Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Zapopan, Jalisco: Caro Quintero Loses Five Properties; They Now Belong To The Federal Government

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The FGR reported that on October 25, 2019, the U.S. government, through the directorate of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, requested the FGR to seize 5 properties attributed to drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero

Once the proceedings of the trial were exhausted, the Sixth District Judge in Matters of Extinction of Domain, based in Mexico City, declared the proceeding of the extinction of domain of the 5 properties of Rafael Caro Quintero in favor of the state, thus affecting the finances of organized crime

Five properties of drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero, located in Zapopan, Jalisco, passed in favor of the federal government, after the judgment of a federal judge specializing in the matter, ordered the extinguishment of ownership of such properties.

This Tuesday, in a statement, the Attorney General's Office (FGR) reported that on October 25, 2019, the US government, through the direction of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, requested the FGR the securing of 5 properties attributed to drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero.

According to the Attorney General's Office of the Republic, the Eastern District Court of New York also requested the extinction of domain of the 5 properties, under the argument that all were acquired with resources from the sale of narcotics.

In March 2022, the Attorney General's Office seized the five properties, which are located in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco.

Four months later, last July, through edicts, a federal judge asked the drug trafficker's family members to present the corresponding information to justify the ownership of the properties, as part of the trial of extinction of ownership that the Attorney General's Office promoted, after the seizure of the properties.

The Attorney General's Office reported that, once the trial procedures had been exhausted, the Sixth District Judge in Matters of Extinction of Ownership, based in Mexico City, declared that the five properties owned by Rafael Caro Quintero were extinguished in favor of the state, thus affecting the finances of organized crime.

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  1. Anyone out there with more details on the houses?

    1. Yep they are now all available on airbnb

    2. Provide a link or shut the fuck tonto!

    3. Looks like only one is a big property. The others are mostly commercial, not necessarily fancy.

  2. That’s real cool. I wonder what happened to the houses of cartel criminals in USA. Can we get those houses or the United States will keep those ?

    1. In case you didn't understand, the Mexican government took possession of those properties not the USA.
      Me entiendes Mendez, o te explico Federico?

    2. 6:28 I did understand, your the one that needs to re read, what I said. Even though they took properties in Mexico, I said what happens to properties of cartel members in the USA. Do you copy this time. Federico.

    3. I assume they are auctioned off

    4. 12:10 properties of criminals in the US can be forfeited, siezed.

    5. @628 Mexican Govt took possession. But U.S. govt wants the proceeds of the sales of those properties. Ridiculous that the Mexican govt is allowing this. The Mexican govt probably received something in return. Or just dropped to their knees and took it.

    6. 10:35 Not the case boy. ☺

    7. Lol Ferico 😅😅🤣🤣

    8. @12:10/8:12 you don't understand what you wrote, not said, Federico. I advise you to read the source article en español if you can, it's brief but if you know and understand the process of what's going on you will not sound as clueless. Just in case you are let me explain it to you.
      The USA requests the seizure of the properties to reduce RCQ assets, the EDNY court investigated and located what they believe are illegally acquired properties. EDNY/USA know they will not take ownership of them because it's not legally possible, so they go through the legal process with the corresponding court and have the FGR do their job. The point is to deprive RCQ and his family of those illegally acquired properties that the Mexican government keeps. The question is why hadn't the FGR initiated this process through their own investigation? Corruption? Incompetence? Ultimately will this process be in vain?
      On the other hand we should ask and question if RCQ or his family ever contested the accusations or did they let the process play out and cede as payment to the federal government for no extradition and momentarily outmaneuver those actions? Time will tell.
      The USA can and regularly does seize properties/assets from criminals within the US, a former president is about to be shown nobody is above the law.
      You understand Fredo or are you going to whine and cry about the USA bullying México?
      10:35 nope and even if it were the case México would benefit infinite times more from this cooperation. 1 billion dollars is the daily trade between the two countries and many millions more Mexicanos benefit from this than the drug death trade

    9. 5:26 Federico your full of Manure😅
      Give it a rest, you just keep going in circles, to dull.

    10. Pinchie Federico no mames!

    11. 5:26 USA cooperating?, dont think so boy.

  3. They should turn them into national parks or let homeless people live hostel style in the bushes

  4. Will all you fearful and paranoid americans now sleep easier and without your booze or drugs now that caro is in a cage? Nope, you are in the element the gvt wants you to be!

    1. Never a dull moment always bashing America, even though not related to the article.

    2. @6:41 wah wah wah

    3. 6:41 Looks like Truther is going through the cycle SIR was going through, but sombered up. Truther is up all night and all day gots to be Meth.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Big nutts get some sleep, your in here
      24 hrs.

    6. 8.07
      Being on Meth is a lost cause.

      Most don't want to go to rehab to get clean.

    7. 6:41 you dont like hearing this countrys truths but he is right, so its not bashing.
      Usa keeps fucking with cartel leadership and that has made mexico more violent while they still have a demand on drugs by their people making more cartels and violence also

    8. It's Bashing that's for sure.

  5. I sleep well without substances. Mostly because I never have to worry about some tweaked out halflife zombie cutting me to pieces over a minor disagreement. Why, because I can be armed, and won't be prosecuted for blowing the head off of anyone(thing) that threatens my safety. No paranoia here. Time to quit blaming one side or the other, and start euthanizing all parties involved.

    1. 06:13 you gave zombies meth but feel good because you have a gun??

    2. @ 6:13 you must be fun at parties

  6. @6:13 so you have no fear or paranoia because you have a gun! So, that means you have lots of fear and paranoia! I guess you and your family members all C&C when you go outside the armed fortress to school or shopping or whatever! I do read from your comment that radical change is needed and I totally agree!

    1. Being prepared is not fear or paranoia. I do CC carry most places. Never had to even pull a gun, and hope to never have to. But, if a low life tries to mess with me or mine they will be put down.

    2. 1: 13 The prepared are never prepared when mass shootings occur.

  7. I’m a gringo thats lived in south TX, Lake Chapala, Ajijic, Jocotepec and Plaza Andares in the condos right where the recent shootout was and Zapopan and can tell you there are some beautiful homes and ranches there. RCQ had good taste if he had 5 in Zapopan. Where I was was you had a lot of shopping, dining and nightlife with the quieter more grown folks style big homes further out where he had his. Nice McMansions on big lots and ranches with room to roam. They’ve had to know he’s had those for a very long. Mx seizure auctions are shadier than US. If the homes are nice the employees have first dibs.

    1. 9:39 With present administration that changed for first time in history. Now auctions are public. Homes, jewellery, cars, and other properties. You are more than welcome to corroborate.
      There was an auction of Carrillo Fuentes property just months ago, just to name an example. Update your facts.

      Source (one of many):

    2. My facts were you didn’t hear a big hoopla about the auction until it was over lol. Up your game and get back with me little leaguer.

    3. 2:53

      They made it public, watched one that was live online, but they were mostly cars back in 2020...

      used to be like that, how you mentioned, but with previous administrations. Not anymore, and you can trace it. They made it public and put the list so you know what will be on auction.

      properties had been launched to public auctions since present administration.

      Some examples to give context (of course there are more recent auctions, but not in english)

    4. I bet the majority of places in zapopan are cjng stash houses or places were their members live.for years i have read stories of the government busting houses in that part of gdl, in the nice areas also

  8. Properties were under investigation since 2019. Heres the addresses boys:

    -Calle Sagitario #5289-8

    -Calle Sagitario #5289-9, Condominio Sagitario, Fraccionamiento Residencial Arboledas, Zapopan

    -Calle Luigi Pirandello #5397 Lote 29B, Manzana 145 Fraccionamiento Vallarta Universidad, Zapopan

    -Calle Paseo de los Virreyes #4283 Lote 21 Manzana 41 Fraccionamiento Villa Universitaria, Zapopan

    -Avenida Melchor Ocampo #468 Bodega #21, en Mercado de Abastos Norte, Mercado el Campesino, Zapopan

    1. I think they’d been watching maybe not “officially investigating” but keeping tabs on them for many years. I know his niece was living in one and having parties since 2015.

    2. 2:57 They were confiscated since then. The only new thing here is that the US want them.

  9. LOL the property in the picture looks like a McMansion in Stockton

    1. For reals man.
      Would you like a Gold Metal for that.


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