Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

"Sol Prendido" and "Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Dear readers, 

We at the Borderland Beat team wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. Wishing you all safety and quality time with those close to you.

Thanks for your encouraging support and readership.


The Borderland Beat Team 

Anyone interested in writing with us as we aim to report the real situation in Mexico? Send us an email.

We’d love to have you on the team!

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  1. Thank you Borderland Beat for all you do with your time and interpretation of news in our brother country of Mexico! Happy Thanksgiving!🦃
    What do you guys think?

  2. Sol don't drink too much vodka, you will have a mean hangover on Friday.

    1. Solo tequila y mariscos güey. We don’t want no stinking vodka.
      Muy feliz Thanksgiving gringos🦃🌶🦐🦞🦀🐟🍺

    2. 'Knock it back
      Have another one
      Drinking and driving is so much fun"

      - The Business

    3. Hey sol 8 criminals dead in Celaya confrontation with police

    4. And no hitting the fent!

    5. Sol forget drinking Vodka, that actually supports the Russian invaders.
      Drink Tequila instead, wait wait a minute, that supports the cartels in Mexico, because they charge business a tax.
      Drink American made wine.

    6. Sol can't handle no liquor, drink Egg Nog instead.

    7. Eggnog is very Canadian
      Eggnog, rum y poquito canela

    8. 9:17 & 9:48 Buzzballz Eggnog. You'll thank me for it afterwards.

    9. Drink the original vodka from Poland, they actually invented it.

    10. Don't fool around,drink scotch whiskey or bourbon like Elijah Craig.

    11. 11:01 whiskey is only good to cook chicken...

    12. Buenos días, ya ando en Caborca, me traje un guijolo (pavo, pues) y estoy muy contento porque no he escuchado ni un balazo ni noticias de muertos. Feliz día de acción de gracias!

    13. 9:52
      They don’t sell buzzballs eggnog in Canada sol

  3. Happy Thanksgiving BB. @6:15 that vodka is no joke unlike the Russian army

    Wishing you guys longevity, happiness, and overall health.

  5. Feliz dia del pavido navido

  6. Happy Thanks giving BB team and wish you all the best blessings.

  7. Turkeys & unlucky mexicans comiserate on this date

  8. Mexico is our neighbor and we should treat Mexico with dignity and respect like our neighbor. Too many Americans forget this and turn a blind to the incredible violence that these cartels foist on the people of Mexico. They go to Cabo, Cancun or Cozumel and say that they have been to "Mexico". They are either ignorant or willfully blind to the realities of the terror that Mexicans face on a daily basis.
    We all here at Borderlandbeat need to do our part to educate the American public and get them to wake up and support Mexico in their fight against narcoterrorists. We also need to educate drug users on how they are supporting this narcoterrorism.
    At least Sol didn't post a beheading video for Thanksgiving.
    I hope everyone has a pleasant and peaceful holiday season and a prosperous 2023.

    1. Well said Motor City👍. Even as a non-fluent Spanish speaking gringo I feel like Mexico is my “other country”. We trade, employ, and socialize on both sides of the border and I don’t consider it a real hunting or fishing trip if we didn’t fish black bass in Comedero Lake or hunt the whitetail in Tamps, NL or Chihuahua.

    2. 7:42:
      If you like to fish you should go to Mag Bay. The waters are calm so it's like fishing on an inland lake except the fish are bigger.
      A lot of grouper and halibut. In the winter the whales heading south will come up out of the water sometimes pretty close to your boat.
      Cd. Constitution can get pretty toasty but it is cooler in San Carlos. Villa Insurgentes is a nice little town to live in. There's not much in El Faro but it is still a nice area. You really need a four wheeler if you get off of the pavement or you will be endlessly pushing your vehicle out of the sand. Even a light street motorcycle is difficult in the sand.
      You can camp for free all over Mag Bay. Keep your food close to you because the coyotes will raid your camp and make a mess of things.
      If you have never been to Mag Bay you are really missing out on a great low cost experience that you can travel to by car.
      I had planned to retire there but the violence has changed those plans.

    3. 8:26. Im interested but where is Mag Bay?

    4. 8:59 you can find a lot of shit in some people's heads, specially pipe dreams of drug addicts.
      Buy your fish from a respectable supplier, like Walmart or Cosco, carry your weapons there just in case.

    5. Detroit. Hello, is the area you speak about that dangerous?

    6. People speak of supporting Mexico while constantly turning a blind eye to the current efforts. Sure we trade, employ and socialize with our southern neighbors but wait until Mexico begins to demand comparable wages to its two gringo neighbors to the north and your tone is going to change. If you want to educate your self and others I suggest you stop focusing so much on The narco related news and broaden your horizons on all of the socioeconomic trends and policies currently taking place. 🫡

    7. 8:59:
      Mag Bay is on the south west coast of Baja California Sur just west of Cd. Constitution.
      There are narcos in the area and they really don't have it under control yet. The violence comes and goes. It's not steady like some areas.
      They depend a lot on tourists, so for tourists it's less dangerous than locals. I would go there but be aware of your surroundings. I have given up camping in Mexico because you are so vulnerable in a tent.
      My situation is different. I wanted to start a business. That would attract the attention of the wrong elements. It's OK to go down there on vacation, but don't start a business until things are more under control.

  9. Everybody have a few drinks and listen to
    Mi cucu by la senora dinamita with lucho argain
    Calmate calmate, Que tu no eres loca

  10. Happy Thanksgiving BB staff writers. I am so thankful you guys take the initiative and do what you guys do.

  11. Not happy for me. Tried to go to urgent care multiple times for an incredibly painful ear infection and they refused to give me even mild opioid painkillers because of stupid government crackdowns 😪

    1. Google is your friend, check what can I use for painful ear infections.

    2. Clean your ears cabron

    3. 9:21 pinshis drogadictos always inventing something...
      How many steaks did you steal?

    4. 10:07 You’re obviously not familiar with how painful swimmers ear is.. Opioids are needed, dumbass. It’s not a freakin headache that you can just treat with OTCs. You trolling or something? I mean google? Really?? Literally piss off

    5. 11:12 I already have antibiotics for the infection genius. I’m talking about the pain part. They gave me an anti inflammatory “10 times stronger than Ibuprofen” and it didn’t even touch it.

    6. 5:22 why are you people so weird wth

    7. 11:57 that only means you are a perfect match to become a heroin addict

    8. 10:07 you first have a dumb ass vague question, then you expect us to read your mind, the only one that reads minds in here is Sol, but not today because, he has a little hangover.
      So Mijo take a number, well text you, when we are ready.

    9. 10:07 I meant 1:28 sent to 11:54

    10. 1:2I Sol does not know hangovers, has been drunk since he retired in the 80s.

    11. SIR idk why you guys keep thinking I'm old like that. Your numbers are way off 😆

    12. 11:57 Having swimmer’s ear makes me a perfect match to become a heroin addict? What? Lol I’m so lost on whatever you’re trying to get at. Also there’s no heroin where I live, only fentanyl. I’m into marijuana though. Sue me.

    13. 1:28 what is this question you’re referring to

    14. 1:28 I never asked a question… What the actual fuck lol. I knew what I needed… And it’s called hydrocodone and that’s exactly what I got today because my real doctor finally called me and sent me up to the next floor and understood the situation. Why would I have to Google what to use for painful ear infections when I already know the answer since I’m prone to swimmers ear? To call some of you people slow would be an understatement holy crap.

    15. 6:03 this is not the fuken site to complain about your ear infection, but but but, they say fentanyl cures everything, go to, they can better help you there.
      Have a great day.

    16. Los viejos rabo-verdes
      siempre se quitan los años...
      Ahistá el Detroit, con dos jubilaciones,

    17. SIR it's ok to admit that you have bad fishing skills 😆

  12. Less enjoy this day and respectfully acknowledge the fallen indigenous families killed in this day RIP

    1. 10:53 thanksgiving remembers when the indian families fed the Pilgrims, no indian families died then, most Indians died because of european styled epidemics imported by whitey, accidentally, later the indians got massacred and displaced and dispossessed by greedy european immigrants and native euro Americans, but not "for Thanksgiving"
      --These days, Alex Jones celebrates Thanksgiving by hiding his billions of dollars from his creditors while trying to sell his famous snake oil mixed with cheeto koolaid.

  13. No Friday posts yet. First we stuff the birds. Then the birds stuff us. Tequila finishes the job. No Friday posts from the crudo-crew lol


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