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Monday, October 17, 2022

Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas: Cartels Employ Lethal Rifles Against Each Other

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A video has surfaced of combat recorded from a drone that is believed to be no higher than 300 hundred feet in the air. The armed engagement is between the Gulf Cartel (CDG) and the Northeast Cartel (CDN) just across the US border in Miguel Aleman, Tamaulipas. 

In addition the gunmen are armed with .50 Cal rifles and are firing tracer rounds at each other. Of note with .50 caliber rounds is that actual human kills have been recorded just past their maximum effective range of 2 miles. 



  1. Gotta loves the drones

  2. The title is a bit silly.
    Isn't it logical they use lethal weapons?

    A previous title:
    Ivan "El Chapito" Archivaldo Guzman Salazar Leaked Photo
    isn't really correct. I think it's supposed to be:
    Ivan "El Chapito" Archivaldo Guzman Salazar Photo Leaked.

    Because there's no mention of him leaking the photo.

    Apologies for the criticism as I love the work you put in to this website. It's just me nitpicking ;)

    1. 901 the staff are not paid so calm your nitpicking ass.

      When you criticize volunteers that have outside jobs do you think that helps or hurts morale?

      As Jose Biden would say, Come on man!

    2. Negative chief

    3. Yes, it's logical; hence, the accuracy of the title.

      "Photo leaked" would imply the pic leaked fluid.

    4. 10:26:
      -Unlike you appear to be, I am calm.
      -It's constructive criticism. Hence the apologies, me aprreciating the work the people on this site do and the smiley.

      -If it's logical why use the adverb lethal? Never heard of cartels using non-lethal weapons when trying to kill their enemies.
      -You contradict yourself.
      If according to you the only defintion of leaking involves fluids, that would mean Guzman leaked fluid (that turned into a picture).

      So, are you ignorant or just trolling?

    5. 10:58 anything can be a weapon, some lethal some arent and yes they have used none lethal weapons like a 2x4 to punish people, you happy now?

    6. 12:58
      Why not use "lethal" if it is actually accurate as you agree?

      No, I'm not contradicting myself as I never said there's only one definition of "leaked". Where and when did I state that? In this case it's a matter of English style and I'm following "The Elements of Style" by Strunk. Which English style guide are you using? Furthermore, your claim that Guzman leaked fluid is inaccurate since any competent American English reader should know what's implied (your suggestion of "photo leaked is stylistically appalling).

    7. 9:01 you don't like the creative work on the title, too bad suck it up. It is explaining the type of lethal weapon, being used now a days.
      Yes we do mind your being a crabby nit picking grampa.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. @10:11 I've actually seen how certain blogs, youtubers or newspapers have used our work while trying to pass it off as their own. Sometimes as far away as Europe or Australia. So, you can go fuck yourself with your clown comments dumb ass.

    10. Good job Sols Radar eliminated an imposter.

    11. So much netbangers here. Why did I even bother.
      Sol & co, keep up the good work.
      Everyone else, don't smoke skante.

    12. 1:19 🤣🤣🤣🤣 A no culo! Queria marido

    13. Sad shit,hysterical little girls jumping up and down

  3. 50 cal and can't hit nothing even with tracers.

    1. They use it to stop vehicles. Shooting to the engine etc...

    2. 50 cals are standard sniper rifles.

  4. Nice find, thanks. I just saw this video earlier today on a different site. 😜 Crazy yo

    WTF! When is enough enough???

    Fentanyl is killing masses of the population and disabling more, destroying our youth and the longevity of the USA and Canada.

    New rules in the street, if you sell fentanyl you will be executed. We don’t play that shit in the streets Yo

    So, all you gang bangers and cartel groupies reading shit, smuggling and selling laced drugs and fake pills - you’re time is up and when we see you in the streets it’s gonna be lights out 👌🏽☠️☠️☠️

    1. 1:26 When is enough?, when users stop buying shit. Marijane is now legal, go green.

  5. Bro can you translate this one:

  6. Good news if both cartels died from shot out. Are they dead?!

    1. 5.10 it depends which one has better aim, some are sissy's and run away, when being fired upon.

    2. At least they're on the out skirts of town minimizing civilian casualties. Does anyone know where this happened exactly? What part of miguel aleman? And who is who? Which are CDN and which are CDG? Any input would be appreciated.

  7. True story. About 10 years ago I am buying liquor at tax free store in Reynosa next to bridge. Ugly obvious narco looks at me all mean. Beer gut with nice narco shirt like nascar. Long story short that fool and another was arrested in Miguel Aleman a week later. Same shirt! Head honcho 5million each reward!!!! But...he looked Nothing like his wanted pic. Anybody remember? Did they send him to US?

  8. 10:46 man , looks like you had a close encounter with El Piporro,
    did he pay you or it was a freebie?

  9. I wonder if these guys know how to zero their gun sights and scopes. I saw a post of a couple of dead cartel “special forces” and none of their rifles had a sight or scope. These guys must just spray and pray. Even CJNG grupo “elite” had a .50 cal rifle without a scope.

    -El Marino


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