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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Hidalgo: Grupo Pantera Announces A Purge

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The Grupo Pantera or Panther Group, armed wing for the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, has released a video online. During this broadcast the 21 man team of enforcers announce their purge against the scourge of society within the state of Hidalgo. The CJNG spokesman assures everyone that they have arrived to provide security for all citizens.

Video translation is as follows:

Good evening. This video is to inform the citizens of Hidalgo. Especially the municipalities of San Juan del Rio, Atotonilco El Grande, Atitalaquia, Tula de Allende, Conejos, Zacamulpa, Bomintzha, Praderas de Virreyes, Predegral, Nopala, Huichapan, Tepeji del Rio, Tepetitlan, and all of its surroundings.

We the 4 letters cartel are here to provide security and to prevent everything that affects the safety and integrity of the population. Such as robberies, extortions, rapes, kidnappings, and white slavery. Because we are tired of garbage people. 

And let it be made clear that this war of ours isn’t against the government but with the aforementioned people. We are in command for the Lord of the Roosters, of Señor Mencho.

Yours truly, Grupo Pantera

Dominio Público


  1. CJNG has been on the decline, logistically. Initially all sicas in there vids were well armed. Now theyre tryna clean plazas with pistols?

    1. 10:03 they definitely look like the are in decline in this photo for sure.

    2. Don't forget about the lasers to blind their contras 😂.... Silly guy looks like a 5 year old with new toy 😂

    3. dude on the right has a rifle, im sure theres more the quality of the pic is fucking ass

  2. Esta celula esta bajo el Mando de el apache que opera en Toluca para las 4

  3. Its translated the "Lord of the Cocks"

  4. A bunch of homicidal yahoos with guns come to save the world from themselves.

  5. Grupo Pantera announces a "Pruge".
    I haven't figured out what a pruge is yet.
    It must have been a long day.
    Despite the typo we still love you Sol.

    1. Someone has mentioned a Purge, is when a certain Cartel goes out on a certain night and time, to go kill the opposing cartel. It's a bunch of malarkey, it really happens.

    2. Sol:
      I want to add that your English is quite good. You say that you report in order to improve your English, however, your English is as good as any native born American.
      I'm glad to see that you are always striving to improve yourself. This will put you ahead of a lot of other people in life who don't focus on self improvement. You are doing a great job here on BorderlandBeat and I believe you have a great future ahead of you.

    3. Thanks sir. You'd be surprised how many arguments I've had with different girlfriends over the years because I'd make the mistake of thinking in one language while trying to speak in another. Lots of Bye Felicia moments 😂

    4. But those girls don't know what they are missing. As long as you are competent, you will always have a job and a shot at a good income because as you hone your skills, you will be worth more money.
      If any of the girls gives you a pass, it's better that they live with their ghetto boyfriends and collect food stamps.
      You are building your worth in the job market and want a real woman who appreciates your capabilities. You also want a fine looking woman. Ugly women make ugly babies.

  6. White slavery? Was that a language translation mistake?

    1. What does it mean to talk about white slavery?

      Human trafficking is a crime whose purpose is to exploit people in various activities, one of which is sexual. The history of this crime is broad and goes back to the commercialization of African and indigenous women as labor, servitude and as objects of sexual satisfaction; however, the term "white slave trade" was generated from the World Wars, where European women with white skin were captured and transported to other countries and even other continents, being sold as concubines and sexual servants in prostitution networks.

      Unfortunately, this crime began to grow over time, as a business that generates millions of dollars in profits due to the high demand, which is why traffickers began to market not only white women, but any woman, girl, boy and adolescent to meet the demand of their consumers. That is why the term "trafficking of white women" was discarded because it did not make visible the problem generated by this crime and was replaced by "trafficking in persons for sexual or labor exploitation".

  7. The saviors are here, no need to worry townsmen. Everything will be ok.

  8. I think SIR needs his stomach Purged, to much greasy tacos, with White Manteca, will clog his pipes.

    1. 6:37 rus mamadas me destapan las paipas...keep it up.

  9. We are the absolute mob of Los Panteras.
    Dear Panteras please have a purge in Chicago ,Minneapolis ,New York,St Louis .

    1. At this point it's just very easy to spot you because of how you keep repeating the same thing over and over. Some of what you say I kind of understand given how the law isn't really doing much to curb the madness. Especially nowadays when certain criminal elements are feeling a little too bold in their actions. But that shit falls back on peculiar politicians who aren't taking a strong enough stance on the matter

    2. 7:03 El nino gets his kicks, by always saying the absolute mob, he laughs and giggles, like a middle school teenage girl.

    3. Politicians in the U.S. are delinquent when it comes to combating the flow of drugs into the U.S.
      Nixon "declared war on drugs" in the 1970's. However, he didn't allocate more funding to staunch the flow of drugs.
      Reagan redeclared the "war on drugs" in the 1980's. Rather than increase funding for the fight, he gave the FBI concurrent jurisdiction which quickly overwhelmed the FBI's resources.
      The problem is the wasteful spending. Thanks to all of the pork in spending, there is no funds to put where they are actually needed. You only have to look at the multibillion dollar airport in Beckley, West Virginia to understand. Beckley is a little hick town that didn't need an airport, especially this monstrosity. Not only was billions wasted building the airport, but millions of dollars in federal money are wasted each year in maintaining it. And the list of pork barrel spending goes on and on, i.e., the bridge to nowhere in Alaska.
      The scourge of drugs is one of the most serious issues of our time and yet is is badly underfunded. If we set aside only 1% of our national budget, we would have $40 billion per year to address the problem. From a realistic perspective, we should be committing at least 10% of our budget to address this issue.
      Sol, you are absolutely correct. Our politicians are failing us.

    4. Closed political mindsets and a wide-open border cannot prevent or solve problems on either side, unfortunately.

  10. Sicario 006

    Ánimo sicarios ! CDS has just purchased 10 Iron man iron-flying suits fight and erradicate cjng in 6 months. The users will be 10 soldiers trained by tier 1 special forces of African mercenaries.

  11. Sure thing four letters we have heard this before

  12. Holy Shit!!! A purge?? That almost NEVER happens. How original!! Haa

  13. Damn they cant even pick their own original names they got to copy other cartels

  14. And in honor of anniversary of Dime bag's death too.


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