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Friday, December 9, 2022

Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua: Siblings Kidnapped By Cartel Fear They Will Be Killed

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The youngsters were traveling from Nicaragua trying to reach the United States by land when they were abducted in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

The family of siblings Heysell Lineth Martinez and Julmer Martinez are desperately looking to raise $16,000 to pay the ransom demanded by a Mexican cartel that has been holding the young men hostage since last Saturday.

“Please, dad, help us, get the money. If not, they are going to kill us. Get the money for both of us because if not, he says they are going to kill us or else they will cut off our fingers”, pleads young Heysell Martinez, crying, in a video recorded by the kidnappers, where the brothers are seen seated and with a gun pointed at their heads.

Heysell Lineth Martinez, 21, and Julmer Martinez, 23, left Nicaragua on November 13 to reach the United States. According to their family, the young men were abandoned by the coyote (guide) and fell into the hands of a Mexican cartel that initially demanded US$30,000 to free them.

The Martínez brothers are part of the largest migratory exodus in Nicaragua, which has increased in the last four years. From October 2021 to September 2022, U.S. immigration authorities detained 164,660 Nicaraguans who crossed its southern border. This number of migrants represents 224% of those apprehended in the previous year.

Heysell Lineth is a single mother and left behind a three-year-old daughter in Nicaragua. The siblings come from a peasant family from Jalapa, a town in northern Nicaragua, for whom $30,000 represents a fortune beyond their reach.

“They told us to give 30 thousand dollars, but we told them that this is a very large amount because we are people of limited resources”, expressed Libenia Martínez, sister of the kidnapped, to the Nicaraguan Radio ABC Stereo.

Finally, the kidnappers agreed to lower the ransom to 16 thousand dollars on the condition that at least five thousand dollars would be advanced to them this Monday, December 5.

“Yesterday (Monday) we deposited an advance of five thousand dollars and at night we talked to the boys, thank God their fingers and hands are good, but we still need to complete the ransom amount, ” a family member told the platform 100 Por Ciento Noticias.

A Mexican cartel kidnaped the Heysell brothers and Julmer Martínez, and their family desperately seeks to raise the ransom money.

Karla Patricia Martínez, a cousin of the kidnap victims, told local media that the family is living a nightmare. They fear that their relatives will be killed or mutilated, they must find a way to raise the money they do not have, and, on top of it all, they must deal with people who seek to take advantage of the situation.

He said they received a call from another alleged Mexican cartel demanding a different ransom, presenting the same videos that the first kidnappers had released as evidence.

Faced with the impossibility of raising the ransom with their resources, the family of the two kidnapped brothers has started a campaign to raise the money demanded their release.

“We want to make it clear to the population that we are poor families and do not want to take advantage of the situation. We merely want the money for the ransom of the boys”, explained Karla Patricia Martinez.

For this purpose, the family has set up the telephone line (+505) 5705-7374, and the bank accounts 100 2131 0102 457 in dollars of Banpro and Cordobas 117 0642 44 of La Fise in the name of Darwin Calixto Vanegas Naira.

American Post


  1. All this goes on while Elmo says violence and kidnappings are down. Weak president makes a weak government in turn creates a weak society where you stoop to kidnapping the poorest of the poor. It’s sickening. Prays for those two babies that their family had just enough to try to get them to the US for a better life and this happens. If I were an immigrant, I’d make an arrangement with whatever cartel controlled the territory to grant me safe passage. Lord knows what they’ll end up doing to those two kids. That’s what we gringos call bottom feeding. Traffic drugs leave innocent people alone.

    1. Piche ley mierda

    2. I don’t disagree with what you write although I’m curious how you’d expect to trust criminals to grant you safe passage. My biggest question is why do you and many commenters here always call out AMLO? This and other crimes have been profit centers for Mexican politicians and tolerated this since the early 1900s.

    3. You're probably a fan of the president But he's the president and he's supposed to safeguard the people citizens or not and all he does is talk crap at his daily or weekly conference good thing he's leaving in two years.

    4. At least Calderon unleashed the dogs on the bad guys this guy visits their parents home and had coffee? And he talks the US into releasing a general under arrest after they do him that favor he talks crap about the US.and dents the DEA visas and disband a secret unit working with them what a corrupt wimp.

    5. 10:17 If your responding to 8:23 I’m feeling what they wrote. Suggesting they are “probably a fan of the president” is ridiculous and blaming Obrador for the US releasing a criminal is hilarious

    6. 11:25 Great answer.

    7. 7:12 Detroit, is that you?

    8. @10.21. Calderon didn't unleash the dogs on the bad guys, he released them on everybody, mostly the poor- supposedly his own fucking people- while his most trusted men ( plus Garcia Luna and his crooks Edgar Millan, Labastida, Soledana etc) protected the most powerful. A few ''bad guys'' were caught, but it lead to the situation we see today and set back progress by 2 decades at least. If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result then you sound insane.

    9. 12:46:
      I don't post anonymous. You will know when I post.

  2. The brothers!? I see a male and female. Come on

    1. 7:22:
      It was lost in the translation. We all know that he meant siblings. Not all of the translators here speak English as their first language. You will get used to these nuances if you follow this site. The translators are also volunteers who are trying to bring this news to English speakers which is important because U.S. media doesn't report on news in Mexico enough to give Americans an idea of what is going on down there.
      This translation is far superior to googletranslate and should be appreciated.

      Thanks Sol for the good work. I also liked the video of the teachers in Guanajuato.

    2. You're very welcome Detroit. Don't mind the haters. Yes, we're volunteers, but even then we have to deal with many ungrateful pieces of shit. 😀

    3. I agree there alot of ungratefuls in society nowadays. Respect and courtesy has gone down the tubes, many look at it as a thankless job.
      Sol and Staff your time is valuable
      Merry Christmas

    4. If you are going to bite the hand that feeds you, you best get out of the kitchen.

    5. "For Christmas I want a AR-15 with
      4-30 round magazines, to protect my family, when they want to attack on, in our home."
      Ronaldo Galvez
      Morelia, Mich.

    6. 11:26:
      The AR-15 and magazines won't do you any good without bullets.

      Feliz Navidad

    7. 7:22 isn't probably aware of what this girl is going through right now. Regular readers of BB have a better idea of what goes on with these clowns.

    8. 11:43
      Mr. Detroit
      Bullets we have already, we got them through an underground source, 6 metal military Green ammo cans.
      We have the rest barried underground, it what the Americans call de bunker.
      Care to donate ammo?

      Ronaldo Galvez
      Morelia , Much

    9. Ronaldo:
      I appreciate your courage. If more Mexicans had your huevos there would be no need for Borderlandbeat.

      Read up on Mexican hero Alejo Gamez.

      Viva Don Alejo, Feliz Navidad and Lock and Load.

    10. Don Alejo was a real G. He went out like a real man that wasn’t gonna give the Zetas an inch. Have you seen that series on Netflix, SOMOS? If not a must watch. People say the DEA caused that. I say they just passed on intel not realizing what would happen. Surely they wouldn’t jeopardize their own case. But you have people ELMO nut tuggers that blame the qhole blame squarely on DEA. Like the actual criminals didn’t perpetuate the massacre and the DEA put them up to it. Just dumb ass people like someone in here saying why we bring Elmo up. Because he’s your commander in chief. Everything falls on his shoulders. It’s called being held accountable, I realize that’s a very new word for most. But it’s actually how responsibility works. It starts with accountability.

    11. @3.07- You talk about accountability. Read more about Allende. I liked Somos, cos it treated the whole episode with real seriousness and respect, but it sugared the pill for a US audience- they knew full well what might happen from past experience, and they went ahead anyway. They always do, unless there is political backlash instead of dozens of dead peasants. There is a culture of ''fuck em, the locals should have fought back harder against the invaders, it's not our fault. Besides, blah blah blah''. I heard it so many times. It was a monumental fuck up that got hundreds killed. People who ask them to take accountability for that aren't disputing the fact that the Trevino brothers were the actual perpetrators, or trying to deflect. Now 2 people have been kidnapped, and you are saying AMLO is ''Commander In Chief'' so it's his fault, directly? Its madness dude..

    12. 3:14:
      I was in Acuna when Allende happened. Don't break your legs. It's painful and takes a long time to heal.

    13. @ You were in Acuna when Allende happened? I wasn't that far away from Acuna myself. What does that have to do with the comment I was responding to? I wasn't responding to you. You know nothing about me, except I'm holed up in Europe unable to walk. My legs are already broken, for good. The wound on one ankle will never heal, and you are right, it is very painful. So fuck your advice.

  3. Mexico is hell. Shame on the politicians and shame ion Americans and Europeans crackheads fueling this drug trades.

    1. You sound like a crackhead,blaming the whole world you fuckin crank

    2. 8:08 you idiot accepting that it’s ok what’s going in Mexico. Mexico is worst than hell.

    3. NO shame on you! Blaming playing victim. How about taking responsibility and being real that there are genocidal actors in Mexico m. That’s THEIR fault! That’s the Mexican gov fault! Tell Mexico to seal their border and it’ll stop a much greater percentage of guns goin across and drugs coming here.

    4. He meant to blame “ Mexican politicians”

    5. 5:14 sounds like a desperate answer when running out of arguments.

    6. Personal respondibility is #1@12:45, if you dont understand that, then you are involved.

    7. Personal responsibility sometimes amounts to a little pile of beans, and those that express that, amount to little pieces of shit.

    8. 5:50 Detroit, you say you were in Acuña when it happened, but never reported about it, like Luis Crescencio Sandoval the now General secretary of defense and the moreiros...
      Smoke that.

    9. Sir:
      You have no idea of what you are talking about when you are smoking that shit. How do you expect us to know what you're talking about when you have no idea yourself.

  4. “For the boys” the family doesn’t know that one is male one is female? Janky

    1. Boy and girl= boys
      hermano y hermana= hermanos
      Brother and sister= brothers
      Muchacho y muchacha= muchachos
      Tias y tios= tios
      Padre y madre= padres
      father and mother=parents
      These are correct expressions, the plurals let the masculine dominate

    2. Yeah, think of it like when someone says to about a group in the US as "those guys" even though some are girls.

    3. Even God made Man first and after his own likeness, then he made women and they cost US Paradise, but it's OK, we love women and we are their punishment.

  5. The poor people of Central America emigrating to the USA to earn USD. They should be going to work to El Salvador to earn in BTC.

  6. mi lindo mexico mi raza,the endless victim.Who does all this in mexico?U.S.and european crackeheads?

  7. Seems like the Modus Operandi of a unaffiliated kidnapping ring or smaller gang. 🤔

    1. Looks like an independent cell/gang. Dont think this is related to La Linea.

    2. Empresa members affiliated with Mexicles aka PRM and under La Linea control at least 80 percent of the human smuggling in Juarez.
      These are the people fucking up the whole city.

    3. 10:55 That's bullshit! It's going to always be the group with less resources pulling shit like this off. In Juarez, Sinaloa and their loyals are the less fortunte group in Juarez. Just like the leaders of the small towns in the southern sierras. Extorting the poor peasant people of those towns because the snitchaloan bosses don't pay well outside of their state.

    4. Like I said. Empresa own 80 percent of the smuggling in Juarez.
      The other 20 percent is Sinaloa.
      I live across the border from Juarez. I know what this going on.

    5. 1:38 No. Business is crossing people over, not asking for ransoms, thats too noisy and bad for business. Thats mostly independent groups.

    6. @9:09 exactly! Linea doesn’t have the need to hold people for ransom.

    7. 1:38 Most people have no idea on "what is going on", doesn't matter if they live in Juarez, have a narco neighbor, or read BB/news on a daily basis.

    8. Empresa is under Linea control but still a somewhat autonomous gang. Yeah it could have been independent asses that kidnapped this pair for ransom but fuckin Empresa ain't no fucking Saints judging by what they have done in the fuckin past. Shit you have to be neat to witness.
      They still control at least 80 percent of human smuggling along the Juarez region.

    9. This wasn't linea or chapos. it was a smaller gang in juarez that seems desperate

  8. Very well dressed and groomed victims. I have my doubts about this story. I am not a hater - live in and love Mexico.

  9. Si tuvieran 30mil dolar no fueran salido de su pais

    1. @11:47 es correcto.. esos pendejos piden tanto dinero como si la gente que va a cruzar tiene mucho dinero en su pais

    2. Es que el rescate lo piden a los familiares que ya radican en los EEUU.

  10. Scumbag cartels, death to all of them.

  11. Why do all these people want to come to America anyway? They should stay home because the Democrats and so called progressives say that the USA is a racist and hateful country, unlike the immigrants' home countries.

    1. 2:14 Because they are hired on the spot.

    2. They want to earn money and will do all the jobs that your lazy MAGA republican ass won’t do..

      They work and pay taxes for you to be on welfare and talk shit about democrats.

    3. We have a CHAMPION at 10:15, good comment buddy!!!

  12. Ich bete das sie ihre Freiheit bekommen

    1. Viva Nina Hagen!

    2. Old 'ol Nina, I wonder how she is these days!!

    3. 😂ich spüre du hast mich vermisst

    4. Ms H
      The German guy is laughing, I too heard Nina Hagens music, she was on David Letterman at one time.

    5. Nina Hagen geht es gut....

    6. Nina Hagen is the godmother of Punk Rock.

    7. Nina hagan is NOT the godmother of punk rock!

  13. Please if there is a update on these two, let us know? Heart breaking

    1. i read on another website that they were both released on December 9th...

  14. Shoulda, woulda, coulda- stayed home, but no, assumed the risk and tried to illegally enter the country, through another violent country.


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