Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Failed Attempt to Arrest Chapo's Brother, Guano, Instead Captured Five of His Bodyguards

"HEARST" and "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

On November 11, 2022, State Police officers and Army soldiers received a tip via telephone about potential cartel activity happening near the town of La Guásima, located in the municipality of Culiacán in the state of Sinaloa. 

The soldiers and officers followed up on the tip by traveling to the area and surveilling the region. Riodoce wrote that “while driving along a dirt road between Guásima and Mojolo, authorities spotted several men standing outside a house and, as they approached, they noticed that they were carrying firearms, with which they pointed at them. The men then tried to flee.” 

Authorities gave chase and followed the men. They quickly caught up with them and the armed men were arrested. There were five detainees, Luis Ángel "N", Jorge "N", Ricardo "N", Luis Fernando "N" and Jorge "N". Their ages and places of origin were not given. 

All five men were found to be in possession of a long barrel firearm - three of the five had grenade launcher attachments on their firearms. Two additional hand guns and ammo were seized from the detainees.

Various tactical vests, some with fake Marines patches were also taken from the detainees and seized as evidence. Two of these vests are pictured below. 

Here’s what's interesting: all five of the men arrested were identified as bodyguards of Chapo’s brother, Aureliano Guzmán Loera alias “El Guano”. 

Guano is now a Sinaloa Cartel leadership figure in his own right. No article has directly addressed whether El Guano was in the area during the arrest, although the question looms large over the whole story.

Of note, whether other armed men escaped capture and whether the house they were previously guarding was searched was not reported. Did El Guano slip away? Or did he "slip away"?

The US is offering a $5 million dollars reward to anyone who provides information that leads to his capture. They announced this reward back in November 2021.

Please note, very few news outlets have reported on this story. It appears that only TV Pacifico  and Foro TV’s news program covered the incident directly.

Above is the Foro video and a direct translation by Sol Prendido: 

The army arrested five members from the security detail of Aureliano Guzmán Loera aka El Guano, brother of Joaquín El Chapo Guzman. 

The capture took place on November 11 in Culiacan, Sinaloao. El Guano is considered one of the leaders of the Pacific Cartel. Luis Angel 'N', Jorge 'N', Ricardo 'N', Luis Fernando 'N', and Alan 'N'. 

In addition the bodyguards were in charge of drug trafficking and sales, extortions, kidnappings, and homicides. Firearms and vehicles were seized following their arrests.

The Sinaloa-based newspaper Riodoce published an article based on the information given in Foro’s video. The striking lack of coverage may demonstrate the degree of control and intimidation that CDS exerts over local journalists within Sinaloa.

The Children of El Guano

El Guano’s children have been making headlines in recent years. His son Elián Guzmán, alias “El Chico”, was recently spotted on video rubbing elbows with Sinaloa Cartel members like Jose Bryan Salgueiro Zepada, alias “El 90”.

As some background, El 90 comes from the Salgueiro crime family and is the son of Sinaloa Cartel leader Jose Salgueiro Nevarez, alias “El Che”. In recent years, El 90 entered into the family business and he began leading a Gente Nueva cell in that state of Chihuahua. 

In February 2022, El Chico attended a baptism with El 90 at a church in Culiacan. During the ceremony, federal authorities swooped in and arrested El 90, who was standing just feet away from El Chico, at the front of the church. It appears that authorities made no attempt to apprehend El Chico. 

El Chico reportedly married Alondra Avendaño, from the Avendaño crime family, in 2020, however there are rumors that the couple has already divorced. 

Another son of El Guano is Aureliano Guzmán Araujo goes by the alias “El Guanito”, utilizing a common Spanish naming convention to mean “little Guano”. He is most famous for video showing him pulling out a gun and shooting into the air during a bar fight in Culiacan.

Only one daughter of Guano is currently known. Her name is Diana Gisel Guzmán and little is known about her other than her penchant for posting on social media. 

*Note: Riodoce alleges the arrests occurred during the morning of November 12, TV Pacifico writes the arrests occurred on November 11. It is unclear which is more accurate. 


  1. Getting bosses solves nothing, gives free space for the ones on bottom, at the end small cells / new cartels emerge.

    Cutting the flow of cash and weapons, thats way more effective than spending millions on capturing and jailing a 100% replaceable "boss".

  2. Diana definitely has a Guzman skull structure. Holy cow she looks like el chapo

    1. Like her grandmother Consuelo

    2. Except all those surgeries, starting with her nose.

    3. Consuelo single?

    4. 7:26 widowed with some sons that are dying to meet you

    5. CDS groupies,too much.Even the skull structure is studied.That's sick.

    6. 7:26 SOL, stop hoarding Young Consuelo's pictures and post them rairaguay

  3. It's always a failed attempt to capture any top guy from Sinaloa after Chapo.
    Not because cops are payed off.
    It's because they the cops are afraid to pay the price for such a capture.
    By the price would be them and their entire families wiped out the face of the planet by CDS troops which is why it was rumored Chapos capture was done by DEA agents whose names very few people knew of and their families live safely inside the U.S.

    1. 01:29 ok CDS groupie - haha you don’t know what Cartel De Sinaloa really is.

    2. You and your rumors jajaja

    3. @9:10 I ain't no CDS groupies.
      Just stating how fucked up CDS is when it comes to revenge killings of even officers doing their job.
      This is the hero cartel that other people brag about that doesn't kill innocents.
      10:54 rumor or not Chapo was crying like a little bitch as he was being handcuffed and whisked away by helicopter to prison knowing led by the back of his neck. He probably shitted himself in the copter once it took off out of damn right fear.

  4. Chapitos probably snitched

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking, they are at war also.

    2. AnonymousNovember 17, 2022 at 4:45 PM
      ya no.. publicado hace un mes.

    3. 4:45 the sinaloas make truce but still take each other out

  5. Either if hes captured or not, no significant changes would occur. Will solve nothing if the endless flow of cash and weapons still there for the next inexperienced new boss.

  6. Those sinaloa farandula pages are a goldmine of intel for the DEA.

    1. 01:53 absolutely they tell the DEA all the American customers they have and the mean cannibals who are competing with them and selling fentanyl too 🤣 so the DoJ give them immunity to kill Americans

      Get CIs seize the dope put the fentanyl WMDs back into the streets with narco informant junkies who run around killing the innocent and youths with fake imitation drugs. Yay America!!

  7. That Table of contents... The leadership of Sina .. shows the experience and long lasting Connections to the Gov...

  8. Why don’t chapos come to Tamaulipas oh I forgot they get slaughtered 😂😂

  9. Doubtful El Guano is 77, I would guess he's not more than 5 years older or younger than JAGL

    1. Here's something interesting I found when determining his age. There are actually three dates listed on Guano's Rewards Program profile.

      "July 20,1945; October 20,1946; June 16 (Year unknown)"

      This may imply he has (at least) two fraudulent birth certificates. Let me know what you guys make of this.

      Check it out here:

    2. A Infobae article has him as three years older then JAGL. Who knows?

    3. El Guano was born in La Tuna, Badiriguato in 1957

  10. That’s some serious fire power. Somebody important was being guarded

  11. Would love to see a borderland beat article about the Crime MOB families of Sinaloa The AVENDANO family especially

    1. I bet you would 😂
      Stupid groupies 🤦‍♂️

    2. Fuck Avendanos...

    3. Would love to see chapitos mayos get captured and too see there crocodile tears like chapo.
      I would also like to see the groupies like Catarina cry to see their idols fall 😢

    4. They did that already years ago, search the archive.

    5. No lie that would be interesting, that’s one of the main family’s in the whole cartel

    6. I would like to see a nuclear bomb drop in the middle of Snaloa so that all the shitty state gets wiped out

  12. Does the US think R1 from the CDG is still alive?

    1. I have no idea but I think about that everytime I see my chart. Will he always be on it? I wonder how "revoking" a reward works within the Narcotics Reward Program.

  13. We are the absolute mob of El Guano ! Powerful weapons and bulletprooof tactical vest pura gente entrenada by the one and only Sic 006

  14. TOTAL JOKE, Mexican president took photos at a home cook out with Chapo mom and brother at Chapo mom house after his election, its all for show

    1. Was a public event in front of cameras. Dont lie kid. You are a joke.

    2. 4:55 the joke's on you amlo lawyer
      It's obvious he's a narcopresident

    3. 04:30 was Chapo mom a drug trafficking hustler wanted for mass murder genocide terrorism and attacking America with deadly weapons of mass destruction — while high as hell on meth and coca??

    4. Bring some facts or stay silent.

    5. 6:00 Oh, thats what you think?

    6. 8:48 one celled brain animals do not think, they brely eat and crap their own poopoo and reproduce.

    7. 12:12 SIR es chingon!

  15. Cds is so spread out and separated that even chapitos and his uncle gusano are fighting for power. Chapitos or mayo paid good money to have him captured but failed.
    Let's see what gusano does about this

    1. esteeeeeee....

  16. All that firepower must be for terrorizing civilians only.. lmao what a waste..

  17. We all know that the President of Mexico would never allow a Guzman to be captured. Doesn't Maria Consuelo Loera Perez write him letters still?
    He's been to Chapo's hometown @ least 5x now.

    1. That's a lie 🤥
      Snitchaloa groupies will say

    2. What about a Bin Laden?

    3. 9:15 about 100k feet below the ocean. You want to rescue his corpse?

  18. AMLO special forces working like crazy to help the United States. We don’t want any more of your drug addicts to die. So Mexico is doing all the hard work.

  19. The bodyguards were hired from the Tweakers Security Service.

  20. Quien tumbo el boludo aya en aguascalientes

  21. Man only if sinaloa would've respected the old Mafia "tratos" México would not be what it is now, as far as war. They initiated all this.

    Let's debate⬅️

    1. Are you talking about Felix Gallardo taking out Pedro Aviles back in the 70's? Or Arellanos taking out Guero Palma's wife and kids?... if you're referring to the late 90's to mid 2000's then you have a long ways to go kiddo.

    2. 4:29 he is correct, those four individuals you mentioned are Sinaloas

    3. Yep i see Sinaloas as a cancer that spread all over mexico, wherever they stay they fuck it up, you name a narco war and they started it, never finished one but they started them all, they started the one against Cjng when Chapo tryed to kill him in colima, but Don Mencho already knew who he was dealing with

    4. 455, So what "old mafia tratos" is 759 talking about? If my statement is true, then there has never really been treaties or codes of ethics. These characters have been backstabbing and killing family since the dawn of time. Current and old cartels are all guilty of breaking "the old mafia tratos" I've said it once and I'll continue saying it, there's no loyalty amongst crooks and theives. Look at Michoacan, look at the gulf and the Zetas, look at Sinaloas and tell me it's all rainbows and unicorns.

    5. Snitchaloas have no honor or core values.. just look at chapo trial 😂

    6. The mexican drug traffickers mistake, paying bribes and tips to mexican melitary and cuicos from Mexico City, soon they all got betrayed and snitched on and fighting among themselves.
      Chilangos Divide and Conquer since the spaniards ate their first tamal with the Aztecs...

  22. Are the bodyguards local corn farmers? 😃😃🥳

  23. "el guano" = batshit. how did he get his nickname?

    1. la mayoria de los apodos es por que asi suena si le preguntas a un nino.
      si le dices a un nino de 3 de edad como se llama va a decir guano por aureliano
      alberto- beto

    2. Mil gracias 9:13 am. Es raro ver un comentario inteligente aqui. Saludos

    3. 9:13 gusano = guano

  24. Oh it’s Luis and Ricardo of course

  25. On a side note .. there is an article just came out today its on more leaked army reports saying chapo isidro been caught 4 times by sedena and navy and been let go all 4

    1. 9:35
      Between 2011 and 2015, during Felipe Calderon And Enrique Pena Nieto administrations.

      Both political enemies of actual administration, both now wanted by mexican justice, and both now living in Spain.

      Guacamaya "Leak$"... mostly old stuff from previous administrations.

      Por eso hay que saber leer, entender las fechas y cronologia de los hechos...


    2. Past administration favored Isidro per his Cienfuegos connection, this one not so much.

    3. 10:27 Past administrations favored ANYTHING with a sign of $.

    4. El guano is pretty obscure compared to his famous brother, And probably doesn't have the same amount of money, but he does control a vast smuggling empire operating in large swaths of Mexico and the US. He decided to just go for the riches and forego the fame. Well, hes out of prison so he must be doing something right. I don't think hes ever been caught. He's a ruthless SOB like his brother, he killed his own half brother because he thought he would try to take over his area. He seems to beef with his nephew's quite a bit, but when you're in the mafia that's just how things are.

    5. Guano was imprisoned before, El Mudo may still be in prison and El Pollo was killed in Almoloya/Altiplano

    6. 5:06 sierto, al mudo le dijieron que lo ivan a dejar en el bote hasta que hablara y pues todavia sigue ahi

    7. miguel angel el mudo ya salio de prision que yo sepa.

    8. 8:51 si es mudo no habla, ni aunque le den por el chimuelo

  26. Chapitos are snitching out the competition. Not that no one snitches on them but they definitely have big connections with the feds to make things shake a bit on their favor.

  27. Take out a boss and create 10 even more violent groups. Great job big gov


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