Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, October 29, 2022

While The World Is Looking Elsewhere, Mexico May Be On The Brink Of Losing Its Democracy | Opinion

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexico’s populist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to dismantle the independent National Electoral Institute. 

While much of the world is focused on Brazil’s Oct. 30 presidential elections, we should also pay attention to an alarming political development that could mark the end of democracy in Mexico.

The Mexican government is planning to dismantle the National Electoral Institute (INE), the country’s highly respected independent electoral body.

The INE has played a key role in Mexico’s transition to democracy since the late ’90s, when it became an autonomous government institution. It has since guaranteed free and fair elections in a country that, before 2000, had been ruled by a single party for the previous seven decades.

But now, Mexico’s populist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to dismantle the INE and replace it with a much smaller and weaker electoral body.

On Oct. 26, López Obrador’s Morena party in Congress approved a 21-member commission to set in motion major political reform. In addition to downsizing the INE, it would cut public funds and media time for political parties and eliminate 200 of the 500 seats in the lower house of Congress.

The Mexican Congress is scheduled to debate these changes in late November, when few in the country will be paying attention: It’s when Mexico’s national soccer team is scheduled to play against Poland, Argentina and Saudi Arabia in the World Cup in Qatar.

López Obrador, much like Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and former U.S. President Donald Trump, has long criticized his country’s electoral system. He began lashing out against electoral authorities since he lost a 2006 presidential election and blamed it on fraud.

But the INE, which has undergone several reforms since its creation, has gained respect at home and abroad.

Sen. Tim Kaine, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee’s Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, told me that, “Dissolving the National Electoral Institute in Mexico would be a serious mistake and another major setback for democracy in Mexico.”

Kaine added: “In the U.S. and around the world, a credible electoral process administered by independent institutions is critical to ensuring” democratic rule.

Roberta Jacobson, former U.S. ambassador to Mexico, likewise told me that, “The idea of dismantling the INE is beyond worrisome.” She added that it has been “one of the world’s strongest electoral authorities, with its leaders called on by countries around the world” to help them ensure fair elections.

“It’s part of López Obrador’s efforts to weaken or do away with independent regulatory agencies,” Jacobson said. “Strong democracies need strong, independent institutions. They are dying in Mexico.”

International democracy-advocacy groups are sounding alarm bells.

The European Commission for Democracy Through Law, also known as the Venice Commission, issued an Oct. 22 report concluding that López Obrador’s plan to replace the INE with a new institution “might compromise the impartial and independent operation” of the electoral body.

Daniel Zovatto, regional director for Latin America of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA,) a Sweden-based non-governmental organization, told me that López Obrador’s move against the INE is “very serious, worrisome and dangerous.” He added: “It could also have a very negative impact on other countries in the region.”

The Mexican president’s claim that he wants to downsize the INE to save government funds is ridiculous, considering the huge amounts of money he has spent on highly questionable public projects.

López Obrador’s government has spent $18 billion on building the highly controversial Dos Bocas oil refinery, at a time when Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich states are investing to diversify their economies away from oil. He has also spent $5.2 billion to build a new airport for Mexico City called Felipe Angeles International, which is 30 miles away from the city and virtually empty.

By comparison, the INE’s annual budget of $706 million has been one of Mexico’s best investments to ensure democratic stability, without which Mexico would find it much harder to draw investments.

Don’t be fooled: Dismantling the INE would take Mexico back to the old days when an almighty ruling party could rig elections at will. The only difference would be that, this time, López Obrador would be at the helm.

Miami Herald

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  1. This is great news. It will spark the Balcanization of Mexico. I can't wait to put the Serbs and Croatians to shame by exterminating all the chilangos, centracas and sudacas that dare to set foot in Aridoamerica.

    1. what are you even talking about

    2. He don't know, he just flapping gums.

    3. You gotta be a real history nut to understand this dudes comment 😂 he’s comparing this to what happened in Yugoslavia

    4. I’ve been daydreaming about that happening 😂 viva aridoamerica

    5. Probably on movies, or a Netflix series.

    6. 8:53 His first sentence is irrelevant to Mexico and the second one pure fantasy. Mr anonymous failed history.

    7. This ain't Vlade Divac

    8. 10:09 it is not. If Morena pushes it. We will start a civil war in Aridoamerica that will get very medieval really fast.

    9. FECAL AND EPN had the army and navy on the street, fighting irrespective enemies of their friends and their enemies, but "unofficially".
      AMLO wants to marry SEDENA to the budget of the Guarida Nacional, believing that together with the polesia federal and the polesia Nacional, married officially, they will keep an eye on each other or shit...
      presidente Madero also forgave the traitors in the mexican Army after the revolutionaries beat their ass under porfirio diaz...
      then the "forgiven federales" arrested and murdered Madero and his brother and his vicepresident...
      Guardia Nacional was supposed to be a Fuerza Civil.
      IFE sold out a looong time ago, lencho Cordova is one proven, corrupt, sanababich,

    10. SIR always giving accurate points!

  2. Doubt it like this guy in the comments said John Kerry has made his way over there and AMLO even had a meeting coming up with biden! And with everything going on in Mexico with the caputures and extraditions they working there way up

  3. It's already a failed state!

    1. ALMO can care a rats ass.

    2. Not even close...

    3. 12:24 these days, france and México have been reported as the two countries with the best economies...check your facts.

    4. 10:07 a majority informal economy with middling provable numbers?

    5. 2:53 Haiga sido como haiga sido, dijo el presidente FECAL.
      but saving on chayote and satraps, coupled with better oil prices and investments helps, pensions and scholarships too,
      Kicking iberdrola ond other investors of kickbacks on the nuts helps too...

    6. AMLO best president in decades.

  4. Who gives a fuk about mexico? Obviously most mexicans dont, otherwise they wouldnt put up with their shit-dishing govt.

    1. Already happened. Poor opinion

    2. You might not care about Mexico (which makes me wonder what you’re doing on this site and why you’re reading this story that’s pretty much mostly about Mexico), but alot of people do, myself included…Sol, where did you get that INE is respected in Mexico??? INE is corrupt. Did you see what happened in AMLO’s recall vote???!!! And the bs excuses they came out with?!!! And the fraud they they over looked when that put Calderon in the presidency?!!! Did you know the two heads of the INE were put there by the PRI and that one of the things AMLO wants to do is let the mexican people vote on who would be filling those spots??? (which is more democratic then the current process don’t you think) And look at how much they get paid !!! Almost double the president does!!! Almost double of what the president does!300,000.00 pesos, when the president gets paid 160,000!!! Seriously Sol, with all do respect but If you don’t know about the recall look into it. That alone speaks volumes why INE needs to go. What happened there? Look into how they were trying to sabotage it from the time it was first mentioned. How they tried to claim it was inconstitutional and they had to take the matter up with the supreme court. And after the supreme court gave their verdict how INE tried to say it would be a waste of taxpayer money, that no other presidency ever wasted money on that. And when AMLO and company came up with the funds to pay for it, during the time before the vote any public figure speaking on it, giving the date or anything favorable or giving info towards the recall we’re fined, but any opposition speaking negatively about it we’re allowed to rome free!!! Look at how few voting boths were opened and how alot of the ones that were opened were moved on the day of the vote without any notification to anyone. People that had showed up to vote had to figure out on their own where they were moved to without INE assistance while the time to vote was ticking!!! Is that democratic. How about INE disqualifying acouple of morena candidates on some nonsense, while the other candidates (from the opposition) we’re doing and saying all kinds of sh*t with no consequences. Look at what happened with Samuel (gov. Nuevo Leon from MC). It turns out he ran for gov. with illicit money which is supposed to take him out of the governorship atomically, but INE hasn’t even spoken on it let alone fullfilled their duty amd removed him. And there’s a handful of cases like that with the oposition these last couple years. INE just acts like it never happened. INE’s laundry list is long and various and they have a hear, see, speak nothing policy when it comes to the opositon, a manipulative, lying, falsifying one when it comes to morena and co. Anybody that says INE is not corrupt and biased or has any sort of respect for them has no idea whats going on over there at best. Maybe INE was respectable in the 90s, but power corrupts at times, especially when it’s running rampant. Presently the INE is no question, without a doubt, rotten to it’s core. All one needs to do is do a little research and/or pay attention what’s going on over there for one to realize it. INE needs to go.

    3. Exactly. I feel like they lack knowledge and don't understand how corrupt INE has been in the past. They're controlled by Pan and Pri. They are responsible for all these years of corruption in Mexico. They steal elections, and that's a fact. They screwed over AMLO twice. I live in Tijuana, and I have known this for years. They helped Salinas become president along with the rest of the idiots.. INE has rigged elections results for years. AMLO should dismantle it. Get rid of it asap. INE is the real enemy of the Mexican people.

    4. Sol didn't write the was submitted.

    5. 2:40 Good point!

    6. 7:25 the submitter did us no favor, matter of fact I think it is a snow job from the extreme mexican right trying to get back to power they never had a chance as honest businessmen but have all the necessary claws and fangs to steal from every mexican.

  5. there is nothing "independent" about INE. it is about as rotten as the democRat party just to put it mildly.

    1. Typical Republican frauds.It turns out it was the Republicans cheating.Trump calling the Georgia official to rig and find thousands of votes and fake electors .Frauds

    2. I agree, rotten is to mild of a word for INE

    3. 9:14am, trump owns you and your pathetic liberal mind! Whomever actually believes that fraud Biden received, LMAO, 81 million votes is an imbecile!

    4. @6:52 Go back to your mental institution.It not about beliefs,it's about facts,Moron.

    5. Just like any democratic country it's always been volatile to those whose have their own agenda. America is in a period of political division and turmoil. Government officials and DOJ have yet to eradicate those who are spewing Trumps false electoral claims when no proven cases have been ruled otherwise.

    6. 3:26 the CREEPublicans are not much better, in fact are much worse, even their coward leader who "got robbed" and cried like a little girl rather than stand his ground and help his minions by fighting like a bitch instead of bitching like a little sophomore girl...

  6. AMLO is a simple fool, the man has no plan to better México. Just like another silver spoon imbecile, he remains an aggrieved crybaby that still can't get over the prior presidential elections to implement his so called transformation. When he was elected he had a clear mandate that could have advanced México greatly but alas an estúpido will be stuck in his ways. 🍺

    1. Really?, no president has invested so much in past decades. You probably never been to mexico and have no clue.

    2. Spending money is not investing it. This old chump is nothing but talk, slow as molasses, his sole opportunity to forge himself as a presidente that advanced the country slipping away with each massacre because of "Abrazos no Balazos"

    3. Just like you’re stuck in your ways. Why don’t you do some research before running your mouth. Mexico has been corrupt for a long time before AMLO and if you think he could just waltz in there and in a snap of his fingers fix that then you’re living on fantasy island. It’s too institutionalized. Case in point: You seen what happened in the case of the 43 missing students a couple weeks ago? They had gathered evidence in that case, showed it to the prosecutor and they issued the arrest warrants on the individuals that were involved which were alot. People from organized crime, the government, and the military were involved. After the arrest warrants were issued, a day or two later 80 were cancelled! 80! Even though there’s evidence against them! That’s crazy! And on such a high profile case. In front of everyone and all in public and with no explanation! Now imagine, if they’re doing something like that on such a public and high profile case, what are they doing out of public view and in the shadows. That’s just to give you an idea of what AMLO is dealing with. There’s so much sh*t out there that he isn’t attacking everything. He can’t, it’s impossible. There’s no way it could be done. Not only cause of the amount but because there’s too many interests working in the shadows and to many laws that were put in place that hinder progress, so he has to pick and choose what he attacks and at what time. He’s also trying to put in place and lay the ground work to make it harder for corrupt and unjust things to happen in the future. Make no mistake about it, he won’t be able to address everything when his term runs out. He’d need another 12 years at the very least, but he will have left it much better and much easier for the next man who takes the boton. They just got to keep the pace. Hopefully it’s Noroña. That man is a bitbull and the only presidential candidate they can’t find dirt on. You should see him in action in the senate. He’s a beast, a patriot , honest, and a man of principles. He’s intellectual, has a quick mind, savy, and calls it how it is. The only thing is at times his temper has kinda gotten the best of him when it comes to certain things, but as of late he’s been handling it pretty well. He’s only human. Either way, I feel as do alot of mexicans, that he’s the man for the job. Atleast that’s what the most recent polls say….Back to AMLO though, don’t believe me or anyone else on AMLO. Do some homework and look into it for yourself. It’s mot all roses, but this aint no walk in the park neither. It’s a walk on one of the steepest mountains in the world. One that has never been walked on in Mexico. Just remember that.

    4. You don't shit about what's going on sheep.

    5. 1:34 PM - Everybody knows Mexico has huge problems. Question is, on the campaign trail, why did AMLO pretend he would fix things when he knew he either couldn't or wouldn't? Answer: Because he's a power hungry liar just like the rest of the politicians who came up as PRIistas.

    6. 4:45 hahahahahahahahahaha based on what?
      A) Your opinion
      B) You firmly believe
      C) You love PRI
      D) You know nothing about Mexico but still having a point

  7. Como mexico no hay dos

  8. The Yanks talking about fair elections after all their coups, rigged elections and support of dictators for decades around the globe is simply more gaslighting! Oh Yeah, and to further disappoint y'all the us and their vassals, the white northern countries, are the not the world!

  9. The Monroe Doctrine for SA democracy! The 1973 Chilean coup d'état was a military coup in Chile that deposed the Popular Unity government of President Salvador Allende. Allende had been the first Marxist to be elected president of a liberal democracy in Latin America. On 11 September 1973, after an extended period of social unrest and political tension between the opposition-controlled Congress and the socialist President, as well as economic war ordered by United States President Richard Nixon, a group of military officers led by General Augusto Pinochet seized power in a coup, ending civilian rule. The Nixon administration, which had created the conditions for the coup, promptly recognized the junta government and supported it in consolidating power.
    During the air raids and ground attacks that preceded the coup, Allende gave his final speech, vowing to stay in the presidential palace and refusing offers of safe passage should he choose exile over confrontation. Salvador Allende died in the palace.

    1. Good sh*t👍. Thank you for the info

  10. Mexico still better than any Democrat state in the USA.

    1. Typical Republican frauds.

    2. Typical Republican frauds .Democratic
      California is the 5th largest economy if it were a country. Biggest donor to the federal budget and giving money .A lot of Republican states are grifting money from the federal budget.

    3. thats for sure.

    4. Dumb ass comparison nino.

    5. Now here's one of the dumb fuk mexicans who think 'Everything is just fine here in mexico lindo!'.

    6. There's almo internet influencers in here.

    7. 7:29 The only clear thing here is that you hate Mexico.

    8. 9:20 while Commifornia may have an enormous income, it also is in extreme debt. It’s a failed liberal experiment. It’s a criminals paradise. If it’s so great, why is there a max exodus from the state?! Why are people pouring out of Commifornia for Republican states?

    9. Let them go.California is diverse,and from 8th biggest to 5th biggest economy.The whites in the South don't like it,the success,they want all white.Meanwhile a lot of states in the South are griftng money from the federal money then they lecture you about the economy,frauds.
      A lot of people come here for the economy.
      Homeless people come to Cali because it hardly rains or and the benefits .
      Too many people here,once they go to red states,hopefully they will turn it into blue
      Misinformed,7 of the top 10 states with the highest crime rate are red states,go read,2 blue,first is DC.

  11. Losing its democracy? Its a failed narco state run by corrupt politicians and criminal gangs. People are being tortured to death on video every day. How can it get worse?

    1. Not even close to be a failed state.

  12. ELMO doing what ELMO does best, up Mexico and screwing the Mexican people.

    1. Detroit doing what Detroit does best, giving opinions on things he doesnt like. ☺

    2. He likes being puppetized and collecting bribes.

    3. 10:19
      Awww another random emotional comment with no support or explanation.

    4. 10:51 9nother random emotional comment because grandma AMLO got called for what he is.
      Only a fool who cant think for themselves believes he's good president. Narcopresident No nuts AMLO.
      Even Biden has fans in the US and he's as dumb and slow as AMLO.

    5. 12:21 Ok emotional gentlemen.

    6. Typical mexico, widespread apathy & ignorance is depended upon by mexico's "leaders". The ppl are not stupid, just ignorant & apathetic. Pathetic countrymen!

    7. 7:18 Detroit it funny how you state things as we really see it with Elmo.

      Yet there's some in here that try to manipulate was your saying. They want the clouds to cover the truth.

    8. Yeah right, for sure Detroit can see the truth from his apartment that is closest to Canada than Mexico...

  13. Be very wary when they start trying to change the limits a president can serve. That’s when you know you’re fucked.

  14. This article’s argument is built on the premise that there have been fair elections in Mexico; that the US and EU have been praising Mexico for its electoral processes.

    These same nations love the relationship they have with Mexico, as this is where they can get offshore labor at prices that compete with China. Since the 90’s, their companies have enjoyed hilariously beneficial deals in Mexico thanks to the corrupt officials elected through the current processes. They want to keep Mexican labor cheap, they want to continue to extract as much as they can from this resource-rich land.

    Don’t be fooled: they praise Mexico’s election systems because they have are one of the tools they use to keep Mexico where they want it.

    1. Beautifully said. It teared me up😥. Telling it how it is👍

  15. Why is every mexican president white?

    1. The actual is brown, EPN wasnt blonde, Calderon wasnt blonde either.

    2. Obama was’nt fully white. Some even have the audacity to say he’s black. The reality is somewhere in the middle

    3. They look full blooded Spaniards. I want to see a Moreno in power for one time!

    4. I dont know about nowadays, but not long ago ALL mexican bank tellers were fair-complected. All.

    5. 1:53 AMLO es moreno, Porfirio Diaz era moreno, Diaz Ordaz era moreno, Juarez era moreno, de hecho, no han habido MUY pocos presidentes rubios o blancos, probable solamente Santa Anna. Y en Mexico si hay poblacion de gente rubia.

    6. @3:30 that is not an coincidence.

    7. 1:43 Obama was never a President of Mexico.

    8. Mexicannpresidents started with Spaniards acting like they were going to change Mexico but were still robbed by them. Santa Ana was 💯 Spaniards and sold half of Mexico to the gringos when he wasca general (can a general sell a country? ), went to Cuba to hide and came back to Mexico and became president of Mexico to screw it over even more.
      The reason Mexico will NEVER be a first world country is because of European and American intervention and manipulation.

    9. @4:06. Amlo and those others are not Morenos lmao. Just look at their faces. European faces. Funny how people make things up, and dont want to see reality for what it is. Mexico is a nation created by Spaniards and still ruled by their

      I agree with 11:46

    10. 2:43 it's really pathetic only a small majority know this 💯

      Just like American presidents are all related to king George, they are all distant blood cousins.

    11. 2:43 Pues no se de que color seran entonces campeon.. por que ni blancos, ni rubios... son lo que se conoce aca en Mexico como "moreno claro", but still moreno, boy. Straight your facts.

    12. Lt Col Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, needs to be known by BB fans and enemies, he opposed Juarez' pardons of former enemies and wanted to wring his own friends' necks for their greedy corruption, stlii helped Juarez fight the french and return to power.
      Meet I M Altamirano, YouTube

    13. Benito Juárez , A Zapotec, he was the first indigenous president of Mexico and the first indigenous head of state in the postcolonial Americas

  16. Shitty just like America.

    1. And yet you live in shanty town Africa.

    2. Is it bc we wipe our American asses with you & your type of non-contributing types? Or is America "shitty" bc that's the only job that YOU'RE qualified for in a country that gives opportunity to all, even ingrates like you?

  17. Actually Juan Guaido won the Mexican election!

  18. WoW. It’s crazy the things people are saying. I myself watch the proposal about the INE. And on my view is not to dismantle the institution. Obrador wants to change the operations to make it cheaper. Mexico has the most expensive election system in the world. The INE is a corrupt intuition that create projects to get more money and they have way to many people on payroll with crazy salaries to the point that the heads of the company have 5 to 6 personal secretaries making 200k pesos a month doing nothing and those secretaries also have secretaries making $100k pesos a month. That’s crazy. Obrador wants to reduce the cost 40%. No need for Mexico to have the most expensive election institution in the world. Solidaridad es lo que se necesita en Mexico. Que se les dejen de pagar salarios millonarios y gastos innecesarios. Ya basta. Enough is enough. No more out of hand salaries and luxury expenses.

    1. Facts. Thank you for your educated comment and the truth it’s saying

  19. Amlo best Mexican president ever

    1. AMLO best president in Mexico since Lazaro Cardenas!

    2. Grampa Almo que si salga!

    3. Him, Cardenas and Benito Juarez

  20. Amlo is the most corrupt president giving salinas a run for his money president ive ever known.

    1. hahahaha yeah right

    2. 3:26 he sure is curupt

    3. Fuken Mexico most curupt in the world.

    4. Best president in decades!, keep whining please!

    5. 6:15 Awww you hate Mexico and thats your opinion :(

    6. If AMLO is so corrupt, why is there so much money for him to dip into for all the projects and programs he’s creating in Mexico??? He could have pocketed that money. Why didn’t he borrow any money during the covid19 crisis like everyone else??? He could have pocketed that money like alot of the prior presidents have when they would borrow. Why is he subdivising gas so the mexican people won’t spend more on gas??? Once again he could have pocketed that money. Why did he put a deal in place to lower the main food basket prices for the mexican people??? Why did he create the beca program (free education)??? He could have pocketed that money. Why did he build the dos bocas refinery??? He could have pocketed that money. Why did he create the social security program??? He could have pocketed that money. Why did he increase and is going to increase two more times before his term is up the amount of that social security payment and had it put in the constitution so it can’t be touched??? He could have pocketed that money??? And he’s done all that and more without borrowing or raising taxes. That money is there because he’s not corrupt. Other recent presidencies didn’t have that revenue because “they were” corrupt. They would steal all that money and then still implement their famous “gasonilazos” and raise gas prices so they could have still more revenue to steal from. Don’t take my word for it. Do some research so you could see if there’s any truth to what I’m saying. It’s better than wasting your time running your mouth and looking like an idiot because of how obvious it is that you have no idea what your talking about. Wish you luck with your research. And have a good day

    7. 1:20 If he would corrupt, Brozo and Loret de Mola would be talking nice things about him, including opposition.

    8. AMLO best president in decades.

  21. Less government more pisso. Puro sambuta paisa capitalism. Meet the new democratic day affordable in Mexico. Despues de tantos anios los amanesemos con mas liberta. La democria tienne vennas tantas. Como las estrias no se acavan de contar.

  22. Typical western media propaganda.

    INE is a corrupt institution unconstitutionally implemented by Salinas to rig elections and put big time rats like Fox, Calderon and EPN in power. 3 presidents who allowed the likes of the Sinaloa Cartel And CJNG to amass untold amounts of wealth and power.

    INE stole the election from Obrador on at least 2 occasions. 2006 and 2012. There’s a reason he has a 70% approval rating and that the corrupt establishment absolutely despises him.

  23. They might as well give America the land they let the Spaniards take their identity. Boom 💥

  24. There was much fraud in the 2020 US elections when courts took it upon themselves to change election laws.......some of it has already been overturned and changed back for the midterms. There was vast amounts of illegal ballot harvesting and massive amounts of illegal campaign contributions. I Arizona alone there were 100's of thousands of ballots without their original chain of custody making them illegal but were counted anyways....just one example. The midterms will have less shenanigan's than in 2020.

    1. More than 60-0 the courts said there were no fraud.Including Arizona,the Arizona AG even said there was no fraud.What do you want,get rid of courts, judges and trials,elections.Morons.

    2. @11:50 PM: Right on !!! There is an nefarious election scholar at Harvard (forgot name) tears into the serious flawed American election system based on factors you cite.
      IMO: Big money and power actors that include criminal elements such as Mexican narco-cartels played important roles.
      The American DEMOCACA Party is highly corrupted and can influence many local and State elections. Mexican narco cartel carve out "kingdoms" ( sanctuary realms) where they can operate in relative safety.
      What happened to the videos showing Latino figures dumping huge numbers of ballots into mail deposits boxes?
      Anyway, America's election system is rife with faults... "Money and power in the right places can determine our realities"....

    3. @11:50 pm i think you need a good kick in the private parts. Donald the clown Cheeto president own DOJ clearly said there was no fraud. His own appointed judges dismissed his 60 lawsuits. And no evidence was ever seen or produced.

    4. 11:02 lol I can't stop laughing 😂😂
      Mr.T. owns DOJ my azz.
      You might as well say, he owns Russia too.

  25. Ese grampa Obrador es uno que no nas esta para las mordidas.

    1. si asi fuera, hablarian bien de el los periodi$ta$.

    2. Para eso tiene sus bots y incondicionales como tú chiquita

    3. And the rest of the world including the usa dont give a fuck

    4. 5:55 No chico de la empanadita, not the case. A quien parece le pagan por decir tonteras es a ti.

  26. A country ruled by cartels and someone is worried about the electoral system.

    It is like how MagaLickAnus and KKK complain about Dominion voting machines.

    1. Not ruled by cartels anymore :)

    2. @9:32 You are missing the point,it's all or was about whiteness.The institutions,law,Congress,elections,courts ,reasoning can all go to the trash.

    3. 7:16 Not missing it at all. Not the case for first time in decades. You are missing the point.

    4. I guess I came to US in the 80's.I guess people have not moved on

  27. amlo es el mejor presidente del ultimo medio siglo

    1. 8:45 Like most presidents in the world, boy.

  28. I live in Mexico and have seen firsthand the corruption that takes place during elections. People are offered the equivalent of $25 USD cash along with a basket of groceries to vote a certain way. The "democracy" is already over and Morena will become the new PRI.


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