Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 21, 2022

Spotsylvania, Virginia: Mom Charged With Murder After Toddler's THC Overdose

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A Virginia mother has been charged with murder after her 4-year-old son died from eating a large amount of THC-infused gummies earlier this year.

Doctors told investigators that medical intervention could have prevented the toddler’s death had Dorothy Annette Clements, 30, sought help sooner, WTTG reported.

Tanner Clemens died on May 8, two days after he was found unresponsive.

Clements told police that she called poison control when her son ate half a CBD gummy and was told he’d be fine, WRC reported.

CBD, or cannabidiol, does not contain THC — tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that makes people high — but toxicology reports showed a high level of THC in the boy’s system. Additionally, the detective investigating said she found an empty THC gummy jar in the home.

An autopsy said toxic levels of THC caused the boy’s death.

Clements was arrested on Thursday and charged with murder and child neglect, WTTG said. She’s being held without bond.

NBC News  Crime Online

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  1. First time I ever read about THC being toxic.
    Then again, usually it's teens and adults using, not some little kid. And certainly not that much.

    1. It can be in extremely extremely high levels, like if an adult ate hundreds of edibles or if a small child ate a few dozen edibles. To reach the levels in that kids autopsy, he would have had to eat dozens and dozens of 10mg edibles. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ate 50+ edibles to get in the thousands of ng of THC per mL of whole blood.

    2. Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.

    3. 2:54 How do you know how much was taken? I saw no info anywhere about the dosage other than the fact that it was “high”.

    4. In a kid a high dosage could be potentially fatal not because of thc but because of low doses of oxygen going to the brain. When your "high" your breathing pattern changes.... what do you guys think? Maybe he chocked on his saliva.

    5. The kid overdosed on candy,
      but never knew he was "using"
      THC; the negligence of some addicts is monumental, like the ignorance of some commenters

    6. 12:50 I think you just overdosed on stupidity..

    7. 7:49 You’re being quite ironic sir

    8. He probably died from electrolyte abnormalities caused by vomiting. THC itself is very unlikely to be directly toxic. It can cause intense vomiting, ie, "greening out", and that can be deadly especially to small children who are very susceptible to electrolyte abnormalities occurring with vomiting and diarrhea. That's why cholera is so deadly for children, as well.

    9. Well said SIR, since you are the BB expert on ignorance.

    10. 9:40 Looks like someone ran out of arguments.

  2. rekt. blame mexico. shithole country as some lame on here always calls it

    1. I blame Almo, for letting the cartels transport the drugs.

    2. 4:18 I blame 7-eleven because is where i meet my dealer. And Honda because i drive a honda to buy my drugs.

    3. I don't blame Sol.

    4. ALMO let's it's citizens be victims to cartel violence.

    5. Los Desplazados del Chayote son los nuevos pobres de México, antes éramos:
      Los De Abajo

    6. 11:05 Biden lets its citizens be victims of drug abuse.

    7. Grampa Almo does not help it's people from violence, his ratings are low, fentanyl keeps flooding USA, he can care a rats azz.

    8. 7:52 Biden isnt precisely a young guy... and hes the one letting that happen on soil his supposed to protect. Straight your facts. Straight your facts.

    9. 7:52 it's the bribes that makes grampa Lopez Obrador happy. Citizens don't give him bribes.

  3. Fake trying to push the anti THC agenda

    1. Have you ever eaten to much THC? Its not fun and yes THC killed the kid. In high levels THC is not good for you. Its all moderation

    2. It is impossible to die from THC there is no known LD lethal dose. Likely laced with ISO fentanyl analog or something and THC

    3. It’s always those pinche huevones marijuanos who don’t like to work just like to get high defending that shit.

    4. 5:14 WINS today's best comment award:
      Una de Árabe

    5. 5:14 I get up at 5 am work 12 hour days 4 days a week yeah that's pretty lazy huh

    6. 514 I work my ass off everyday high as a kite.
      Am I still lazy? I make plenty of money and pay my bills.
      Long Live Stoners!

    7. I’d out work 5:14 on my worst day. This person is just ignorant and believes everything they’re told. Hopefully one day you can think for yourself.

    8. I bet these pinche marijuanos be fucking up at work making mistakes.

      “I get up really early and work real hard let me get high on drugs I’m stressed and can’t cope”

      Pinches llorones!

    9. 1:09 I bet a marijuano is your Sancho too huh

    10. 12:17 the article is not about you, "super heros" of the functioning addict lobby...
      so does the Dogg, and he makes funny jokes like Cheech and Chong,

    11. Damn look at these druggies defending their drug use what a shame!

    12. 12:10 Sarcasm? Why would people not defend drugs? People defend coffee and beer all day everyday like their life depends on it even though they’re far from the best substances

    13. @4:24
      Caffeine and beer while also drugs are not even the same as heroin, meth, marijuana etc you fucking junkie

  4. “Ultimately, marijuana has killed about 25 people in the last 25,000 years.”
    -Tim Leary

    1. 10:18 LSD makes you see shit from another perspective, prolly Lucy's on the Sky with Diamonds, Leary was one crazy motherfucker, crazier than his mama's cow that burned all of Chicago.

  5. This would be the first time in recorded history someone has died from thc…… sus

  6. No way kid died from weed

    1. 12:50 so you know better than the examiner and the cuicos and his mother...

  7. I know a guy that died from weed a 2000 pound shipment fell from sky on top of him killing him inatantly smh marijuana sont kill people .

  8. Most likely would've ODed on fentanyl or heroin before he was 20 given his drug fiend family! That's how American culture rolls!

    1. Orale lil nutts let's blend in America again. You seem to comment the same method all the time...well in Chicago 12 died, well the Larry is hooked. Common broaden your head.

    2. @10:32 is a no doubter drug fiend with soon to be drug fiend children! Fact! Tell the BB board how you control your drug and alcohol usage and are a great parent!

    3. 10:32 I gat Baaad Nius for ya:
      Spotsylvanniya, is a US city in the State of Virginia

  9. The kid was very very obese And large amounts of THC has killed many They smoke they drive they cradh they drive wrong way killing others So yes THC has killed And 5;14 you are correct THC has made many Lazy non working humans low lifers Yes some can work while high . but only a few
    i would hate to be the one to correct all the mistakes of those working while high I have seen the work of people high what a freaking mess .. other web sites has pics of kid he weighed like 85 pounds at 4 yrs old

    1. I seen spiders weaving their webs while high on THC...
      and addicts with "successful" lives until the shit wins and people stop believing their crap

    2. SIR needs humane euthanization.

  10. SIR needs CBD for his psychosis


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