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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Breaking News: Mencho's Brother, Antonio Oseguera Cervantes Arrested - Live Thread

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

NOTE: This is a live thread which is actively being written and updated. Initial reports for breaking news stories can often have inaccuracies. 

News just broke that Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, alias "Tony Montana", the brother of Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, was captured and arrested.

Details About the Operation Which Arrested Him

Reforma is reporting that he was arrested in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco. The operation reportedly took place at dawn today, on December 20, 2022. 

NTR Guadalajara is reporting that the Army (SEDENA), the National Guard and the federal Attorney General's Office (FGR) were involved in the operation. 

He was allegedly arrested at 5:20 am in the morning. 

NTR writes that soldiers seized six short barrel firearms, one long barrel firearm, ammo, a package of cocaine, and two vehicles during the operation which captured Tony Montana.

The National Detention Registry currently lists out Tony Montana’s status as “in transit”, or meaning he is currently being transferred. Based on the arrest procedures we’ve seen with previous capos, its likely that Tony is currently being flown out to Mexico City.

A PDF of the registry was uploaded to Scribd.

The Official Army Press Release

At 11:15 am, the Army sent out a press release which gives details about the arrest. It reads as follows:

[...] On December 20 of this year, in the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, personnel from the Mexican Army and the National Guard, in coordination with the Cenfi (CNI) and the Attorney General's Office (FGR), arrested Antonio "N", an alleged logistics operator who was carrying out money laundering activities for a criminal group from Jalisco. 

It is also presumed that he was in charge of acquiring weapons in large quantities, coordinating violent actions against antagonistic groups. He is also considered by the U.S. Treasury Department to be an alleged member of said criminal organization. They consider him to be in charge of money laundering and international drug trafficking activities.           

[...] Military and National Guard personnel, [...] obtained information about a property located in the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, where Antonio "N" was residing, carrying out criminal activities and coordinating logistical and financial operations.      

Mexican Army and National Guard personnel [...] established a security perimeter that allowed FGR elements to carry out a technical investigation order [search warrant?] which managed to arrest Antonio "N" in the act of illegally possessing the following:

6 handguns.  

1 long weapon.    

A package with possible cocaine.

2 vehicles.     

9 magazines.    

The detainee and the seized items were handed over to the relevant authorities. [...]   

The arrest of Antonio "N" represents a decisive blow to one of the country's criminal organizations, as he is considered to be one of the main logistical and financial operators.

The Alleged Residential Subdivision Where He Was Caught

The SEDENA press release above does not specify where Tony was arrested beyond saying that it was in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga municipality, however, some news sources are beginning to allege a particular location. 

The news outlets La Silla Rota and Debate have both written that the arrest operation took place in Del Pilar residential subdivision within Tlajomulco de Zúñiga. 

Video Source: Foro TV

The Aftermath / Reaction

Ricardo Sánchez Beruben, the Secretary of Public Security for the state of Jalisco has made a public statement warning law enforcement and military authorities to remain on alert. He wrote that previous reports of retaliatory attacks have been proven to be false so far but real attacks may begin. 

Shortly after the announcement of his arrest, the US Embassy in Guadalajara, Jalisco issued a Security Alert in anticipation of retaliatory attacks or attempts to free him.

"The State of Jalisco has isused [sic] a state-wide Security Alert and increased security presence in the Guadalajara metropolitan area following the reported arrest of a cartel member. There is a potential for conflicts between police and criminal elements."

Narco blockades including setting fire to vehicles and attacking OXXO stores took place in several areas in Mexico following arrests of notable cartel figures recently. CJNG has used these tactics to help prevent the capture of several regional leaders following a meeting.

Background Information on Tony Montana

He was born in Aguililla, Michoacán, on August 10, 1958. Tony Montana has previously been arrested, back in 1996, in the US on heroin trafficking charges and deported back to Mexico.

He appears to have returned to the US and he was prosecuted on charges of property damage in Mississippi in 2001. On these charges, he served time in US prison until July 18, 2008.

Tony Montana was arrested again in Mexico on December 3, 2015, in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga. He was taken to a maximum security prison in Sonora.

A year later, on December 7, 2016, a judge had him released from prison due to technicalities in Tony’s legal due process.

According to Milenio and El Heraldo, Tony sometimes uses the fake name José Mora Garibay.

In October 2016, Tony Montana appeared on a US intelligence chart that alleged he was involved in the logistics and money laundering of the CJNG.


  1. Could this be the start of payback for the Colonel?

    1. That was my first thought when I heard the news. What do you guys think?

    2. That's most definitely what happened if I had to guess. If SEDENA did nothing to avenge the colonel, rank and file would lose moral to the point of defecting to the narcos or possibly but unlikely, a Coup de etat, both of which would be bad for the federal government. I wouldn't be surprised if mencho gave him up to keep the peace. Thank you for keeping me informed in Cleveland. Respite y Cuidado Hermaña

    3. Most definitely an eye for an eye…

      -Holden D. Cash

    4. @SDSORET- I think it might be too soon to be a direct response, unless they knew where he was all along, and they took him because a line was crossed. This kind of response usually takes a lot longer.

    5. 5:01- Taking your money does not mean I am your pendejo. Later someone will be ask who gave the green light to get the brother. You ask a stupid question- you might get a stupid answer. Why does not CJNG hit law enforcement in the US? Not good for business

    6. What happened with the colonel?

    7. @2:41am

      Read this:

    8. @SDSORET- I didn't ask any question, let alone a stupid one. Operations for men this important are usually cautious. A few days seems too soon, unless they already knew where he was, which poses very different questions. That was all I said. It has been building for months, but the instant news cycle can mistake cause for effect. Sometimes generals are murdered and 3 days later a plaza boss is captured, and people assume its a response, when what actually happened is that the original murder was the ''response'', because intel about the operation was leaked
      I don't know what CJNG in the US has to do with it.

    9. @SDORET- I think i might have phrased my original response poorly. When I said ''unless they took him because a line was crossed'' I was talking about Sedena arresting Tony Montana because a line was crossed (If they arrested in him within a few days and knew where he was, which the short time period would suggest), not CJNG taking the colonel because a line was crossed.

    10. 3:30 okey, okey, you win, no more apologies or esplainin'.

    11. Don't worry about it, buddy...
      but if you want to stick it to somebody, there is that maniac that gets his fun with the food, may he get his nachas in a taco al pastor or a chile toriado up his ass.

  2. Right before Christmas/holdidays

    He should have gone already!

  3. Cjng fangirls are going to start crying about why other cartel people don't get arrested.

  4. Tony Montana? He wants to imitate the real tony from Matamoros ?

  5. A las 4 letras si les tumban jefes grandes y calladitos en el bote operando. No como los chinolas coyones que ofrecen cantar a las letras de los gabachos aunque se traicionen emtre ellos

  6. In the 1992 Mencho was arrested in the (san francisco) USA he was in the middle of a drug deal he refused to testify against his brother and he served his time .
    Is this the same brother ?

    1. No. In 1992, that was his brother Abraham.

    2. So there are other possible brothers to replace him if he is caught

    3. Yes, but its worth noting that Tony Montana is the brother of Mencho who has gained the most attention from both Mexican and US law enforcement.

  7. LoL... SoL... Tony Montana is coming home to the U.S

  8. Remember damasos Tony Montana realest sicario of El lic but he was killed and all his men joined MZ

  9. Im Everywhere... From Albania to Zimbabwe.
    Merry Christmas everyone

    1. Well Merry Christmas to you too Big Boy, just don't drink and drive.

    2. Vaca and Rambo in the same post....been awhile

    3. 8:39 must be honeymooning,
      In Dubai...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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