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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

San Antonio, Texas: Mexican Mafia General Sentenced To 25 Years In Prison For Distributing Meth And Heroin

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Donald Trevino also ordered to forfeit more than $10,000

A San Antonio man was sentenced last week to 25 years in prison for his role in distributing methamphetamine and heroin in the San Antonio area.

According to federal court documents, Donald Trevino, aka Fluffy, D, Uno, and Gordo, 34, was the “free world” general of the Texas Mexican Mafia (TMM), a prison and street gang.

In October 2020, Trevino and 11 other codefendants were arrested on charges in connection with a methamphetamine/heroin/cocaine trafficking operation in the San Antonio area, the US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Texas said in a news release.

During the investigation, authorities seized dozens of kilograms of methamphetamine and numerous firearms.

Trevino pleaded guilty in March to one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 500 grams of methamphetamine.

In addition to his prison sentence, Trevino was ordered to forfeit more than $10,000.



  1. Gordo Fluffy was just doing a community service!

  2. 25 years is for only having $ 10 000.00 confiscated, motherfacker hid the other billions and billions too well...

    1. Sir, No sir..the ten thousand was money he was told he had to forfeit.The article does not say how much was found on him or on his property during his arrest if thats what you are saying.

    2. @5:51 everything of value gets seized and must be proven by the accused of having been acquired by legal means

  3. Wow 25 years, losing his freedom.

  4. Balacera en Villa Unión Coahuila hace unas horas un sicario del CDN muerto y un policía municipal herido … puro Gallo pobre

    1. SIR; here in San Antonio a kilo goes for 15k forever and as low as 12.5k in Jan and Feb b/c Christmas guests to Mexico return by the hundreds of thousands from Mexico. In addition to the cars returning the trucks and trailers are heavier because Customs has people on Christmas leave while car traffic is over 600x the normal work day and truck traffic is only slightly reduced.
      With this fluctuation comes oz and gram prices correlating (grams from $40-60 when buying only one but only slightly cheaper per gram when you buy ounces). Point is the money in the 210 doesn’t make peddlers like Donald Fluffy Fatass Trevino even millions at these depressed prices, and if he had a fortune he wouldn’t be assessed a fine of 10k. I know these dirt bags too well and this “general” was likely years past due on baby mama dues, and I can assure you most of what he made was deposited into the Texas Dept of Criminal Justice in Huntsville.
      If this guy wanted to make money and haul weight several states north to sell, his la eme jefes would have had him killed b/c they need their fixes of smack and/or meth. Plus they keep their hitter’s heads on a swivel most the time by keeping them tweaked so they’ll jump like a Pitbull once the leash is released.

  5. Mafia is old school
    Cartel is current

  6. Cartels are nobody's in USA only in Mexico they do what they do .

    1. You ain’t nobody boy

    2. Cartels are nobody's in USA but they flooded with drugs USA. ☺

    3. What? A lot of the crime and drug trafficking is still controlled by Mexicans here in the US. It’s like how Albanians control a lot of the crime/trafficking that goes on in the UK.

    4. @7:45 pretty sure what he meant is they dont have much power here as in Mexico.. are cartel cells here in the usa? yes of course but they cant operate like in Mexico . Local gangs and independent dealers run most of the show.

    5. Blaming cartels is ridiculous considering italian mafia, aryan brotherhood, black gangs, mexican-american gangs, jamaican, colombians, bikers, and lots of independent gangs operating there.

  7. All y’all shut the fuck up reverse that shit till my Homie free


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