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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Gulf Cartel Faction Boss 'El Güero Cleofas' Extradited to US

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat (formerly "MX")

High-ranking Gulf Cartel faction leader Cleofas Alberto Martínez Gutiérrez (AKA El Güero Cleofas, Metro 105, M-105) was extradited to the United States from Mexico last week. Mexico's Attorney General's Office (FGR) confirmed on Monday that El Güero Cleofas was extradited along with founding Zetas member Jaime González Durán (AKA El Hummer).

El Güero Cleofas was wanted by the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas in Brownsville for drug trafficking. They allege that between 2009 and 2012, he supervised multi-ton shipments of narcotics from Mexico to the US along with other Gulf Cartel members. This court has successfully convicted and sentenced several high-ranking Gulf Cartel members over the years.

El Güero Cleofas was the second-in-command in Los Metros, one of the Gulf Cartel factions based in Reynosa, Tamaulipas. He worked under Reynosa plaza boss Julián Manuel Loisa Salinas (AKA El Toro). El Guero Cleofas is believed to be responsible several violent incidents in the area in 2016, including a clash between security forces and cartel sicarios that left 10 gunmen dead and 4 soldiers wounded.

Sources say that El Guero Cleofas was based in La Portillo sector in Reynosa and may have been involved in the murder of faction leader Sergio Ortegón (AKA Junior Cortez and/or C-2) in 2014.

He later teamed up with Tiburcio Hernandez Fuentes (AKA El Gafe) and El Toro to kill Oziel Guadalupe Leal Flores (AKA El Tachas, Lupito, Metro 17, M-17), brother of Jesús Alejandro Leal Flores (AKA Metro 24, M-24 El Simple, El Wero Cumbias).

El Toro, El Simple, and El Tachas were all members of the Gulf Cartel when El Hummer was the Zetas plaza boss in Reynosa and La Frontera Chica region, which includes the municipalities of Miguel Alemán, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Camargo, Mier, and Guerrero. El Hummer was arrested in 2008 in Reynosa.

In 2016, El Guero Cleofas was captured by Mexican federal authorities at the Hipódromo de las Américas horserace track in Mexico City. Despite being armed, he did not resist arrest; he falsely identified himself as Angel Ivan Martinez Gutierrez, but investigators confirmed it was indeed the man in question. His arrest came a month after Gulf Cartel cartel faction boss Juan Francisco Carrizales Lara (AKA El 98) was captured.

Just two months after his capture, the US government formally petitioned for El Guero Cleofas's extradition. It took over six years for El Guero Cleofas to finally reach US soil, where his new fate will be decided.

Sources: Milenio; Borderland Beat archives

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to "HEARST" for the images and for "Ivan" for providing their expertise in the creation of this report


  1. What’s with the extraditions lately to the US all of a sudden

    1. Probably Mexico or AMLO are getting something in return that we don't know about. These extraditions are like a give and take. You put some meat on the table, they take it. They put some, you grab, etc. Either that or there's pressure to Mexico and they need to keep Uncle Sam happy.

    2. Criminals paying the piper.

    3. The hacker leaks might have persuaded some in Mexico to not get an implicated in the process

    4. I read something it happens every x amount of time. It's to please the general public. "Hey everybody, look at how many big bad criminals we caught. This totally means we're are fighting crime and we are not corrupt."
      Can't remember who's doing it. Either Mexican government, US government or both.

    5. Less DEA noses sniffing around mx politicians and generals and more extraditions to el norte. Thats how to satisfy americans

    6. Hehehe, los arrieros vendiendo los burros viejos...
      extradite Cienpedos and lock him up, and then, maybe, somebody could start believing

    7. Cabeza de Vaca was mayor of Reynosa during those years?

    8. extradition = null results and present administration is leaning to mind their own business. Keeping USA happy isnt cheap or convenient. Focus on lowering drug abuse, money laundering and weapon flow to Mexico, that will give results, not jailing every single capo.

    9. 2:38 Mayor?, no boy, he was the governor, and is wanted by justice.

  2. El simple is a legend, Sean Penn definitely needs to head to tamaulipas and negotiate a documentary 🙂

    1. El Simple thinks he's a real life super villain with super powers.

    2. El simple will sleep with your mom and wife @7:04

    3. The only people Simple will be sleeping with is other men in prison.

  3. Thanks for putting this together MX. We missed ya. What’s you alls take on what’s going to happen with this Cleofas ? Life imprisonment or less ? Is his info to the DEA any good ?

  4. And special thanks to Mx. Keep it coming please. It’s very much appreciated…. I thought Wero Jessie was Toro’s second in comand. Or was that just after Huero Cleofas got arrested?

  5. Replies
    1. El Mellado is still alive

    2. Galindo Mellado Cruz or Z9 or El Nueve was killed by the military in May of 2014. The government even released death photos that matched 100% with his military photos. The cat in jail claiming to be Mellado was obviously lying. I'm sure he was looking to make an easy buck or better his living conditions. I have no doubt he was some type of cartel operative at one point, possibly under the command of El 9 which would account for some of his basic knowledge but his dates and stories of being hired by Z-1 and Osiel and his subsequent time with la compañía don't add up with testimony from numerous former high ranking CDG and Los Zetas operatives. I give the cat credit, as the book was a decent read, but Z-9 he is not.

  6. M-24 is still alive, his brother M-17 was killed.

    1. You are absolutely right. My apologies for the mix up. M-17/Tachas was killed with Nico/M-65, correct?

    2. Si, ambos por delatar a Toro!
      Tachas por su propia estaca y Nico fue levantado en casa.

    3. Correct. M-17 and his second in command M-65 were killed in the Las Cumbres neighborhood of Reynosa which M-17 controlled. The Leal Flores family had total control of that sector of Reynosa. Tachas M-17 and Nico M-65 and supposedly at least 15 of there bodyguards were killed by M-64 Gafe and M-42 Toro leaders of Los Metros for not coming to the side of M-60 Polimenso when he was killed by the military. As well as previously attempting to set up M-42 Toro to be killed. As well as not supporting M-64/M-42/L-98 in there all out war against Matamoros. This was the same reason El Mellado was killed. Along with being a original Zeta. At one point the Leal Flores family had significant control within Los Metros. They got there start under El Hummer when he was Reynosa plaza boss for The Company. M-24 Simple was apparently the only person who could control M-17 his younger brother. Cherry's Leal was also a family member. It was said that the Leal Flores family gained power after they set up Gringo Mike for X-20. Not sure if it's true but I was told El Simple M-24 has been out for a few years now but has been forced to lay low.

      -La Plata-

    4. @Plata: Very thorough, thank you very much for the info. If you're willing and able, could you send me an email to connect? Just click my name and that should take you to a profile where I have an option to email me.

      I've been trying to gather the old CDG forum crew. We could/should create a CDG database with info from the old era and onwards. Cheers.

    5. MX, I will absolutely do that when I get off work this evening. Id love to hear from some of the old message board regulars! I really do miss the message board feature. In my opinion it was the most in-depth accurate source of cartel related info found anywhere online. I will be in touch, thanks.

      PS...That's M-24 Simple on the right with Comandante Gafe M-64

      - La Plata -

    6. Tachas was originally H17, as part of Hummer's group (35) called Los H.


  7. CDG has more "bosses" than sicarios

    1. CDG is heavily fragmented so these bosses are just ring leaders or often head of sectors in a city or heads of an estaca.

  8. They keep them in Mexico long enough before extradition for their info to be outdated and useless. Need to build more SuperMax's

  9. Wow, you guys all went to the Zetas Cartel University, oye when is the next class?

  10. Extraditions are another make work program for the police state system! 10 suv convoy with blackout windows filled with agents armed with fully automatics, with more lights flashing than a xmas displays in times square, chauffeuring the cartel has-beens to their cement boxes! Winning!

    1. Orale nutts, you never get any sleep?

    2. 7:39 you get more than enough sleep, that pays for our sins.
      Remember God rested on the 7th day, and lost his perimeter.

  11. With only 299,998 border jumpers(that's the official number but the real number is much higher) entering the us the 2 has-been cartel losers will make it an even 300K!

  12. Monthly number! Will be hilarious when the latino population vote as one to demand their fair share of the American pie! Afterall they have paid their dues by happily doing the low paying grunt work which has enriched America for generations!

  13. Ahora a cualquier halcón con 6 meses en el desmadre lo ponen de “jefe”

    1. O cualquier grupo de nacos miados ya es un cartel.

  14. The US should open up Alcatraz for this clowns and speed up more extraditions so when is Mexico sending the Trevino brothers over to super max ?

    1. Thats not happening... probably on movies or videogames.

  15. Hope the US keeps putting pressure on lopez obrador he always stupid in his stupid press conferences with that dumb naco accent like if he doesn't know anything like when talking about fast and furious and Calderon who had guts to sick the dogs on the other dogs and got results.

    1. Ese grampa no mas servi para aceptar las mordidas de Los Narcos

    2. 6:30 US have no moral authority to pressure on anything, should mind their own business. And Calderon got a disaster... with negative results.

    3. 11:08 USA would be minding there own business, but since illegal drugs come in from Mexico, then it is there business to be involved, you copy Mijo.

    4. 12:37
      And why in the fuck buy such amount of drugs?, dont buy drugs, as easy like that. Why authorities allows drugs dealers to distribute them. If not Mexico, will be any other country, dont blame the supplier but consumer should be responsible. Straight your facts morro.

      Dont want drugs, dont buy them.

  16. Hearst & Ivan

    The picture of simple that looks blurry is really him. He is the one wearing the white shirt. The photo looks weird and pixelated but that’s his real face. I have seen the photo of his mugshot when he got arrested and it is him.

    -El Marino


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