Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

La Rumorosa, Baja California: Sinaloa Cartel, Killers Of Tourist In La Rumorosa

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

According to the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the four men who attacked three tourists from Mexicali in La Rumorosa are members of the Sinaloa Cartel.

After the young men went to Tecate for a UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) festival and headed to La Rumorosa to have their photo taken on the recently inaugurated Jaime Maussan street, the criminals accosted them, chased them, shot them, and took one of them, Fernando, away. His body appeared days later in the State Capital, handcuffed, tortured and decapitated.

Relatives of Fernando conducted a search campaign on social networks, and later reported that he had been found dead, with the premise that the young Fernando was a graduate of the UABC, a medical worker, with no ties to organized crime, and a tourist in his state.

In this context, the FGE pressed its investigation. They conducted searches and sweeps in Tecate and the town of La Rumorosa to identify the attackers. In the investigation, they located persons of interest who provided information about the killers, including names and photographs of them.

Among them, two in particular, who have only been identified by nicknames, such as "El Cholo" and "El Wacho", who according to the investigations, are dedicated to human trafficking, drug dealing and fuel theft in the area known as "Las Cabañas", where they have vigilantes at the entrance of the town and in the mountains.

They also have as criminal accomplices others identified as "El Catracho", Cristian Parra and a woman named Figueroa.

As to the motive of the aggression in which the three young men were shot and one was killed, so far the investigators say two things: that after reprimanding the tourists, they thought that they had alerted the police, and two, that they mistook them for their criminal competition.


Minutes before midnight on Friday, November 11, Fernando and two friends, a woman - a teacher - and a man dedicated to photography, arrived at La Rumorosa. They were from Mexicali and had come to Tecate for the UFO Fest.

They decided to stop for a photo at the newly named Jaime Maussan Flota Street, on Kilometer 73.

While they were joking and taking pictures of each other, men on board a white Nissan March vehcile intercepted them and, with expletives, questioned them about what they were doing there.

Upon seeing that the men were armed, Fernando and his companions returned to their vehicle, a white Hyundai vehicle with California state plates, attempting to drive to Tecate, but their attackers followed them, firing several shots at the vehicle.

Fernando, who was driving, lost control when he was hit by one of the bullets. The car went off the road and landed in a ditch. The four attackers got out of the car and opened fire on the young men, grabbing Fernando and then taking him away.

The female and male companions were wounded and were taken to a Tecate hospital by municipal police.

The municipal report indicates:.

"Upon arriving at the scene they noticed a white Hyundai vehicle with California plates, which was in a ditch. The vehicle was hit at least fifteen times by bullets of various calibers. When they approached they heard a male person asking for help, when they approached the injured man he said his name was Jorge, 28 years old, and said he had a gunshot wound in one leg and in the shoulder (...) they caught up with them and lost control, shooting at them with long weapons, wounding his two companions and taking the aforementioned driver, without knowing where". They killed him.

A person close to the victim's family explained: "Nothing was heard of Fernando until yesterday (Tuesday, November 15) when he was located, you know how, he was a good boy, he didn't do anything to anyone, he studied, he went to the UABC, sometimes he seemed very serious but he was cheerful. What do we do, listen, there is no law, there is no justice, the delinquents killed him for taking a picture that at the beginning was taken as a joke. Today it was someone's son, how many children, fathers, mothers, neighbors... how many are needed for the authorities to do something, for a photo they did all that, who is going to put a stop to the bad guys, you tell me, who".

Fernando's father announced that his son's body had been located: "Colleagues, I found my son, unfortunately they killed him, do not go to La Rumorosa or let your family go, it is a lawless land, and the authorities do not bring it to light because they don't want to lose tourism, but every day there are kidnappings, today it happened to my family, take care of yours", wrote Fernando Alushe in social networks.

The body of Fernando, a graduate in bioengineering from the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) who worked in the medical sector, was found on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:23 a.m., next to the Centinela Cemetery in Mexicali, near a water plant.

Authorities received a report of a bundle tied up in a black bag. When they opened it, they discovered that it was a man who had been decapitated. The head was at the level of the calves, the bound body had visible signs of torture. He was wearing blue jeans, a black T-shirt, work boots and a black leather jacket. He was identified by his curly black hair and a tribal tattoo on his forearm.

24 hours before Fernando's abduction, at a press conference for the inauguration of Jaime Maussan Flota Street, Mayor Dario Benitez assured that high impact crimes had already been eradicated in that area.

"The truth is that we have practically no longer had the presence of high impact crimes, fortunately, and we owe this thanks to the coordination with the Federal Government, the presence of Sedena and the National Guard has been fruitful in areas such as... La Rumorosa. Today the statistics tell us that in that area high impact crimes have been reduced in their totality", said the municipal president of Tecate.

The statements contrast with the numbers of kidnappings and disappearances currently reported. Just in October, on October 3 and 19, search groups in Tecate reported the location of skeletons in the area and there are active search records of young people and adults who have been taken away.

In this regard, a member of these collectives told ZETA: "Out of fear many families like me do not denounce, we are alone, we can only try to locate our family members to give them a Christian burial, to denounce is to throw a problem on yourself, we no longer trust the authorities".

In previous editions, this Weekly has presented the cases of the bodies of at least four people found on the borders of Tecate and Mexicali, just down the road from La Rumorosa, with apparent signs of torture.

The three bodies were piled up on the side of the road; they were found half naked and with duct tape ties on their arms, black bags covered their faces. Elements of the State Attorney General's Office confirmed that the bodies had gunshot wounds in various parts of the body.

In spite of the violence rates and the flow of tourists in the area, the town of La Rumorosa only has one Municipal Police unit, which is in charge of Jacumé and El Hongo as a security strategy of the current director of Tecate's Public Security and Municipal Transit Directorate, José Manuel Márquez.

Fernando's companion, Jorge, was identified as a collaborator of PAN congresswoman Alejandrina Corral Quintero, who on Sunday, November 13, issued a communiqué exhorting government authorities to work for the security of Baja California families:

"It is unfortunate that our state is becoming more insecure every day and that it is not possible to go out for a walk with family and friends... Thank God Jorge is stable after receiving 5 bullet impacts, let's hope for his speedy recovery. We strongly condemn this type of acts, today it was Jorge and his friends, tomorrow it could be your daughter, your mother, aunt, friend or acquaintance".


On Wednesday, November 16, the State Attorney General, Ricardo Iván Carpio, stated that after the violent events in Tecate, several searches in coordination with elements of the Army and National Guard to apprehend the perpetrators of the murder of Fernando and the attack on his friends, two men have been arrested and are being prosecuted under the charge of drug dealing. Firearms were also found in the homes.

Zeta Tijuana

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  1. Nothing to do with sinaloa they did these o their own free will and probably just pay rent to who ever controls the city or state where they operate be these CJNG OR CDS like in these case

  2. What's up SNITCHaloa🐀 scrotum gobblers and AMLO 💩🧠🤖

    1. El que piensa en pan es por que quiere

    2. La cagaron esos pendejos, en las fronteras no tienen buen control de sus células, pero unos incidentes trágicos no se compara con tantas brutalidades que a echo cjng en todos los estados que entra y la gente que desaparecen

    3. 6:57 G1£b€®+0π@ solo estoy señalado los paros que van a poner las porristas de los Chinaloas, con todo su culo y alma los defienden aunque vean que son una escoria en cada rincón del mundo que llegan esos mugrosos descerebrados.
      Como muestra ahí está el 7:00pm, de seguro eres tú buey

    4. 7:00 🤣🤣🤣 guey la "brutalidad" del CJNG no se compara con todas las muertes que a causado el CDS desde que se formo oficial mente, la gran mayoria de las muertes de TJ, Cd Juarez, y una buena parte de Nuevo Laredo es gracias al CDS y eso es nomas la puntita, si nos ponemos serios y le contamos todas las muertes por las guerras que el CDS empezo (y nunca pudo termir) no acavariamos, no me creas pero ahi estan las cifras desde que empezaron el chapo y mayo las traiciones todo se salio de control, en ese tiempo el CJNG todavia no se involucrava en las guerras, hasta que el chapo quiso ponerle un 4 al mencho y le fallo, y ahi empezo otra guerra, pero esta guerra el chapo se la busco con un enemigo muy diferente y mas perro que los otros

    5. 9:58 as visto todos los desparecidos en Michoacan y jalisco que salen desde mucho tiempo mas las guerras que tienen en jalisco con su propia gente y contra los Michoacanos es la misma mierda con tus gallitos, y cual nuevo laredo cds nunca pudo entrar ahi.
      Nomas ve la diferencia como se vive en sinaloa y durango a comparación de jalisco y Michoacan y eso dice todo

    6. 11:56 ovio nunca as vivido en jalisco para comparar como se vive ahi con Sinaloa y Durango, asi que en eso no opino porque to tampoco he vivido en Sinaloa y Durango, el punto es que el CDS empeso la gran mayoria de las guerras que an causado cientos de miles de muertes y no estoy exagerando

    7. 9:58 laredo, all of tamaulipas and Veracruz inhabitants have been victims of army, marinas, navy, polesias estatales and municipales, they even victimize the cartels since yarrington, lerma, eugenio hernandez, Z1#2 fidel Herrera Beltran and duarte de Ochoa were governors, CdS has no need for shit
      PAN government members have been the criminals all over NE México since secretary of governance for LEA Halconso Martinez Dominguez resigned his office in disgrace for the Jueves de Corpus massacre of students by his Halcones.

    8. 9:58 CJNG no se metio en esas guerras porque no existia guey! Que mamada dices ahi! Una estupidez en grande. Como chingados es posible que se metan si no existian?!!! Es como decir el CDS no se metieron en la revolucion, o que los carteles no se involucraron en la primera guerra mundial...una pendejada. Para mi que maten a toda la gente que quieran con que no sean o afecten a inocentes. Si es entre ellos, que se den gas. Como por su mayoria lo esta haciendo el CDG y CDN en la frontera chica. Lo hacen de noche, o en lugares que no están muy poblados y brechas, ect. Por lo menos es lo que tengo entendido.

  3. Replies
    1. Lmfao. Please don't mock the snitch cartel

    2. 6:17 🤣🤣🤣🤣 im not the Original but but but but guy but but but but i had to take my shot 😂😂😂

    3. Ese Sol Ajajaja 😆😆😆

    4. I want to mock the original but, but.

      I thought Mexico is safe, but but but, ALMO says no murders happen in Mexico.

    5. 7:39 What’s your source of AMLO saying what you are alleging AMLO said?

    6. And when did AMLO say that?

  4. that has cnjg all over it, the description of the ppl at fault say it all.. like the ones that took out relative in tecate👮🏻‍♂️

  5. In reality... Their All snitch Cartels... That's the only way to talk to the government... But only difference is CDS has the much better Government connections.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 9:26 No llores 😢 😆😆

    2. 9:26 🤣🤣🤣🤣 snitch cartel, what cartel is Sol talking about? He didnt mention any names 🤔

    3. uh-ho someones triggered his 12 year old fan base and thier emojis!

    4. 9:26: Disrespecting someone who helps give us this site is not cool at all

  7. Mexico not safe, even tourist get killed.

    1. Looking forward to my next trip. PV, GTO, JAL, COA and maybe even TAM. Those will be awesome weeks fueled by tequila and more tequila.
      Dont be scared about mexico!
      If its like home, whats the point of travelling!?

    2. 9:41 AM keep that mentality so you can end up like this sucka

    3. @1:11 PM. You've got the wrong country, genius.

    4. 1:11
      But, but ,but that happened in Columbia. There they take your clothes and leave you naked.

    5. 1451hrs
      It’s Colombia (the country), not “Columbia” (the district). Get it right… pin$che pocho.

    6. That's from Colombia, not Mexico

  8. Lots of kidnapping going, cops moonlight as kidnappers.

  9. But sinaloa cartel respect women and innocent men (cds groupies)

    1. 10:08 Is a rogue cds member, CJNG does the same: mencho order it! 🤣🤣🤣 quien entiende a esos Sinalocas

  10. All the people that do innocent tourists are a bunch of pus-ies .... N the corrupt people at the top meaning the politicians that let that fly are bigger pus-ies .... If I was president they would all be locked up or dead

    1. I totally agree with you on everything except the last statement. It's not as easy as it sounds just locking someone up. To much corruption for to long that there's a whole lot of comfort with it. If it's not the people in government positions, it's the police, the DA, the judge, etc. Look at what happened when AMLO tried to have them warrants executed for the missing 43 students. The DA canceled most of the warrants, then they talked about there wasn't enough evidence to charge them, even the NY Times came out in support of the corrupt aparataus that is trying to keep the impunity for those behind the 43 incident. The NYTimes!!! Getting in another country's internal business and backing the ones that are accused!!! That's way out!!! And they did that with some luke warm nonsense that doesn't even prove their innocence!! They just question certain texts. And don't even give any reason why they're questioning them. A newspaper from a different country that is not related to the incident in any way, shape or form is trying to bring evidence into question without any facts or reasons for doing so...WTF!!!!... Anyways point being is that if the president is trying to pudh something on an issue that all these innocent young people got killed and their bodies disappeared, with this issue being as unjust as it was, people that supposed to be on his side are actually putting road blocks abd trying to prevent him from doing so. Look at what happened with Monreal! Alito (PRI president) was going to be prosecuted for corruption and Monreal intervened after making some deals with for Alito not to get prosecuted. Some audio recordings were exposed by the governor from Campeche about the conversations these two had. And Monreal is from Morena, the presidents own party. And those revalations have caused some turmoil and brought down the election reform legislation, due to Monreal now backing the INE. That's how it is over there, AMLO has people smiling in his face while sabotaging some of the theings he's trying to acomplish. It isn't as easy as some people think to do things. But he's doing most of the heavy lifting for the next president to be able to do what has to be done. It's a process. He's had some victories and some success. What nobody can denie with any validity is that Mexico has a brighter future ahead. Especially economically. Last month Mexico added more jobs then any other October in history. Countries all over the world are investing in Mexico like never before. Not just the U.S. and Canada but Germany, China, India, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and a whole bunch more. That Ithsmus plan AMLO has is a stroke of genius and has most of the world on board. That plan and all his other projects has Mexico on it's way up. You're already starting to see the impact of those projects and next year you should really start to see the impact with the completion and inauguration of those plans go into motion and start to bear fruit.

  11. I remember when the AFO dumped the tortured bodies of 3 federal agents in la rumorosa


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