Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Genaro Garcia Luna's Defense Requests List of Potential Witnesses Against Him

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

In a virtual hearing presided over by Judge Brian Cogan, the defense for Genaro García Luna, former Secretary of Public Security in the six-year term of Felipe Calderón, asked the US prosecutor's office to deliver on time the list of those who will testify in the trial and also demanded the delivery of probative material related to the same cooperators.

Given this, the government promised to deliver on December 9 the first list of participants who will testify in the process that will begin on December 17, although they said that some names that require "greater confidentiality" will be kept.

Judge Cogan established that prosecutors have to alert the defense at least 24 hours in advance if they are summoning a cooperating and/or protected witness - that is, it is considered "confidential", and 3 days for others. - this to give the defenders the necessary time to prepare for these testimonies during the trial.

The government representative present at the hearing pointed out that "there are still witnesses who have not confirmed to us and we prefer to keep their names confidential and reserved until the day of their testimony." But even in those cases, they promised to deliver the volume of material to García Luna's defense so that they have time to review it, also revealing that "this second list of witnesses has less probative material" than that of the main witnesses already tied up.

This list will include both those who are "cooperating witnesses" (usually people facing charges or already serving sentences, including those considered "protected") as well as a cast of officers and experts who have participated in the criminal investigation of the defendant.

Genaro García Luna, on trial in the US for cocaine trafficking, faced pressure from César de Castro, the former official's lawyer, Judge Cogan recalled that in previous trials he had already called witnesses whose names the prosecution had given at the wrong time. 

"I understand the precaution of the prosecution with the names of the witnesses, but I want them to tell me how soon are they going to reveal those names" after the government doubted and insisted on the date of December 9, it was when Cogan proposed that in these special cases, the name and probative material should be made known at least three days in advance, also avoiding the lawyer's proposal in the sense that they should be "on Friday of every week." 

 In the cases of witnesses with high confidentiality, only 24 hours were established to make their identity known. Issues related to the questionnaire that will be delivered to the alleged jurors who must have all the information related to the case by January 9 were also discussed.

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  1. Damn Socalj, you are on this Luna trial. I remember when the Anabel Hernandez book that exposed Lunas men first came out, and it read like revenge, but I was never sure how many of the accused would see a courtroom. Keep it coming. (Btw, your Kinahan articles are great)

    1. Anabel needs more English classes.

    2. He needs the list SO They Wont be around to testify !

  2. Good Job Socalj! 👍🏼

  3. Amlo snitched 🤦‍♂️

  4. CHAPO mom snitched

    1. Chapos dead son snitched on Chapos mom

    2. His ho wife snitched

  5. Who was the Mexican official that US arrested but returned to Mexico. ALMO eventually released him. Was that Garcia Luna or someone else?

    1. Gracias, so is that dude in the clear or Mexican government will prosecute him?

    2. 6:10 Cienfuegos is a corrupt general. Which is why it keeps that 2 way street open for future use.

    3. Mind you, releasing Cienfuegos was AMLO's way of paying back the US for not prosecuting Eric Holder for illegalling introducing firearms into Mexico through the failed fast and furious operation.

    4. General Cien-pedos.

    5. 6:27 keep dreaming, Eric Holder did nothing wrong, and no reason to prosecute him, the Mexican government did not bring it up, not did the American government and years later your crying like a baby.

    6. 945 firearms were introduced by a U.S agency into a country where firearms are illegal. How is that "nothing wrong" ? Nothing was done by the mexican government because at the time the mexican government was doing the dirty work for cartels. Garcia Luna is the prime example. The U.S government put Eric Holder under oath and freed him of all charges. When the U.S gave Cienfuegos back to the Mexican government, Mexico returned the favor and let him off Scott free. I'm sure Cienfuegos was guilty of something just as Holder was guilty for Fast and Furious.

    7. 945 "At Holder's request, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency in order to withhold documents that "were not generated in the course of the conduct of Fast and Furious."[20][21] In 2016, a federal court ruled that the records in question were not covered by privilege;[22] a House lawsuit to try to recover the records was settled and the matter dropped in April 2019, after control of the House had shifted to Democrats.[23]" if holder did nothing wrong as you claim, then explain this.

    8. He got released to please the army. Eric holder jajaja

    9. 10:19 the records show Operation Wide Receiver of Preaident W preceded Fast and Furious, created and owned by the same weapons dealing cabal desperate to get their hands on all that drug trafficking money, the CREEpublicans did not "settle" for nothing...
      ATF was left without management with intent of not having anybody to respond for any of the BS.

  6. Mexican are the biggest snitches don't know why you dudes act tuff plus your DNA 🧬 ain't even scary you dudes are soft
    P.S my wife Mexican

    1. You can't be too honest with the Mexicans like that bro. Just earlier today I ruffled a few feathers and right away all the weak bitches went ape shit with their comments. I can't stop laughing 😆 🤣 😂

    2. "ruffles feathers" ???? Thats only something a cerote would say lmao

    3. Fuck that!!!
      I would never want to be anything else but of Mexican descent. Beautiful country, hot women, family values, work ethic, the best gastronomy not bland and culture not bland either from both paisas and chicanos such as lowriders to real ranchero vaquero original culture not that gabacho cowboy shit!

      Some bad apples don’t make all our entire raza as you say. You hate because we’re the majority!

      Semper Fi

  7. 24 hours isn't enough time to prepare for a witness' testimony. Not even 3 days is sufficient. We must bring these individuals to justice, but we must not burn the U.S. Constitution in the process.

    1. That constitution was burnt and disregarded a long time ago

    2. Those ashes were snorted up the noses along time ago

    3. This dude has been caught putting a hit out on a journalists. I mean red handed in jail by a Russian informant. They aren’t taking any chances. Stick a fork in Luna ( Conrado Sol ) he’s definitely done ✅

  8. He’s looking to intimidate some witnesses or family members who don’t have protection… funny how some cats are talking about preparation for witnesses… 😂😂😂

    -Holden D. Cash

    1. You should know plenty bunch of filthy ratas in Oxnard

    2. I know of filthy ratas from the big Apple to the pineapple…

      -Holden D. Cash

    3. That’s a lot of master splinters

  9. @ 8: 35 - "Conrado Sol" - oh yeah, for sure. Amazing how some parts of that series have turned out to be so predictive.

  10. @ 12.20- Nothing in that ''El Chapo'' series was predicted, it had already happened and was known, and proved. It has taken years for this to come trial, that's all. They merged the Sol character with others for legal protection, just like they always do.

  11. His not the target , he will break and testify on the person who called the shots.

  12. I wonder if former President Felipe Calderón will testify in favor of Genaro Garcia Luna …


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