Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Morelos Congress Deputy Gabriela Marín Assassinated in Cuernavaca

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Gabriela Marín, from the Progresa Party, was outside a pharmacy when two individuals on a motorcycle killed her.

The local deputy in the Congress of Morelos, Gabriela Marín, was assassinated this Tuesday, October 4th, in Cuernavaca, confirmed by the entity's prosecutor Uriel Carmona and the state governor, Cuauhtémoc Blanco.

The alleged murderers of deputy Gabriela Marin.

"It could have been a direct attack by two people on a motorcycle while she was outside a pharmacy," said Uriel Carmona, prosecutor of Morelos, in an interview with journalist Azucena Uresti, on Radio Formula. The prosecutor confirmed the death of the plurinominal deputy for the Progress Party. He stated that the first line of investigation that is “political revenge”, for the recent protest as a member of the LV legislature. 

Witnesses report that two subjects on a motorcycle they arrived at the parking area of ​​a pharmacy and repeatedly shot the legislator; her body was left lying on the side of her white BMW SUV; one of her escorts was the one who confirmed the identity of the victim. 

Gabriela Marín arrived at the Morelos Congress last July, after the death of Deputy Juan José Yáñez Vázquez and a dispute with Roberto Carlos Yáñez, who intended to occupy the seat. Hours before the crime, Marín had participated in the solemn session in which several lawyers were recognized with the “Soto y Gama” medal.

The governor of the state, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, condemned the murder and reported that a security operation had been deployed in order to find those responsible. "We are with family and friends of the legislator," he wrote on Twitter

"I deeply regret the situation of violence that the country and our state are experiencing. I offer my prayers for the eternal rest of Deputy Gabriela Marín and my solidarity with her family members. We demand that the authorities clarify this act and all the unpunished cases" Monsignor Ramón Castro, bishop of Cuernavaca, posted on Twitter.

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  1. Morelos is a little kitchen size state, too small for all the problems it has.
    That Roberto Carlos Yañez sure looks suspicious, a few tablazos en las nalgas will make him confess.

    1. Si asi tenia la cejas de tupidas de pelos imaginate lo demas.

    2. 4:16 Sol will not post the picshas, we need signatures to fire him...

    3. 5:36 Sol is da man. We will instead fill out a referendum to catch you SIR aka Señorita and cast you out and send you away to the dungeon and throw the key away.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. A bullet tells always the truth.

  3. The relative of the person who died killed this woman because of the dispute of the congress seat he wanted. He didn’t win it fairly so he killed this woman to take it.

    Mexico is a different place, the US has a corrupt system too but politicians are not killing each other or hiring people to kill each other that’s for sure.

    1. In the US they don't kille each other because it's bad for business.

    2. That's why the Cia was invented, in the past there has been a few dead presents.
      Mexico is a destabilized country thanks to the cartels and drugs

    3. I agree and its a shame that you have to explain to these clowns how much different Mexico and the United states are within the context of this article. There are people who genuinely think Mexico is SAFER than the USA. this false notion is preached by none other than AMLO himself(and his propaganda pushers on social media, Youtube especially) brainwashing people making them think it's all roses and rainbows. I speak to plenty people who think this way. Some people are wise enough to see through the bullshit but others are so delusional it aint even worth having a conversation with those poeple. irrational thinkers, never listen to reason, Know it all mentality. don't even bother with those idiots

    4. 5:07 I would argue with your ass, it would be smarter than you, but I hate arguing when I know you can't beat me with your dumb caca...
      This is not an argument.

    5. 5:07 Too much Netflix and conspiracy theories boy. Another AMLO hater crying him a river.

    6. 4:03 you forgot to mention also Curuption.

    7. Stop mentioning the cia in this shit blog the cia wldnt have shit to do in mexico other than make sure that some disorganized mexican criminals sneak terrorists in. All conspiracy theorists shld be beaten daily till they stop their shit

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. 2:26 In the US they do kill politicians and celebrities. They are smarter about it. The deaths are ruled as suicides, accidents etc.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Now Roberto Carlos Yáñez is going to get his congressional seat.

    Mexico can be sick in some ways, I’m sure this young woman did not deserve this and she probably has a family.

  5. With the money them politics make and crooked shit they are into and the state they live in you would think priority is bullet proof the fuck out your whip but fuck no

  6. Just another day in the Wild Wild West.
    I don't think they will bother to investigate.
    After 3 days the story goes to the back burner and forgotten

    1. Just like the Walmart massacre in Texas... the real Wild Wild West...

    2. @2:46 PM the dude had a go pro on his head and recorded the whole thing. He even laughs when he misses his exit. It's a crazy video....pretty gorry

  7. Morels has la Familia michoacana and CJNG
    Now chapitos are trying hard to get in that state. No luck yet but eventually they will find the governor and he won't refuse the money.

    1. What's so important about Morelos?

    2. 5:10 Sam Giancanna chose to hide there in the 60s, he recruited a lot of mexicans for his gang there before returning to Chicago where the Godfather wanted to talk to him, nice.
      Sam never said why Morelos, pr Cuernavaca.

    3. 5:10 Touristic town, great weather all year, it was relatively peaceful some time ago, common for bosses going to live there and/or invest on real estate.

    4. BLO has morelos on lock for a while, thats were La Barbie caught those 3 or 4 Zetas and made the video where the got shot in the head, after that video everything went public, videos every where and narco mantas and shit

    5. 9:07 La Barbie caught those zetas in Cacapulco, and he killed them there, they went looking for him and met the 5 legged donkey

    6. 9:07 there's a small presence of BL but for the most part chapo isidro doesn't want to get in wars. He packs his bags and goes where he has little to no competition.

    7. La Babie caught them in Acapulco then caught some Zetas goin in SIRs knickers which was torture

  8. It’s proximately to Mexico City

  9. I find it strange how most graphic news websites show mens deceased bodies but not womens for the most part.

    1. BB has posted both. What it really boils down to are the people at the scene. They tend to not leak women pictures as much as men. Machismo works in weird ways.

    2. 9:33 That make sense. I was thinking maybe it was because a female cadaver was a taboo in Mexico.

  10. What did she do to get killed?

    1. She did not want to be in cullusion with the criminal cartel, so she got Plata o Plumo, she had a choice but none would keep her alive.


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