Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Ciudad Obregón, Sonora: La Plaza Interrogates Luis Ángel Olivera Hernández

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A follow up video to an article released yesterday by Borderland Beat has appeared online. For this broadcast the ugly fate of another captured operative from the La Chapiza mob comes to his early demise. Before being dismembered off camera away from all prying eyes. 

He will narrate in front of the camera the names of all guilty parties involved within the Mexican underworld. This man’s failed struggle to achieve any sort of dominance within enemy territory was paid for with his life. 

Video translation is as follows:

Sicario: Whats your name?

Captive: My name is Luis Ángel Olivera Hernández aka El Pelón or El Gordito. 

Sicario: Where you from?

Captive: I’m from the Pradera Dorada Etapa 6 neighborhood in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. 

Sicario : Which cartel do you belong to?

Captive: I belong to the La Chapiza cartel. 

Sicario: On whose behalf were you contacted in order to come here to the city of Obregón?

Captive: It was through a friend with the use of an app on Facebook. I made contact with a lady by the name of Martha. She’s from Mazatlán, Sinaloa and she lives in the Casa Redonda neighborhood. 

Sicario: How long have you been here?

Captive: I’ve been here approximately 1 month. 

Sicario: What was your job?

Captive: My job was to kidnap, to kill innocent civilians, to give everyone here problems.  

Sicario: Who would give you the orders to be doing such dumb shit?

Captive: We were given the orders by El Gabito 80, Oscar Medina El Panu. They in turn get their orders from Ivan Guzmán 

Sicario: What message would you like to give out to all that gang of hallucinating dumb asses?

Captive: Gangsters, the truth is don’t bother fantasizing about anything here. Don’t ever think that the bosses are going to look out for you or your families. This drug corridor belongs to these guys. I started to see with my own eyes how things really are here. Things here are not the way we’ve been lead to believe. I tried to escape and they found out. I was threatened, beaten, and tied up. And they told me that if I tried leaving I’d be killed along with all of my family members. The truth is this plaza already has its owner. Don’t bother coming here only to be deceived.  

Sicario: This message goes out to all that gang of hallucinating dumb asses. Don’t forget that the city of Obregón already has an owner. And nothing will ever change this. This communique also goes out to Gabito 80 and Panu. If you guys think you’re such hot shit come on out to meet us for that armed confrontation. Just as well the same goes out for the Municipal and State governments. Don’t get involved in this. Because what all you’re seeing here is known as seniority. You fucks, we are the absolute mob of Teniente Lobo. 

Sicarios scream out: We are the absolute mob of Teniente Lobo!

Warning: Graphic Pictures

Narco message reads as follows:

Here lies another member from the La Chapiza / Salazar mob who thought they could come into Ciudad Obregón. You gang of dumb dicks need to comprehend that the only thing you're going to be doing here is sucking dick with us. Keep daydreaming you hallucinating kidnapping assholes. That municipal policeman who decided to help out for a measly 6 thousand pesos better watch his back. This is the second warning and there won't be a third. 

Sincerely, La Plaza

Ciudad Obregón, Sonora

Casa Redonda neighborhood
Mazatlán, Sinaloa 

Pradera Dorada Etapa 6 neighborhood 
Mazatlán, Sinaloa 

La Masakr3  Borderland Beat Archives

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  1. Does La Plaza have a border crossing?

    1. Caborca desert?

    2. Yeah I was looking at the map that's all I could see desert. I am just trying to figure out why Chapitas want it so bad

    3. I believe its due to the vast space Sonora has to offer, they have various border entry’s . Chapiza can move their stuff out of Sinaloa but struggle in Sonora

    4. Bro the federal Highway literally runs through the middle of obregon you can’t be serious

    5. Chapos are fighting for it because after RCQ was released he felt entitled to Sonora. Sonora was relatively calm until RCQ re-entered the picture.

    6. Deep underground tunnels that harbor giant rivers that are patrolled by mini submarines in order to protect caves that have a narco paradise akin to Shangri-la.

    7. Pretty sure La plaza has cops working for them in Ciudad Obregon. No way the would have taken these guys alive otherwise. We gonna see dead cops soon in CO.

    8. 6:59 pretty sure you are a pizza delivery wanna be guy

    9. El Deserto de Altar is money pit...millions of dollars gracias a los pollos...

    10. @7:44 pretty sure you're a kid who has no life and who still lives in his mom's basement. get a job, loser

  2. Esos sinaloas tienen a Sonora bien controlado. Quinteros o chapitos son de sinaloa. Misma chingadera

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 mas bien lo tienen echo una mierda

    2. 7:29 pues Los de Sonora son lambe huevos de Los chinolas.
      Peor, que de Los de Durango.
      Los chinolas Los tienen todos con miedo y controlando de sinaloa.
      Se sienten orgullosos de tender al cds en sus tierras Los imbeciles 😂

    3. 1122 todavia mas triste en jalisco de volada le dieron las nalgas al mencho

    4. Hey si quieres tumbar al mencho, nomas juntalo con UN primo o pariente, la envidia solo no los deja ser, se matan entre Ellos.

    5. 4:09 todavia mas triste es creer en los corridos del cds 😢

  3. well, they sure are consistent. removal of heart and let it dangle from their chest. removal of face.

  4. Wasnt this guy mentioned in the last video of the two Pizza deliverie guys, the ones that the Jale Azul guys caught?

    1. Is that a pepperoni pizza laying on the ground in first the pic of the victim? I am not trying to sound like a heartless fool here.

    2. yes...a whole pizza on the ground in one pic, and scattered slices of pizza in the other pic all over and around the body. pepperoni. Chapiza = Pizza

  5. But but but Chapizas Chapitos and CDS are honorable satan worshippers who sell drugs but never ever kidnap rob or extort innocent civilians

    1. Its proven cjng leaders are real satanist and sacrifice people for that

    2. 4:48 its been proven that Cds worshipers Santa Muerte and Malverde so there you go 😉

  6. Nice symbolic decor, JGL hats and pizzas? Lol

  7. Las 4 letras y el jardinero respaldando a la plaza quinteros

    1. 8:48 jardinero anda valiendo verga en zac mija

    2. No mames lol la mayita zambada y sus flechitas nonas les quedo quemar zacatecas y calentar la plaza pa que le caigan huachitos a ayudarles contra el jardinero y doble RR

    3. 8:48 4 letras USSR

    4. 9:01 Jardinero no fue el que andava tratando de sacar cholos de los penales porque se le acabaron los foquemones, asi como a los Chillaloas 🤣🤣

  8. There's going to be a Tacos de Carnitas sale 5 pesos por taco

  9. Que no la plaza fue responsible de desaparecer muchas mujeres en la region

    1. Los chapos tratando de calentar la zona

    2. Yea it was la plaza

    3. Interesting thats what that cholo from np said before they turned him into a strawberry.

  10. Sonora is on the brink of being taken by Chapitos

    1. 11:57 🤦‍♂️ plz dont tell me you heard it in a narco corrido

  11. Has La Chapiza/Los menores ever made a similar video in Sonora or Sinaloa or anywhere

    w/ their approval

    1. They need to step up their game thats for sure. Otherwise all these captures make them seem weak af.

    2. I wouldnt put Chapitas anywhere near Mayo or Mencho they a couple a rungs down pretty much CDN level

    3. if it's hasn't happened, yet, I think it's a possibility they aren't going to engage in that exact tactic

      I was thinking they hadn't done one, but wasn't sure

    4. Videos like this one dont scare contras, they'll only bring heat,either u in for the money or blood n most of the time they don't go together,while these guys are busy making the video the other side are busy making money shipping loads of yeyo up north

    5. 1:14 ok its not like theres only 4 guys against 4 guys, every succesfull cartel has their war guys and money makers, one can not success with out the other, if you cant even them out than thats when you have trouble expanding, reazon why Cjng is so successfull, cause they got their shit leveled enough to cause enough mayham and at the same time have their money makers doing their thing on the low, man i would think most of you would of already figure this shit out

  12. This is like a different side of the company, though. There's distribution, management, security. No doubt Ivan and Alfredo have the resources, they just haven't ordered it done.

    They do scare people. This stuff goes all over local social media, and recruits see it, it has a chilling effect, to some extent, but really desperate people aren't going to be deterred, but are they the best recruits?

    1. J do you think cartels care or know about AI voice recognition technology that intel agency’s use and have in there disposal?

    2. Not the guys that are cutting out someone’s heart in a safe house in Obregon

  13. Ay ay mis papis los chinolas nos tienen bien controladas somos la mera funda de ellos 👬💁‍♀️💃🏽👨‍❤️‍👨💏

    1. 2:33 are you from Sonora? 😂😂😂😂

    2. jaliscos they cant get menchos nuts out theyre mouth 😭

  14. Guess I won’t take my family hiking and camping in Sinaloa or Sonoran mountains .

    1. Mission accomplished. One pawn sacrificed.

    2. 4:00 one objective was to scare tourism away- box checked

    3. 8:10 that a really stupid objective, than again Sinaloas are not know for their smarts

    4. Dumbass ppl will always gamble with their lives and visit Mexico.

  15. Que les quieres decir a toda la bola de alucines? 😂

    Que dejen de fumar foco y no se quieran meter. esta plaza ya tiene dueño le pertenece alos tecatos de la plaza.

  16. No Garlic Butter dipping sauce!! What a crime!

  17. The shit is already hitting the fan.....but then again, it has been for awhile. Just look at the headlines here for the last 24 hours: As for why Sonora is important even though it's mostly desert....As someone else mentioned, the 15 runs all the way to the border, easy to move product, lots of semis, easy to hide although the checkpoint has had some effect. In addition to the nice modern highway, there is access to Sonora from the entire Gulf of California, so if land smuggling isn't your thing, you can get it most of the way there on a boat or sub. I've spent enough time in those waters to know that it's extremely rare to see any law enforcement or military. The only time you will see a military or law enforcement boat in the area is if it is on land, on a trailer, for some worthless touchy feely media PR BS.

    1. Agreed, i feel its why Chapitos are attempting to push into Mexicali and San Luis rc . it seems like they already have el golfo under control but everywhere below
      above is a shit show

  18. Pirata dies and this shit starts happening .............

    1. Sera que se voltearon varios

    2. 6:36am they started putting up mantas and videos after el h(lugarteniente)from la plaza in Guaymas and el willi from barredora 24/7 were killed in Mazatlán in gabitos territory. They started blaming gabito and chapos

  19. That shit is nasty.

    1. If it was the other way around same shit no mercy on all sides

  20. Thats horrible he still sounded and looked like a kid yea i know that they chose that path and all but still messed up they do that to their own kind. I feel like they throw in that thing about them robbing & kidnapping locales to justify the brutality the plaza people inflict on the captured rival.

  21. Mexico is seriously fucked up. Ya ya ya “but but but the US has lots of mass shootings!!” No shit. Everyone is fucked up. This world is fucked up. It’s all fucked up. But Mexico…is seriously waaaaaay fucked up. After all, that’s how and why this website was born.

    1. 8:53 at mija, cómo tás tan pendeja inorante...
      AMLO tiene otros datos, no propaganda chayotera.

  22. So they gave him a makeover ? Well I think he looks beautiful and healthy .Seriouly though if these guys didnt get this kind soul The Diabitus II would have sooner or later ...

  23. These images have effectively crushed any desire I may have had to visit Mexico. Yuck.


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