Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, November 4, 2022

Badiraguato, Sinaloa: Government Will Not Provide Resources For Narco Museum

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

Sinaloa government will not provide resources for narco museum in Badiraguato

After the governor's disapproval tweet issued yesterday, today he came out to the media to make a statement

The governor said that the message from the mayor of Badiraguato was misinterpreted.

Governor Ruben Rocha Moya stated that the mayor of Badiraguato, Jose Luis Lopez Elenes, did not consult him about the drug trafficking museum project.

He also informed that he had already contacted the municipal president to clarify the problem.

"He said that they had misunderstood him.... It's going to be a museum of antique things from Badiraguato that will be kept and recognized," he said.

He detailed that the precinct will be built with the municipality's budget, and that the state government will not participate.

No scolding

Rocha Moya explained that it was all a misunderstanding, so there will be no sanctions for the mayor.

"What I told him is that it is not possible (the narco museum), to which he told me that he is not with that idea and that he had been misunderstood," he said.

On the other hand, he pointed out that this is an attempt by the media to attack the president, due to accusations of meetings with criminal groups and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

"They are the ones promoting this (PAN militants), of wanting to link the president with drug traffickers because he greeted the mother of "El Chapo"," he argued.

The governor ended the statements by saying that this is not the time to create a narco museum in Sinaloa.

"We are not in a position, now, to be making excuses," he concluded.

El Sol de Sinaloa

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  1. Museum to mass murdering, mass kidnapping, mass raping, mass femicide, genocidal groups. Awesome idea!

    1. A museum is a museum. Have you ever been to the Museum of Tolerance? All kinds of stuff on racism, doesn’t mean we all agree on what they have on display or glorify it. It’s for show and awareness.

    2. Is that real? I only saw it on South Park and thought it was a joke.

    3. you just describe the colonization of the americas

    4. @10:22 PM keep whining, wokie child.

    5. 8:38 different story creating a museum for people who more or less holding Mexico down is not right.

    6. 12:22 I don’t see anywhere on this article saying it’s a museum for the government.

    7. 3:43 somebody expected the federal government to fund the venture for "local capitalistas".
      Las Vegas Museum of the Mob is a great attraction, but compared to today's politicians, the Mob deserves Sainthood...

  2. Tan pendejos mejor arreglen las calles

  3. A museum for a bunch of flops

  4. Its not a bad idea but you have to get rid off all of them before, that way you can teach people that crime dont pay, and change the sinaloans mind set, cause i swear all they think and do is drugs

    1. Sinaloanses. Michoacanos and tamaulipecos, all the same shit obsessed with drugs

    2. You’re asking to change the ideology and culture of people. That my friend takes time and until Mexico starts paying its citizens a decent wage something similar to the US only then you might be able to change their mind.

    3. @ 8:37 you forgot to add Chihuahuenses, Sonorenses duranguenses and Tijuaneros to your list bud .. basically half of Mexico if you think in terms of acreage

    4. 10:35 In Mexico you get paid + you get health service for all your family + government credit for a house. Works different in Mexico. Dont think you are the one who know about Mexicos needs.

    5. 8:18 Great, and whats your source or explanation for that?
      - I swear.

    6. 10:25 you need to stop injecting mariguana, mexico's minimum wages is still a little over 2 dollars a day, if you are lucky to find a job, if you sell authentic mexican sombreros made in china you get shit.

    7. 11:30 explanation for what? That most sinaloas think drug dealing is a must?

    8. And all Mexico is falling for the narco cultural nonsense.

  5. The Media outlets did not make up, that ALMO visited Chapos mom back then, that true there even photos. Someone is trying to scapegoat the Media.
    We all know ALMO gets mordidas, no one can deny that. There is also a video of ALMO s son accepting a bribe at a restaurant.

    1. The article doesn’t state that media outlets made up AMLO greeting Chapo’s mom. It said that the governor of Sinaloa was told by the mayor that the PAN militants made up the museum being a narco museum to attack AMLO and his greeting of Chapó’s mother. In other words they’re trying to make him look bad by putting more on top of that (cause alot of people seen it as shady and some believe that’s proof that he’s paid bribes by CDS), so they’re trying to add more wood to that fire. But Chapo was already through at that time. And CDS is the cartel that has been getting hit the worst in the last year or so. They have lost alot of weapons, money, merchandise and infrastructure to operate and continue to make as much drugs as they were. By far they have been hit the hardest. But some still think he’s taking bribes from them. So I guess ever time he gets an envelope full of money it comes with the order of “make sure to hit us and hit us hard if you want to keep receiving these envelopes “

    2. 9:27 You clearly know shit about Mexico. What makes you feel you are informed?

    3. Damned that's true Lopez Obrador gets Bribes, from cartels to look the other way.

    4. 12:44 only the smart no-brainer washed can see the picture.
      Other morons like yourself keep making excuses for the narcopresident AMLO

    5. 12:07 / 9:01 Same dumb guy.

    6. 10:22 you can clearly see why monkeys and trumpanzees need to stop eating their own shit and drinking the koolaid.

    7. 11:25 Shit sandwiches and koolaid, sounds like a complete meal for some idiots.

    8. 11:24 apes eat their own shit straight from the can...

  6. Sinaloa have more than enough funding for the museum and bribes for all and on time

    1. "bribes", that was years ago, not anymore.

    2. 11:18 at your level, crooks live off bribes, Cuico Level...
      The Presidente owns PEMEX, CFE, education, maseca, conasupo, airports and trains, ports, roads and refineries in the US!!!
      You can stick to bribes like a rat to a glue trap, AMLO does not need shit.

  7. I’d say yes, open the museum. Under one condition. Proceeds are donated to local communities and people in need. But Mexico is too greedy. They’ll take everything and leave crumbs. Then snitch on each other, then make a sick ass fake Corrido, about how they helped and saved everyone. Then they’ll make another “malverde” altar and worship and other false idol, and charge money all over again. The cycle never ends

    1. Sounds like you are ready to give back Texas, Arizona and Cali to Mexico as y'all r too greedy! Y'all so dumbashe brainwashed in the plunderer nation!

    2. And Colorado, and Utah, and NM...

    3. 12:38 Mexico too greedy? hahahaha

    4. The US should force Mexico to take Texas back

    5. We gat the US and Canada and Alaska,
      Aqui estamos,
      No nos vamos,
      Y aqui nos quedamos...
      Viva un taco truck on every corner!!!

  8. "We are not in a position now to be making excuses" wow that's pure truth so rare in Mexico

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. So, no wedding chapel beside the Ripleys believe it or not museum where a chapo impersonator will conduct marriages and then sell you a bag of dope?

  11. Oh man what a bummer.The gov't are killjoys.

  12. I was going to drive through Juarez ,villa ahumada and parral with a banner with CDS printed on one side and la linea on the other, to the narco museum.

  13. Pura Gente naca en esas areas

    1. Ve a Badiraguato y dile eso a la gente de allí

    2. @8:32 y que van hacer ?? 🤣 A mano limpia todos esos gueys ni aguantan un round..

    3. 12:13 okay keyboard warrior, it’s easy to talk the talk, go over there and tell them that if you’re so badass and think you can whoop every sierreño over there who been working in the fields since childhood. Si te matan de un vergazo la neta 😂🤣

    4. Se nota que no conoces a la gente de la sierra ya sean de sinaloa, Durango, guerrero…esa gente vive hasta los 100 años facilito y son hombres 100% no como las maricas que se dan en las ciudades

    5. 4:13 Osea que en las ciudades los hombres son homosexuales y en la sierra no hay jotos. JAJAJAJAJAJAJA

    6. 4:13 asi se hombres como el Zurdo Ramires que andava de osicon y le pucieron una madrisa🤣 pensando que era bueno el puñeton😂! Asi son todos los Sinaloas, puro osico!

    7. 12:44 pm dile a un sinaloense que son puro osico aver si tan gallo Eres. Detrás de la computadora as de jugar modern warfare todo el puto dia y atascarte bolsas de sabritas bien chingon según

    8. 1:55 lla lo e hecho jotolon! Por eso tengo los güevos para escribirlo y afirmarlo imbezil, todos los sinaloas que conosco se an culeado cuando se las cantas, el pedo es que ellos empiezan con su #701 tratando de intimidar y cuando me paro y lea digo pues de una se culean

    9. 4:52 no has hecho ni verga, eres un culon que habla mierda desde el teclado pero seguro eres un vatillo ardido que no mide ni 1.60m 🤣se nota que un chinola te quito la novia o te metió una verguiza

    10. BROKEBACK Mountain proved there are every kind of men en la Sierra, and Urban Cowboys in the city, don't worry, just spread your love around.

    11. 9:34 tipico guey que piensa que siempre es por una vieja, dime cuando alguien no te cae bien es porque te quitaron una vieja o se cojieron a tu mana y a tu papa? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 pendejisimo te escuchas

  14. Can we sell Texas and Florida to Mexico? Start at $1 million per state

    1. 10:40 no way Jose, too many blacks, whites, texchicans and worst of all CREEPublicans!!!

  15. You could probably consider that cemetery in Sinaloa a narco museum


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