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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Sedena Scores Thousands In Weapons

"Mica/DrivingMSSQL" for

A Sedena operation in Jalisco ends with a seizure of thousands of weapons and tactical equipment against organized crime

The Ministry of National Defense informs that within the framework of the National Public Security Strategy and the zero Impunity policy of the federal government, on October 25 of this year, staff of the Mexican Army, National Guard and FEMDO (FGR) achieved the securing of weapons, cartridges, vehicles, tactical equipment and a building in the municipality of Ocotlán, Jalisco. There were armored vehicles at the site.

When carrying out intelligence and inter-institutional coordination work to strengthen the rule of law in the country and detect criminal organizations with a presence in the aforementioned federal entity, the staff of the Mexican Army, the National Guard and the Attorney General's Office of the Republic became aware of a property that was used to carry out illicit activities by members of organized crime in that entity. These are high-caliber weapons.

Derived from the above and the operational planning of military personnel and the National Guard they integrated a Joint Task Force determining to intensify their reconnaissance and patrols in the Paseo de la Comunidad town of the aforementioned municipality, managing to locate the property that corresponded to the characteristics obtained through the information; so they established a security perimeter in order for the Attorney General's Office to complete a technical investigation order, 

There were thousands of these items that were used for crime.3,595 cartridges.
108 chargers.
20 grenades.
17 stars poncha tires.
13 long guns.
8 vehicles.
4 ballistic vests.
3 supplies.
3 grenade-throwings.
3 metal tapes.
1 small gun.
1 property.

The property was confiscated by the authorities

The insured was made available to the competent authorities, in order to carry out investigations and expert actions to confirm the characteristics of the weapons, magazines and cartridges insured. 

These activities were carried out with strict adherence to the rule of law and with full respect for human rights.The authorities made all these objects available to the authorities.

With these actions, the Mexican Army, the National Guard and FEMDO (F.G.R.) endorse their commitment to ensure and safeguard the well-being of citizens, contributing with the government of Mexico to guarantee the peace and security of the population.



  1. Who has the best weapons CDS Gente Nueva or CJNG Grupo Elite ?

    1. They all have the same arms for the most part with some having the mounted high caliber machine guns. CJNG has a leg up on explosives and using drones.

    2. Gente Nueva isn't well armed but cds in Sinaloa n Sonora have good arsenal

    3. I would say cing have the most arms

    4. The difference here is that CJNG spends most of their money in weapons while CDS spends most of it in fake corridos, so if you do the math yea cds has better corridos but cjng has way better weapons, its not rocket science

    5. 7:26 I regret to inform you due to unforeseen events transpiring in Mexico, you have it wrong, most of the money goes to payoff curupt officials, of judges, obradors cabinet, cops.

    6. 8:02 And whats your source?,
      A) your opinion
      B) you firmly believe
      C) You think so

    7. Damned Mexico sovereign so curupt it's going to Hell

    8. 1:10 Awww lack of arguments on a single phrase. ☺

    9. 8:02 wins, except money is not paid, it is delivered to the crime masters by their cartel puppets.

  2. I think these guns, vehicles, equipment, etc were already confiscated and they made up this elaborate operation. They surrounded the property to wait for warrant? So they waited for the people to flee first or cjng gave ‘em a bust so the authorities could save face in regards to civilian population. Nobody was there ? Come on. The corruption is in every country but this is so blatant that it’s just ridiculous

  3. That ain't no home made armored vehicle

  4. Any racial EMOs going to say it?The U.S. wah wah wah

  5. Easily the nicest improvised armored vehicle seen yet. Almost looks like a legitimate armored vehicle.

  6. Is that a FN Scar? Far and away the nicest armored vehicle I've seen the cartels put out. Some nice long guns as well. This def seems to be a upper echelon bust.

    1. The tan weapon is not a SCAR. It looks like a M249 with a SCAR buttstock. I have seen a M249 made by FN and it looks like this. If you look at the picture with the 4 weapons laid across, the second to the right is a SCAR but in black. And my thoughts are whoever had these were not an elite team or trained. It is a pain in the ass running a SCAR without a scope, the iron sights suck. Unless SEDENA took the scopes and sights on the weapons.

      -El Marino

  7. And they'll sell to the highest bidder.

  8. What’s up with the armored vehicle?

  9. While in the us gun sales continue to soar! Why?The new normal!
    Voters aren’t inventing their fear of crime. They see it daily on local news, followed by interviews with the victims’ anguished families. They see videos of local stores being ransacked by organized gangs – none ever arrested. They see it firsthand when they walk into Walgreens and have to ask a clerk to unlock the Plexiglas case to get a tube of toothpaste. They see it again when they walk on local streets, trying to avoid homeless camps, open-air drug markets, and discarded needles.

    National data tells a similar story. Violent crime, in particular, has reached record levels. The problems are not limited to big cities like Chicago or Philadelphia or progressive bastions like Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Small and mid-sized cities face the same problems, without the media spotlight. In 2022, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program lists the ten most dangerous cities as Little Rock, Memphis, Tacoma, Detroit, Pueblo, Cleveland, Springfield, Lansing, Kansas City, and Chattanooga.

    1. I knew this low IQ, Truther bashing USA again. When this article is related to Mexico. 😂😂😂👇

    2. Seems relevant...guns and violence.

    3. You're 👍 right this MF, does bash USA, even though this clip is about Mexico.
      He is a wierdo.

    4. 12:29 Violence financed by the US. US bullets + US weapons + US dollars, thats where their power comes from.

    5. 1:59 look fker cartels purchase guns, you playing the USA blame game.

    6. 2:29 are you making excuses for a lot of money from the NRA and Co. Or are you freelancing in hopes for a better future if your shit flies?

    7. 2:29 Endless flow of weapons due to unregulated system. Not really a blame game.

  10. I have noticed that CJNG have had a recent interest in the SCAR rifle. I have seen the pictures of current weapon seizures and that rifle pops out a lot. It’s a very good rifle and it can be used longer than an AR before cleaning it. In the right hands, that rifle can do damage both in short to medium distance and can be used as a sniper at long distance with a proper scope.

    -El Marino


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