Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Iguala, Guerrero: Four Dismembered Bodies Dumped On Federal Highway Iguala-Teloloapan

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The remains of four dismembered individuals were left Friday morning at the edge of the Iguala-Teloloapan federal highway, in the northern part of the state.

So far the identities of the victims are unknown. However, according to initial reports, they are three men and a woman.

The discovery occurred around 7 am in a place that is located on the edge of the federal road, near the Che Guevara neighborhood in the city of Iguala.

Following an anonymous report to the 911 emergency number, elements of different security forces arrived at the scene and secured the area. Several pieces of cardboard were found next to the remains with messages that have not been disclosed.

Personnel from the FGE's Forensic Services were in charge of carrying out the corresponding diligences. The remains were sent to the Iguala morgue.

Warning: Graphic Pictures 

Narco message reads as follows:

Luis Vicente Calderon Jaimes aka Wicho Cachetes. This bitch ass pig has more bravery than you. Keep sending more people my way. I already have you and everyone else located. I’ve ruined that party that you had planned. Soon enough you will receive more news from me! 

The Grand Dick

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  1. As a cop in Mexico, do you think they still freak out or get scared when they arrive at crime scenes like these? I feel I would never be able to get “used” to them.

    1. you get used to or you quit

    2. 12:27 i dont back down from a fight but at the same time i dont like blood, its all in the personality, some people love blood, so yea if your a cop and are scared of blood you should look for another job

    3. 12:31 I’m the opposite. I’m totally okay with blood and carnage but fighting is annoying. Even watching fights I can’t stand.

    4. 2:34 than you might be good material to be a cop

  2. 12:27 Freak out when they grab you, cops feel nothing but the need for their money to pay upstairs and maybe prolly keep some in their pockets


    1. Damnn good find. Ya fuck those people. What goes around comes around

    2. I don’t speak spanish. Can anyone tell me what happened?

    3. 10:30 Google has a translation app. Try it don't be afraid.
      Spanish to English
      English to Russian
      Chinese to English

    4. @10:30 these guys were no saints.. that article shows that the woman, that is among the dead, was head of sicarios for another rival crew . Also shows a video of that same woman killing some unarmed souls

    5. You really think any of these will he!p a "gringo" Horrible fuckers, good at crying the race card tho,expert at that

    6. "I don’t speak spanish. Can anyone tell me what happened? "
      Bro this is what you call a righteous kill,if you go the link above watch the video.The fat greasy bitch in it was "head" of sicarios for la bandera,its her talking and cutting a guys neck in it,anyway they all got caught and cut up and left there on road,no one can argue with this kill.

    7. 1147
      "Google has a translation app. Try it don't be afraid" Yeah really? Can it translate ballbag to bellend,or will you do it for us?

    8. 1030
      Fuck these rats.They wont help,posted some explanation about it,watch video tho

    9. But, but but I am to lazy to learn how to check, me is is couch potato.

    10. Dam this is adds so much context hope mods see this and update it here. also who goes by La Mera Verga there?

    11. 4:32

      Interesting, thank you. And what about the whatsapp chats? Were they organizing some killings or shipments of drugs in those chats? Anyway thanks for the explanation. I needed some intel from a spanish mothertongue. I’m Italian so my language isn’t that different from spanish, but still many things get lost or minstranslated when you use online apps, and i only properly know italian and english, so….thanks a bunch güey. 👍

    12. 1056
      Bro i think it might be Los de la Sierra who killed them,remember the video where Sierra caught about 20 la bandera and were threatening this Wicho guy,then they started chopping some of them up in front of the other la bandera guys ?

    13. 4:07 why should we help to translate for a nosy gringo that doesnt care about mexico only about the gore. When gringos are not inclusive with us fuck yall. The few good kind sorry. Nobody cried the race card only the brainwashed liberal kind that learn it from you white people fuck them also

    14. 7:45 Great comment here...

    15. 1:58 dont get me wrong ive met nice kind hearted anglos but majority of them are cold assholes that think they are so much better then anyone who isn’t an annoying know it all gringo like them. Thats why i say fuck em, done being friendly with them & with some blks also.

    16. 6:55 Sounds fair enough. If someone had fought against racism in US is white people. But cant deny is also white people causing trouble.

    17. 7:45 liberals are for freedom for everybody and take knives to gunfights with their "libertarian friends on the other side of the aisle"; brainwashed libertarians love to carry guns into other people's parties uninvited, and consider liberals "The Enemy" and patriotism their exclusive say-so...

    18. 10:16 shit man im also done being friendly with my own kind alot are assholes also, i dislike everyone equally lol. Difference is my own kind we are able to keep it solid with most

  4. 10:30 Killers have been killed by killers. At least three of the four bodies that have been found.

  5. There is no hope for this vicious cycle

  6. Definitely the handiwork of Los Tlacos / Cartel de la Sierra / The Tortilla Cartel. I am surprised anyone still walking around in Iguala working for Las Banderas after that mass execution.


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