧🦧

    6. 7:26 actually i dont know who 2:44 or 6:59 are but if its the same dude he is funny 😂😂😂 pinches cds chaquetos

    7. 8:01 lets not forget the Barrera Grandpa in zacatecas🤣🤣🤣 he was a real Old G, literally 😂😂😂

    8. 8:01 or how about when Ivan and Alfredo got kidnapped and pistol whipped on video 🤣

    9. 811 lies you laugh at your own cds jokes in every article, you a cheerleader for the cjng cheerleaders 😭🤣🤣funny this article about cjng vs cu and you fanboys find a way to make it about cds. 😭rent free 🦧🦧🦧

    10. Teenagers all of you

    11. 12:16 ahora dilo sin chillar

  10. This is the place secret management said CJNG would never enter.

  11. If there is a cartel training ground in a known location, why isn't the Mexican Govt doing what the USA would do, and coordinate some raids? This is not a reply to start some BS about the USA mind you.

    1. Easy answer, they bribed the government to look the other way, and as you can see, they are free to do whatever.

    2. 10:36 Correction, "LAZY answer"

    3. 9:24 Because USA methods never gave results.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. 1:57 sentenced to only five years in a Texas prison for first degree murder... poor guy :(

    6. The current curupt government loves bribes, that's why they let the cartels play.

    7. 7:47 Talking about the US?

    8. 2:23 the topic is Mexico, so you should know, it's related to Mexico wake up.

  12. Why is mensho in jalisco? por que lo sacaron a puros vergasos y no a podido regresar en 20 años por que le falta que lo ayude el govierno o huevos no se pero michoacan le quedo grande

    1. Maybe because his cartel have its name on it?, cartel JALISCO nueva generacion.... by not saying governor from there had been helping.

    2. Mencho died many months ago where have you been, unless you're a die hard and talking about his spirit.

    3. 2:26 Where are the guys who kicked him out?

    4. 7:46 if mencho died CJNG would’ve fractured months ago. Lay off the pipe kid

    5. It's true Mencho dead.
      The LT's run the show, as if he is alive.

    6. 7:53 he is dead, but only in your wildest dreams

    7. 12:54 que mamon ESTA muerto

    8. 4:46 esta muero nomas en tus sueños beibi

  13. From my understanding CJNG is only in 9 municipalities now and CU is in 105. I was just informed about that this morning. Tepacaltepec isn’t one of them, but Uruapan is and supposedly that individual Fantasma is smashing CU there and is getting pretty strong. A bunch of independent traffickers out of Michoacan have started up Guardia Michoacana. I don’t know if they’re aligned with anybody. And from what it seems like, those rumors of CU being gay…well they’re not rumors. That is way out!!!

    1. 2:53 you’re stupid af. Only person you were informed by this morning was your heroine dealer telling you he just got a new batch. Stop with the BS

    2. 2:53 I heard it was 9.3241 CJNG and 102.65432788 CU ? Where you get your info bro

  14. So the Lemons are training.

  15. El Fantasma de Uruapan works under the shadowy figure sent from Guadalajara with the nickname El Tapatio [very original]to take over the Avocado rich area of Tancitaro-Uruapan green gold corridor.

    1. Shadowy figure? His pictures have been previously exposed.

    2. 11:57 whose picture? El tapatio? Cause thats the shadowy picture 7:49 is talking about


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