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Thursday, October 20, 2022

TSA Finds 12,000 Fentanyl Pills Hidden in Candy Boxes at LAX Airport

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The pills, believed to be fentanyl were hidden in Whoppers, Skittles, and Sweet Tart candy bags.

Authorities seized about 12,000 pills believed to contain fentanyl that a person tried to bring in candy boxes through a security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday morning.

According to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, Narcotics detectives and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration task force agents made the seizure around 7:30 a.m. The suspect tried to go through Transportation Security Administration screening “with several bags of candy and miscellaneous snacks with the intent of boarding a plane,” deputies said.

Security officers discovered that the candy boxes contained pills believed to contain fentanyl, deputies said. “The suspect fled prior to being detained by law enforcement but has been identified and the investigation is ongoing,” according to the Sheriff’s Department. Information on whether the pills had tested positive for fentanyl was unavailable Wednesday evening.

Though the pills were hidden inside candy boxes, it’s not likely they would have been passed off as candy, said Nicole Nishida, a spokesperson for the DEA’s Los Angeles Division. “It’s a concealment tactic,” Nishida said.

Source LA Times


  1. USA is flooded with fentanyl laced drugs. Sale is going on, buy one get one free. Thanks ALMO for letting drugs come into USA.

    1. 12:39 don't worry, I know you don't like the rainbow flavor but they got new stuff that is so much doper, ISO and yo it will kill you BUT it feels Sooooo good and you Sooooo high and then you die

      So it's gonna sell cuz everyone wants the dope that kills

    2. 12:39 Blaming AMLO doesnt look very bright. Thanks Biden for allowing that shit available on US streets. Grow up boy.

    3. ELMO is such a massive let down and every fent pusher should get the harshest possible penalty.

    4. I'm so sick of this back and forth blame game. It's a two way street. If mexico wasn't so poor and people didn't want to sell drugs to the US there wouldn't be drugs to purchase. If the US could stop using drugs and creating a market for them there wouldn't be anyone to sell to . Everyone is at fault. End of story.

    5. Drugs will never stop coming into the USA regardless of what AMLO does. Thanks USA for your insatiable appetite for Drugs.

    6. USA had BAD consumption habits long before AMLO was a president, so not sure if blaming him could be accurate.

    7. Just in time for Halloween candy 🎃

    8. You’ll only buy one though so bad business model

    9. 1:53 Whats next? blaming McDonald's for obesity?

    10. Elmo is letting the cartels run rampant, Elmo is to blame for letting drugs flow into the US.

    11. 2:17 and during Elmo s time in office, let's cartels roam around, sending fentanyl to USA

    12. 3:30 you are 10 years too late,

    13. Elmo no servi para nada!

    14. 6:47 a los rateros no les sirve para nada. ☺echale mas ganitas a tus argumentos.

    15. 8:54 Interesting Netflix myth boy.

    16. Mexico is not a poor country, it had the 15th largest economy.

    17. Elmo El Grampa que si retiree.

    18. 12:45 Se escribe "retire", sin doble "e", genio de la politica...

    19. Eso so no mas. Lopez Obrador.
      Que si retireeeeeeeee.

    20. 11:15 No puedes ni escribir bien... :(

  2. It's not for kids it's for the acronym.
    These people can't be gay in private. Have to let everyone know. Nobody fucking cares. There is no reasoning with the unreasonable. They want want it and want it now! Want to cancel what they can't understand. Entonce mis amigos matalo! These idiots like meth and sweating to club beats. What the fuck are they doing to make things better? Nothing. Just whining and bitching like entitled little bitches. The colores are NOT for the kids it's for their warped scum sucking "parents". Collective narcissism will never admit any fault.

  3. Extremely off-topic but very timely: Given all this nuclear saber-rattling, in the event of a nuclear strike against the US, would Mexico welcome the millions of American refugees who would pour across the border?
    Would Mexico build its own wall?
    An improbable event but certainly not impossible.

    1. Don Brown
      What have you been smoking?
      Let's use some common sense.
      Putin who has been unstable for many days. Has threatened to use nuclear weapons, you surmise that if hit USA, thanks to Putin, the nuclear fallout would stop at the border wall, not really the fallout would also come into Mexico. Thereby Mexico would have many deaths.

    2. There are millions (think 2M) of illegal US citizens living in Mexico, canadians and europeans . And dont think thats possible, if they just want to live. But just like Canada, if they want to get a job, open a business, buy properties, medical service, or that type of stuff they would need to legalize their status. Canada does not need to build anything. Walls are unnecessary.

  4. Lies i work at lax

    1. 1:27 So, you're the ultimate source of accurate information for LAX?

    2. People that clean the toilets at LAX are not privy to the information so what u don’t know isn’t a lie. I dropped a healthy one for you. Get to cleaning

  5. Americans worship drug addicted entertainers, especially, the ones that OD! No wonder its a drug fiend culture!


    1. US have a looong history when it comes to drugs. Opioids, cocaine, marijane, and so on...

    2. 4:49
      Ha funny history Mexico has a blarred one Everyone ever in power Sells off all of Mexicos treasures And Lets them ruin and pollute Mexico
      Mexico only place a burro is allowed on stage with a woman Sick

    3. 1:47 Can corroborate on wikipedia, lots of books related to it, Even on history channel ... Or just give your point, you know shit about this, but do it.

  6. Back in my day this shit used to come in Lego boxes.

    1. Back in the day, it would come in craker jacks


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