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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

6,539 National Guard and Army Soldiers Are Patrolling Guanajuato, Mexico's Most Violent State

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

The Secretariat of National Defense announced on December 5, 2022 that 1,550 additional soldiers are deploying to Guanajuato to join the public security fight. They will join the 4,989 troops that already are patrolling Guanajuato's streets, making a total of 6,539 Mexican Army and National Guard soldiers.

Video: Gerardo Hernandez, TV Consecuencias

The statement, which was reposted by several Guanajuato news outlets, said that troops will be heading to the following municipalities: Acámbaro, Abasolo, Celaya, León, Salamanca, Villagrán, Irapuato, Valle de Santiago, Jerecuaro, Juventino Rosas, Purísima del Rincón, San Francisco del Rincón and Tarimoro.

While deployments are high, this is half of the yearly peak. Brigadier General José Felipe Andrade Medina of the National Guard said that 11,000 soldiers were deployed in October 2022, according to El Financiero. Over half of these were deployed in the city of Celaya, a particularly violent area. 

The deployment is intended to pacify Mexico's most violent state, which has amassed 2,717 homicides so far this year, 10.4% of the nations total of 26,119, according to public security data presented at a November security briefing. 

The violence mostly results from the years long conflict between a local organized crime group, the Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima (CSRL), and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), as well as allies of both groups. The groups are primarily fighting for control of Guanajuato's large drug using population, which Secretary of Public Security, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini claims  is worth about 60 million pesos ($2,904,247.US dollars) daily.

Large military deployments nationwide

The López Obrador administration has responded to high levels of violence by deploying large numbers of soldiers to Mexico's streets. Nationwide, there are currently 193,137 soldiers deployed in public security efforts, a mix of Sedena, National Guard, and Navy soldiers. While the numbers of deployed are far higher than previous administrations, the armed forces play a more passive role than before. Sedena data shows they detain fewer civilians, engage in fewer shootouts, and capture less firearms.

Graph: November 22 Security Briefing

The armed forces have been criticized for being untrained for public security and poorly equipped for criminal investigations, a task that used to be the role of the now abolished Federal Police. Regardless, President López Obrador will likely continue his military deployments. After running on a platform that included pulling the military off the streets, in September 2022, the President stated that he had changed his mind, and believed the military must play a major role in the nations security.

Sources: November 22 Security Briefing, TV Consecuencias, Articulo 7, Noticieros en Linea, Mexico News Daily, El Financiero


  1. R.I.P cartel de Santa Rosa de lima

  2. And people will still get killed in broad daylight.

  3. 193k soldiers but somehow AMLO isn't doing anything to stop the violence. LOL.

    1. It's just for show, they will not stop anything

    2. 11:15 just when you thought you can make ALMO look good........
      There was a time he sent 5,000 soldiers, to Michoacan. Somehow they never made it to their destination 🤣.
      He had sent them back to their base, without notifying the public.
      Nevertheless if it were to be true..when is the last time you heard him send 193,000 . Lol 😂😂😷😆

    3. "Ningún chile les embona"
      said EPN
      "Ningún bono los enchila"
      says the Mexican wisdom.
      8:10 AMLO is said to have deployed close to 7 000 melitary to Guanajuato,
      not close to 200 000.
      I am no math genius,
      pero si quieres te la sumo.

    4. 11:15 is on drugs.
      Not 193,000
      Maybe about 3,000

    5. Bro that's almost 1.5 miles of soldiers lined up side to side now imagine 200k sheesh

    6. If the gjniral's strategery is not working, the ginirals need to get dressed down and drummed out, maybe the firing squad, and he can chose ten of his muchachos to go with him, before the failures and after.

  4. 5,500 federal forces in Celaya this past October? Must have not been on active duty

    1. Your right, it's called propaganda, they inflate the amount, when it's really less, most of the others are in the barracks, playing cards, watching novellas, someone in here even said they smoke motta (marijuana).,

  5. Pura Gente del Señor RR . Los commandos del CJNG Grupo Elite.

  6. CJNG still haven’t taken over Guanajuato, Grupo Elite are struggling.

  7. The military has more important issues to focus on like building railroads, refineries, airports, schools and hospitals.

    1. 9:04 good point, Obrador can care a rats ass about it's citizens. Bribes coming in, he sleeps happy.

  8. When military patrols instead of police tells you the country is in bad shape. Mexico has made this the normal.

  9. Why go into southern gto? Are they only after marros crew and no cjng?

    1. They are after others, but they don't touch CJNG, because they give good bribes that makes Lopez Obrador government happy.

    2. It’s probably because of the paisas returning for the holidays

    3. Marros are killing normal citizens to heat up the plazas so the soldiers are going to those plazas and most likely finish what ever is left of that gang, i guess they are getting what they are asking for

  10. Poor journalism, complete with no facts of the "violence" about the state.

    1. @2:17 most violent state with 2,717 intentional homicides, that's 10.4% nationwide.
      Need more context?

    2. 7:33 powerful state's attorneys like Carlos Zamarripa are to blame...

    3. I appreciate the feedback. I'll include more local context next time.


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