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Friday, December 9, 2022

Guanajuato: Los Marros Gunmen Curse The Jalisco Cartel

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Los Marros, an armed criminal cell for the currently imprisoned Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel leader José Antonio Yepez Ortiz aka El Marró have released a video online.

For this broadcast they curse the fuck out of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel gunmen by affectionately referring to them as Las Perras Flacas (The Skinny Bitches). 

The dismembered heads of a male and female are being held in the enforcers hands as he threatens specific CJNG operatives that he plans on killing. 

Warning: Graphic Video

Video translation is as follows:

This message goes out to Charro, Toro, and Vaquero. Just so you dumb asses know. I’ll eventually have your heads within my hands just as I have these. I’m coming after you skinny bitches. You morons ain’t worth a fuck because all you guys do is hide. 

You faggots need to come on out and face this bull. Queers, don’t be cowardly about this matter. We are the absolute mob of Mr. Marro you bitches. Dumb asses, we are the absolute mob of our boss El 19. We haven’t come here to fuck around assholes. Our enemies can go fuck themselves. 

La Masakr3


  1. The hipster sicario with the Fedora

    1. Yea real tough with his armed friends torturing and beheading this man and woman who were probably picked up as props for their propaganda.

    2. Hipster because he has a fedora? I know quite a few thugs & punk rockers in the USA that where fedoras. They'd probably whoop your ass if you called them a hipster hombre. Look up the definition of hipster. Get educated. Quit spreading bullshit information and making the world dumber.

    3. So wearing a fedora makes you a hipster?!! Lol quit spreading bullshit information and making the world dumber. A hat doesn't make you hipster bro. I know quite a few pimps, thugs, & punk rockers in the states that rock fedoras and I guarantee you wouldn't call them a hipster to their face. Get real bro. Learn your shit before spewing yer bullshit.

    4. 2:48/2:52 you's a hipster fool, stop faking the funk!

    5. So adamant what a hipster is had to post twice, same comment in different order. Calm down 🤡

    6. 2:52 and 2:48 are the same person . That is one upset hipster.

    7. Ok.. hes a Pachuco gone wild 2:52. Being called a hipster is actually cool around LA where i live. The culture is unique . But for some reason it is an insult in your world. Anyways that sicario cares nothing for you and I.

    8. LoL at duplicates punk rocker was one of many that gave it away,l.a. hipster is a compliment

    9. Most people who wear fedoras on a daily are posers even if they are pimps, thugs, and or punk rockers. Hipsters are lames don’t matter where they’re from. Tattoos, body piercings, and all the eccentric hairstyles that people think looks cool today clown looking shit too make others think they’re hardcore hahahaha.

      Semper Fi

    10. @2.48 and 2.42 Damn bro, you took that fedora off and got to typing. Put it back on again and chill out. Was a joke.

    11. Puro Tamaulipas número 1

    12. Tamaulipas numero 1 de los estados sin Agua o que comer, puros tecatos!

      Semper Fi

    13. Semper pelas arriba Tamaulipas número 1

    14. Fedoras are a sign, baldy, older, and looking for romance.

    15. Arriba Tamaulipas acabando a las jaliscas

  2. Ponganse las pilas marritos
    Porque se los chinga las perras flacas jaliscas

  3. what a bunch of losers

    1. 1:04 cause they lost Guanajuato

    2. Que les metan el palo por el hoyo a los marros por pendejos...
      If their victims did something wrong it sure did not deserve death penalty.
      What is carlos Zamarripa doing about it?

    3. 4:35 WRONG they haven't lost it only losers i see is those 2 on the ground they lost their head 😂

    4. 6:34 my bad, you are right they loose all of Guanajuato just about 90% of it give or take

    5. 6:39 u still wrong

    6. 7:17 98%? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤝

    7. Wow those guys are brave to take on two unarmed (pun intended) civilians.

    8. 8:05 still wrong n stupid

    9. OK 10:21 99.99 repeating

  4. Esos son de Tamaulipas por el Ablado

  5. Pura gente del marro lloron. Lmao.. y'all should be ashamed to have a boss that was crying on video cause he couldn't handle the heat.. he should have taken that agreement with Mencho and retired.. dude lost everything since he wanted to play the macho role.

    1. Simon, Marro is a punk bitch like El Chapo. You never cry in front of the contras. That tells the world you are a pussy and not a true boss.

    2. You might have given up that butt of yours, but Marro, crying and all, kept fighting until he got locked up. Actually he still is fighting. When everyone was laying down before the all mighty CJNG, he stood up and fought. And in the video where he was crying, all you see is the tears, but you don't take in everything as a whole. What he was saying when those tears would flow. To me it almost seemed like he knew he was going to die and was sad about it. He knew he was losing the war, everyone was turning on him, people he had hart for flipped on him, the government flipped on him, it was looking bad, but he knew he couldn't give up, that he would keep fighting until his last day. He's just emotional. But don't confuse emotion with cowardice. What you say he should've did, that's cowardice. Since you got that state of mind, where do you live?? Like that I could go into "your home" and run sh¡t. I'll let you keep a room you could stay in...but don't be surprised if I try to kick you out in a couple months. Don't get mad at that . Remember, that's what you were saying Marro should have did by taking Mencho's agreement. Imagine if a country had the same mind set as you, I don't see no shame in anyone following a leader who's cried, it's what, why and how those tears were shed. And he wasn't crying because he couldn't take the heat. If that would have been why he would have been left Guanajuato like so many others in different places have. They disappear. Not only did he not leave Guanajuato, he stood and coordinated the fight from ground zero. Unlike Mencho, Doble R, etc. He didn't just put sicarios lives on the line while he was nice and safe in Durango or whatever. How many of them do you see doing that??? You think that's something to be ashamed of??? Not me. Anyways , make sure to clean your house. I want it nice and tidy when I get there

    3. Yessiir! That's the G code!

    4. 9:58 no mames buey. Marro is a sorry MF leader. His chump ass nephew just got killed and his "stoopid" crew are getting blasted by municipales cause they think they're ruthless but start crying like bitches(Marro) when they get blasted back.
      Hay niveles y un mugroso roba gasolina no le llega un mafioso de verdad...

    5. 5:12 9:58 is the world famous secret management from reddit. No point in arguing don't waste your time

    6. 1:36 🤣🤣🤣🤣 now i remember, i knew it reminded me of someone but couldnt remember who it was

    7. @11.50- people still spreading that bullshit that he cried? He was acting out emotion for his mother, who he knew would watch. He didn't cry. Fuck that little midget thief, but get it right.

    8. @9:58pm your absolutely right and I agree with you, it's like saying if another group of cartel came to our country or state and told me to join him and or die, either way he would have killed him in the near future so he was just defending his state, only that mencho has deeper pockets and and layer out the famous Delta 1 phone call, so that's why marro , was emotional but said that he wasn't going down without a fight even though he loses, that's a man with balls not a coward how these other CJNG nutthugers say

    9. Amen @958…amen

    10. 11:50 marro cried not from the heat not cowardice unlike mencho that begged for his life to b spear THATS WHAT I CALL BEING A BITCH

    11. 9:17 chapo is a bitch, he was crying when he was been taken to the USA and marro is also a bitch crying in front of a camara 🤣🤣🤣 never saw Don Mencho cry, even if you want to make shit up, now chapitos were also on their knees getting pistol whiped and we all saw those videos, 😂😂😂😂

    12. 6:56 mencho is the biggest bitch coward back stabbing begging mofo of all 😂😆😂😆😂😆

    13. 2:25 back stabbing? You ment to say chapo and Mayo are the biggest backstabbers and snitches in all of narco history right? Chapos picture when he was been sent to the USA and the chapitos on their knees video are the best shit that ive seen 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. she's still trying to say something...

    1. That's scary, she was probably innocent.

    2. I can lip read: she said “ pekabooooo”

  7. Her mouth is moving

    1. @12:41 - Man, and I thought I was the only one seeing things.
      I thought I was tripping.

    2. U can see her eyes moving too that’s ducking trippy

  8. I'm sick of these guys.... this does not put fear on the enemy... but it traumatizes the population and younger generation...
    All cartels are terrible except the menchos.... they seem to just want a better mexico... as they are fighting all across mexico to free states of scum like los marros....

    1. You must be new?

    2. 1:39 100% with you, CJNG is prety much the only cartel left in mexico, the other criminal groups are either extorcionists or snitches

    3. 1: 39 what have you been smoking. You must be a troll or plain blind. Mencha and his cartel kill children.

    4. 438 cjng is fighting to free México....long live the mencho🥺...

    5. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣ja!!! Good one. I know huh. Them eating hearts, taxing the people/businesses (because they don't extort), strapping on dynamite on a little kid and blowing them up while the father watches, ambushing and killing cops up to 14 at a time,killing mayors/candidates because they don't want to align with them,etc, etc, etc. (the list is endless) they do it for a better Mexico. If you really believe your own comment, that's a level of senile that I didn't think could exist.

    6. I think 1:39 was sarcastically joking but not sure about 4:38???

    7. 10:08 sounds like the snitchaloa cartel

    8. 6:46 Just like every other cartel and when i say every other cartel i mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, no exceptions

    9. 945 not cjng 😡 you b#tc%

    10. 😇🙏cjng😇🙏

  9. What’s the percentage of actual real confrontations vs the snatching unarmed people to slaughter. It’s seems they all could easily find each other and have at it. They all accuse each other of hiding. I mean one the people had fucking pajamas on. Real fucking tough guys! Bring your drug add it assess to small town USA with that predatory shit. Bring it you fucks! We are legally armed most of us former current service/law enforcement and hunters, and will take to the street with any gang. We can legally buy basically any gun we want you fucks. God bless the 2nd amendment!

    1. Illegally or legal the funds are always gonna be there 🤦🏽‍♂️

    2. Law enforcement has the same tactics except the dismemberment. And if a show down does occur, if the numbers are anywhere near even, you can bet your ass law enforcement is calling back up. Even if it's just 3 or so that law enforcement is having a show down with, if that law enforcement thinks these guys are dangerous, back up and reinforcements are definitely getting called. So please save it.

    3. 5:34
      Bet you never even go to Mexico fool. Woofing on here about your guns. Most people with guns in the US are always trying to be hardcore que la chingada that they would do this and that. If you have guns shut the fuck about it! Law enforcement/prior military don’t mean shit unless your about that confrontation and ready for death most aren’t especially no hunters. You sound dumb asf major callate el hocico pinche mamon!

      Semper Fi

  10. Esos Tamaulipuercos nomás fuero a ser carbonizados los pendejos. Kena19 va mamar por equivocarse al pensar que está al nivel

    1. Haha me das risa nadie puede con los de Tamaulipas cochó

    2. 11:51 🤣🤣🤣 no mames los de tamaulipas no salen de tamaulipas, siempre que salen de tamaulipas se los acavan en un 2 por 3, igualito que a los de Chihuahua, no es lo mismo nomas defenderte que estar atacando

    3. De donde eres tu ? Los de Tamaulipas siempre andan tumbando , te acuerdas cuando Sinaloa corrió de Tamaulipas nadie puede con Mataulipas los de Tamaulipas son número 1 y los demás atrás jaja

    4. 1:32 te lo vuelvo a repetir baboso! Cuando salen de tamaulipas no duran, en tamaulipas son bravos pero afuera se sientan de volada, y tambien guey no mames quien no a hecho correr a los Sibaloas? Guey eso es como madrear a un morrito, eso no cuenta, todos los carteles le parten la madre a los Sinaloas

    5. Puro Tamaulipas aunque te duela nadie puede con nosotros

    6. @7:16
      Los Michoacános son los que controlan a Tamaulipas pinche mocoso penedejo ponte a trabajar o estudiar y dejate de mamadas. Los pinches zetas eran de Tamaulipas y La Familia Michoacána les dio en toda su madre. Armando Valencia y otros Michoacános tienen mucho tiempo operando de es estado. Como dijo 12:52 los de Tamaulipas no sale de su ambiente.

      Semper Fi

    7. 7:16 ahi si nadie puede con nosotros, ahi esta primito controlando una buena parte de Tamaulipas y el no es de tamaulipas 😉

    8. Michoacanos no controlan nada y los de CDG Matamoros todos son de Matamoros el jefe 19 es de Matamoros aquí andamos y no nos vamos puro Tamaulipas le duela a quien le duela y los Zetas eran de Veracruz haha por eso los bajo el CDG que son de Tamaulipas ese semper no sabes nada el Tamaulipeco es number 1 y los demás son ultimo .

    9. 8:36
      Tamaulipas no mames otro pinche estado seco y cochinero. No tienen disciplina! Estas mas mongolo que el Beetlejuice y Gary the wetard de Howard Stern!

      Semper Fi

    10. 8:36 si si guey bla bla bla dime otro estado que controlen que no sea tamaulipas?

    11. San Luis Veracruz Nuevo León Coahuila Chiapas QR todo el oeste o el golfo aquí andamos y no nos vamos puro CDG y Tamaulipaz

    12. Arriba Tamaulipas número 1 y los demás no sirven jaja y aquí andamos en Guanajuato y no nos vamos

    13. In Zac cdg decided to pull the panties down to mencho just like primito in Tamaulipas lol so where's the pride ah??

    14. CDG Matamoros and the rest are butchering Jaliscas lol jaliscas are ex Zetas

    15. Puro Tamaulipas número 1

    16. 1:02 all those states that you mention CDG does not control even one of them 🤣🤣🤣 lla tomate tu medicina alucin que si no te van a llevar a internar otra ves al manicomio

    17. Puro CDG aunque te duela ponte a trabajar para ganar pesos

    18. 4:38 a nadie le duele nada, el cdg ll esta mas partido que tus nalgas, y pues trabajar es lo que hago todos los dias y me va bien, sin tener que recurrir a lo ilegal, tranquilo con mis caguas en fin de semanas, agusto papa sin tener que cuidarme la espalda por pendejadas 🍻

    19. Préstame a tu hermana y arriba Tamaulipas y El Golfo aquí andamos y nos nos vamos

  11. "We are the absolute mob of our boss El 19"
    Hell yeah

  12. CJNG hype men in the comments section as always, the C in CJNG stands for Cheerleaders. Just a reminder, CJNG does not have a single state in their possession. It’s shared with all the other organizations. Just because you claim to own something doesn’t mean you own it.

    1. 6:24 yet if we go by plazas CJNG has way more plazas than any other cartel, and if we go by the state name of the ORG, CJNG has more of Jalisco in control than CDS has Sinaloa, by the way CDS's S stands for SNITCHES 😉

    2. 6:24 cds couldn’t take out Chapo Isidro that why they had to do a peace treaty lol. Cds can’t even clean Caborca or ciudad Obregón, Guymas & los Ciudad Juarez to gang members.

    3. puro gente del marro no importa que el gobierno la dio las nalgas a la perras flacas nunca se va acabar el csrl 🔺

    4. 6:24 there is NO cartel that has a state controlled 100 %
      If there is, name it..

    5. 7:59 lla sientece señora, nomas no venda tacos o se valla de teibolera porque si no se la van a echar los marros

    6. 7:45 cjng doesn't control Jalisco either but they always claiming they do much more less Guanajuato 😂

    7. 8:50 1/2 of Sinaloa is BLO let that sink in🤣🤣🤣

    8. 8:50 always being like that but cjng always doing false claims 😂, shiiit they can't even control get rid of a bunch of cholos in Guanajuato n cds is very active in Jalisco let that sink in 😂

    9. 8:50& 6:54 are the same guy, i guess claiming you control Sinaloa but lost half of it its ok 🤣🤣🤣

    10. 9:25 it’s less than half they just have guasave, parts of Los Mochis, parts of ahome and parts of choix.. the chapitos are all around. They contest the places blo is at exempt guasave.

    11. 1:33 tambien guey ni que estuviera tan grande sinaloa, pues que mas quieren? Eso es la mitad de sinaloa

  13. Explains why the government keeps hitting them and even hired a team to take them out. Cause they whooping the jaliscas ass

    1. 7:31 sure bud the only people who this clowns are whooping is taco vendors and hoockers

    2. 8:11 u gotta try harder dude, groupies like u always have an excuse 🤦‍♀️

    3. 8:47 the ones who should try harder are the Marros, killing hoockers and taco venders wont help them against CJNG, CJNG dont care about their sicarios much less the hoockers and taco vendors 😭😭😭

    4. 9:27 cjng got to try harder to kill off csrl cause 5 years later it shows how lame grupo elite is 😂😆

    5. 6:50 cdsrl 7 guys 1 gal and Nissan altima hiding in houses making videos

    6. 7:52 those 7 guys in the Altima are whooping some cjng ass 😂😆

  14. The idea of calling the other cartels “scared and hiding” all while wearing a face mask that fording snow even your eyes seems a bit hypocritical dont ya think? If you are asking them to stop hiding and to come find you then I would assume it would only make sense for you to also not be hiding yourself??

    1. It's the smart thing to do. People and/or their families have been killed for showing their face on videos. Even law enforcement does it. It would be stupid of them to show the government who you are so they could go after you and convict you with the evidence you provided for them, and let your enemies see your face so they could start inquiring about you and end up running up in your home and kill you or find out who your family members are and kill them.

    2. There's other ways they could meet up. Just by simply being out patrolling your paths will cross, then it's show time

    3. 8:14 Jaja! Good point! They’re real eager to fight hiding in the forest aren’t they😂

  15. Anyone against the CJNG gets a thumbs up from me.

    1. 12:29 CDN is against CJNG, do they get a thumbs up?

    2. 12:29 anybody against CDS CJNG CDG CDN any cartel gets a thumbs up in my book.

    3. 1:42 👍🤝thats what im talking about, unlike 12:29 🐁👎🏻

    4. Screw all cartels & their boyish Fan clubs

  16. Those 2 dead people should of got a"head" of the situation 🤔😀

  17. Man I love reading the comments no matter what "cartel" you guys are for ur a bunch of idiots CJNG this CJNG that stfu already. If yall like these cartels so much go and join them, we'll be seeing videos of u getting chopped into pieces. Idk if yall are being trolls or whatever but supporting any of these cartels is why Mexico is like this a failed state. And for those that are cds or cjng groupies yall wouldn't last half a day in it wouldn't even be able to cut somebody that's dead up.

    1. 6:11 i love reading comments of Cds cheerleaders trying to hide the fact that they are Cds cheerleaders so they can throw hate at CJNG when in fact we all know CJNG and Cds are the same shit, there is no difference between them two 🤝👍

    2. 10:58 well the article is about csrl and cjng and by the looks of the comments it’s mainly cjng fans commenting. Why do cjng fans always bring up cds

    3. 10:50 maybe cause cds fans do the same but cant handle the heat, actually from what ive seen and have read here on BB for about 14 years i would say abot 40% are cds cheerleaders. 20% are Cjng cheerleaders 10% give good info and the rest love getting reaction from who ever and the guys that you get the best reactions are from cds cheerleaders cause their cartel use to be #1 but now that Cjng came into the cene the took that #1 spot, it hurts them in a really funny way🤣🤣🤣, take another look at the comments and youll see what im talking about

  18. Funny reading the comments of u fanboys of cds and cjng yall are some lovers and would never know what it's like to be a day in these guys shoes. I come here to read what's going on in Mexico but can't help to laugh at the comment section of u uneducated morons.

    1. Uneducated
      Look at yourself you don't know how to spell "you", instead you use "u".
      Better yet you don't use commas when needed.🤣😂😷

    2. 8:39 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 te mamaste

    3. 6:15 you just got educated by 8:39

    4. 6:15
      We are laughing at you 😂.
      You say we are uneducated peasants.
      Look they corrected your sorry ass!

  19. Puro CDG nadie puede con Mataulipas


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