Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

CJNG Exposes Alleged Corrupt FGR Officials in Aguascalientes

The following is a direct translation of an article originally published by Alberto Tapia Romo at Agauas Digital, on October 31, 2022.

A narco message banner signed by the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) was hung on the vehicular bridge on the boulevard to Zacatecas, in front of the Altaria Shopping Center, and in which accusations were made against officials of the federal Attorney General's Office (FGR).

The message was written on a white banner, with black and red letters, in upper and lower case letters, accompanied by a photograph of a woman taking a selfie with a cell phone. 

The banner was found on Monday morning [November 01, 2022] and was noticed by several motorists, who reported it to the emergency services.

Police officers went to the site and after confirming the presence of the writing they proceeded to remove it to take it to the State Attorney General's Office.

This is for Attorney Jazmín Galicia Guzmán and "X"Jony Toledo, who belong to the FGR of Aguascalientes,

Stop with the bullshit and stop charging fees.

We have found, identified, and know how much they collect from Piolin, Pollo, Guillermo and El Patron [the boss] of these assholes. 

Juan Jesus Ledezma Melendez, who smuggles all the illegal cigarette shipments in addition to stealing tractor trailers and reselling the merchandise inside. 

Go after all of them, Jazmín, and I don't want any bullshit, we are going to take all you pigs. 

And to your Delegate Jorge Arturo Martinez Armenta and Subdelegate Arturo Ramirez Lozano, 

Control your fucking people, or if you like we can talk in Tijuana. 

First they take money and then they go fucking around. 

If things don't settle down [for us, with police], we are going to start shooting at those who fill your pockets.



Source: Alberto Tapia Romo at Agauas Digital


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  1. CJNG pays curupt government officials, yet now they are snitching the FGR has curupt officials.
    Does that make sense???

    1. no but it doesn't have to. you don't reason with stupid scandalous people, you just eliminate them.

    2. I will explain and I will dumb it down as much as I can for you. CJNG paid corrupt cops and they didnt do what they where suppose to do. So cjng hung the banner

    3. 8:26 ahhhh now that's more understanding, cartels claim the come to clean town of criminals, yet they come to town to do the same thing.

    4. 8:26 Corrupt cops, no boy. No need to "buy corrupt" cops since they have governor and attorneys general. Update it!

    5. What make sense governments low and high officials in Mexico are bought by different cartels. One government work for one cartel and the other works for another one. Mexico is Wild West my friend. The rate of killings in Mexico, they run out of people to chop 20 yrs from now.

    6. 12:33 Wild West where everyone is open carrying a gun to go to walmart, my friend. Rate of killings in the US is as bad as Brazil or Kenya. Why not trying harder?

    7. 12:33 But, but but the Lopez Obrador nutthuggers, say all is fine in Mexico.
      That only 1 or 2 murders happen per month.

    8. 5:15 Read nothing but, I hate you Mexico (with a lots of tears)

  2. Cartel ratas jalisco nueva generacion

  3. Cds heating up the plaza

    1. 8:02 can't handle the fact that his favorite cartel r nothing but rats

    2. Los Reyes del corrido gay are always heating up the plaza

    3. 11:02 bien que cantan corridos de sinaloenses en Michoacan y jalisco en sus ferias, y grandea conciertos que asen que llenan esos grupos

    4. 3:13 porque saven que son corridos de amentiras 😂

  4. I am mencho and i aprobe this ratmanta !!

    1. Hi mencho I met you in Del Rio. You still working as a paramedic?

    2. 10:53 nop he is working in the farma department now

  5. Here come cjng nenas using their old excuse "but but but cjng r not no rats"

  6. As always the proof is here. CJNG are always ratting/snitching and when they get called out, they bring up CDS to deflect.

  7. Everybody in the comments calling Jalisco snitches because of a manga. All cartels snitch on corrupt officials. Snitchaloas are known for being rats because when they hit the US they start singing on each other. Never fails. There has not been one cjng member who snitched while is us custody. The snitchaloas will always be the top rats

    1. 10:05 it was said above cjng groupies like u always finding an excuse so cjng rats won't b labeled as such but they the biggest rats in the game,they can't get rid of contras they start dropping dimes 😂 come those muñequitas in denial...

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣snitching is snitching stop making excuses, mencho also snitched out JP and the whole CTNG crew so tell me again how’s it different?

    3. @10.05. Name a CJNG boss who was extradited to the US, who had something to trade (something that would lighten the sentence) with the US Government, but who instead kept his mouth shut and served his time. Your comment makes it sound like CJNG are being extradited like Chapo and Vicente and El Rey, but unlike them they are holding firm cos their balls are sooo big. The fact is they aren't being extradited in the first place, so it's a pointless comparison. Talking about cartels ''snitching'' is meaningless.

    4. 3:00 cause Cjng capos are not stupid enought to get caught and extradited bud

    5. 9:25 nope cjng is just a relatively new cartel and are untested. The day the likes of RR, Jardinero, Sapo etc stand tall in the face of Uncle Sam, than you fan girls can start bragging

    6. 10:01 menchito is not snotching, unlike all those Cdsnitchloas that already sang

    7. Mencho is not snitching he is dead.

    8. At 6:46
      There's many in here, that want to believe, that he lives forever.

    9. 6:46 you are brain dead if you think mencho is dead😂😂😂

  8. ALMO lovers I regret to inform you.
    ALMO has un-popular vote due to in-security all over Mexico.

    1. 10:37 And still #2 most accepted president in the world. You are not informing, just giving your opinion.

  9. 10:37 And guess whos party is winning next elections?, keep crying amlo hater, do your thing. Best president in decades.

    AMLO # 2 on global leader approval, and thats for a reason.


    1. 11:02 your full of Manure.
      In your dreams Mijo.

    2. Facts with source vs "yOuR fULL oF mAnUrE"...

      love your elegance and finesses

    3. I detect a nutthugger in the house.
      Obrador impeached.

    4. 12:56 Wow, you are amazingly astute... Best president in decades.

    5. #11:02 your full of it.

    6. 12:57 giant peaches in your nalgas, facts matter.

    7. 12:36 what's up with your Clown lettering are you retarded?

    8. 8:29 Mostly thats how you read comments with insults.

  10. A while back Jaliscos going at it with Mayo were accusing him on stealing and reselling illegal cigarettes. So this is a thing huh selling cheap cigarettes

  11. Dont compare snitching on corrupt government to sissiloas snitching on each others and others to safe their coward ratasses uno sabe en lo anda y las consequencias que vienen con eso and they still do it apples to bananas y si les kala la verda puess raskelen

    1. Snitching is snitching stop making excuses just cause you a fan girl for the Barbies

    2. Mencho snitched on the whole CTNG crew, and does that every plaza he takes over by promising local plaza bosses money, drugs and guns. After he gains their trust he snitches on them that’s why cjng progress has slowed considerably, everyone is on to his backstabbing tactics

    3. Mencho is dead unless you talking to his Spirit.

    4. 2:07 like in every thing there are levels and CDS are in a league of their own when it comes to snitching, Facts not fiction, like the cds corridos

    5. 2:26 ok that makes sence, i want to see them court papers, or are you just talking out of your ass? Cause theres books of court papers on how CDS snitched on each other, they are public records you can go and ask in your local library and see all those records

  12. That woman is the attorney general of Aguascalientes? No wonder the legal system is fucked.

  13. You GUYS are right .. CJNG dosent tell on Anyone... No mames... Exposing... In other words telling... Maybe CJNG should stop calling other cartels Rats

  14. But sinaloans are snitches supposedly

    1. Correct and everyone and they mommas know it

    2. Yes Chapo and mayo directly gave Intel to the DEA

  15. CDS cheerleaders "iF tHe GoVeRnMeNt wOrKs FoR yOu ItS nOt SnItChInG"
    In some days CDS will put mantas doing the same thing and you'll STFU headpolishers

    1. Awww looks like the cjng fan girls got their feelings hurt. It’s okay your secret it out now, you are snitches and have been for years.

      crying on mantas like little girls naming rivals criminals structures and framing officials who refuse to do what you say. Only difference is cds has government connects, cjng have to do it on mantas

    2. 4:29 sure whatever you say. CJNG snitches on mantas in México y CDS snitches in courtrooms in USA 👑🐁

  16. Las jaliscas son bien panochonas. Bola de jotos cuando no los quieren en una plaza o les ponen una verguiza en corto empiezan con mamadas.

  17. Good call by cjng, finally something good from their side. Take on these politicians, they are useless at best and the reason all this degeneration exists in Mexico.

    1. Good call my ass.
      Cjng are out there killing, raping, humping trees.


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