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Monday, December 12, 2022

Coyuca de Catalán, Guerrero: Prisoner Found Dead After Armed Men Took Him Out Of Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Samuel Avila Marin, alias "El Vago", the prisoner who was released from the Coyuca de Catalan prison by an armed group was killed in the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero.

Sources from the Guerrero prosecutor's office informed that the body of Samuel Ávila was found around 11:00 Sunday night, on the Iguala-Ciudad Altamirano federal highway, in the vicinity of the San José Poliutla crossroads.

The man had his hands handcuffed, padlocks and visible signs of torture; in addition, a poster was found next to him, signed by "El Borrego" - a nickname given to Jose Manuel Cuevas Arias, head of the Familia Michoacana - in which Samuel Avila is accused of being "the nightmare" in San Miguel Totolapan, as well as other municipalities in the region.

Samuel Avila was arrested in Chilpancingo for the kidnapping of a man, but on December 6 he was transferred to the Coyuca de Catalan prison at the request of a judge to face other charges for crimes committed in Tierra Caliente.

A day later, according to a report from the Guerrero prosecutor's office, at least 80 armed men burst into the prison located next to the town hall and the Municipal Police headquarters, threatened the guards and took the prisoner away.

In December 2017, during the administration of former prosecutor Xavier Olea Peláez, Samuel Ávila was identified as "El Vago" but with the name of Mauro González Hernández, leader of the extinct criminal group "Los Tequileros"; at that time, he was imprisoned in the Arcelia prison and then transferred to another prison without the authorities detailing the place, nor was his release reported.

Narco message reads as follows:

For all the townspeople of San Miguel Totolapan and the communities of Tierra Caliente. Here lies your nightmare, the famous Vago whom I’ve broken out of the Coyuca de Catalán jail. 

Yours truly, Borrego from the Familia Michoacána

Latinus  Lalo Hernandez


  1. Damn it’s heating up fast!

    1. Heating up...Nobody cares man you and these people act like killing vago some how people are going to live with ease? Get a grip man and stop jerking off to avenger movies

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Perverts knock it off.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Ok Nino's time for school, enough bickering. Hurry or you will be late to 1st period.

    6. 5:18..How did your comment even warrant printing? You're an embarrassment to yourself.

    7. 9:39 Last Straw
      It's kids in here, instead of putting attention to school.
      They're trying to rattle Hearst and Sol, with lame ass comments, and they giggle at each other, like girls at summer camp, when they get Sol upset.

  2. The Familia are no joke, once they formed and headed towards Guerrero the cdsnitches packed their bags and never looked back

  3. He screwed with the wrong people. You get locked up then 80 people come bust you out just to kill you. That’s heavy.


    1. 12:54 what?
      Can you explain what you want?
      Yous want us to guess?

    2. It's a job scam job offer don't open it if you want your porn links to be private. No news to post asking them what it is, or following up on said post with a pat on the ass. keep moving

  5. We are the absolute mob of el Borrego !
    El Borrego leads a group of 80 highly trained operators.
    They were trained by an ex SAS Colonel in urban warfare and prison escapes.They carry modified AR15 with tubos lanza granadas. They all have the tatoo of "El Mas Loco "on their chest.
    They were once part of the security detail of FM boss Nazario Moreno González

  6. Pura Gente Del Sr. Nazario Moreno

    1. 1:40 puro pinchi muerto como el Chayo, pendejos.


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