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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Phoenix, Arizona: Undercover Bunker Containing Guns, Drugs Found At Waddell Storage Facility

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Authorities investigating the alleged theft of utilities at an RV storage facility in the west Valley discovered an underground bunker containing guns, illegal drugs, and cash.

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office says detectives served a search warrant on Oct. 25 at the Hole in One RV, Boat & Toy Storage facility, located near 143rd Avenue and Northern Parkway, after the owners were suspected of supplying their business with stolen electricity from a nearby Arizona Public Service junction box.

The owners of the facility, 61-year-old Laura Swink and her 35-year-old son, Steven Swink II, were arrested and booked into jail. They are accused of theft of service charges, criminal damage and obtaining utilities fraudulently.

Laura and Steven Swink II

While searching the facility, detectives found a large underground bunker, which consisted of several convex and semi-truck boxes that were stacked together to form the three-level bunker that was equipped with scissor jack elevators and tunnel ladder systems.

Chemical containers, bags of unknown powder, and cylinders of compressed gas were found in the bunker. Illegal drugs and several firearms were also found.

The following items were seized from the property:

* 36 guns

* 1 pound of methamphetamine

* 1 ounce of cocaine

* .5 ounces of psilocybin mushrooms

* 200 narcotic pill capsules

* $240,000 in cash

* Gold and silver valued at $700,000

The investigation is ongoing by MCSO.

Fox 10 Phoenix


  1. Damn I wish I had everything on that list including bunker. They just took his apocalypse money!

    1. They were actually living in that bitch, that’s crazyyy. Just pay the fucking light bill got dammit

  2. Trump supporters for sure. MAGA fanatics.

    1. You smoking shit

    2. I thought the same thing. Probably all meth'd out think we gotta hide they're coming for our guns.

    3. Me too I also it has to be brainwashed people, that believe everything Mr. T says. One of many fanatics already beat up Pelosis husband badly, fortunately he is in jail.
      They had money yet they chose to steal from the electrical system.

    4. Fuck Pelosi and her attackers

    5. Oh for sure, that is the MAGA demographic. Not the Republican demographic necessarily but MAGA for sure.

    6. These are the unwashed gum chewing masses that helped to inspire the founding fathers to devise the electoral college.

    7. 11:48 most of your buddies that went to the Capital are in jail. Are you one of the many, that believes in Mr T bullshit.

  3. Doomsday preppers + skante

  4. At the same time Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., is under federal criminal investigation … again... The percentage of Americans who think local crime is getting worse hit the highest level in five decades, according to a Gallup poll released on Oct. 28.
    A record 66 percent of respondents said they believe there is more crime locally now that there was a year ago.
    Nearly four in five (78 percent) said crime increased nationwide since last year, a 33-year-high, according to Gallup, which has conducted the survey every year since 1972.
    The Oct. 3-20 random-sample survey of 1,009 adults living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia also found that concern about being a victim of crime has sharply increased since 2021.

    1. The problem with my country in a nut shell...
      No where in the article was the criminal's political leanings discussed yet assumptions are made. And consequently, whether factual or not, the retort is almost borderline justification by giving examples that counter the original bullshit. How about we all stop spreading bullshit? Its amazing the amount of intuition and common sense a person will overlook all in hoping something they agree with is true. What you believe does not necessarily make you my enemy even if we agree on very little. How on earth have we gotten to this point and how do we get out?

    2. I'm tired of picking sides the whole idea that there's either only one way or the other and one is right and the other is evil is a fucking illusion sold to us by the very same politicians
      I truly hope one day level-headed people on both sides wake up and say enough of the division you don't have to agree with me on anything but you do have to sit at the same table with me and compromise peacefully

    3. Typical Republican frauds.7 out of the top 10 states with the highest crime rate are Republican states.2 Blue states and highest is DC.Liars.

    4. @8:28AM Yea, Red states, with a blue crime infested city responsible for all the crime. 4‰ of the population in America, black males 18-40, are responsible for over 50% of the murders in America each year. Republican voters though, AMIRITE?

    5. "Crime" a favorite talking point of antiabortionist CREEPublicans, but herschel walker is about to win a senate seat to help them fight abortion.
      Part of the campaign is to spread bushit thick and wide, next you know the FBI will announce that Hillary is getting investigated again OR the Trumpanzee lobby will expose that there is additional evidence they scrapped off their chones and the FBI refuses to investigate, matter of fack, sen john kennedy, and rep jim jordan the man who never has seen wrestling coaches abuse students" have already been at it, tromp said FBI raided "his house" looking for Hillary's 33 thousand e-mails.
      The CREEpublicans are not our enemies, their enemies are themselves helped by their choice politrickos, and from their point of view we are their enemies for refusing to submit, drink their Koolaid and eat their BS, and in MY view they are welcome to Hell.

  5. You’d be amazed at how prepared some of these political movements are, and they usually use meth heads and anti-government people.

    1. 12:37 don't talk about cartels that way

    2. Aww, feelings hurt?

  6. I feel sorry for the lady.
    Her son displays no confidence. Mum and son aren't naive + he could've hooked up the utilities but everything else points to someone more knowledgeable in the son's social circle who orchestrated the bunky build. Also, the sombrero motif 'art' and 'sculpture' seem off for the Swinks.

    Canadian girl💋

  7. One look at them in the pic near the top of the article is enough to say meth, only to confirm in the text, yeah it was meth. These tweekers and their robust energy, all sucked up with no place to go. Put these energizer bunnies to work on the chain gang.

  8. Sadly this has nothing to do with political supporters. I ve been in one in N Phoenix under the shed. The back of the slab was chiled out and a trap door was installed ladder (2”x4x) led to the first part of the chamber the next stair which lead in a huge chamber the many sub chamber over 39 feet in Lehigh what used the chamber was street level shit. Every I know owns multiple guns. For protection. It doesn’t matter if they are felon or MAGA. They still need protection from potential burglary. This is not the only one that I’m aware of. I didn’t enter the other one but, the property had the power turned off every street level thug knows how steak electricity. Some get greedy and they all get shocked over snd over. I never saw anything illegal. The dirt was given away and it survived the monsoon season. They did have to create a leech for water. The last time I inspected the place he had a carpet down Tv computer a green room for his own legal purposes. The fact that have similarities arrest records. But are not associated with each other. They are both are street smart addicts. They have have accrued knowledge of the under world. They do not see what most see. Especially digging massive caverns underneath their property. One was foreclosed and fenced in. The other was in a neighborhood and had more to lose. I guarantee flat these two idiots will inspire more. Idiots.. The structures are completely hidden.

    1. Pinchi desierto, I am sure they use sand clocks.


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