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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Monterrey, Nuevo León: 6 Police Officers Killed By Cartel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female Narrator: The bodega where an armed group of 10 gunmen arrived in five vehicles to shoot at partygoers at a party in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Monterrey was frequented by police and ministerial agents, investigators said. On Thursday night, the gunmen mercilessly arrived at the business located on the corner of Hererros and Tamazunchale to fire their assault rifles into a crowd estimated to be between 30 to 40 people.

Female Witness: It lasted a while, we were here, the windows rattled. And they say that the attack took place from this city block to the next block. It's like they were hit head on while they were having a party there.

Male Reporter: Were there many people there?

Female Witness: Quite a few, including a group.

Male Reporter: So, they had a musical band?

Female Witness: Yes.

Male Reporter: Was everyone inside the warehouse?

Female Witness: No. Some were inside and others outside, some were inside and others outside. Two of the deceased fell over there by the heavy goods vehicle. You know how there’s an OXXO convenience store there? 

Male Reporter: Yes. 

Female Witness: Well, they died right there. 

Female Narrator: As of last night there were 6 people dead and 7 injured. Three of them were reported to be in serious condition. The gunmen arrived in 5 vehicles and blocked a few streets to prevent partygoers from escaping. According to sources, they overpowered the victims inside the bodega and opened fire.

Female Witness: There was more security present there than here on this block. We were angry because they were committing a lot of robberies here and they always had like two patrol cars outside.

Female Narrator: Omar Ortiz Alvarado, former Santa Catarina police chief, was killed in the attack. Last night authorities reported that of the injured, only two had been unofficially identified. Alberto Rojas Tovar, 49, and Ruben Saenz Treviño, 43. The source said that among the dead could be an alleged criminal leader.

Female Witness: It sounded ugly, it lasted more or less... It seems like they were chasing each other. But they say the victims also returned fire.

Male Reporter: Could it have lasted around 10 minutes?

Female Witness: Yes. Give or take 15 minutes. Because we went to the back and they were still shooting. And we said amongst ourselves hey those are high-powered weapons. 

Female Narrator: The Attorney General's Office found in its investigations and files that the business, a warehouse used for the purchase and sale of used vehicles, has a criminal past. The property was searched on June 9, 2007 for its connection to abductions, narco messages, and other crimes. The property, according to neighbors, was frequented by commanders of the State Investigations Agency (Agencia Estatal de Investigaciones). The gunmen fired more than 50 rounds and the shooting lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. Three of the bodies were found by paramedics inside the bodega. Three others were found outside near a park.

Grupo Reforma


  1. Hey!
    Got to, got to payback
    (The big payback)
    Revenge, I’m mad
    (The big payback)
    Got to get back, I need some get-back
    Payback, payback
    (The big payback)
    That's it, payback, revenge
    I'm mad!

    - James Brown

  2. @2:29 Orale mijo!

    1. Hell fuck yeah! That's what's up playboy.

    2. The Godfather of Soul died of a drug overdose .How ironic!

    3. @3:59 pm Excuse me? Soul Brother #1 did not die of a drug overdose! He died of congestive heard failure. Rumors have been floated of a homicide but no conclusive proof has been presented.
      Please don't besmirch the memory of The Hardest Working Man in Show Business.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. To serve and protect ! RIP! QEPD!

  4. Then America Biden is President.
    Big nutts Truther

    1. Nutts getting tired of your same working, America this America that,.. were you deported from USA, and using the site to shame America all the time?

    2. 10:36 So we are going to blame Mexico for US consumption, violence, poverty, homelessness, drug abuse, inflation, or anything....

    3. Yes I was deported for GTA, and some priors, yes I hate America.

    4. Pinchie Stubborn Truther, no mas habla de USA negative.

    5. 6:43 Ni español, ni ingles :( hay a medias con los dos idiomas.

  5. Which cartels are active in this region and might be involved in this?

  6. A live band playing that narco corrido sheet about the contras, in full street, display will get a violent response! Lots of black American rappers shot and buried by other rapper factions all the way back to Tupac, however, it hasn't reached the heights of the mexican corrido mayhem! But it will within a few years!

  7. The lesson of the day: stay away from parties where police are gathered at the event.


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