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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Nuevo Laredo, the War Zone: Combat Footage of CDN Attacking the Military

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

New combat footage has been released which allegedly shows a December 7th ambush of Army soldiers by Cartel del Noroeste (CDN) hitmen in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. 

New photos of the vehicles and hitmen lying dead on the street have also emerged, along with details about one of the CDN leadership figures who was killed that night. 

Vehicle Video from September 

A video which shows footage of soldiers being ambushed by CDN hitmen was posted in a Tamaulipas Facebook group. The video was filmed from inside an Army vehicle (SEDENA) which was driving down a highway near Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

Video Source: Niporwifi

In the video, the soldiers can be heard saying: 

"Hit him, hit him!”

"Hit them with everything, throw everything at them"

"Aim at the front, over them, come on, let's go.” 

"Stop shooting. Cease fire. They are using up all their ammo and they don't know if he is dead!"

"They are shooting! To the left! It is an attack. Shoot them, shoot them with everything! We are under the bridge. I'm getting out, I'm getting out!"

Although some news articles have claimed this footage was filmed in early December, the timestamp at the bottom of the footage clearly shows “2022/09/22”, for September 09, 2022 and “21:35”, for 9:35 pm.

The newspaper El Horizonte seems to confirm this date, writing in their coverage of the video that the attack took place in September. 

A Different Video, Allegedly from December

The newspaper Tribuna has claimed that the video shown below is from a battle on December 7, 2022. If Tribuna is correct, then the following footage is from a completely separate incident then the footage shown earlier.

Video Source: Santiago Delta

Tribuna writes that the soldiers were ambushed by CDN hitmen while they were on a routine patrol through the area. A number of photos which are alleged to show the aftermath were posted on social media.

Seven hitmen were allegedly killed in the encounter, along with one soldier. He was later identified as José Francisco Jacinto Licer in an official post by SEDENA.

Other sources, such as Grillonautas, claim that both videos are from September.

Please note, some images being shared online, like the ones featured below, are being misreported as images from this shooting. The photos however, are actually from a shooting in Cerro Azul, Veracruz.

El 200, the CDN Figure Killed During the December Shooting

La Silla Rota alleges that one of the seven men who died in the December shooting is the CDN figure Gerardo Peña González. He was known by the aliases “El 200”, “El Peña”, and “El Exótico”.

La Silla Rota cites as evidence a Facebook post that was made by an alleged friend of El 200, which showed two photos of him along with a message of condolence, which reads as follows, as translated by Sol Prendido: 

RIP Exótico.

I had the pleasure of knowing him because we were childhood friends. We met through my mom. 

Only God knows why he does these things. 

I ask for my father god to give strength to your family.

La Victoria city ranch will miss you 

El 200 reportedly began his criminal career working as a hitman for Los Zetas and when the group fractured, he joined one of the major splinter groups, the Northeast Cartel (Cártel del Noreste, CDN). Frustratingly, no other details about El 200 have appeared online as of the writing of this story. 


El 200 joins a handful of other CDN figures that have been taken down in the last month, joining the likes of the recently arrested Heriberto Rodríguez Hernández, alias “El Negrolo”.

Vehicle Video from September Sources: El Heraldo de México, Poresto, Debate, La Opinion, Noticias de Bariloche, El Horizonte, Niporwif

December Shooting Sources: SEDENA Statement, Santiago Delta, Tribuna, Peloton MX, VOZDEUNTAPATIO, Ejercito Mexicano, FRONTERA AL ROJO VIVO


  1. Orale El Gordo, Exotico flipping the bird, how Kool.

    1. Lol yea and was up with those long ass pointy shoes Peter Pan looking like ass mofo

    2. @2:09 Dude has got a strong pimphand to rock shoes like that.

  2. These CDN guys just love picking fights and getting themselves killed. Darwin award.

    1. That Tribuna video seemed like a spectacularly stupid ambush attempt. One CDN truck against two army trucks, they lose the element of surprise almost from the beginning, and then they put themselves out in the open in an easily-demobilized truck. I’m amazed only one soldier got killed in that opening salvo, but even if they wiped out the soldiers in the back of the second truck, the first army truck is just going to light the CDN truck up.

  3. I finally understand why they give the army hell like they do. They don’t want to end up in that stack of fertilizer.

  4. Somebody got the meat knocked out their taco 🌮

    1. These fool can’t afford carne asada! They be vegans. Unless of course they be sucking some gringo sausage

  5. Mexico has become a complete joke on the international stage. No wonder no other countries take them seriously. Failed state.

    1. When Trump was in charge no one took USA sirious

    2. And they take the U.S serious now with that senile bumbling idiot we have currently as "President"? Trump gets alot of hate but he loves America just like everybody should love their own country and do what they have to do to defend it and make it prosperous.

    3. 11:50 Any practical solutions from you? Or, do you only know how to run your mouth?

    4. 2:12 if he loves america so much he should at least pay taxes like we all do, but hey you do you and worry about you and your family cause Trump does not even know you exist and wouldnt think twise if he had to throw you under the bus to save his own skin

    5. Taxation is theft

    6. Anon 2:12pm Please don’t be ridiculous. Trump doesn’t love anyone else but himself. His actions have shown what he really loves and that’s power and attention. He doesn’t even have respect for the position he once had. Actions speak louder than words. Decency and respect is key.

    7. What does trump have to do with the Mexican government???? I mean really why does Trump occupy space is so many peoples brain??
      Got N idea how about Mexico takes all its narco energy and totally destroys itself and let’s have do over for Mexico?
      Maybe Mexico should own it’s actions and stop the blaming mommy and daddy.

    8. The US of A is the ONLY reason cartels started in Mexico.
      Without the 🇺🇸 junkies there would be no need for cartels. Not to mention all the infiltration the US does to destabilize the Mexicans so they can ALWAYS depend on them for labor and to put the blame for EVERYTHING in every election.
      "Vote for me. I will build a wall "
      "Vote for me I will stop the drugs coming from Mexico"
      Vote for me I will stop the Mexicans from crossing over, KNOWING damn right they can't maintain their economy without Mexicans hahahaha 😂

    9. 502 Na bro Mexico and a lot of Latin American countries are failed and corrupt. Don’t blame junkies for that it’s always been that way. Cartels started bc the American dollar 💵 is 25x stronger than the pesó. Drugs or no drugs Mexico will smuggle anything to get the American dollars. Even have a war within itself for the American dream.

    10. 5:44 $1usa = $18-19mx +/-

    11. 5:02 nino you're such a dreamer.

    12. 11:50am Actually the United States is the biggest Joke since they started the War On Drugs 51 years ago and they are still the number one consumers. More that 1 trillion dollar fighting drugs over 50 years and today you get 100 thousand overdose deaths and 50 billion a year price tag to fight the drug Cartels. Free Chapo Guzmán

    13. 1:33 Chapo internet influencer.
      I regret to inform you the Court of the United States of America, after all the evidence was presented, it was found he will serve life in prison.
      He will be out in a Pine box.
      Do the crime serve the time.

    14. It ain't just trump.biden don't give a shit baffles me you idiots think he's like some Loving old grandpa.he wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire.just look at what he's doing and done.he can barely speak a sentence.have you heard what his own daughter said?? Wake the fuck up.none of them care

    15. His daughter?
      Hunter's laptop?
      José Biden is old, yet he has better politics than the Oringe Agent he stole the election from who knows nothing better but complain and cry like a little bitch about "we wuz rob!"
      José Biden has 2 years to go and may still be reelected just to piss on the insurrectionistas, the Oats Eaters, the Pride Parade Boys, the Trumpanzee Nation and their big bad oringe mama...

  6. Why are the bodies always messed with? Rather, if the officials are going to stage events or attempt to conceal certain aspects of the crime scene, it would be good to canvas the scene, assess, then photograph. Instead they start taking pics and make adjustments as they work through the scene. I guess victim #2’s brain splatter from the point blank final shot was incriminating? So they moved his arm to help conceal the direction/severity??

    1. 12:11
      It's Mexico, no crime scene tape is put up, evidence is taken, guns in a shootout disappear vs USA Police put crime scene tape ASAP.
      Yes they move bodies for good photo ops.

    2. 1:08 sometimes US police puts up the yeller tape after the knee has done its job or after they shoot into neighbors houses and collateral casualties, don't forget sanitizing their hands before deciding to look for the key to an open door...
      I am not defending mexican cuicos and army abuses of authority, just illustrating crap for information purposes.

    Y luego dicen las admiradoras de La Linea que La Linea tiene todo Chihuahua controlado. Puro pedo.
    Sinaloa sigue vivo en Chihuahua aunque Este pendejo ya no.

    1. La linea tiene mas plazas controladas que el cds. Cds siempre ha estado ahi pero cuando les matan gente. Traian gente de otros estados para reemplazarlos

    2. 12:25 tiene puro tecato baliendo verga secuestrando y calentando la plaza, no viste al puto del chueco nomas cagando el palo? Tu tambien pues que crees en sus pinches corridos alucines, no mames usa la puta neurona que tovadia tienes fumcionando

    3. 3:00 y que que tenga Sinaloa puro tecato. Esta bien metido Sinaloa en Chihuahua aunque no te gusten animal. Mientras tanto la Linea matandose como pendejos que son.

    4. 4:06 los que se estan matando entre si mismos son los del CDS no as visto el desmadrito que traen en Sonora?

  8. Those kids don’t stand a chance they aren’t even trained and the gear isn’t up to par all they are going to do is spray and pray.

  9. IED's made the trillion$ military cry uncle!

  10. The soldier in the first video who exits the truck and begins firing his rifle from the front hood, in front of the camera, is clearly knocked on his ass by a round.

  11. CDN been getting lit up since their creation.
    That's how all those cdsnitches sicarios that got military families hostages should have ended up.
    Instead. No nuts having, coward, narcopresident AMLO called to release that chapito 🤦‍♂️

    1. Culiacan isn’t Nuevo Laredo. Too heavy of a military presence in NL and it’s across the river from the US. If CDS tried to pull that stunt in a major border city it would have gone differently.

    2. @6:27 …. They did it in Juarez when 10,000 soldiers were stationed there

  12. Abrazos no balazos lol. King AMLO perros. Just because he wants to be nice doesn’t mean he will be weak. Jefe de jefes.

  13. Mexico is the Wild Wild West in the Americas. Abrazos No Balazos.

    1. Narco Presidente Viva ALMO.

    2. Bro literally the past 2 previous presidents were proven to be narco subordinates, and no one cared? Now the far left in mex is tryna smear AMLOs image lol pathetic

    3. Elmo is a leftist president idiot

    4. Amlo is king moron @329

  14. CDN always get killed, even when they surrender

  15. Any idea why so many people are now "sleeved up" with the tats? Even elite fútbol players are tatted up with flowers, stars y otras mamadas.

    1. 5:15 if you ask them nicesly im sure they'll give you a more acurate answear

    2. It's ok to be tattooed.
      Next your dog will have tattoos.

    3. 8:28 don't be giving people ideas

    4. My pet Iguana 🦎, will now be getting a tattoo with the letters CDS rules. 🤣

    5. 2:45 that's a good idea 💡.
      My Bulldog, is tough no one messes with him
      He tattoo will be in blue lettering on his side CJNG.

  16. Why is Nuevo Laredo the only border town getting soldiers after them and the rest from TJ to Matamoros how about those cities they have other groups operating?

    1. CDN has a more tenuous relationship with the military posted in their main plaza than most cartels.

    2. Correct @629. The other border towns the cartels are smart and pay the military and don’t fuck with them too much. All CDN seems to do is bring heat to their own plaza. Bunch of pre-pubescent meth head teenagers with machine guns, stolen pickups they can’t drive very well, and beer muscles

    3. My thoughts are that CDN doesn’t bribe them and buy them off like in TJ Sonora and Juarez

    4. They have no other big border crossings. In tj and mat they are low or get busted.

  17. No.tienen low despistan that's why huevo and his uncle's are locked up y.dejan.flonkes.encargados.

    1. Pero no ASI pueden agarra la plaza culero. Que lloras si aqui hay sicarios pa mas alrato


  19. El señor de los gallos y las 4 letras ayi van a estar se apollo para ayudar al CDN mantener su plaza y su commercial. A la vez don mencho tambien va a mandar a la firma a Nuevo Laredo a negotiation con los trviños que quedan. Que genio el del palenque que en solo 10 años esta al.mismo novel o mas arriba que loa chinolas.

    1. Para ayudar a Nuevo Laredo o quedar quedarse con la Ruta a Texas? Ni.crean que van a controlar Nuevo Laredo quedense en su Rancho de Jalisco tienen la ruta de California o son envidiosos Nacos.

    2. @12:51 … las perras flakas de la mencha no controlan ni verga no más andan calentando vergas y chingando gente inocente … díganme en que pinche plaza importante mandan esos culeros ??

    3. Las 4 letras Trabajan en tijuana, mexicali , Juarez y en tamaulipas .

  20. Video from SEDENA even has location coordinates

    1. I noticed that too. Whatever is recording the video is an effective system.

  21. A couple of potshots from the cartel, and they run like cowards when it gets real.


    1. Wake up all these cartel crimes, are happening on Elmo's watch, but he can care a rats ass.

    2. Yeaaaaa, and these crimes were happening under the previous presidents also?

    3. ,10:30
      But the lazy grampa Obrador, does nada to lower the homicide rate. But suitcases full of money is number one.

  23. The soilder who is shooting in front of the vehicle gets killed. He falls straight back

  24. El 200 es hermano del concord 3 the Zeta bestfriend of treviño who was killed by metro 3

    1. Thank you for the information. Valor por Tamaulipeco normally has lots of information on these guys but they had barely anything on El 200.

  25. Someone should tell these guys the drug war is over. That’s what Elmo said. Why are they still fighting. Looking like Iraq after saddam got captured and everyone was fighting for the country. Wow that’s so close yet most Americans don’t realize or care this is happening. Oh well feliz navidad

    1. America created the havoc and horrors in Iraq? Are you dumb?

      Americans don't care to send billions of our tax dollars to the most corrupt country in EU(Ukraine), Americans also don't care to know about "hunters laptop" let alone cartel wars next door. Were you born yesterday? 10:21

      Let us never forget when a "American secretary of state" said: half of million kids dying in Iraq were "worth it". Drop the exceptionalism nobodies buying it

    2. Amlo is way more competent than sleepy joe lol

      Let's go Brandon!

    3. 11:08 at what, being a narco president? 😂

    4. 11:10

      All of a sudden your so concerned?

      Were where you with borolas and epn? Cheering them on?
      since they fulfilled the blogs needs: narco vs government; war.


      But amlos the narco president? Lol also if your going to throw your 2cents in, put your big boy hardshell on, porque luego andas lloriquiando y censurando comentarios. Y empujando tu propia narrativa @sol

    6. Well atleast amlo can ride a bike and make it up a full set of stairs without tripping or falling 🤫😂


    8. 11:02
      Talk about over exaggerating, for reals
      Ukraine the most curupt country in the world 🤣🤣😂😆, I can't stop laughing.
      Mexico always has been the most curupt. Your one funny guy creating fake news on BB. You know what Mijo, you remind of ex Prez Mr. T, always creating lies.

    9. See I dont care for Trump or Biden. Theyre politicians there just both liars. Buts its juts mind blowing how people like you wont bother to look up information for yourselves???

      Surveys from around 2011-2013 mentions this aswell.. Ukraine the most corrupt country in EU@1:51
      butsince the t.v tells you theyre innocent and sovereign you believe them??? 🤦🏼‍♀️

    10. damn 🚸 @2:27 took 1:51 to school 👩🏼‍🏫👨🏾‍🎨

  26. @11:02
    Most curupt country is Mexico.
    Source... Mexico News Daily, November 10 the, edition. You don't like it kiss my azz.

    1. 11:02 Mexico's corruption score remains 124 out of 180 countries, shares the position with Pakistan...
      Don't be a fucking liar to suit your bitching purposes.

  27. Is he wearing a watch on each wrist in the extra photos slide?


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