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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Video of Men Wearing Jackets Reading "DEA" in a Confrontation with Hitmen in Tijuana, Alleged To Be Fake

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat

A video appeared on social media which shows three men wearing jackets with the letters "DEA" forcing a number of men to surrender. A Twitter user claimed that the video shows US DEA agents arresting Mexican citizens  in Tijuana, in Baja California. 

Almost immediately there were claims of the footage being fake. No Mexican news agency has deemed the claims credible enough to cover, possibly due to some discrepancies with the men's appearance which draw into question the authenticity of the claim. 

The Video

At 2:55 pm on October 23, 2022, the twitter user Pablo Perito uploaded the following video.

He captioned the video with “No, it's not Texas, it's Tijuana, the DEA making arrests in Mexico? Well, at least someone is working for security and it's neither the Mexican Army nor the National Guard!” 

After the video was posted, there were accusations of the footage being fake, or rather that the claims made about the footage were fake.

Some online allege the footage does not show actual US DEA agents, but instead shows men who are merely wearing costumes.

If these are costumes, then there are two main possibilities:

  1. The video does not show a real abduction. It is just a bunch of guys, who know they are being filmed, acting out a scene. The video could have been filmed in order to drum up controversy, to bolster a political agenda, or simply to gain views/new Twitter followers. 
  2. The video shows a real abduction and the men in the costumes are actually cartel hitmen impersonating DEA agents. 

Now, cartel hitmen are regularly caught with fake uniforms for Mexican law enforcement agencies and do sometimes impersonate members of law enforcement. 

Just earlier this year cartel hitmen were caught on video abducting a man in Mexicali, Baja California, while wearing state Attorney General’s Office (FGE) uniforms. The hitmen attempted to impersonate FGE agents and disguised their abduction as an arrest. The man they took was found dead the next day, with injuries consistent with torture. For more details, please see this previous story.

Some Obvious Discrepancies

In the video, the "agents" appear to have been driving a vehicle similar to a Dodge Challenger. The Dodge Challenger is a muscle car that is not known to be widely used by law enforcement agencies.

And then there is the clothing that the men appear to be wearing. The white sole sneakers that the man in the brown cap is seen wearing don't appear to match the normal attire of an agent but exact regulations about footwear couldn't be found online. 

There are a number of interesting discrepancies between the windbreaker seen in the footage and some of the actual jackets worn by DEA agents.

It's worth noting from the outset that there are many variations of real DEA jackets. Based on photos, these variations appear to usually denote a specific division, or a team's role relative to the agency.

In the video, the jacket appears to show three white serif letters centered on the back. This jacket variation has been photographed many times during verified DEA arrests, so let's review some photos of the authentic jacket, looking for distinguishing characteristics.

The two features that seem the easiest to spot from a distance are the yellow badge patch on their left side and a white serif-version of the letters on their right on the front of the jacket. 

Of note, it's not hard to come by a fake uniform. The Internet is, in fact, replete with fake DEA jackets. 

Just one Google search and you can find versions on online retailer sites, Ebay, Amazon, Etsy and movie costume stores. Most of the versions that you can find online of the white serif lettering version of the jacket lack the yellow badge patch.

In the video, the only man who turns towards the camera in a way where we can fully see the front of the jacket is the man in the brown cap. The front of his jacket appears to have nothing on his left side. There may be something on his right side that's hard to make out, but regardless of what it is, it's placement is not consistent with the insignia  placement of an authentic jacket. 

Recent Tensions Over DEA Agents in Mexico

Now, to be clear, there are US DEA agents currently working in Mexico. Over the last few years there have been a number of high profile moves which may indicate a growing tension between the Mexican federal government and the US law enforcement agency. 

The plane was stored in the Federal Attorney General's Office's (FGR's) hangar at the Toluca airport, in Mexico when it was not in use. The new rule stipulated that the agency had to submit a written request to use the runway two weeks prior to any flight. According to Reuters, this stagnated the plane's use because of the nature of the operations it was used in required "flexibility and speed". 

In April 2021, President Lopez Obrador’s administration informed the DEA that they would be shutting down Mexico’s Sensitive Investigative Unit (SIU), who acted as the main conduit for the DEA to share leads with the Mexican government on drug shipments and tips they obtained on US soil, according to Reuters. 

The President stated he made the decision because the SIU had allegedly become infiltrated by organized crime moles. 

In December 2021, local media reported that Mexico had ceased approving DEA agents' applications for visas to work in Mexico. Later, the US ambassador Ken Salazar confirmed that the US was currently negotiating with Mexico to get visas for DEA agents. 

In May 2022, the Mexican government rescinded the parking space for the DEA's plane within the FGR's hangar, as covered in this previous story. 

In July 2022, the DEA released a statement which indicated they were involved in the arrest of Rafael Caro Quintero.

Then, during a press conference, President Lopez Obrador told reporters that the DEA was not involved in the arrest. Shortly after the President's statement, the DEA removed the link to their statement from their website. 

Keeping in mind this history between the two countries, is it likely that a government agency would allow three agents to drive around Tijuana in a Dodge Challenger, arresting Mexican citizens in public spaces, completely unaccompanied by their Mexican law enforcement counterparts? 

It is worth noting that no national newspapers, such as Milenio, El Sol, or El Universal, have deemed the claims by Pablo Pedrito credible enough to be worth covering in an article. 

Nor have any local newspapers, such as Zeta Tijuana or AFN Tijuana, deemed his claims credible enough to be worth covering.

Real Jacket Photo Sources: US 2010, Guatemala 2012US 2021 Source - Back, Front, Kenya 2021

Sources: Pablo Perito, Border Report, Reuters, El Pais


  1. Their shoes and the Dodge Challenger car don't seem practical for law enforcement, especially DEA. Usually they'd be wearing boots, not Vans/sneakers. Even if they want to be undercover a bit, 3 agents in a 2 door car is odd. LE also seems to ride in 4 door vehicles.

    1. They're rogue DEA agents in Mexico trying to come up on a little somethin somethin.

  2. They filming a narco novela

  3. Wannabe DEA agents, have been watching too much movies.

  4. The DEA no longer has diplomatic since last year. If I remember correctly, that means they can no longer carry weapons. Two, they would be behind Mexican Law Enforcement. AMLO has set relations back to the 70s. He has kicked them in the teeth and cut them at the knees. That old man has issues from ego. No wonder Joe Biden didn't seem to like him in their meeting. Will USA respond soon towards this?

    As for the DEA's appearances exluding their badges, they can wear anything or drive whatever. It's a spooky world. Jeans, boots, running shoes, mullets, have always been signs. Anyone else have input on this?

    1. 1:05:
      Certainly ELMO's ego is a part of it. However, these moves greatly benefit organized crime in Mexico. I would like to think that ELMO isn't accepting money from the cartels, but his actions suggest otherwise.
      These actions will cost thousands of innocent Mexican lives in addition to the thousands of lives of those into the game. As I have explained in previous comments, homicides have increased by 50% since ELMO was sworn in as president. There have been more than an additional 50,000 homicides so far under ELMO. Hundreds of these murder victims were innocent children.
      If this is purely ELMO's ego, this is sick. He can see the results of his decisions. I would like to think that ELMO isn't demented. If he's not demented than the only reasonable explanation is that he is accepting payment from organized crime.
      I recently read a statement made by Julian Leyzaola. He says that ELMO's policy isn't failing because ELMO lacks a cogent security policy to fail. Leyzaola is only one of millions of Mexicans who are tired of hugs not bullets.
      In the meantime, homicides in Mexico remain at record levels and the good people of Mexico continue to pay for ELMO's malfeasance, ego, corruption or any combination of these.
      Elmo undeniably has a problem with his ego. But if his ego explains his continued inaction in the face of record levels of homicides, he is extremely sick in the head for placing his ego above the welfare of the people. Julian Leyzaola thinks that it is malfeasance. If ELMO is sane, then the best explanation is corruption.

    2. Elmo has not eliminated DEA, from being on Mexican land, he had shorten the amount that can be there, furthermore, he did this to please the old generals in the Military, as they have power over Elmo. It was done because Military ex Cienfuegos was arrested at LAX in the past.

    3. Does the United States allow foreign law enforcement to operate in USA soil ? More over armed law enforcement to operate on USA soil ?

    4. @2:28 pm. Funny. I don’t remember United States do anything to punish the ones responsible for Fast and Furious weapons program to cartels that kill thousands of innocent on the Mexican side of the border. Your failure came to light only after a USA border patrol got killed by those weapons. Now according to you murder have increased on AMLO. Do you have the number of every years since 2006 until now ?

    5. @2:34 pm. Cienfuegos was arrested not convicted on any crimes and released by the United States of America. Also. I will like to remind you people that your government is well known to pardoned convicted criminals including civilians murderers and military murderers. Basically Presidents and governors do that all the time. Shame on you.

    6. 3:29
      You are not seeing the whole picture, DEA would not be needed in Mexico, if drugs would not be flowing into USA, and if Mexican government did it's job of putting criminals in prison.

    7. Mexico IS one sick place. Many people have that ego. It's all over the world but Mexican people have it to a more repulsive degree. That's why Mexico will never be great in the world stage. AMLO is a representation of what I call more than half of a population foolish. They reward being malicious, being "smarter" in the sense of fucking one another, and they suffer from massive inadequacies. That's a lot of Mexican people. It's a pathetic way of life. I don't say that in a condescending way, I mean it in people who are terrible human beings type of way. I recognize it so I have the tact to see AMLO's ways as similar to those type of fake humble people with evil under their table. I encountered so many people like that in Mexico. You get 3/10 good people there. In USA I'd say those odds are better. The current social fabric in Mexico is disgusting. Weak people with a poor mentality are abundant. It's their curse. That way of being starts since the age of exploration
      One group humiliating another. Then later on in the Revolution, Mexicans fight each over who can have the power rather than fighting for the soul of their ideologies. The classism, the racism, the ego, the trickeries, it's all perservered throughout Mexico. As the saying goes, they continue to be their own worst enemy. This social subject reaches the top of politics too, where every political party makes their own rules, agencies, reformations, and criteria to look good. It's all about them and crushing the next man rather than pushing unity and respect. Weak cowardly hearts driven by the worst things under whatever good guise they present you. In my experience, finding REAL people in Mexico is hard. This is why there so many homicides in Mexico. People just can't treat others correctly. So it's time to go. Fuck the shitheads, send them to the sewers. It's harsh but it's definitely a reason. I do not support death but I also don't support filth. AMLO is not acting and evil starts there. People are taking advantage of the opportunity

    8. @4:40 pm Obviously your government is not doing its job on stopping the flow of drugs into your country and the flow of weapons and money out of your country, the drug distribution and the drug abuse. At the same time arresting all those criminals running all the logistics on the great USA. You see. If you stop all the consumers from doing drugs it would be no longer a problem. Lol. Obviously Mexico got problems but you guys walk side by side. One more question. How is your prescription drug abuse ? Or the Marijuana coming from Canada problem ? Under control ?

    9. The murderers involved in "Operation Kill Kiki Camarena" need to be arrested on the US by Mexican agents, because most US Agencies and agents are all in on the cover-up.

    10. El Mickeyson. Trump Kool-Aid anyone? The fabric of society in the USA is trash. Everyone is totally divided on politics to the point of killing one another. Mass Shootouts. School Shooting over and over. Drug use up the ass. Police brutality. Homelessness all over. Thieves running around lose. Crazy conspiracy theories followers. Funny thing you see a lot of adults talking about some conspiracy theories that WoW. You have to be really stupid to believe that crap. Violent acts from young people on the elderly. Car jacking. Fraud. And many other savage things that I don’t remember at the moment. But yeah. Other than that yeah. Life is peachy. Beautiful and cool 😎.

    11. @7:51
      Another one that is quick draw Mc Graw, quick to play the blame game. Lol you said nothing is being done, duh why you think there's checkpoints, what do you think DEA does? Dios mio nothing is being done 🤣🤣🤣

    12. AMLO is like your guys, denial and becoming personal when things goes the other way but never changing his politics.
      You might have some points but by becoming personal and all the stupid exaggerations you do - you are closer to AMLO than to a solution.

    13. 5.02, this is why most americans or other foreigners living in mexico, perceived as rich, congregate and stay in areas with each other. Once you venture out on your own, you soon realize you are a target and will be forced to part with every penny you have worked hard for.

    14. @9:51 pm Blame gane lol. I know. People are so stupid using the blame game. Both countries have problems and both countries are failing miserably. I cannot believe how easy Mexico and the USA are getting outsmarted by a bunch of ignorant low life criminals. Lol. Misma burra pero revolcada. Los gabachos no pueden parar una cosa y los mexicanos no pueden parar otra. Jajajaja. Que risa me da.

    15. Anon 9/54. In 1971 Nixon started the war on drugs. 50 years later and costing 51 billion a year today to fight the drug war.

      Is it personal for you yet Papi ? Have you found a solution yet Papi ? Is AMLO your drug problem Papi ?

    16. Trump kool aid? Thoughtless response. Put the shit of one country compared with another and you'll see which one has the bigger shit. Mexico's shit is endless to the core. We are being realistic here. Every authentic Mexicano realizes the flaw of their country. Just as we realize our country's flaws which pales to the issues of Mexico. USA is my country, that sort of rhetoric shouldn't put me in a spectrum politically. That's for small minded people that think thoughts always fall somewhere on a party's subscription. It shows the level of education of some people. I support the country that FEEDS ME. The one who's economy I live by. The one that has given me opportunities and still is the #1 country in the world. It's loyalty. I'm Chicano but as much as we should respect our roots we should respect where we grow them next. You think Mexico is a better country? Go step and tango in that bitch. You'll be happy to be back I promise. I've met many people in Guadalajaras's higher class that all speak with a grim reality of their country. They wish to make it better. Sometimes they aspire to live in USA because they understand it's a better country. In the sense of economy and opportunity specifically that is. Only stupid ego would get in the way of accepting this reality. Just like Amlo's weak stupid head. What would damn cucarachas that think like him know anyway. It's all about being "better" right? They're lost. Mexico can only be loved for vacation. Such a great country it would be if it wasn't for the fucking cucarachas that have grease it since it's manifestation. If there are any delicate egos here too. Just see where 80% of Mexico's exports go. See who lives off who. See who supplies Mexico in the effort for the war on drugs through Plan Merida. Look what currency the world is pegged on. U.S hegemony putos. Get it line with it or mueran engañados.

    17. It probably all did sound very personal. What's true behind this is that the ACTUAL good people of Mexico pay for the wickedness of others here. That is the popular way of being to succeed. It is impossible to me. Be fake, be ugly, and be just like them. You will be tested out there doing business

    18. Blah blah blah says the Mickeson. Lol It is clear to me that you don’t know much about Mexico. Mexico has goods and bad. Same as the United States. When it comes to compare both countries USA is better if you are poor and want a better way of life for your family. But if you make 20 thousand pesos a month you don’t need immigrate to USA. Mexico is better. Now if I have it my way. Sweden or Switzerland will be my choice. Lol.

    19. @ 8:48 only a chump would stick around for 20 thousand pesos a month. Any uneducated person can easily clear 2 grand a week in the US.

    20. 11:43 I know for a fact that you have never lived in Mexico nor do you know someone that has for any length of time.

      I’ve lived near in Torreón, Guadalajara, DF, near Mazatlan, Tampico and I have worked 4 summers on a cattle ranch 120 km West of Durango. I know that Americans are safer than Mexicans because I have been told this by Mexican nationals and observed and experienced it for 21 years of travel since I was 18, and 12 years living here after retiring at 26 with less than $1mm. The reality is that most American that go to American communities go there because 1) they don’t speak Spanish, 2) to seek socialization with other Americans or 3) they don’t have funds to retire in US and come here ONLY to live retirement. Me and many I know choose not to live in these communities for many reasons but a big one is that I date and live with Mexican women and most Americans do not speak beyond a rudimentary Spanish in this communities, and although a small minority; some are vehemently racist and speak to ladies I date rudely and most times not even realizing it (quite bizarre!). However, I have enjoyed time with the people in American communities for many years Thanksgiving and 4th of July, and I plan to continue to do so.

      As far as American victims of crime; should you do even a cursory research 11:43, it will become apparent that the few Americans that are victims of violent crime are largely robbed by transient criminals or, to a lessor extent American tourists are raped by Mexican vacationers in the same resort towns (which I avoid unless visiting Americans). I do not blame rape victims, however anyone that has been to Cabo, Cancun, PV, etc has likely seen American young ladies highly intoxicated hanging on and flirting with strangers. Not wise anywhere but especially in Mexico where many Mexican men believe American women are more free with sex and one night stands.

      Please do yourself and bb readers some justice and perform some diligence before spewing your ignorant BS as though you know anything beyond what you’ve read on bb.

    21. Sol You most be on drugs or something. 2 Thousand a week. Ha. Millions and millions don’t even get to 800 a week. Many more millions don’t even get 2 thousand a month. My nephew finish college and his masters and landed a job on Google. He is making 35 an hr $280 a day and only $1400 a week. Uneducated making $2000 a week. Ha. In your dreams.

    22. @ 10:16 I can confirm that the oil filed pays handsomely. 2-5 grand a week can easily be made here in Texas in the construction business also. You don't need any type of degree to make this money either. College is for people who want student debt. Unless of course you go into the military then it's free. I also use to think college was needed to make good money. But no its not needed if you know certain trades.

    23. 1:47 Se vale soñar señor gringo.

    24. 4:40 US either... so your point is?

    25. Mexico is turning into one giant graveyard. No blaming the us will ever change that from the truth. This is a Mexican vs Mexican problem. Sorry if the truth is to hard to handle, keep blaming everyone else for your problems, it won’t stop the bodies from piling…

    26. Sol in constitución 2 to 5 thousand a week only if you are a contractor. The most I seen a regular worker is $800 to $1000. Experience worker with tools $1000 to $1400. Now. My 21 year old nephew is working on oil drilling in Colorado and he is making up to $8000 to $12000 a month but he works long hrs 5 to 7 days a week. He works showers and straight to sleep.

    27. 11:27 Every single bullet comes from US, and cartels get US dollars, not pesos, not gold, not euros, not oil barrels, but US dollars and US bullets. So straight your facts. I know this is hard to swallow. But US drug market is making problems since decades ago. And not just Mexico. Sorry if i stated something hard to admit. So the one blaming others for their problems isnt Mexico. USA is as safe as Brazil, but supposed to compare with Canada.

    28. 2:34 Detroit? is that you?

    29. Mickelson, Detroit and some anonymous got bitten by the same virus:
      "too long dicksinella"
      I blame AMLO

    30. 10.11 you are a fucking idiot. First, I am mexican and I live in Sonora and have lived here 20 years, I live in a mexican neighborhood, I am an American citizen and speak Spanish fluently. I was not talking about crime as you suggest. I was also not talking about my experience but that of many other Americans I know. Let's see how many Americans go to Mexico and try to open businesses here. Please do not threaten me nor give me orders. You would be surprised who you are dealing with. There is a lot of Fraud in mexico, a lot. You must bribe people to get anything done. And the americans cheat other americans here. Finally, you suggest I am not entitled to an opinion and you dont want me to post on this blog. You have no authority to ban me cause you disagree, it is an open forum. Sue me or try to kill me if you are so angry.

    31. 8:48 But that guy in Mexico with a small wage... have health insurance for him and his family that covers ANY health condition, no need to give a cent on insurance deductible, plus other benefits. You have access to infonativ, that allows you to become a home owner. Higher education is payable, no need access to scholarships in order to have access to.

      You can get paid better in the US, but everything is great until a cancer arrives and coverage results to be partial.

      US is great if you have a plan, saving for a business, living below your possibilities, study, save money and go back, etc...

      Canada, most european countries, Australia, Japan, and so on... are better options than the US.

    32. 4:38 brings up a good point. Young ladies may wait for hours outside the public hospital in Mexico but once seen, their babies are delivered and given basic care at no cost.

      Aside from that private hospitals are 10-15% the cost of US healthcare. A friend retired from Delta grew so tired of insurance hassles in the US that she had her cancer treated in Guadalajara for about a year and spent $20k usd equivalent and she’s been cancer free since completing in 2019.

    33. 9:53
      Is the best public service after Canada, Cuba, Argentina and Chile. And yes, they have to wait, but service is good enough considering its a public service and paying CERO deductible. You have the option of small cost service on small things. From zero-25 usd private consultation. Specialist cost on private 40-200 USD. But if you have diabetes, cancer, surgery or a condition like that public service is excellent.

      Public university you pay like 1 USD a year if you have good grades, if not is a 300 usd per semester tuition. Private universities with good reputation can go HIGH.

      About the same thing with dental care.

      There is an important industry on Medical tuorism. Tijuana, Mexicali, Juarez, Reynosa, Monterrey, Guadalajara and CDMX are the main points and is common to find bilingual professionals.

      US wages are great, and little else than that.

      Housing, health, education, public health, violence rates arent great in USA.

    34. 3:21. Learn to read. Nobody threatened you and 10:11 is 100% correct. I stay at Estrella Del Mar 4 month for the past 14 winters and what she/he says about American safety in Mexico and crime is true.

  5. One of them has a badge

  6. DEA in the US dont even roll up like that. they not doing that in Mexico. lol

  7. It seems like it’s hit men impersonating DEA. That’s could be robbers trying to get traffickers drugs. BUT it’s definitely not real DEA. Like the guy said. Law enforcement doesn’t use 2 door cars. PERIOD. How they gonna arrest someone?

    1. I watch FBI: International a division of the DoJ and partners with the DEA and Ice Cube always drives a 2door bulletproof sports car

    2. That’s Hollywood goof troop

  8. It's fake as real DEA jackets always have it written on the biceps

  9. Foreign law enforcement cannot have gubs in Mexico
    .respect AMLO.

    1. Lopez Obrador does nothing for it's citizens, he is in it for the Bribes.

    2. AMLO is a coward. There dhould not be any 3 letters in Mexico period!

    3. 4:35 If AMLO is corrupt, why does Loret de Mola hates him?

      8:58 Cry him a river brat.

  10. This is totally fake it’s like a movie or something one of those Mexican movies

  11. Its a video for a cds fake corrido

  12. Viva AMLO cabrones!

  13. DEA has bo power in Mexico. Better leave your balls on the door step before ensuing casa de mexioco.

    1. 1:22 Thats relatively new, from 2019 +/- to now. Weird how their involvement caused various attacks against them.

  14. Leave mexico to its own devices,in other words fuck em,serious cryin haters of the U.S fuck em

    1. 4:38 Then fix your shit on your side of the border and stop talking shit about Mexico.

  15. Who cares,they winge if they get help they winge if they dont,stay away from mexico

  16. It's obviously a God damn TV show or movie scene...


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