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Monday, October 31, 2022

Tijuana, Baja California: The Plumones Negros Announce A Mandatory Curfew

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Plumones Negros, an armed criminal cell for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel in the city of Tijuana has released a video message for the citizens of Baja California. For this broadcast a mandatory curfew is in place for everyone after 10 o’clock in the evening. All inhabitants are being warned of their plans regarding the extermination of opposing enemies. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario : Good evening to all the citizens of Baja California. A curfew is in place after 10 o’clock this evening. We will start going after the gang of scumbags within this state and the city of Tijuana. 

Sicarios scream in unison: We are the absolute mob of Mr. Mencho!

De Jalisco Para El Mundo


  1. I have counted in the millions all the CJNG one dollar Sicarios who are now Dead which is real sad considering most of them are young man recruited forcibly by MENCHO to keep his CHINA made Army 😢

    1. My #1 favorite video is the one where the chapitos are on their knees one of them getting kicked on the ribs, #2 chapo getting extradited to the usa and crying like tge snitch he is, #3 marro crying on camera cause he was been chased like the dog he is 🤣🤣🤣 beautiful pieces of art, by the way marro was senteced to 60 yrs in prison, poor fool aint getting out anytime soon

    2. Shut your pie hole Catalina
      Worry about your country getting invaded by Russia instead of cjng invading your cds crew

    3. 10:17 russia's Crazy Man threatens nuclear attacks...
      invasions are not working for him because his soldiers are surrendering for a 'potatoe' and one pair of dry socks

    4. 9:52. The funny thing is all cartels give up information on there enemies and the government works with them so it’s not the same as snitching when the police work for you. El chapo didn’t snitch when on trial unless I’m wrong. The ones you hear about snitching is Mayo Zambadas people and family. His sons are in witsec. His brother testified in Chapos trial. Everyone on here that roots for any cartel is an uneducated pathetic human being. You think it’s cool cuz your not involved. Your mencho would cut your head off with no remorse. You think it’s cool until you or a loved one is the person on camera getting butchered. Grow up and make yourself useful to society or go join the cartel you like so much so I can watch you screaming on video in the next article.

    5. 11:16 the funny thing is you think im rooting for CJNG🤣🤣 chapos corridos always talked about how brave he was and look at him crying like a bitch 🤣 chapitos thaught they were untouchable but we got to see them on their knees getting kicked on the ribs😂 and marro was calling CJNG out and we got to see him cry like a little bitch also, no que muchos guevos? Get involved with a cartel? 😂😂😂 i aint that stupid, only people with low aelf steam get involved to feel like they are a somebody. Yea you were wrong chapo def snitched on his trial, he snitched on Mayo, peña nieto and Garcia Luna. I was following the trial, snitching pn your enemies is one thing but snitching on your family and friends thats what makes youba snitch king, and last but not least, fuck all cartels they will all burn in hell when they are done in this world, im not cheering for anybody,

    6. lmao didnt he have them chapitos on the ground crying for their lifes asking not to be killed while there tio mayo helped them lmao puras 4

    7. 11:16. Thanks for trying to inform the fan club who clearly do not have a grasp of theatrics, psychological operations and blatantly false propaganda - but it is no use. They will continue to root as though these criminals are saviors, and memorize and recite their corridos as factual historical accounts.
      Don’t let it get you down though because these broken record fans make up the lowest and least productive minority of the US poplulation.

    8. 12:29… you are for sure cheering for like an idiot, you try to act like your not but obviously are afraid to say anything bad about any one but cjng enemies.

      Sounds like you are obsessed.

    9. They r all snitches

    10. 12:29 is lustfully obsessed and it’s a sad commentary on what little he/she has going for them outside their fandom

    11. 6:51 i guess my comment hurt your feelings for cds, again fuck both CJNG and CDS they are both the same shit, but it does not change the fact that my #1 favorite video is chapitos on their knees getting kicked on the ribs 🤣🤣🤣 and you already know what my #2 and #3 videos are 😂😂😂 lloren Snitchloas

    12. The chapitos was taken to the ground and then the kidnappers felt the hand that rocks the craddle up their ass, heheheee!

  2. Can we get some inteligence on Pulmones Negros are they highly trained like Sicario 006 ? What weapons they use? Are they ex military ?

  3. I guess these guess smoke a lot. BLACK Lungs! Really

    1. Plumones not pulmones body

    2. Plumones are MARKERS!!!
      Bola de güeyes...

  4. I just love it when they say " We are the absolute mob of Mr Mencho" !

  5. There's always one swaying or subtle twitching so when showing videos at family gatherings buddy can tell everyone 'thats meeee'.

    Canadian girl💋

  6. Lol.People are yawning in Baja.

  7. No controlan ni sus viejas menos Tijuana

  8. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 to the guy who said Cjng wasnt in TJ, now you see how CJNG moves its drugs through TJ with out paying piso? TJ es como la puta del barrio, todos meten su merca ahi 😂😂😂😂

    1. 9:57 pretty sure u had an orgasm watching this video 😂 but anyway yes they STILL b in tj BUT not a controlling force n the power they have is extinguishing fast....

    2. Just because you make a video doesn't mean your control Tijuana. Adelitas and Hong Kong was packed last night while everyone was dinning in Plaza Rio. CJNG can't even control Tecate what makes you think they will take Tijuana. Just some mocosos trying to make a name for themselves

    3. @10:57 now you admit that they are in tj but say they don't control and blah blah..
      .last week you said they weren't in which is it?? You remind me of GlloronN.. is it you??

    4. Jajaj como te emocianas por este grupito de pendejos….la nueva ya no cuenta en la baja desde hace 2 años, solo entran a calentar la plaza, les parten su madre y se repite el proceso cada 4-6 meses.

    5. 12:02 sorry tecato but I'm not who u say I am,anyway here goes again cjng CRUMBS are still in tj but in life support n their groupies like u about to commit suicide 😂

    6. Les buelvo a desir a los haters del cjng, no que lla no existian ahi? 🤣🤣🤣 lloren nenas! Que como lla es bien conosido, TJ un dia eres de un cartel y el otro dia de otro y al siguiente dia de otro y despues regresas al donde empesaste y otra ves vuelves a las mismas andadas, asi que en realidad TJ es el equivalente al la zorra del barrio, todos meten su merca por ahi 😂😂😂😂

    7. 830 pues si tu definicion de tener presencia es mandar una bola de pendejos a levantar taqueros y poner toque de queda que nadie respeta, entonces si tu cartelito pedorro si anda en la baja. mientras que el caf y los chinolas trabajan en grande y están conectados con los buenos del gobierno

    8. 8:30 dude ur favorite cartel is desperate,tj will never b a cjng plaza like in ur dreams 😂

    9. 8:42 es lo que orita estan haciendo todos los chapulines en TJ en estos tiempos, lla no parecen carteles si no pandillas, despues de los verdaderos Arellanos TJ se volvio in pinche circo de chapulines

    10. 9:29 asi como nunca fue ni sera del Cds 🤣🤣🤣

  9. CJNG is not in Tijuana (cds groupie)

    1. Are you making a joke? If so you should add quotes next time and put a hyphen instead of parentheses. Otherwise it’s very confusing

    2. 5:54 "do we have a english teacher"?

  10. To address the comments we always get in Tijuana posts:

    It's impossible to understand Tijuana if you are looking for one cartel "owner" of the city. That's just not how it works, nor has it worked that way for many years. The same applies to cities like Juarez and Monterrey.

    Here's my latest map, based largely on data from Zeta Tijuana, showing how there are multiple groups within every district.

    1. But it’s true CDS is the most dominant there right?

    2. Heyyy I live in La Mesa 👹

    3. 5:55 if you heard it in a corrido than its 100% fake, not true, negative, false

    4. 10:41 col. Julian leyzaola knows Tijuana, he used to be military (and in cahoots with carlos alberto ibarra el Rambo de Tijuana) wants it all back to use as a springboard to the governorship, he feels like he earned it after getting his ass shot up into a wheelchair in Cd Juarez por hijo de su puta madre, they worked Morelos and Cancun too, and left crime and murdering behind.

  11. HK will close at 10 pm? Will be a lot of unhappy gringos.

    1. @Hearst I agree, the way people talk about Plazas and territories makes one think that the whole town welcomes the winning narco with open hands, worship them, and have parades everyday for the Cartels

      In reality, crime in Mexico is like crime in the USA.
      The major dope deals are done with impunity without locals knowledge.

    2. Cartel updates and news remind me of gang violence in 1990's in which hood/Barrio did what and who they killed. It's all hype to scare the average joe.

    3. Wtf is 11:30 and 12:16 talking about lol

  12. This is a desperate attemp to show they have a presence in Tijuana but reality they don’t they lost to many people to CAF some went solo if they really had control I Would of heard about it i lived here in Tijuana for 38 years born and raised but I will admit there cds that operate Easter part of Tijuana they do pay a toll cjng was kicked out cause they weren’t paying there rent cause most of there people jumped ship like el Moreno who got killed in tecate and el Cabo 20 got arrested in Leon Guanajuato cjng just trying to heat up the plaza

    1. 11:20 all the western cartels have precense in Tijuas, no one can control the city after Ramon and Benja

  13. Cjng was forced to fight for Tijuana plaza.
    I remember reading an old articles from Tijuana showing mantas saying "michoacanos need to pay piso if you come through here" that's due to michoacanos creating their own cartels like la Familia michoacana and cjng. They didn't pay cds or Tijuana cartel when they crossed their drugs over to gringoland.
    La Familia michoacana was fighting in Tijuana when cds and caf were going at it hard. Matter of fact before El Teo got captured he was part of Familia michoacana but only mentioned in a few posts. (Maybe misinformation) but the thing is they were sending lots of people to that war.
    After mencho parted ways with cds they didn't have the hook up with passing their loads with help from cds. They didn't want to pay no piso so they went to war in t8juana. They created CTNG but don't think that's even around anymore, too many chapulines switched back to cds and caf. Now it's just cjng. They aren't as deep as when they first started but now that they are in Tijuana, they aren't just going to pack up and leave.

    1. Yeah total disinformation. Teo was 100% CAF till he switched to CDS, he was never F.M

    2. CJNG got their foot in the door via El JP, a CDS operative under El Chapo. He flipped to CJNG took others from CAF and CDS with him and thus began CTNG and CJNGs golden period in TJ from around 2017-2020. In reality CJNG never really had a chance at sustaining a place in Baja because CDS and CAF have such a long history and strong ties there stretching back to the 70s. after JP was betrayed by Mencho almost all of his people went back to CAF or CDS, and CJNG haven’t been able to really sustain any significant power in the city since. Mencho thought he’d place his own trusted men in place of JP but it didn’t work out how he thought it would

    3. El piolin was a prominent figure. But CJNG incursion in BAJA was not solely because of him.


    4. 3:33 Tijuana has the most chapulines ever. They always switch from one cartel to onother. Cds or caf, just look at Los garibay cartel for examle


    1. I’d wager that you’re probably right. Probably got some weak cells in Michoacán too. Barley hear about them there anymore.

    2. 6:00 🤣🤣🤣 Cjng is already in tepalcatepec, granpas territory, now they are not making a big noise but taking over the bordering towns with ease

    3. @600
      They're definitely smarter and stronger in Michoacan, I'd argue perhaps amongst the most battled harden cells CJNG has, still reside there, Uruapan, Aguililla, San Juan de Gracia, tancitaro, etc.
      The most notable figure imo: the dearly beloved and missed- "Comandante M2"

  15. There is a article showing all the drug stores in in Baja most were cds and caf. cjng nearly had a presence I think a small neighborhood they are in tj but they aren’t strong like people say they are. Cjng is really corny for doing this.


  16. If it wasn’t for CJNG backing up CAF. CAF would have been history. Once CAF got the money & men they needed to regroup they starting taking out CDS but once Mencho killed JP many cjng in Tijuana joined CAF or CDS. CAF flaco is trash nothing but tecatos under los Chapitos. I think Aquiles a firme control on the city


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