Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ecuador Declares State of Emergency After Five Officers Killed, Allegedly by CJNG - Who Released a Threatening Message

This is a translation of an article originally published by Diario de Yucatan on November 1, 2022, written by EFE news agency.

The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, declared a state of emergency in the provinces of Guayas and Esmeraldas, after a total of 12 explosive attacks occurred in the aforementioned provinces.

The outbreak of violence, which left two policemen dead [number of officers dead is now five] and three others wounded, was reportedly related to the upcoming transfer of prisoners at a penitentiary in Litoral, a location within Guayas province.

What happened in Ecuador?

Between the night of Monday, October 31 and the early morning of Tuesday, November 1, there was a sudden outbreak of violence in Guayas and Esmeraldas, including armed confrontation between police and criminals, as well as explosions and the burning of cars.

Police commander Fausto Salinas denounced the incidents in a press conference, saying "the vile and cowardly attacks” which took place during the early hours of the morning. He said the acts began around 11:00 pm on Monday and continued into the early morning hours of Tuesday.

Police officers investigate a crime scene where a body is spotted on the ground after the explosive attacks in Guayas and Esmeraldas on Nov. 2, 2022. Photo Credit: REUTERS

The outbreak of violence was unleashed at the exact same time as a prison riot in the Esmeraldas prison over the scheduled transfer of certain inmates to other facilities. Seven prison guards were taken hostage and later released.

Video Source: Minuto & Medio

According to the EFE news agency, Commander Salinas told reporters that four individuals detonated explosive devices on a roadway and inside of a vehicle, then they set fire to a vehicle. 

Evidence photo of one of the explosive devices found.

Later, another vehicle was burned and explosive devices were thrown near a police patrol vehicle. Then two men were seen throwing explosive devices at a gas station, which damaged the building. EFE also detailed similar attacks to the inside of a school bus. 

Following the wave of violence, the President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso canceled a scheduled trip to the United States that was planned for November 2-6. The president announced that he was “declaring a state of emergency in the provinces of Guayas and Esmeraldas, and a curfew of 9pm.”

Frame from the video message released by President Lasso in which he declared the state of emergency for the two provinces.

A presidential press release stated that Lasso "will continue to lead the frontal fight against the threat posed to the country by drug trafficking and organized gangs".

Who caused it? 

So far, Ecuadorian authorities have not officially attributed the attacks to a specific organized crime group, but the president confirmed that it was "transnational organized crime".

Police stand next to a car that exploded near the bus terminal in response to ongoing prisoner transfers done as part of a government plan to reduce overcrowding in the country's prisons, in Pascuales, on the outskirts of Guayaquil, Ecuador November 1, 2022. Photo Credit: REUTERS

Meanwhile, on social networks the group Cupsfire, who are described as a "fusion of journalists and emergency information enthusiasts" shared a photo of pamphlets signed by the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation, which they claimed were found outside the RTS television channel.

It reads, in part "If you come to touch our people who are in Units 8 or 9 of the Litoral penitentiary, know that we are going to use all of our logistical power, military weapons [...] and all of our troops that we have gathered over these long years and believe us, they are not few in number.”

The letter was addressed to Ecuador's President and to the director of the Prisons & Youth Offender Department (SNAI), Guillermo Rodriguez.

A banner presented in law enforcement slides from April 2021, after the arrest of two Tiguerones members in Guayas province.

In addition to the CJNG, the letter was also signed by criminal gangs "Los Lobos" and "Los Tiguerones" and it concluded with a threat of a three-day "armed attack" if the inmates were relocated.

Another photo of the banner.

What is a state of emergency?

Following the outbreak of violence in the two provinces of Ecuador, President Lasso declared an estado de excepción, or a state of exception [equivalent to the English phrase “a state of emergency”]. This is a legal recourse stipulated in the constitution of several countries in situations of conflict that partially or totally "suspends" the rights of citizens.

Similar to martial law, the estado de excepción stipulates that the government has the right to defend its own constitutionality if it's under attack, thus, it authorizes law enforcement to take control of the area where the conflict is taking place and restore peace.

Police officers investigate the crime scene where several police officers were killed. Photo Credit: REUTERS

In his message this Tuesday, Lasso described the violent acts of the last hours as "a declaration of open war against the rule of law, the government and the citizens" and said that the forces of law and order will "act with toughness, within the boundaries of the law".

People react at the crime scene where several police officers were killed in Guayaquil. Photo Credit: REUTERS

"The forces of law and order are going to intensify actions [...] be careful with using human rights appeals to cover crime", warned Lasso.

Photo Credit: REUTERS

He also stated that the military and the police "intervened the penitentiary in Litoral (Guayaquil) and seized weapons, ammunition, explosives and illegal communication systems". He confirmed that the government will seek to "put an end to the criminal leadership within the Esmeraldas and Guayaquil prison sites.”

Source: Text is a translation, with minor edits, of an article from Diario de Yucatan

Further Reading: Ecuador's Los Tiguerones

Additional Photos

In the María Piedad sector, in the center of the Durán canton, two members of the National Police were shot to death with a weapon that was possibly a rifle. The police officers were aboard when they were attacked. Photo: API

A police officer looks at a bullet-riddled police car at a crime scene where colleagues were killed in Guayaquil, Ecuador on Nov. 1, 2022. Photo Credit: REUTERS

Police officers inspect the scene after an attack with explosives against a post of the Community Police Unit (UPC) in Guamote, Guayaquil, Ecuador, on November 1, 2022. (Credit: GERARDO MENOSCAL/AFP via Getty Images)

Police officers cover a crime scene where colleagues were killed in response to prisoner transfers from overcrowded prisons, prompting President Guillermo Lasso to declare a state of emergency in two provinces, in Guayaquil, Ecuador November 1, 2022. Photo Credit: REUTERS

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  1. It’s just a matter of time before Mexican cartels does this acts inside the USA.

    1. Keep dreaming that will never happen.
      If it does have you heard of the Fast response SWAT has. Furthermore DEA, FBI and ATF would quickly get involved.
      Nevertheless Citizens are allowed to purchase weapons for protection, unlike Mexico where the government don't want law abiding citizens to carry guns, so they can get slaughtered by the cartels.

    2. Everyone has guns in the U.S.

    3. 8:25 Weird how most people i know have a gun in Mexico, including myself, not an arsenal but well equipped. And you can legally buy one in Mexico. Dont see any results in the US, even carrying on a gun and for what?, nothing but negative results. Update your facts.

    4. 6:10 What are you waiting to defeat ALL cartels in USA?

    5. 10:42 Do you live in Mexico City

    6. @10:42 update your ass.

    7. 11:03 Lived there just a year, among other cities. Black market is always available in Mexico, you can get a gun ranging 50-2000 USD depending on model, caliber, brand, usage and so on, and theres the legal option that range around 400-1300 USD +/-. Point is that very common to have a weapon to protect home in Mexico.

    8. 11:31 Im updated, you seem to write on something you have no idea. personal experience + facts VS your weak opinion

    9. 8:25 really!??? Mexican cartel will set strong hold in Texas after seeing Texas enforcement can’t even protect kids in school, too scared to fight one man. Lol dream in kid. Cartels will take over Texas then Florida. And the rest will follow

    10. 1:00 Mijo gets your facts together, do research before, you are quick to blame. You just paint only, want you want the people to see.
      No Cartel will ever have a Strong hold on Texas, thank God for our law enforcement that has multi agencies.
      Texas Police has a chain of command problem, Police and other agencies were ready, but the Chief Aredondo said to stand by, which they did while the gun man fired away at inside the classroom. The Chief was fired.

    11. 5:25 Texans acts tough with cowboy hats, all they have big mouth: cartels will crush Texas law enforcements. All they do is hide can’t even protect little kids. Yeah, we saw the video of them hiding.

    12. 5:25 as florida drug trafficking was catching all the world's attention, (Miami vice), texas was getting stolen by creepy CREEPublicans first the governorship and then everything until today, drug trafficking with tamaulipas became all the rage, they even got a presidency or two out of it to feed their insurrect puercos.

    13. 7:39
      Stubborn as a Mule.

    14. 8:33 nah son, I’m just stating the fact what happen to school massacre in Texas. You can sugar coat all you want, those law enforcement hid like babies.

    15. 8:3 you are 👍 right, stubborn como in Burro, the more you tell him the truth, the more Cabeson he becomes got to be a 13 year old kid.

    16. Pinchie Stubborn reddit kids in the house, double work for Sol, babysitting them.

    17. I don't think any half wit Pisa's cartel or not can run up against the united states many alphabet agencies. A bloated technocratic panopticon is thee greatest asset the u.s has to offer. Enemies here. Pinche pisas, nopalotes are all tough talk.

    18. This already happens in phoenix but doesn’t get reported !

    19. 10:26 Babysitting, even grown mutthaphukkas is easy, problem is changing their pampers

  2. No wasting time,order shoot to kill,after all it's state of emergency.

  3. Them CJNG and CDS are the most powerful and violent syndicates in the world

    1. Not really my Tia Cocas, says they are the lowlife's of the world.

    2. CDS most violent? Lmao ok

  4. Ecuador one of the main, and only producers of cocaine in the world... Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.


    1. CJNG are idiots!!! Bring heat to a country/region that was keep quite in the national stage. Now serious consequences will happen to CJNG all over the world. Que Pendejos!!!

  6. Cjng makes cds look like school girls 👭

  7. Where all these lowlifes comparing cjng to cds. Sinaloa runs the coca trade in colombia now hence why the cockroaches from michoacan/ jaliscas can only get a small piece in equador. Talk to me when theres cjng presence in Colombia because until now you see an article here and there that says cjng crew slaughtered in Colombia

    1. 2:38 "Run the coca trade in Colombia" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 no mames, let me guess you heard it in a cds corrido? 😂😂😂😂

    2. Cds is not the only one in Colombia
      Cjng has a strong presence there too tonto

  8. Como dejan que las jaliscas mariconas entren a su pais a hacer pendejeses. Unanse todos y saquen a los de afuera a plomazos. Que hagan su desmadre en mexico al cabo en mexico el gobierno les da todas las nalgas a los criminales

    1. 4:35 y tu mama también...

    2. 4:35 ve ayudales guey para que los saquen pronto, y si no vas a ayudar entonces no andes chingando

    3. Se me hace k son Sinaloas son las maricas con los pantalones y zapatillas de vieja no?

    4. 4:44 what, their capris excite your little nerves?


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