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Monday, October 24, 2022

National Guard Siezes 90 Homemade Explosives in Buenavista Tomatlán, Michoacán

"El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

The National Guard seized three stolen vehicles and 90 homemade explosives while patrolling near the municipality of Buenavista Tomatlán in the state of Michoacán, according to a press release from October 24, 2022.

Photos from Guardia Nacional press release.

According to the press release, the National Guard soldiers located the abandoned vehicles, one with bullet holes, in the countryside. After running the plates, they discovered they were stolen. Inside one of the vehicles, they found the 90 explosives.

The cylindrical shaped explosives have welded on fins, which may suggest they were fabricated with the intention of being dropped from drones, a strategy which has seen use in the state this year.

In a video from January of this year, footage showed the CJNG using drones to drop similar explosives on their enemies, as reported by Borderland Beat.

It is unclear who this stash belonged to.

Sources: Guardia Nacional Press Release 10/24/22Borderland Beat Archives


  1. Carteles Unidos y Cagados have control of Buenavista

    1. 6:50 first cjng nut sucker that admits that cjng doesn't control shit there

    2. 8:04 if el Abuelo never flipped CJNG would have dominated Michoacán. Only reason Abuelo flipped was cuz he wanted to be independent & had Menchos routes, connects, & people. He had the Michoacán governments back & got cartel de Sinaloas backing later. Since amlo is 100% on CDS side the government fights the Jaliscos off. But if it was cartel vs cartel Jalisco would smash them.

    3. 6:50 Says el anonymous cagádo

    4. 8:04/8:32 no te enojes Chirujos Unidos anónimo

    5. The first photo looks like Detroit's head!!!
      The Ad won't work

  2. This camp looks like it's between el abuelos hometown and apatzingan. Does cjng have a hold of apatzingan??

  3. The police or military shot a payed off ally on accident and reported it..

    they had to abandon weapons/cars before the non paid people showed up for back up.

    Extremely obvious.

  4. Saludos
    So what does this mean exactly.
    Es la gente de Jalisco?

    1. La jente de jalisco son unos llorones que si no fuera por el GOBIERNO ya hubieran chingado al abuelo pero cjng los lugares que tiene son por ayuda que tienen. peliando abandonan su jente al maguey lo dejaron solo en buena vista y salio corriendo y en la lomas jalisco lo volvieron a dejar solo y que lo Traen a puro pan y verga al x lo entregaron para hacer tregua son corrientes y torcidos

    2. es lo mismo con todos, cuando se calienta todos corren, no importa para quien trabajen

    3. 6:38 Ese Alfaro les facilito mucho las cosas al CJNG.

  5. I don’t have a dog in the fight, I don’t want over reach government or criminals to run things but how is this not being considered terrorism?

    1. Because they're not terrorizing citizens and government for political or ideological motives, it's simply to keep the business of illegal drugs flowing.

    2. So killing innocent people & children, killing political candidates that oppose them, extorting poor people, trafficking people and more & more is isn’t terrorism? They’re ideological motives are to sell drugs that kill people who use them and spread suffering to every corner of globe they touch. They’re political motives are to make money for themselves and they’re families and they kill people who get in their way. With bombs from drones.

    3. amazing that after 50 years of fighting terrorism the question of what terrorists are is still being asked.
      Thx to 12:16 for making it clear, again.

    4. 2:18 well in USA they usually call it mental illness when its a caucasians who does all of that, so we are not sure what to call it anymore

    5. 6:04 well said.

    6. 9:39 So you can enter a walmart and shoot random people, aiming hispanics, including a small girl a 8 month pregnant women. Should that be considered terrorism?

  6. How is it becoming racial? If a white person commits a mass shooting, yes that person is a terrorist. You are committing an act of terror. What group here inside USA besides the government are dropping munitions from drones to combat their enemies? My original comment was meant to be that, what other tactics need to be adapted before they consider it terrorism?

  7. Did you see that! Shit that's 90 drone bombs they can send to either the Ukraine Nazis or the Irish Outlaw Aryan Nazis in the USA.


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