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Saturday, December 17, 2022

Nephew Of Top Zetas Leader Freed; Held In Altiplano Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

He was arrested on September 15, 2010 along with Josué Ríos Contreras during an operation in Tamaulipas.

After being acquitted of the crime of organized crime and having served his sentence for other crimes, a federal court ordered the immediate release of Carlos Alberto Monsiváis Treviño, "La Bola", nephew of drug lord Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, "El Z-40", the top leader of Los Zetas.

As a result, the Second Unitary Court of Tamaulipas, presided over by magistrate Ezequiel Juárez Hernández, ordered Monsiváis Treviño's release on Wednesday; however, it was not until Friday night, around 11:00 p.m., that he left the Altiplano Prison in Almoloya de Juárez.

According to official information, Monsiváis Treviño no longer had any extradition process or trial pending; therefore, after the delay of his release, his defense filed a complaint before the Attorney General's Office against the prison authorities for abuse of authority and illegal deprivation of liberty.

El Sol de Toluca


  1. Game on
    CHAPO snitched

  2. Menchitas are gonna lose their mind 😂

    1. You do know Chaputo was the one at war with Z40 right? CDS is shaking rn that this guy is free

    2. 4:14 looks like u been living in a cave 😂

    3. 7:36 how old are you? Hopefully more than 35, orher wise you need to do some research

    4. 7:36 looks like you been hearing too many cds corridos 🤣🤣🤣

    5. In the Altiplano, El Chapo Guzman and zeta chorrienta became friends, not because of fear or anything like that, Chorrienta even got musicians to play outside for Chapo's birthday and prolly gave him a lap dance inside.

  3. The real question we should be asking ourselves is which organization will he go to? CDN of his family and neuvo Laredo where he was arrested in 2010... Or ZVE the organization that runs Ciudad Victoria and where he was released

    1. Pretty sure he’ll go with CDN where his family is bright light. I mean that’s the logical choice wouldn’t you say Einstein? I wonder if you think of this shot before you post ?

    2. I know Alot and I've done my research..CDN has taken Alot of hits and with el huevo in US prison it wouldn't shock me if he joined CDG or ZVE

    3. So if he got released in Guadalajara, he would join CJNG? What if he was released in Guanajuato? Would he begin selling the blue meth? If he was released in Culiacan would he sit on the right hand of Mayo?

  4. Is this guy important?

    1. No, but he's impotent just ask his ex.

    2. Must be in the higher up ranks in the cdn. El Comando exclusivo has a song for him.

  5. Has anyone seen this statement by Ed Calderon's former boss!?! As an unarmed private patrol security officer in San Diego... This is absolutely hilarious!!! Can't believe people buy his story...
    "Let me start off by saying this. Ed Calderon was never a cop in Mexico, or anywhere else for that matter. Ed Calderon, who I knew as “Lalo”, was an unarmed security guard working overnight vehicle patrols for a security company in the San Diego area. How do I know this? I was the shift supervisor and trained him for his first month on the job. When we hired him, his only work experience had been as a paintball referee and before that restaurant work. He had apparently taken it upon himself to attend several “tactical training” courses before applying with the company. It did nothing to help him because he showed himself to be completely useless in any high stress situation. I was a former Army MP and knew a thing or two, and this guy panicked when we came across a torn screen door in an apartment clubhouse. Turns out a stray cat liked to climb it to get to the rats up top. Ed acted like we’d run across Ted Bundy.

    The properties we patrolled were middle-class and high-income gated communities. All we did was patrol the exterior and interior of the locations in a company vehicle and occasionally lock up pools and clubhouses. I made it abundantly clear to him that we were only there as a deterrence and that we were really in no danger. However, for some reason he felt the need to ALWAYS act like a beat cop on patrol, acting like we were just across the border and at risk from smugglers and drug mules at all times. Anytime a (mostly old and white) resident would approach us to tell us about a raccoon problem or someone parked in a handicap spot, this guy would lose it and tell them to take their hands out of their pockets, keep their distance, etc. Anytime we would catch kids in the community pool after hours, he would start rattling off penal codes to them and act like he was breaking up a gang initiation meeting. Once he was on his own and riding solo in a car, he’d frequently sit at the entrance to some of the lower end sites and call out every car that came through the guest entrance to our dispatch girls with descriptions such as “suspicious vehicle 3 males” complete with a description of the vehicle straight out of LivePD. He did things like this all the time and scared/annoyed/angered clients, residents, our management, and other guards. He’d berate other guards for not dressing tactical enough or not always being high-strung like him. He was eventually fired when hour branch management would not allow him to wear an outer-carrier ballistic vest on his unarmed patrols of affluent gated communities.

    As far as the rest of his persona, it was immediately easy to spot the holes in his story. For one, this guy left Mexico at age 10 and hardly speaks any Spanish anymore and is a green card holder. He frequently refers to himself and his background with vague, tacticool terms like “operated in tactical situations in the northern border region of Mexico” instead of just saying he was a cop for Tijuana PD or whatever. He calls himself a “non-permissive environment specialist” when in reality he is just a glorified lock smith. I know for a fact he had uncles and family members who were cops in Baja and he would frequently shoot them photos and videos of himself on his security patrols as if they were brothers in arms working the same mean streets. Considering the way our uniforms and cars were set up at that company I wouldn’t be surprised if they believed him hence the reason they let him dress up in all their gear. Ever notice how all his photos of his “cop” days are blurry and filtered to shit? Thats either his uncles gear he’s wearing or he took those at the airsoft arena because this man was no cop.

    I have nothing else to say other than this man is a fraud and a swindler. He is not to be trusted."

    1. @11:12
      Why are you posting nonsense on here that pertains nothing to the subject?

    2. 11:12 can you provide a link

    3. 11:12 if I'm not mistaken I believe I read your exact words on Reddit some time ago. Pictures or videos as proof from this supervisor who supposedly trained Ed would help.

    4. 7:56 correct I found that too. Ed does seem fake but who knows

    5. I tried to search on the article for Ed Calderon... it's not related to the article.
      If it's true what your saying, he would not have lasted 2 weeks as a patrol security officer. Nevertheless, which Security patrol company hires unarmed officers, if this is true why did you not post your name at the end?

    6. 8:34 we unfortunately get lots of brave cowards talking shit anonymously here. It's what we call in Spanish panochas 🤣

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Or maybe a google account sucks.
      Ed was and is fishy, La Bola will return to his CDN buddies and getting killed by golfos later.

    9. I told you!
      Next I want some Grillo roast.
      Non-reporters just try to sneak some good news wherever we can, there's still people celebrating Neighborhood Community Watch "captain" volunteer george whatsis name shooting murder of a hooded teenager armed with a sugary drink and candy to make him stop yelling for help, in Fla.

    10. @ SIR- Grillo is an experienced journalist who worked in Sinaloa driving hell for leather from one murder to the next when Arturo and Chapo were at war. He is what he says he is, whether you like him or not. Comparing him to Ed Calderon is weird.

    11. Ed Calderon is just getting started, Grillo never has anything to say about his friends and sponsors in government, the police or the military...

  6. Well theres the answer to who will be in charge of the cdn now.. taking el huevos place..

    1. Y su primo Juanito que pedo?

    2. Arriba Tamaulipas y Golfos

    3. Viva Argentina!
      Viva Eva Peron!

    4. I personally don't think he'll be taking charge of the CDN but he'll likely link up with his half brother "Juanito" who is allegedly the leader of CDN now (both of them are sons of Ana Treviño Morales). However, there may be a bit of a split within the CDN right now and it appears that Juan Francisco "Kiko Ozuma" Treviño Morales is the real leader of the CDN, with or without the support of "Juanito".

  7. Z40 been in the can since July 2013, just imagine how much it would shake things up if he got released or managed an escape.


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