Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Ciudad Obregón, Sonora: La Plaza Gunmen Interrogates Two Captives From The La Chapiza Mob

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Two captured and bound operatives, Jesús Gilberto Calderon Quiñónez and Hugo Alberto Pulido Rodríguez, from the La Chapiza mob will narrate on camera the evil sequence of events that brought them to their inglorious end.  

Before they permanently leave this world to join the kingdom of the dead. The names and crimes of all guilty parties involved within the Mexican underworld will spill forth from their mouths. 

Video translation is as follows: 

Sicario: What are your names, where are you guys originally from and which cartel do you belong to?

Captive #1: My name is Jesus Gilberto Calderon Quiñónez and I’m from Culiacán, Sinaloa. I belong to the La Chapiza cartel. 

Captive #2: My name is Hugo Alberto Pulido Rodriguez and I’m from Mazatlán, Sinaloa. I belonged to the La Chapiza cartel. 

Sicario: On who’s behalf did you communicate with in order to come work in Obregón for La Chapiza?

Captive #1: My contact is Herman Romero, stepson of Jonathan Salas Avilez aka El Fantasma. 

Captive #2: My contact to come work in Obregón was through Facebook with my friend Angel. He’s known as El Gordito. 

Sicario: How long have you two been in Obregón and what was your job here?

Captive #1:  My job was that of a commander. I had been in position for a total of 10 days before being captured by the Jale Azul.  

Captive #2: I had been here for approximately 19 days before being captured by the Jale Azul guys. I was a hitman. 

Sicario: Who gave the order to kidnap innocent civilians and for what purpose?

Captive #1: Oscar Martinez Larios aka El Gabito and Oscar Medina aka El Panu. This was being done to heat up the terrain and to generate money in order to finance this conflict. 

Sicario: What could you say is the actual reality here in Obregón, what all would you say to those dumb asses who’ve been misled by the La Chapiza mob?

Captive #1: Well, I’d say that this isn’t a game. Don’t believe what all people are saying. For your own well being don’t be stupid about this. Everything is tough as shit, it’s all difficult as fuck. These individuals have everything well organized out here. This isn’t a game, we have to show respect. Each individual must mind their own business. Everyone needs to just stay focused in life. Don’t fall into temptation or allow yourselves to be brainwashed by what they say because it’s all a lie. I had only been here for 10 days and now look at where I’m at. 

Sicario: What about you fucker, what would you like everyone to know?

Captive #2: I would like everyone to know who’s in collusion with La Chapiza don’t bother believing what’s being said because it’s not as easy as it looks. There’s already an owner here and he will be respected. These men here have balls and they mean what they say. Everything will be respected here. This drug corridor already has an owner and it will continue this way. It’s not going to change owners either. If anyone wants to wind up like us go ahead and give it a shot. But I advise everyone not to bother coming this way because things are really tough as shit here. This isn’t a game with these individuals here. They are to be respected. 

Sicario: And now it remains to be seen if the naysayers want to claim that these captives were obligated to say what all was just said. Everyone in this world knows that you guys are a bunch of scumbag kidnappers. You gang of morons will never overtake us in the cities of Obregón and Guaymas. Keep daydreaming. Your pleasure was short lived with these low level gangsters who came here as a sector boss and a commander. Just as well there have been others who came before them. 

You dumb assess are going to keep sucking dick out here. This drug corridor already has its owner. Nothing here is going to change regardless if you try fighting for it. Our flag will remain in position here and it’s never going to change. As a mob we are tough with the tough.  All State, Municipal, and Federal governments need to pay attention to these pieces of shit who come here to kidnap, extort, and kill innocent civilians. They’re committing these crimes in order to keep their dumb ass bosses happy.

Because when it comes to making money on their own they ain’t worth a fuck at it. Don’t let society be pestered or have to pay for the lost war that the La Chapiza mob has in Sonora. These guys are abducting doctors and businessmen in order to finance their conflict. They’re no different than those pieces of shit who were captured in the Zona Dorada of the Casas Blancas neighborhood in Cajeme. 

Even though attorney general Claudia Indira Contreras may try saying otherwise the truth can’t be covered so easily. You’re dragging society through the mud with your monetary gains through these vultures. Keep sending pigs our way so that we can meet them head on. Panu, you fucking coward. Along with that nut licker Ivan Guzmán. You two pair of dumb asses will suck a dick in the cities of Obregón and Guaymas. You won’t be kidnapping here like you’re doing it in Mazatlán and Culiacán. Sincerely, Sergeant Huracán. 

La Masakr3

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  1. Jonathan Salas Avilez aka El Fantasma was a high level Sicario provided security to JGL .
    This is the link about his capture.

    Attentamente El Commandante Juan Rambo.

    1. Damn it Commander. Seems like you really know your trivia playboy. 👏

    2. What happened at the end? Did they all smoke some meth, cuddle and go home???

  2. Some errors in the translation

  3. There you have it folks , Snitchaloas admitting that their delusional , and to stop making and listening to corridos. “In Sinaloa we don’t kidnap or extort” hahahha bola de tacuaches

    1. That’s in Obregon not Sinaloa tho.

    2. 10:17 ya deja de hacerte pendejo, ya sabes lo que esta pasando. Sinaloan roaches meeting their end in places they don't belong. La vida no es como los corridos alucines de Sinaloa.

    3. 10:17 pero no viste al ultimo que dicen que en Obregon y Guaimas no van a estar secuestrando como en Mazatlan y Culiacan

    4. La plaza están ardidos porque en Guaymas se los están chingando

    5. 12:42 pero es lo que estan asiendo Tonto!
      Cds chapitos against cds plaza, they both kill innocents and specially young pretty women they kidnap. Sonora and sinaloa #for killed females

    6. 6:40 eso si lo que es Sonora y Sinaloa y tambien Chihuahua esta muy cabron para la mujeres, donde se paran los Sinaloas empiezan a desapareser mujero a lo cabron


  5. Mejor unanse alos muchachones del RailRoad, de la Rana Rene , y el menchito.

  6. Pura Gente Del 25🎄🎁

    1. A Nuevo año no creo que lleguen pero Navidad va llegarles 🎄

  7. Sicario #006 please provide intel on Sergeant Huracán.

    Is he ex Military /Spec Ops? Thet have heavy weapons could it be a CJNG proxy ? Do los Patrones allow you to take 12/25 off?

  8. I think he is busy helping Ukraine win the war.

  9. The Jale Azul mob is moving El del Palanque's merca by the tons, they dont need to extort like the Sinalocas cause Don mencho is paying them well

    1. *El Rey del Palenque

    2. I would guess CJNG wholesales to Cartels at the Border like La Linia de CD Juarez - Reynosa - Caborca Cartel-

  10. Who thinks la plaza/Quinteros can actually hold down the cabrorca, obregon an guaymas plazas?

    1. They look to be holden it down they only group in question is Chapitos. Chapitos gonna fall

    2. 1:03 they have been there way longer than chapitos, and with the help of las 4 Letras theres no way Chapitos stand a chance, chapitos can only fight in their corridos

    3. 3:58 hows the war against csrl in Guanajuato??? 😂 Those piojosos d Jalisco can't finish off marros crew lol

    4. 4:46 Chapitos can't finish a renegade group called "la plaza"?

      Cds couldn't finish a bunch of pandilleros from juarez? Or beltran leyvas? With federal help? 🤣 or zetas in zacatecas? Even with there so called "carteles unidos" group?

      Common amigo. Get real.

    5. Hows michoacan @4:46


    6. 4:46 your the same delusional person commenting the same thing. Unfortunately CJNG is the most powerful organization in Mexico. Sorry little buddy

    7. Unfortunately CJNG is on the same path as Zetas they expanded quickly through sheer violence gained lots of territory ,was said to be stronger than Sinaloa as well but as soon as their mythical leader mencho falls (for zetas it was lazcano) the whole organization will crumble . Sinaloa has shown to withstand the test of time . No at this point you can’t compare CJNG with Sinaloa Cartel.

    8. 7:10 unfortunately for the haters CJNG has way more money and a way better cartel operation than Z's even did and yes you cant compare CJNG to Cds because CJNG have acomplished in a decade way more than Cds have in their entire existence, sorry to break your little cds heart, but hey you can always go back and listen to another cds corrido (fake by the way) and cheer up

    9. 7:10 there's a big difference between zetas and cjng. The zetas were an armed enforcement wing for los golfos, cjng were formed by los Valencias and other families from michoacan and Jalisco who were moving tons of weight the people were a legit DTO the zetas were amateurs in the drug business. People been saying that cjng is going to crumble anytime for years and here we are

    10. 5:31p.m la plaza is getting handled in Guaymas. They killed 1 high up dude from Guaymas in Mazatlán and some dude from la barredora and another one in jalisco

    11. 9:07 ,9:31 no need to get mad just saying facts. You can tell you guys are huge fans of CJNG but it doesn’t matter how invincible you guys want to believe they are the matter of fact is Sinaloa has been the longest dominating cartel in Mexico .So no CJNG has not done more than Sinaloa cartel in 10 years everything CJNG is doing now CDS has already done it and for years more . CJNG is Zetas 2.0 that’s all . What goes up must come down . So much for them been the “biggest “organization in Mexico as soon as mencho falls they will lose around half of their territory due to infighting

    12. 6:30 he's already dead abd nothing happened. They are as strong as ever

    13. When did I ever say that CJng were bigger than Sinaloa? What I was staying is CJng have deep embedded roots in narco traffic in Mexico in the United States since the 80s the head families and og capos from michoacan. What I was stating is that Cjng are not like the zetas I'm not a cheerleader for any f****** cartel I just can't stand when you Sinaloa a dick riders spit f****** b*******.

    14. 10:17 you can say that, cjng is bigger than cds.
      Cds is split up in 4 or five last time I checked.. it's cds against cds.
      Chapos against mayo, chapos against guano their uncle. Chapos against quinteros, chapos against rusos.
      Chapos trying to finish off all the cds cartel abd be the bosses but nobody in that cartel respects them after they got caught slipping and got kidnapped
      Cjng is solid and not fighting each other besides the Colima small crew.

    15. 11:42 exactly, CDS is now looking more like CDG when Mata Amigos was sent to the USA, bunch of clicks claiming CDS now

    16. 1:03 pm caborca already belongs to the chapos.. the chapos are taking Guaymas next. they’ve been killing people from la plaza in Guaymas left and right

    17. 2;07 🤣😂🤣😂 no pues si se ve! Sarcasmo!!

    18. 8:31pm they just don’t put those deaths in the news just chapitos peoples death. they started putting up mantas and videos after el h(lugarteniente)from la plaza in Guaymas and el willi from barredora 24/7 were killed in Mazatlán in gabitos territory. The plaza is doing what the USA does making there enemy look like they’re the worst of the worst.

    19. thing is, chapos put them under extreme pressure from the start, killed lots of them, but they survived and expanded.. so, i think they will continue to do that. they have infinite weapons and money.. how can you stop them

  11. Are these guys fiance by cjng?

  12. You mean fiance OF cjng. Group wedding in the new year, presumably.

  13. wonder if they’re gonna have their faces peeled off like the last guy

  14. That has got to be a horrible feeling knowing it's game over

  15. if he was a commader, where was his ppl when picked up!?? the other foo said facebook 😅 give them a better script

    1. 9:22 do you even know how to read? And comprehend what you are reading?

  16. another one

    1. Another one what? Your data plan is limited on the words you use?😂😂😷

    2. 11:03 he got the 10.00 monthly data plan, made for Senior citizens, with 10mb data.

  17. There you have it kids "don't listen to those fantasy cds corridos"
    Coming from an actual sinaloa guy 😂

  18. First time I hear ivan guzman s name in a video

    1. Both recent videos by La Plaza mention his name. But his clown fans swear these morons are low key 😂

    2. The plaza is mad because they are getting taken out in Guaymas.

    3. 12:01 are you the same guy thats always claiming that MZ's are advancing and taking Zacatecas from CJNG?

    4. 6:52pm no I’m not haha.. the plaza started putting mantas and videos blaming gabito and chapos after el h (lugarteniente) de la plaza in Guaymas was killed in Mazatlán and some dude from la barredora 24/7

  19. I wonder what his he gonna say when he sees this video


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