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Monday, October 24, 2022

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas: Cartel de Sinaloa Gunmen Abduct 2 Men Listening To CJNG Corridos

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

At least four armed subjects entered a seafood restaurant and abducted two young individuals identified as José Eduardo Bernal and César Estrada. They were playing narco corridos alluding to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

This Sunday night there was a strong police mobilization in the hotel area of Tuxtla Gutiérrez after the kidnapping of two young men who were inside a seafood restaurant was reported.

Reports provided by other diners indicate that at least four heavily armed individuals entered the interior of the El K-Maron Buchón establishment. Located in the Periférico Poniente and 2nd Avenue Sur. While shooting into the air they went to one of the tables where several young people were, forcibly taking the men and placing them into a Toyota Tacoma truck. 

Immediately, elements of different police forces set up a strong security operation on the outskirts of the establishment. As well as in its surroundings. However they didn’t achieve anything, since it was reported that the alleged kidnappers took the security footage. So far nothing is known about the young men kidnapped.

At the beginning of October 2022 a former military gunman from the San José Terán neighborhood in Tuxtla Guiterrez was dispatched by organized crime to Tapachula, Chiapas for a failed mission.


  1. Pinches alucinados all hyped up on cjng shit they must off felt invincible 😂

    1. Sure, turn it on CJNG, even though it was CDS sicarios that picked up two people just listening to music. Fuck all cartel groupies

    2. Over here crying también?

  2. So these hyper sensitive narquillos blow their loads over petty cagada lmao!

  3. On another note, primito must be bringing in a fuckload of money into reynosa to keep a volatile plaza like that relatively calm, I wonder what the deal was when he negotiated with mencho to let him operate from the sierras in jalisco

    1. Primito is a real low profile gangster

    2. Yeah bro must be doin something right,look at Nuevo Laredo as well

  4. If it was the orher way around guys would say cjng are killing inocents just for listening to a corrido, but since it was cds who did it its ok 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pinches cds andan bien paniqueados

    1. Yes I agree with this statement the both trash but CDS fangirls are a little more deluded the CJNG fangirls

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Isn’t this where the novela La Que No Podía Amar was filmed at? Number 1 novela hell yeahhhh

    1. 11:10 y por que no podia amar?
      Si con dos o tres cachetadas tienen pa que agarren la onda.

  7. Is Almo really into Chapos mama or that was for the media? She is too old for young Almo

    1. He had visited her during the COVID 19.
      He picked up 2 evelopes filled, with 100 bills. Supposedly for his birthday.

    2. He is paying rewpect to his bossses 🍕

    3. 11:21 she is old but she's not dead, if it were you, you would go for ALMO too, to get "una de presidente"

    4. 11:22 In that case paid media would be talking nice things about him, just like previous presidents. And as always, SIR giving valid points.

    5. SIR really,valid points,wonder who wrote that

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  9. They are going to Disney land

  10. More ODs and violence in american schools this week. 7 shot in a mass shooting at a St. Louis school. American society is unravelling! While the majority of public school students are illiterate in reading, writing and mathematics! In fact, the decline in national average math scores was the largest ever recorded in the nationally representative assessment of student performance dating back to 1969. In the test’s first results since the pandemic began, just 26 percent of eighth graders showed proficiency in math, down from 34 percent in 2019. That’s the worst result since 2000, as math performance among eighth graders declined in 51 participating states and jurisdictions. Fourth graders fared just a little better with 36 percent achieving a proficient score, down from 41 percent three years earlier. The trend is down!
    No wonder parents are fleeing the public school system for private school education!
    Mexico and America need a radical societal overhaul as their systems slip into the abyss!

    1. Lol we are heading to a well deserved early mass extinction event which is hilarious. I'm twenty years or less or so most of the modern post industrialized world will collapse.
      And the children born under covid pandemic have an IQ score of 76.

    2. And don't forget if a student excels that is anti-social, and if the student is white or Chinese that means they are racist and subject to bullying by classmates and teachers! Meritocracy in the public school system is dead! Everyone fails together!

    3. There we go again with nutts Truther, bashing USA, he is predictable.
      People say he got Deported.

    4. Truther IQ is 20

    5. I see the drunken drug fiends have gotten out their keyboards! Send their kids to school to sling drugs!

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. Man,there thousands and thousands of other schoolsUS is not unraveling.If it is it's because of frauds from the South,who ransacked the Congress and those who support them.

    8. @3:50am. It is estimated that over 95% of all species that ever lived are extinct. A sobering statistic that doesn't bode well for we humans.

    9. No. You're just getting older and crankier ( you kids get off my lawn type shit). Elvis was at one time the poster boy of the end of civility. has been doing horrible things to his fellow man since time was kept. Only difference is knowledge today is far more accessible and bountiful. The world and society will march forward knee scrapes and all with or without your prophecies.

    10. 1:01 propaganda, privatize shit all over and you will get worse results, social security, prisons, drug trafficking, politics government agencies, medicare all bound to fail like the housing bubble of not long ago, with no ody to prosecute because the IRS got short staffed and ruled by business insiders like DOJ.

    11. 10:15 Already proven that privatization does not work when it comes to public services. SIR giving valid points, as always.

  11. Cjng fanboys 🤣why listen to their trash b list corridos anyway

  12. The only corridos that are allowed are for La Chapiza 🍕and La Sombreriza 🤠.
    Ordenes de los Patrones !

  13. Wow - first I have heard confirmation of this happening. Always heard people saying it was a possibility

  14. Lmao my friend recorded that video, it was edited due to it showing a blurred out face at the beginning.

  15. Oooo lil cds feelings got hurt 🤣🤣 in Cjng plazas they let you listen to cds corridos cause they know they are fake 😂😂😂

    1. You mean because all the hit corridos are CDS ones, they’d have to kill everyone 🤣meanwhile cjng corridos only their fanboys listen to that bs 😂

    2. Even the cjng nenas listen to cds corridos haha

    3. Real man take music like it is, lil girls get theyr feeling hurt when they hear something they dont like 🎶Gira y se para la tierra si Joaquin lo ordena🎶 🤣🤣🤣 who in their right mind would take that music seriously?

  16. If I listen to Hip Hop, will I also be shot?

  17. Let me tell a true story that just happened this past weekend 😂 i was at my local sports bar having a drink , at the far end of the bar was a group of Mexicans/Chicanos/edgars dressed in rock revival and ariat. They were asking for corridos to el chapo and being loud screaming arriba la chapizza.. they were being loud, annoying and kept looking around at the girls to see if they were watching. they were making all these requests and not once i saw them even buying the dj a drink. So i told my waitress to buy the dj a drink , whatever he wanted, gave her 100$ for the dj to change the music to corridos pal Mencho. Just as i expected they started making faces and told the dj to change the music but since they weren't paying he told them no. Dj kept playing for about 15-18 min and that ended their loud bullshit . Im not in any way in that life or anything just thought it was hilarious. 100$ well spent lmao. On another note when it was time to pay they were reaching a lil too deep in their pockets to come up with the $ .. security was even called to make sure they didn't leave .. reminds me of GlloronN on here..

    El Cementero de Dallas

    1. GspotSonora
      Been acting crabby lately.
      For some unknown reason, he wants to intigao trouble.

    2. 11:51 All those Sinaloas just love that attention and sonorans want to be just like them so yea GlloroN wants the attention he doesnt get at home

    3. 10:22 lol mencho fanboy fantasies. ain’t no CJNG corridos worth playing at the bar 🤣

    4. 2:07 ok all corridos sound the same, just play any cds corrido and change the letters to cjng and thats it, so in a sence cjng are as good as the cds

    5. @Dallas better watch out the Chapizzas will put a hit out on you for disrespect

    6. 4:45 ok mr hittman

    7. 10:22 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Se acavaron su quincena en sus fake rock revival and Ariat, tipico Sinaloa que quieren que otros paguen por ellos como si fueran viejas, a pero ahi andan presumiendo que hacen y deshacen pero ni para las cheves train

    8. @10:22 jajaja good one 🍺

  18. The kids were returned alive, probably got beat up.

  19. Shoulda stuck to Timbirche.

  20. Dam. Guys was just drinking trying to enjoy some Mencho corridos. Many of us have done dumb things like that. Definitely didn’t deserve to be murdered over that. sinloa cartel killing innocents again like always.

  21. Go to juarez or monterrey bumping chapo corridos and you’ll see how fast you get picked up. Not making this up either!!

  22. that “el doble r” is a banger

  23. nobody could never make me listen to a song about another man let alone a narco figure lmao fuck that shit


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