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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Sedena Hack Reveals Two Additional Culiacanazo Victims, Civilians, Possibly Killed by Soldiers

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

As a result of leaks from the group of hacktivists "Guamacaya", it was discovered that the Attorney General's Office (FGR) is investigating the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) for the death of two civilians at the hands of alleged soldiers of the Mexican army during the so-called "Culiacanazo" or "Black Thursday" .

Likewise, the FGR reported that there were 11 victims of the "culiacanazo", of which seven were "aggressors", one an element of the National Guard, another who was located aboard a patrol car, and two carpenters who were allegedly shot by Sedena soldiers. The official report of the Mexican Army detailed that there were nine deaths (although at the time the government said there had been eight), among whom were a civilian, a National Guard agent, five alleged criminals, and an inmate of the Aguaruto prison.

The carpenters who were mentioned by the FGR were identified as Nicolás “N” and Jorge Arturo Hernández, and their bodies were left lying next to a pick-up truck, whose photograph was widely disseminated in the national press from the day of the events. The investigation was carried out by the Specialized Unit for the Investigation of Organized Crime of the FGR.

In the investigation folder CI: FED/SEIDO/UEITA-SIN/0000822/2020, cited by the Riodoce media outlet, it was detailed that the authorities of the Specialized Unit for the Investigation of Terrorism, Stockpiling and Arms Trafficking (UEITA), of the FGR's Office of the Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime Investigation, has images from security cameras in the area where the two civilians died.

In these recordings, it was possible to see, according to the investigation, that a man dressed in military clothing fired a firearm towards the place where two young men who were engaged in carpentry were inside a River Cars Wash car wash, located in Enrique Sánchez Alonso Boulevard, in the Tres Ríos Urban Development.

“A subject dressed in military clothing and with a firearm stands on the side of a white vehicle, pointing and activating his weapon towards the ground on the side of the sheepfold vehicle where the subjects in blue and red shirts previously descended,” he indicated. an excerpt from the investigation that referenced a diagram with photographs titled “Incident 2″.

According to the video material held by the UEITA, the man dressed in military clothing shot the young soldiers at 5:54 p.m. on that Thursday, October 17, 2019. “They killed them around 5:30 more or less ”, confirmed another source interviewed by the media founded by the journalist Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas.

That fateful afternoon for Culiacan residents Nicolás "N" and Jorge Arturo Hernández had gone to deliver some furniture to the Sinaloa Science Center, but it was when they were returning from the carpentry shop, on Enrique Sánchez Alonso Boulevard, in the Tres Ríos Urban Development, where they ran into one of the multiple confrontations that took place that afternoon between hit men from the Sinaloa Cartel and elements of the army.

“In the video, you can see when the carpenters get out of the truck, when they try to open the railing and when they can't and they throw themselves on the floor. And that's when the soldiers get closer little by little while the gunmen withdraw… they advanced protected by a vehicle. And when they reach the corner of the Burguer is when they shoot the carpenters. They were lying face down and the soldiers shot them about five meters away,” the witness added.

“After that, the soldiers took over the block. The assassins all ran away on foot. Since then things in this piece began to calm down. It is then seen when the soldiers approach the already dead carpenters, and grab them by the hair and lift their heads as if to see them. And that is when they realize that they are workers because tools were in the truck and one of them had a pencil on his ear, "he added.

Within the investigation, the FGR has opened a line of investigation for the events that occurred in the "Car Wash" area, where the two carpenters died, and cited the soldiers involved in the events. According to various FGR documents, at least seven soldiers have been called to testify for the “Culiacanazo”.

Source Infobae


  1. On that day many of the sicarios were utilizing trucks just like the one the carpenters were driving. A costly mistake. Many innocents have died and will continue to die. Organized crime is so embedded within the civilian population, even more will die when things start to take a turn for the better.

    1. Nope, things won't turn for the better. Going to get much worse each and every year! Sick MOFO culture!

    2. 09:53 agreed the USA is outta control

    3. Mexico es un puto chiste! Pinches Muertos de Hambre...!!!

    4. 2:21 Aqui en unico chiste son las tonteras que comentas.

    5. 2:21 is the New Cartel de los pinches Muertos de Hambre

    6. 2:21 es el nuevo cartel de los Pinches Muertos de Hambre...
      Echenle gordas al perro!!!

  2. “CDS doesn't mess with innocents, only cjng “ but yet this day CDS was ready to slaughter more then a hundred innocent families of soldiers just doing there job. If the soldiers would’ve done there job like they are supposed to do this would’ve been a horrible massacre even worse then the zetas in San Fernando and allende

    1. 10:35 there would be no mencho either if soldiers did what they supposed to

    2. 1:01 there wouldnt be any cartel, i wonder what sinaloas would do with out any drugs to smuggle? Cause that all they know, maybe they would be the biggest plastic producers in the world 🤔

    3. 2:14 what would u do without those drugs cds supplies u with... 🤔

    4. 1:01 that was your response? “there oils be no mencho”

    5. 1:01 that was your response? There would be no mencho? There wouldn’t be any narcos PERIOD! You really ignored the fact CDS will kill every innocent in culiacan just to free there boss. Lowest level of scum there is are sinaloas

    6. 3:57 ill could care less cause i dont ddrugs, my only drug are Caguamas and those are legal, so whats your point?

    7. 10:35 CDS would never ever rape migrants, rob migrants, kill people for fun, or kidnap girls use them as sex slaves

      CJNG eats their victims after they rape them

    8. 8:58 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sarcasm at its best

    9. 8:58 CDS picks up migrants all the time in Oaxaca and extorts there families for money to let them go. El M1 who was a CDS lieutenant picked up random people from his enemies ranches even tho they were innocent and killed them for fun. You’re lord and savior El Chapo was known to take young women and have sex with them and even marry them while they were still children. Some of those kids were forced to have sex with him as well. Take that CDS d#ck out your mouth you’ll eventually choke from it.

    10. 7:26 Be romantic and close your eyes when you drink from your Caguama...

  3. I remember driving by the Doradosd Stadium and seeing an older looking man with a young girl approximately 6-7 yearsd of age in his arms laying on the floor not moving.. also my neighbor was a “sicario” and had barely joined that shit and according to his mom he called her and said he was safe on his way to where he was going and all of a sudden she heard gunshots going off and the call clicked, and his body was found burnt to a crisp in a vehicle with his “homies”.. his poor mother had to give DNA to identify which bones were his.. and as compensation they were given 15000 pesos 750 USD for funeral services.. left behind two little girls.. never even got paid because he had literally just started days prior to this shit happening

    1. I remember when I got my 1st pimple, then more came, hiding under the floor mat.

    2. 7:42 eso te pasa por andar ahi de caliente y chaquetero, ora necesitas lentes también

  4. I ora con que mentira ba ah salir amlo el envidioso de estados unidos quiere aguevo estados unidos es igual que mexico no tiene verguensa yo en el gabacho no miro carabanas de sicarios por la calla oh que se culeeen los policias oh soldadados cuando ban ah ganchar ah alguien no tienen verguensa los mexicananos i todavia disen viva mexico i tragando carne viviendo en en el usa vatos mal agradesidos en mexico puro chile trairian cabrones agaredescan que andan ganando dolaritos

    1. 3:34 needs one real hot pepper up the ass, with meat...


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